  • Report:  #419238

Complaint Review: Tom Chaffee - Thomas Chaffee - Dux - Duxboats Dux Boats Liars - Lakeview Michigan

Reported By:
- Perry, Michigan,

Tom Chaffee - Thomas Chaffee - Dux - Duxboats Dux Boats Liars
201 South Lincoln Suite A Lakeview, 48850 Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
From: Joan Chaffee


Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 11:11 AM

Subject: Tom

Sorry to send so many e-mails. I am not especially computer proficient and that was the only way I knew to send Tom's e-mails. There is a doctor in Florida that Tom scammed out of over$100,000 a few years back. She hired him to make an inflatable vest for patients so that when they fall they wouldn't get hurt. Tom dragged the whole thing out and finally refused to give her the prototype until she gave him more money which she refused to do. I did have info on that here somewhere and when (if) I find it I will forward to you. I know there are many others, but we tried to stay out of his dealings. If it will help I will send a copy of our promisory note Tom signed. I should tell you, Tom had already told us months ago that he was thinking of filing bankrupcy again. Sara already did, too, a year or so ago. Now that things have gone south with you, we are sure that he will do it again just to get you and us off his back. Can we do anything to keep him from doing that? We didn't fight Sara because we knew she would never be able to pay anyway, but we really don't want Tom to get away with it. As for Sara, I was hesitant to say too much yesterday, but I would be very careful with her as well. She gets upset with Tom and tells him anything that she thinks will get him upset, even if it is out of context. She is emotionally unstable and has been since before she married Tom. IWe believe they were married because Sara had a sizable allimony income from her former husband and that was what Tom and Sara lived off. Her check is no longer coming and that was when talk of separation/divorce began. This is the third marriage that Tom has used wives until they no longer benefited him. However, Sara cleaned out her first husband and was stealing money from Dux for many years. It is believed that she has a savings account in upper Michigan with a great deal of money in it, but that is not verified. All in all, you are dealing with two people that I would be very wary of. Sara likes to play the martyr, which is probably why she married Tom in the first place. We are sorry for the problems Tom has put you through and hope you can get justice. Both d**k and I agree that what you are doing is the right thing. He must be stopped from doing this to more people. If we can help you in any way, please let us know. Keep us informed on your progress, we are truly interested. Joan and d**k Chaffee

Joan chaffee

Perry, Michigan


14 Updates & Rebuttals


British Columbia,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 29, 2012

after being accused of over inflating the inner bag and causing the failure why does the top of the photo show the inner bag fully intact as this pic shows it was the outer bag that failed? the inner bag is fine. probably the only part of the boat that didn't leak air. i can post another pic if you like.

Report Attachments


British Columbia,
wow the absolute lies from these self proclaimed christians

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, July 07, 2011

i absolutely did NOT  pump up the inner thinking it was the outer
nice try
you manufacture and sell junk and yes it had all those seam leaks from new
it wouldn't hold air over night
nice to wake up to a new deflated boat every morning
a pressure gauge was used at all times
just re read your post it's a pathetic grasp at covering your a*ses
everyone who reads this can see i did not claim it blew up at the seam
i said it leaked air at every seam ,pay attention
how was i right in that you were willing to help
you offered nothing and plenty of it
so no help needed from you but thanks for the empty offer
you told me you were anew company and couldn't offer me any more than a small discount on a new boat
yet your adds mention 20 + years in business

your instructions claim the pump is designed to pop off at 6psi
it's in the instructions
that's an absolute lie

show me the engineering standard of the pump supplied that shows it works in conjunction with that particular valve

you can't because you lied again

so you should have put in your heading

Canadian suckered by Dux boats scam artists 


Lake Elsinore,
Canadian Blew Up Tube

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, July 05, 2011

I do remember talking to you sir.  You should tell the whole truth and nothing but.  You never mentioned the pump you admitted that you blew up the inner bag thinking it was the outer Tube  you thought the tube was not getting pumped up so you kept pumping because you were pumping up the inner bag not the main tube.   The seams don't leak nor blow up like that and thank you for putting a picture up because that picture shows you blew up your own Tube of negligent not because because of a pump or a seam, the tube did not blow up at the seam.  You were right we were willing to help you out for your mistake but not to take a loss on your account.  Still here to help you out just not of negligence on your part. 


British Columbia,
Exploding Dux

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, June 07, 2011

I purchased a Dux Boat in the spring of 07 after getting it home and inflating it i found over 17 seam air leaks the floors didn't fit and the instructions were terrible
they claim that the pump is designed to automatically pop off at 6 psi i contacted the pump manufacture regarding there pump and the valves used in the dux and no such function was designed into the pump the inner bladder instructions were inflate like a pillow when i contacted dux i was told to send it back at my expense $700 both ways i eventually was able to figure out how to repair it myself the second spring i was getting it ready as per the instructions and it exploded violently
once again send it back at my expense i requested a new boat and was told that because they were a new company the best they could do was sell me a new boat with a very small discount

I've read more than one article stating tom invented the inflatable cat
Im sure the Australians and south Africans would find that interesting

Report Attachments

Paul Koontz

Your web site is a hoax!

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 12, 2009

Tom why don't you use current info and pictures on your web site! Building in your garage at your house! Your employees no longer work for you since you don't pay them!!!!! Do you even know how to build a boat! Fooling customers into thinking you have a shop is wrong! Why don't you post a current happy customer! I am sure some of your venders have something to say too! Like why don't you pay them! Check into a rehab before it's too late! Please! Everyone knows you have a problem but you! Get some help! Smoking your life away leads to nothing!


Coral Gables,
DUX boats are great boats and I have had a positive experience dealing with Mr. Thomas Chaffee

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

Dux Boats, Tom Chaffee, Thomas Chaffee, Inflatable ProductionsDux Boats Tom Chaffee Thomas Chaffee Inflatable Productions Tom Chaffee is a good, honest businessman, the boats are great quality and fun Lakeview Michigan By happenstance, I ended up doing business with and buying a boat from Mr. Thomas Chaffee of Dux Boats. The transactions went great, and I have nothing but great things to report about the quality of the boats and the relationship with Mr. Chaffee. Before I entered into any transactions, I came up on this report; I did some due dlligence and found nothing else other than the slander in this site. I proceeded cautiously with my business deals with Mr. Chaffee and have checked the quality of the boat thoroughly (they're built like a vault). If you're looking for one of these boats, the Dux I got from Mr. Chaffee could not be better quality or more fun, the advice/honesty I got from him was sound. I highly recommend the Dux brand, the owner, Mr. Chaffee, and the relationship. BTW, I did talk to other owners that were all very happy with their boats and echoed my sentiments.

Paul Koontz

Tom we are going to trial!All of you! You have a tiger by the tail and I am is pissed!

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, March 17, 2009

Yes tom this is meant for you, I have seen the things you post. I do not know what you are thinking and Tina too as I gave both of you my friendship and gave up so much money to help! Since both of you choose to do what you do and will not help me pay back what I gave freely to help you my attorneys will be providing it in a court of law. That way there will be no question as to what is the truth/fact. I told you to leave my wife out of our affairs and you choose not to so now a suit is being brought forward in regard to that also! I am going to tell you one last time and I mean it, PAY ME BACK OR FACE WHAT YOU HAVE COMING! This is very serious and so am I; you have my word that this is in progress. Please understand this! No friend of mine has ever hurt and used me like you Tina and Sam! How could any of you do this to me! I do not like any of you anymore! As the bills come in that I did not have before I knew you and Sam and having to pay them you can bet I hate you more and more. 86,000 dune buggy and boat 50,000 credit line 15,000 credit line 26,000 credit line 100,000 from the SBA to pay the bills you left me with Interest I have to pay on all that? Cash I gave out 10,000 + You choose to lie about me and my wife too! If someday I break your nose I hope you will understand! I pray you all will sleep on this and remember I was there for you when you needed it! If someone did this for me, I would be kissing their a*s and doing what ever I could to pay them back! We are watching what you will do! In a short while you shall be getting something that will change your life! You can come clean or live with dirty hands. I pray you choose wisely so maybe we can be friends again and your world be blessed! Amen! From: Thomas Chaffee [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2009 1:33 PM To: Koontz, Paul Subject: RE: Isaiah 65:24 HI Paul, This is meant for me and now is joined with all other slanderous, flat out Lies you have told to many people. (witness list) Posted in places they will remain for ever and be ready for the countersuit that I guarantee will keep you very busy and broke. I will be attacking your Liability insurance and if they do not pay, then you will bankrupt, but the new laws say, you send me a payment plan every month. Slander and defamation is proved when the published lies do not match the known by all truth. Sea wolf will be included as well, as it is now proven very tightly they were coaching you on how to destroy me. You asked me to keep your wife out of it, yet you lied to my Step Mother, My Mom, Tina, Myself, and to your own self to the point of believing your lies. You told untrue stories that you got from others that are one-sided. Tina was on the phone with you when you asked her to tell me to get my things and get out of your building. I waited a day and in fact talked to you on that recorded date Wednesday, when you admitted you jumped the gun and thought the worst. Ben is aware of the contents taken and he asked why we only took what was ours and not even all that. I do not steal. Ron Schuler is a happy man, he has his beautiful boat and visits us now on two occasions. He says, Tom told me he was going to California and with a friend he would get his long over due boat. He further says, Paul told him he would get him his boat. Paul quit. Then it was Tom and Tina back in the picture, and Tina made the decision to hurt no one and get him the boat. I will also be suing for all Dux components used on boats that were the proprietary products of Dux and dux is owed for these. I calculate that you at best put 70% into the California boats, and the reaming 30% was Dux property that never got paid for and neither did the labor from Dux personal trained employees. They did not get pay either. I did not advise you to hock your belongings listed below, 86,000 dune buggy and boat 50,000 credit line 15,000 credit line 26,000 credit line This bought Sandjacks as evidenced in your paid invoice still has a balance with a balance still owed. 100,000 from the SBA to pay the bills you left me with. I left with my belongings only. I never left you with bills. You said you reported the truck stolen you let me use for business and I needed to drop it off. I do not owe your bills. They were yours solely and spent by you solely, never listening to what was right, proven by history. The agreement for DUX CA., company, I WAS NEVER ADDED TO AS PROMISED. Interest I have to pay on all that? Lesson learned I hope. I will pray you drop the anger, because I will simply state, if you attempt punch me in the nose, you will only have one hand/arm to ever use again! Do not threaten me. Grow up and get it right. Do the true thing Paul. Or the courts will easily remind you of the truth at an additional cost to you. Cash I gave out 10,000 + I personally received a 1099 for you for $450.00 You have not gotten my bill or the labor OWED AND OR THE COMPONENTS DUX BROUGHT AND WAS SOLD IN YOUR COMPANY WITH NO MONEY EVER PAID TO DUX. The labor board is next if you continue to hurt all of us. They have been made aware, and they want more forms and illegal activity is at hands, both for all of us and Sam as well. I have been choosing wisely Paul.. Full documentation is backup-up and in Attorneys hands. You do not do this to Men women and children, or the State of California. Come to the truth, it will set you free. Do not be a fool. Read Proverbs Paul So I ask everyone that reads Tom and I's story and think before you ever give anyone a single dime! This law suit is going to cost me over 100K not counting what I have given up to help these jerks, Tom I shall do what ever it takes to stop you from hurting anyone else even if it kills me! By the way you are one lying pig and I can prove it! I can hardly wait!It's funny when I talk to you on the phone you have a different story? Regards, Paul Koontz

Paul Koontz

One more for the books Tom! Where's the money?

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, March 12, 2009

Hi Paul; Ron from San Diego. It started June 7 2007. A Bof A cashier's check for $3,595 fr a PD 400. This price was set because I would sell boats, give people a special number to get a discount. Then I would get a comission check. Time passed, so I called. The first excuse was moving to a new location. The next was the supplyer was not making white material. Next was zone changes at the new site. Court and police keeping them from working. The move across the street to the county was next. Then opening the California production. Then my boat would come from that location. I talk to Sam Scott who tells me he has everything under control but no boat arrives. After a runarround with Angle time after time I get to talk to Yan. Yan lets me know things are not as they seem. The week my boat is beeing built Dear Tom shuts down DUX WEST. Tom had me make the check out to "PTL, LLC" "Asumed Name DUX, LLC" . With a U.S. Postal Delivery Confirmation. I hope This Helps. Anxuious Ron Schuler ..... San Diego, CA I recieved this in july of 2008 from Ron! One wonders what is going on? More to come Tom! SMD!

Paul Koontz

You are going to get your wish Tom! And alot more!

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 09, 2009

Tina you too will enjoy this, I welcome you to join us.By the way my Power plant which you have called is a member of home land security everything is monitored and recorded my lawyer is preparing a little something for you too! I hope you both understand what you post here is forever and will be used.By the way my employer has a drug screening program where I work, what is your excuse?

The Rest Of The Story

Lake Elsinore,

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, March 07, 2009

You are a troubled man. I again welcome you to your supposed court case. I will be freed of this mess when you try yet again to show this as any of my fault. You have hurt so many people including children. Your wife a school teacher allowing you to use and sell Hallucinogenic Mushrooms and POT on your property. This is wrong. You are wrong. You will be brought to justice. You know the truth. If it is not on this earth, it will be at judgement day in front of the Lord God Almighty. Lose the pride admit your mistakes and that you had all say so in a business venture gone bad AT YOUR CHOICE. You are right about one thing Paul Koontz. You can try to fool thoses that see this, but you are not fooling me, all your friends who left you over your actions and most importantly God. You told me that you wanted to do something good, something to make a difference. This was it? I am still praying for you. Grow up and be a man. You talk to me and tell me one thing, I always gave into you to keep the peace. That is done. You will not use me as your door mat. I know to much about you now with real proof. So does my wife Tina, your 20 year old friend and 2 doors away neighbor who watched it all happen start to finish. We asked you kindly to stop. POST THE FINANCIALS YOU CLAIM I OWE. Thomas Chaffee

Paul Koontz

You can lie to some of us but not everyone

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, February 28, 2009

The good thing about paper work and bank statements is they will always leave a trail! You have been given a chance to come clean, stop trying to impersonate a descent human being! We want our money back and you behind bars! Now do you really think you can get away with what you do! Using others for pity shows poor character. I hope you have a good lawyer.

The Rest Of The Story

Lake Elsinore,
One time Rebuttal e-mailed from Joan Chaffee to set facts straight

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 26, 2009

I Thomas Chaffee after speaking with my Step Mother Joan Chaffee inregards to the misinformation and or one sided story of a business agreement that went bad between Thomas Chaffe and Paul Koontz, the editor of this hurtful and untrue Rip off Report. Below is my Step Mothers email, sent this morning with the rest of the story. I forgive and understand why. Paul is living his life to destroy mine and a friend of his Tina, My new wife and all my family. There is money owed to my Father and mother on a personal note. This is not a business ripoff or a personal rip off. It is personal and I have proof Paul Koontz new about this prior to my coming to California to make the DUX business stronger. That did not happen at Paulds decision and he asked us to leave. He and his wife were going bankrupt. Several customers were delayed in getting there money back from Paul and the ones that did not get there money back recieved a boat from Thomas and Tina no charge to make things right. Paul did everything including file reports like this slanderous and mean report that will be used against him soon. I will and have been paying what I can to finish a debt over real estate to my family. With people like Paul Koontz and David Johnson reports it is difficult to live. My faith says to hold on and leave it with God. He also says pray for those that are trying to hurt you and I am. I love you anyway Joan, and I understand and forgive. I pray people will be blinded to the actions of people like paul and I pray more so for his children who are being hurt and neglected by his obsession to destroy me, a man he called his best freind. Joans email to me this morning. What a shock to find a personal communication posted on the internet for millions to read!This e-mail was written in response to a series of communications between myself and Paul during which I was told a great deal of disturbing information about Tom and Dux Boats. Because we are going through a very rough time ourselves, partly because of a personal financial arrangement between Tom and ourselves, I was especially vulnerable. Having only heard one side (Paul's) of the situation, I allowed myself to get drawn into this failed business endeavor's mudslinging. That was a mistake on my part. Being a senior citizen, having lived over 3/4 of my life I should have known better than to presume to know what is going on in someone elses life. If Tom did something illegal, Tom should be held responsible. If Tom didn't, then the matter should be dropped. Paul tried every avenue he could think of legally to find wrongdoing on Tom's part. Evidently he was unable to find any legal wrongdoing. It appears the situation is a matter of a business deal going bad, for several reasons. It is easy to put the entire blame on one person, but that is not usually the case. Like in a marriage, it takes two, It is time for Paul to accept responsibility for his actions, as Tom has done, and move on. It appears childish to continue this vindetta for almost a year when there is no concrete evidence that one person is totally responsible for the failure of their joint business venture. On top of that, to drag in a family member who has no first-hand knowledge of the situation is underhanded to say the least. I accept my responsibility in allowing myself to get involved, but it is time for Paul to grow up and accept his. I don't want to get into a rebuttal match with anyone on this matter. It is between Tom and Paul. So please don't try to pull me into this. I only want to set the record straight as far as my involvement in this matter is concerned. Joan Chaffee 2-26-2009 p.s. I have tried typing a response to this, but it isn't working. If I send one to you can you send it for me? I am going to try it anyway. Love Joan

The Rest Of The Story

Lake Elsinore,
This letter is a fraud. Please contact me personally if you would like the truth about Mr. Paul Koontz. 951-552-5679

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, February 26, 2009

Please see through the deception. This was not posted by Joan Chaffee my Step Mother. It is an attempt to be unlawfully enriched by Paul Koontz, David Johnson and the companies SEA WOLF and THUNDERDUCKS our competitors. I will not post again or follow this. It is left with God. Please call me and I will put you in touch with Joan Chaffee direct and she will fill you in on this FRAUD. Thank you, Thomas Chaffee Dux Inflatables www.duxboats.com 1-951-552-5679

Paul Koontz


#15Consumer Comment

Wed, February 04, 2009

Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 1:36 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Tom, IWe were very disappointed and extremely upset to read your comments on this last e-mail. For YEARS you have admitted your responsibility to pay us back the money you owe us. You even signed a promisory note admitting such! You have made promise after promise to us about repayment without any follow through. You have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on THINGS that you didn't really need just because you thought it was a "good deal". You lied to us about not getting that loan in Corunna, we KNOW you did and just left it with the Lord. We prayed that the Holy Spirit would convict you of your deception, especially to your parents, but it seems you have hardened your heart so much that He can't get through to you. You can continue to lie to us about not getting loans from Corunna, or not buying unnecessary equipment, etc. but we know and have known for a long time that you were not being honest with us. We saw the three riding lawn mowers, two fork lift trucks, etc. that you spent thousands of dollars on instead of paying us anything. You have left a trail of devasted lives here in Michigan, both emotionally and financially. Now you try to talk your way out of repaying OUR RETIREMENT money by saying that we agreed with Sara to refinance the house. You know that we didn't even know you had done that until almost a year after it was done and then we found out because we tried to put a lien on the house. HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING? The thing that hurts more than anything is the fact that you have hurt people who loved you repeatedly and you don't have any conscience about it. You say you are a Christian and you quote scripture verses to sound righteous. Your life is totally contratictory to your words. You do not live scripturally and all the words in the world won't change that. You need to SERIOUSLY consider your salvation. A Christian does not leave a trail of devastation in their wake. You can blame everyone else like you usually do, but that doesn't change the fact that you have hurt everyone you have been in business with, as well as your family. You are not doing right and the Lord will never bless that. We have helf out hope that you would come around and start doing right, but you have hit an all time low in these comments to us. May God deal with you. Joan and Dad Joan Inflatable Boats and Products, LLC. 503 S. Shiawassee St. Tel: (989) 743-8090 Suite #1 Corunna, MI. 48872 Fax: (989) 743-8040 Website: http://www.duxboats.com Toll Free: (866) 842-7663 Bobby M. Stone Mountain, GA. 30087 December, 22nd, 2004 Bobby, As you know the check that was written to you, for contracted services in the amount of $4,000.00, was returned to you for NSF reasons. Due to receiving the same type of payments from three different customers (NSF) it is out of our control at this time. I want to say I am sorry this has happened and that we are working on a resolution to the problem in a frantic way. The holiday season only makes it worse for all involved. Your service to this company is by no means deserving of this type of treatment and we will do our best to have a replacement check (certified) by the years end or shortly thereafter. In a worse case regardless of the funding opportunity coming your way we will have this issue of the NSF CHECK taken care of by the 15th of January through rental income funds due to a personal company of ours. I pray as always for your understanding in all matters and look forward to a speedy resolution to the problems that have been created due to this problem. In regards to the balance that is owed, which, and that is a completely different matter, we will also square up on this with you if the needed funding comes through as discussed in early January. However all things are still outstanding. We will of course trust that you will complete your part as well (DuPont Registry, etc..). Your gamble will pay off as all of our gambles will when the funding is approved. So needless to say of coarse, I cannot guarantee the payment of any other payments or earnings at this time other than the NSF check by the date of the 15th as stated above I believe we are some where in the debt area of $15,000.00 which is inclusive of a total 1-Dux Hammerhead,1- trailer and the NSF Check first mentioned above. As hard as it may seem at this time, please have a Merry Christmas and a great Holiday season despite this expensive and troubling set back. Sincerely, Thomas Chaffee President Dux Inflatable Boats and Products, LLC. Website www.duxboats.com E-Mail [email protected] Tel: 989-743-8090 This is still not handled! 2009! And Tom sold his boat and trailer!

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