  • Report:  #150441

Complaint Review: Todd Teal - Marco Island Florida

Reported By:
- Federal Way, Washington,

Todd Teal
1083 North Collier Blvd #101 Marco Island, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here's how it works:

Todd Teal will contact you via US mail, attempting to "purchase" your property. READ HIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. Todd Teal uses an "open ended" agreement, one with NO CLOSING DATE. (This is NOT a valid agreement in some states, such as Washington State).

Once you have signed, you may THINK you have sold your property, but really what has happened is, Todd Teal now "locks up" your title by filing an affidavit against your title, claiming he has "an agreement to purchase" your property. Oh, AND you get NO MONEY from him.

Then Todd Teal sits, and he waits.

Usually a couple of years go by. Since you don't hear from Todd Teal, you think he has gone away. In fact, you won't know there is a problem until you try to sell your property. Then you will learn you are screwed. (but not completely tattoed, read below for recommended remedies).

I "experienced" Todd Teal's antics from the other side. I tried to buy a property that he had filed an affidavit against. In this case, Todd Teal attempted to sell the property to me first, but he could not find a single Title Company OR Real Estate Attorney who was willing to process the sale (his Real Estate agent tried BOTH).

That should be evidence something is wrong!

The owners of this property are very nice people, but they had to hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit against him for "Quiet Title" before they could sell to me. This case is now RESOLVED in favor of the legal owners, and AGAINST Todd Teal. See the link below for an overview of this case from the Pierce County Superior Court website:


See the next link for ANOTHER case where Todd Teal was sued (he LOST this one too) in Pierce County, WA for Quiet Title:


Oh, and there is ONE MORE case in King County WA where Todd Teal was sued for Quiet Title, and he LOST. See the following link:


This last one was pretty funny, because in the end, Todd Teal not only LOST the suit, but a monetary judgement was filed against Todd Teal for a whopping $14,713.71, see the following link for proof of this:


Finally, the Florida State Attorney General now has Todd Teal under investigation for FRAUD. It's about time, no? See the following link for this info:


If you have been affected by Todd Teal's apparent fraudulent activity, PLEASE CONTACT the Florida Attorney General. The contact info for the ATG office that is handling this matter is found at the following link:


In the end I win (this case).

The lawsuit in this case resulted in a default judgement against Todd Teal, the THIRD such default judgement against Todd Teal in the State of Washington. Now that the title is clear, we are proceeding with purchase (and Todd Teal doesn't get a DIME, as it should be).

In numerous corrospondences between myself and Todd Teal, he attempted to threaten and intimidate me, claiming he would sue me "in Federal Court" for "libel" and "slander".

What a joke!

Much of his threat was "cut and paste", meaning he literally copied his "threat" that he posted here as rebuttal to another fraud report, and pasted into a message to me. What a joke!

Recommended Remedies:


If you have been affected by Todd Teal, CONTACT THE FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL. Even if you win against Todd (in the end you will), he needs to be stopped once and for all! The good folks in Florida are doing their job, but they need as much information as you can offer. This alone will not solve your problem, but read on.


Hire a qualified Real Estate Lawyer. If you are in Washington State, I recommend Campbell, Dille and Barnett. They handled BOTH cases that were filed against Todd Teal in Pierce County WA, and they are VERY GOOD at what they do.

You are suing Todd Teal for "Quiet Title". Verify with your attorney if your state requires an "end date" in a Real Estate agreeement, for the agreement to be valid in your state. This is the key. If your state is like Washington (or if you are IN Washington) then the agreement Todd Teal uses will NOT hold up in court, and it is simply a matter of filing the suit, and waiting for process. (In this case I had to wait 90 days)

In fact, Todd Teal already knows that his agreement is invalid, which is probably why he NEVER BOTHERED TO APPEAR when he was summoned to appear in court.

Recently I have traced Todd Teal to Singapore, using an IP address that is imbedded in his e-mails. Also, there are numerous postings on websites from Asia where he is hiring people to "look up names" on the internet, and to "call people in the USA"


Oh, and then there was an ad where he wanted to hire a "good looking girl" to work in his office.


It appears that Todd Teal is conducting this type of activity across the US. I learned that there are approximately 12 different properties that he has tied up just in Pierce County WA. Imagine how many more there are!

Todd Teal's day is coming.

Be patient and persistent, and keep the faith. Good WILL prevail over evil.

Finally, we WON!

Federal Way, Washington

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Fed Way

Federal Way,
UPDATE: Todd Teal ordered to pay a whopping $6,400,000 OH YEAH!!!

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

http://myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/9C93C3FD19E3AD7A8525740400761C7C March 11, 2008 Judge William Gary, referring to Todd Teal as a "Scalawag" (what an insult to the real Scalawags of this world) has ordered Todd Teal to pay $6,400,000 as a result of his dirty dealings in Florida. Teal was previously found Liable in the civil case originally filed by (now) Gov. Charlie Christ, and prosecuted by the staff of current Florida ATG Bill McCollum. CONGRATULATIONS and a big THANK YOU to the State of Florida for taking on this Scalawag. To follow the status of the case as it winds through appeal, follow the link below. Incidentally, Todd Teal's previous email addresses of: [email protected], and [email protected] are no longer accepting messages, so I say to you Mr. Teal: I TOLD YOU SO, now DIDN'T I !?! Now practice that scream...

Fed Way

Federal Way,
UPDATE: Todd Teal ordered to pay a whopping $6,400,000 OH YEAH!!!

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

http://myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/9C93C3FD19E3AD7A8525740400761C7C March 11, 2008 Judge William Gary, referring to Todd Teal as a "Scalawag" (what an insult to the real Scalawags of this world) has ordered Todd Teal to pay $6,400,000 as a result of his dirty dealings in Florida. Teal was previously found Liable in the civil case originally filed by (now) Gov. Charlie Christ, and prosecuted by the staff of current Florida ATG Bill McCollum. CONGRATULATIONS and a big THANK YOU to the State of Florida for taking on this Scalawag. To follow the status of the case as it winds through appeal, follow the link below. Incidentally, Todd Teal's previous email addresses of: [email protected], and [email protected] are no longer accepting messages, so I say to you Mr. Teal: I TOLD YOU SO, now DIDN'T I !?! Now practice that scream...

Fed Way

Federal Way,
UPDATE: Todd Teal ordered to pay a whopping $6,400,000 OH YEAH!!!

#4Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

http://myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/9C93C3FD19E3AD7A8525740400761C7C March 11, 2008 Judge William Gary, referring to Todd Teal as a "Scalawag" (what an insult to the real Scalawags of this world) has ordered Todd Teal to pay $6,400,000 as a result of his dirty dealings in Florida. Teal was previously found Liable in the civil case originally filed by (now) Gov. Charlie Christ, and prosecuted by the staff of current Florida ATG Bill McCollum. CONGRATULATIONS and a big THANK YOU to the State of Florida for taking on this Scalawag. To follow the status of the case as it winds through appeal, follow the link below. Incidentally, Todd Teal's previous email addresses of: [email protected], and [email protected] are no longer accepting messages, so I say to you Mr. Teal: I TOLD YOU SO, now DIDN'T I !?! Now practice that scream...

Fed Way

Federal Way,
UPDATE: Todd Teal ordered to pay a whopping $6,400,000 OH YEAH!!!

#5Author of original report

Thu, March 13, 2008

http://myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/9C93C3FD19E3AD7A8525740400761C7C March 11, 2008 Judge William Gary, referring to Todd Teal as a "Scalawag" (what an insult to the real Scalawags of this world) has ordered Todd Teal to pay $6,400,000 as a result of his dirty dealings in Florida. Teal was previously found Liable in the civil case originally filed by (now) Gov. Charlie Christ, and prosecuted by the staff of current Florida ATG Bill McCollum. CONGRATULATIONS and a big THANK YOU to the State of Florida for taking on this Scalawag. To follow the status of the case as it winds through appeal, follow the link below. Incidentally, Todd Teal's previous email addresses of: [email protected], and [email protected] are no longer accepting messages, so I say to you Mr. Teal: I TOLD YOU SO, now DIDN'T I !?! Now practice that scream...

Fed Way

Federal Way,
Still huffing and puffing

#6Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 18, 2006

"Todd Teal" has not responded here, as expected. But he has continued to e-mail directly to make (hollow) threats of filing a lawsuit against me. It is rather telling the fact that he refuses to answer these questions, but thinks he can somehow scare me with his "cut and paste" threats. He has even threatened to try to sue "in another state". But here is the best part of his latest e-mail: "Todd Teal" (a.k.a. Wlater Smith, a.k.a. "Snuffy" Smith) says: "Big deal about King county. I will be suing you in anther state." So "Todd Teal" thinks it is no big deal that a judgement was entered against him for a whopping $14,713.71. And, when he threatens to sue, he can't spell a word as simple as "another". Wow, scary.


Federal Way,
Teal is huffing and puffing

#7Author of original report

Thu, July 06, 2006

A list of the things that is not true and Libelous: 3. I never sit and wait! You waited approximately 3 full years in the case in Washington where you LOST a lawsuit that was filed against you. The meaning of "sit and wait" may be different in your mind than other people. 4. If I don't want to buy it within 9 months, I will release the Seller. You waited approximately THREE FULL YEARS in the case in Washington, nd when the sellers tried to get out of it, you sent MANY THREATENING E-MAILS. They asked you nicely to release the contract and you DID NOT. I asked you nicely to release it, and you REFUSED. I still have the e-mails. You stated clearly that you would NOT RELEASE the contract, should I post your e-mails to prove it? So NOW WHO IS LYING? 6. His Sellers went to court and got released and sold it for more as is normal in a problem Real Estate contract. So are you admitting that your contract is a "problem Real Estate contract"? 7. I lost the cases only because I didn't fight them and file an Answer to them. You THINK your lack of response is the "only" reason you lost. So says you. How do you know that is the "only" reason you lost, if you did not bother to fight it. Oh, and remember the case in King County WA? You "ONLY" lost that lawsuit and it "ONLY" resulted in a judgement against you for a whopping $14,713 and some change. "ONLY" What a HOOT! By the way, did you ever pay that judgement? 9. I am not under investigation for Fraud. The State of Florida calls it "Deceptive Business Practices", which is simply a nice way of saying "Fraud". 11. My contract is good in all states as far as I know. If your contract is so good, why did you not make any effort at all to defend it? 12. should not be practicing law and I will report him for that. Nobody is "practicing law" here, except perhaps you. Everything that is posted here is the truth, and the only reason anything is posted here is to serve the public interest. 13. I don't have 12 properties tied up in Pierce County. I said "approximately" and there are more than 12 affidavits and other legal documents filed in Pierce County Washington. You have released some, AFTER the other party paid you money you have lost others when the LEGAL owners sued you and WON. 16. I am not hiding from anyone since I get mail ever week at my home. If anyone wants my address please email me at [email protected] or [email protected] You refused to provide contact information when I asked for it from you. I also have that e-mail. Perhaps it is time for those who have suffered damages from your practices to file a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against you. It would not be hard. We have at least 3 people who suffered damages right here in Washington State. There are others from different states who are listed right here on the website. No matter what TEAL says and no matter what excuses he gives, he still LOST 3 lawsuits. He can say "(he) didn't fight them" but he STILL LOST THREE LAWSUITS AGAINST HIM. Then there is the matter of his name. He uses the name "Todd Teal" now, but the Attorney General of the State of Florida says in his documents that his real name is Walter Smith. The AG also says he has used the alias "Snuffy Smith". Why change your name if you don't have something to hide? In other reports people say that "Todd Teal" (Walter Smith)once served time in the Federal Prison system for check fraud. I don't know if this is true, so lets ask Mr. "Todd Teal" a few questions. Maybe he will answer. QUESTION: Mr. Teal, is it true that you served time in the Federal Prison? QUESTION: Mr. Teal, is it true that your name is, or once was "Walter Smith"? QUESTION: Mr. Teal, why did you not defend yourself against 3 different lawsuits in the State of Washington? QUESTION: Mr. Teal, did you ever pay that judgement for $14,713.71? QUESTION: Mr. Teal, why did you wait ONE FULL YEAR to reply to these ripoff reports? It will be interesting to see if "Todd Teal" bothers to answer any of these questions.


Marco Island,
Nick Headed to Court for Lying

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 01, 2006

I never had a contract with this guy to buy his property so it is interesting that he knows so much. I once had a contract to sell him some land that he later bought direct from the owner and cut me out of the deal. He is a very strange person who won't even give his last name and will some day have a Libel and Slander lawsuit to deal with. A list of the things that is not true and Libelous: 1. My contract is not open ended. 2. I either buy it or release the Seller if I don't want to buy it. 3. I never sit and wait! 4. If I don't want to buy it within 9 months, I will release the Seller. 5. I can find many title companies and attorneys to handle my sales. 6. His Sellers went to court and got released and sold it for more as is normal in a problem Real Estate contract. 7. I lost the cases only because I didn't fight them and file an Answer to them. 8. Yes the AG of Florida has filed a civil case against me that he is losing very badly since all people have the capacity to file a lawsuit just like the ones above and the AG can't find one person who lost money because of my actions. See the Naples Newspaper article at http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2006/may/29/clouded_titles_land_investor_headed_trial/ 9. I am not under investigation for Fraud. 10. Soon we will be in Court and it is not a joke. 11. My contract is good in all states as far as I know. 12. Nick should not be practicing law and I will report him for that. 13. I don't have 12 properties tied up in Pierce County. 14. Nick day is coming soon. 15. I have for about 7 years had two email addresses so another lie that will get him into trouble. 16. I am not hiding from anyone since I get mail ever week at my home. If anyone wants my address please email me at [email protected] or [email protected]


Federal Way,
He's trying to hide

#9Author of original report

Fri, July 22, 2005

Todd Teal was using the e-mail address: [email protected]. He recently changed is address to: [email protected] Here are links to his latest postings in Singapore, Asia area: http://www.phuketgazette.com/classifieds/details.asp?thequerytype=&id=53785&Cat=24 His Phone numbers are listed on this ad as well. If he has ripped you off, feel free to call!


Federal Way,
He's trying to hide

#10Author of original report

Fri, July 22, 2005

Todd Teal was using the e-mail address: [email protected]. He recently changed is address to: [email protected] Here are links to his latest postings in Singapore, Asia area: http://www.phuketgazette.com/classifieds/details.asp?thequerytype=&id=53785&Cat=24 His Phone numbers are listed on this ad as well. If he has ripped you off, feel free to call!

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