  • Report:  #309070

Complaint Review: Triad Financial - Internet

Reported By:
- Middletown, Ohio,

Triad Financial
triadfinancial.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received an Insurance check in 05 for damages done to my vehicle. I sent it to Triad endorsed with my signature. They endorsed it incorrectly, my Insurance Company canceled that check and sent another check to them.

Check number 2, Triad called me and said the Insurance check bounced! I called Insurance and they replied, "NO WAY! that check bounced." I called back to Triad and told them that one. My Insurance issued another check after voiding this one.

After the number 3 check was issued, Nothing ever was said but back and forth bickering over the phone because they have no office to go to. This is only after the pay off was sent, and I was waiting for my title, and went to the license bureau did I find they had a lein on my vehicle! For What?

I contacted the Insurance and they traced the check, it HAD NOT BEEN cashed and applied to the loan at all! Triad tried to make me pay finance charges and that was another 2-3 week argument. BUT Triad still has the check.

This is 08 now, and ongoing still to get my title for a car that was paid off in 05! I looked outside and their is a tow truck, I told him the problem and he left it, then they sent another. I had contacted them over and over and my Insurance that said tell them she would send another check. It is in the process of me signing the paper for the Insurance to re-issue number 4 check.

I have talked to Triad and they said they have no account info for me and charged it off to a collection place, that is the people that all along are after my vehicle. I told Insurance and she said have Triad fax over a paper stating that the loan was charged off, I told them, 2 weeks later, Triad is contacted again.

They say well you will have to send a letter asking for that letter. I did! The car was taken while getting my taxes done, they followed me all the time, to the point of people coming into my yard at night, and following my daughter to school. They have made my credit even worse now! I am humiliated by the constant following and stalking they have done to my family and myself, that I can't sleep.

They have my vehicle, I paid for it and now can't work, have to bumm rides to places, can't go the doctor. I am so bothered and upset that Im up at 4 a.m. writing this statement. I don't want the rudeness and embarrassment to happen to another, because Triad did not cash a final payoff Insurance check.

I cry over this every night, and day for the passed 4 years. How long would it take for me to write you a check for almost 3 thousand dollars before you cashed it? What is the deal with this?

Now my car is gone, and the place that took it will auction it off, and probably not even tell me where its at. They auction it off on Tues and Fridays. I went where the car was suppose to be and its not there. At this point I am waiting on Triad to fax me the letter back so I can get the car back or some legal paper to show the police that my vehicle was unlawfully taken.


Middletown, Ohio


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