  • Report:  #292644

Complaint Review: True Insight Was Jasper13 Jasper13f JasperLynn On Kasamba! - Internet

Reported By:
- The Bayou, Louisiana,

True Insight Was Jasper13 Jasper13f JasperLynn On Kasamba!
http://www.kasamba.com/expert/spirituality-religion/true-insight/ Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I can't believe Kasamba allows its psychics to change their screen name and photo whenever they want. I saw that someone reported Jasper for being a fake psychic here on ROR, and all of a sudden she changed her profile! This is deceitful. If you read her reviews, you will see clients refer to her as Jasper.

Her photo used to be a fake blonde with bangs, very much a model type of photo, which you know is not really her. Now she's a redhead with an entirely different face! LOL

She's been jasper13f, jasper13, and jasperlynn. In the last day she's changed to True Insight.

I've been to her and there is nothing psychic there. When you tell her she's wrong, she clicks off and blocks you. It's bad enough that we are constantly ripped off by fakes, but Kasamba should not allow the experts to so blatantly change their profiles to make it appear as if they're new, to attract new business.

She was a fraud as jasper. Changing to True Insight, she's still a fraud.


The Bayou, Louisiana


40 Updates & Rebuttals


From my reading on your post,

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

Shes still not as scarey nor vicious as you Iris. You seem so two faced. You claim to be a light worker and to help people, yet you yourself hurt those your envious of. I've been reading your previous post on the other threads. You revert to name calling, and are vicious in your attacks of others. I guess even at $7.77 a minute the client buys themself no confidentiality, which i thought the great kasamba guarentees. You violated that client cintress confidentiality all over the internet, openly then decided it wasnt even cintress posting. If i was her id be ticked off. Im sure she paid for your services and confidentiality, and you just slammed her. Wouldnt a true psychic have known to give confidentiality or a real psychic known that it wasnt her posting? You threw her to the dogs and never even said you were sorry! Unprofessional yes! you are very. YOu cannot control your anger adn rage. YOu are vindictive, mean, and you have no LOYALTY. Yet you feel justified in charging a arm and a leg. You give psychics a bad name. Go ahead attack me we all know you cant control your rage and you will jump on this oppurutnity as you go into attack mode, so easily you have no loyalty. Then to make matters worse you drew other experts into this. INNOCENT experts cintress went to see. YOU SHOWED YOU STALKED her out by giving out her new client names on kasamba and listing every reading shes had since then. And then you yourself say it wasnt her posting. YOU have no discernment no loyalty you drag innocent experts into your raging nonscence. Dont worry this is the only post ill make on this subject to all your previous vindicitve post. I wont reply to your new attack of rage which i assume will be on me this time. Its just a shame that even when you spend $7.77 a minute on someone that you cant even buy there confidentiality and they will insult you and bash you wrongly nad never even apologise for the mistake they shouldnt have made in the first place. That they should have known better than, if they truly were a real psychic as they claim to be. When looking at fakes glance in a mirror iris.


From my reading on your post,

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

Shes still not as scarey nor vicious as you Iris. You seem so two faced. You claim to be a light worker and to help people, yet you yourself hurt those your envious of. I've been reading your previous post on the other threads. You revert to name calling, and are vicious in your attacks of others. I guess even at $7.77 a minute the client buys themself no confidentiality, which i thought the great kasamba guarentees. You violated that client cintress confidentiality all over the internet, openly then decided it wasnt even cintress posting. If i was her id be ticked off. Im sure she paid for your services and confidentiality, and you just slammed her. Wouldnt a true psychic have known to give confidentiality or a real psychic known that it wasnt her posting? You threw her to the dogs and never even said you were sorry! Unprofessional yes! you are very. YOu cannot control your anger adn rage. YOu are vindictive, mean, and you have no LOYALTY. Yet you feel justified in charging a arm and a leg. You give psychics a bad name. Go ahead attack me we all know you cant control your rage and you will jump on this oppurutnity as you go into attack mode, so easily you have no loyalty. Then to make matters worse you drew other experts into this. INNOCENT experts cintress went to see. YOU SHOWED YOU STALKED her out by giving out her new client names on kasamba and listing every reading shes had since then. And then you yourself say it wasnt her posting. YOU have no discernment no loyalty you drag innocent experts into your raging nonscence. Dont worry this is the only post ill make on this subject to all your previous vindicitve post. I wont reply to your new attack of rage which i assume will be on me this time. Its just a shame that even when you spend $7.77 a minute on someone that you cant even buy there confidentiality and they will insult you and bash you wrongly nad never even apologise for the mistake they shouldnt have made in the first place. That they should have known better than, if they truly were a real psychic as they claim to be. When looking at fakes glance in a mirror iris.


From my reading on your post,

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 16, 2008

Shes still not as scarey nor vicious as you Iris. You seem so two faced. You claim to be a light worker and to help people, yet you yourself hurt those your envious of. I've been reading your previous post on the other threads. You revert to name calling, and are vicious in your attacks of others. I guess even at $7.77 a minute the client buys themself no confidentiality, which i thought the great kasamba guarentees. You violated that client cintress confidentiality all over the internet, openly then decided it wasnt even cintress posting. If i was her id be ticked off. Im sure she paid for your services and confidentiality, and you just slammed her. Wouldnt a true psychic have known to give confidentiality or a real psychic known that it wasnt her posting? You threw her to the dogs and never even said you were sorry! Unprofessional yes! you are very. YOu cannot control your anger adn rage. YOu are vindictive, mean, and you have no LOYALTY. Yet you feel justified in charging a arm and a leg. You give psychics a bad name. Go ahead attack me we all know you cant control your rage and you will jump on this oppurutnity as you go into attack mode, so easily you have no loyalty. Then to make matters worse you drew other experts into this. INNOCENT experts cintress went to see. YOU SHOWED YOU STALKED her out by giving out her new client names on kasamba and listing every reading shes had since then. And then you yourself say it wasnt her posting. YOU have no discernment no loyalty you drag innocent experts into your raging nonscence. Dont worry this is the only post ill make on this subject to all your previous vindicitve post. I wont reply to your new attack of rage which i assume will be on me this time. Its just a shame that even when you spend $7.77 a minute on someone that you cant even buy there confidentiality and they will insult you and bash you wrongly nad never even apologise for the mistake they shouldnt have made in the first place. That they should have known better than, if they truly were a real psychic as they claim to be. When looking at fakes glance in a mirror iris.


Jasper runs out of excuses for her lies

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, January 10, 2008

Jasper darling I am not Iris. I've been posting here a long time. Sorry the truth hurts but that client comment exists in your history from yesterday and I have print screens of your changing pictures. There is no slander when truth is spoken. You keep using the same cut and paste response post but the fat lady has sung already and you are outed.


Im so confident of my service ill let you try it for free. find out the truth for yourself rather than just beleiveing this false slandering

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 10, 2008

It has been brought to my attention again this post, how my name is being slandered. If you notice I have never in any of my post tossed names out. I view it as unprofessional. Never have I cursed at a client, its not in my nature that's something only a dark person would do. As you can tell from iris's and all her fake names on ror previous post name calling is something she does do. I havent called names nor do I feel I need to sink to that level. Which brings me to my next point. I have been searching for a more personal name than just jasper thus the name change after 5 years. Which thanks to this dark person, Iris under many assaulting names here I have finally found! SO you will hear it from me instead of the grapevine. Bummer I stole Iris's thunder lol. Here's how I found my name. This is simply a case of the darkness attacking the light. Iris is the darkness im the light. One tiny ray of the light can and will pierce even a dark night. Light always wins in the end Iris. So to symbolize this victory over this dark, stalking person, I will now become Jaspers light. Quite a fitting name. I will not respond any further than this one last time no matter if my clients or associates contact me about this. I WILL not give into your dark demented plan. For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute. I treat my clients with respect and dedication. I offer a card free in all live sessions. Try for yourself and see the light I can shed on your path or destiny. What can it hurt when its free to try and see. You will see the truth of what im saying. Thank you G-d bless u.


Funny followup on Jasper's scam

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2008

After posting a few minutes ago I went back to kasamba to look at Jaspers Light again. That's her latest name change, and she went back to the fake blonde photo (although she kept the fake redhead on Keen). Her price just dropped from 1.79 to 0.99 within 10 minutes just after two people gave her bad ratings. One client named iamtudo wrote this. "She's nice to talk to, but prediction didn't happened. She changed her profile name and picture also not giving me a good feelings. A good psychic should never changed their profile because that's their logo of fame and reputation..that's only my opinion." Seems clients are starting to catch on that she's a fake, which is a good thing. So she drops the price way down to attract a few quick readings to bury the 3 star comment.


Jasper has many faces

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2008

Today I read this report and went to check it for myself. On Kasamba Jasper is using a blonde fake photo. On Keen she uses a redhead photo. Two completely different pictures. Two different faces. There is another psychic on Keen who has the blonde photo, which makes me think Jasper stole the woman's photo to use on Kasamba. She's got a lot of nerve using the name True Insight when there is nothing true about her. Total fake. As fake as her pictures. Watch her change it back again after this report posts.


Iris has a very good suggestion!

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 01, 2008

She is absolutely right that clients should stop using the services of varioius psychics on Kas to the degree that they do - if nothing is manifesting or changing according to the readings you already have, do not go back to those readers. Better yet, do not try any more of them as you are throwing your money away. Some of these readers even work for less on other smaller sites - search them out on the web if you feel you need to try a read - get it at an inexpensive price so you can see if their abilities are strong, or just the same old nothing. If you have gotten a read - wait six months or more - if nothing at all manifests DO NOT GO BACK to that reader! Try readers who are willing to do an email read for a set price - rather than the expensive chat. Overall - best bet is to stay away from Kas readings for 2008....you will be doing yourself a major favor.


Beverly Hills,
Followup comment to Cinstress' lies

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Followup comment to Cinstress. In the above post you wrote: "i've since moved on past the use of a psychic" Since you made false claims about me, you've opened yourself up to scrutiny. You know, it's been bugging me that you claim to no longer use psychics. I searched and searched for you in my list of clients. Couldn't find you at all. Then I realized, maybe you changed your name! Yep. Sure enough. You're now LuckyMe. And I see you called Psychic Love Master Zoran on 12/21 for a whopping $9.99 per minute price! You also called Molly Shepard on 11/24 for $13 per minute, and Enchantress Autumn Mist on 7/31 for $12 per minute! There were probably more, but those were the easiest to find by Googling your new screen name with the word Kasamba. So when exactly did you move on past the use of a psychic? Since 12/21/07? That's not even 10 days ago. My dear Cin, not only does this raise serious questions about your honesty, but it also saddens me deeply. After your first free reading with me, you called me NINE months later still stuck on the same issue. Now six months after your call with me, you are still addicted to calling psychics, and spending a pretty penny doing it. Wow. I do hope your 2008 resolution is to TRULY move on past the use of a psychic, and not just say that you did. Is this tough love on my part? d**n straight!


Beverly Hills,
Cinstress, I am sorry the truth hurt you.

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Cinstress - I had no personal recollection of you, so went back to re-read your 6/21/07 transcript, to see how I was supposedly so "rude aggressive abusive and nasty." I am sure you don't want me to publicly post the details of why you came to me, and I won't expose you to that kind of embarrassment and ridicule. Clearly you were that 1 client out of 100 who didn't want truth that day. I gave you tough love and was blunt, but kind. Despite my answers, you kept asking me the same question over and over. It was as if you really didn't want the truth... you wanted me to spin things another way for you. I am simply not one of those readers to give clients false hope and fairytale promises. I told you that your situation was a dead end and to move on. You resisted the message. You then clicked out and punished me with a 1-star rating. I then emailed you to say that I was disappointed and hurt by your actions. I felt you were unjust with that rating. Since you have brought this up here on ROR, you have opened the door for my comments in a public fashion. You cannot expect to throw around accusations and lies about me, and then expect me not to respond. You were so upset with the answer to your question that you clicked out while I was mid-sentence. I then sent you an email FOR FREE. The end of my email to you says: "I am sorry you are not ready for truth here. It is WAY BEYOND TIME for you to move on with your life. I hope you do. Much love and light to you." Also bear in mind, that you had come to me NINE MONTHS EARLIER with the exact same question. I had read for you, FOR FREE the first time. And here you were, 9 months later, still stuck. I didn't even ask you to click hire... YOU clicked hire all on your own. (I had a hunch you'd be a vindictive rater, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.) As thanks for the reading and email, you gave me the 1-star! I know that bad ratings come along every now and then. Not everyone is ready for the truth. But I will keep dispensing it, hoping that I can help and empower MOST clients into making better choices for themselves. Cinstress, I am glad to read that you have moved on from psychic readings and no longer need them. Hopefully you have also moved on from the unhealthy relationship.


Beverly Hills,
Cinstress, I am sorry the truth hurt you.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Cinstress - I had no personal recollection of you, so went back to re-read your 6/21/07 transcript, to see how I was supposedly so "rude aggressive abusive and nasty." I am sure you don't want me to publicly post the details of why you came to me, and I won't expose you to that kind of embarrassment and ridicule. Clearly you were that 1 client out of 100 who didn't want truth that day. I gave you tough love and was blunt, but kind. Despite my answers, you kept asking me the same question over and over. It was as if you really didn't want the truth... you wanted me to spin things another way for you. I am simply not one of those readers to give clients false hope and fairytale promises. I told you that your situation was a dead end and to move on. You resisted the message. You then clicked out and punished me with a 1-star rating. I then emailed you to say that I was disappointed and hurt by your actions. I felt you were unjust with that rating. Since you have brought this up here on ROR, you have opened the door for my comments in a public fashion. You cannot expect to throw around accusations and lies about me, and then expect me not to respond. You were so upset with the answer to your question that you clicked out while I was mid-sentence. I then sent you an email FOR FREE. The end of my email to you says: "I am sorry you are not ready for truth here. It is WAY BEYOND TIME for you to move on with your life. I hope you do. Much love and light to you." Also bear in mind, that you had come to me NINE MONTHS EARLIER with the exact same question. I had read for you, FOR FREE the first time. And here you were, 9 months later, still stuck. I didn't even ask you to click hire... YOU clicked hire all on your own. (I had a hunch you'd be a vindictive rater, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.) As thanks for the reading and email, you gave me the 1-star! I know that bad ratings come along every now and then. Not everyone is ready for the truth. But I will keep dispensing it, hoping that I can help and empower MOST clients into making better choices for themselves. Cinstress, I am glad to read that you have moved on from psychic readings and no longer need them. Hopefully you have also moved on from the unhealthy relationship.


Beverly Hills,
Cinstress, I am sorry the truth hurt you.

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Cinstress - I had no personal recollection of you, so went back to re-read your 6/21/07 transcript, to see how I was supposedly so "rude aggressive abusive and nasty." I am sure you don't want me to publicly post the details of why you came to me, and I won't expose you to that kind of embarrassment and ridicule. Clearly you were that 1 client out of 100 who didn't want truth that day. I gave you tough love and was blunt, but kind. Despite my answers, you kept asking me the same question over and over. It was as if you really didn't want the truth... you wanted me to spin things another way for you. I am simply not one of those readers to give clients false hope and fairytale promises. I told you that your situation was a dead end and to move on. You resisted the message. You then clicked out and punished me with a 1-star rating. I then emailed you to say that I was disappointed and hurt by your actions. I felt you were unjust with that rating. Since you have brought this up here on ROR, you have opened the door for my comments in a public fashion. You cannot expect to throw around accusations and lies about me, and then expect me not to respond. You were so upset with the answer to your question that you clicked out while I was mid-sentence. I then sent you an email FOR FREE. The end of my email to you says: "I am sorry you are not ready for truth here. It is WAY BEYOND TIME for you to move on with your life. I hope you do. Much love and light to you." Also bear in mind, that you had come to me NINE MONTHS EARLIER with the exact same question. I had read for you, FOR FREE the first time. And here you were, 9 months later, still stuck. I didn't even ask you to click hire... YOU clicked hire all on your own. (I had a hunch you'd be a vindictive rater, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.) As thanks for the reading and email, you gave me the 1-star! I know that bad ratings come along every now and then. Not everyone is ready for the truth. But I will keep dispensing it, hoping that I can help and empower MOST clients into making better choices for themselves. Cinstress, I am glad to read that you have moved on from psychic readings and no longer need them. Hopefully you have also moved on from the unhealthy relationship.


Beverly Hills,
Cinstress, I am sorry the truth hurt you.

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Cinstress - I had no personal recollection of you, so went back to re-read your 6/21/07 transcript, to see how I was supposedly so "rude aggressive abusive and nasty." I am sure you don't want me to publicly post the details of why you came to me, and I won't expose you to that kind of embarrassment and ridicule. Clearly you were that 1 client out of 100 who didn't want truth that day. I gave you tough love and was blunt, but kind. Despite my answers, you kept asking me the same question over and over. It was as if you really didn't want the truth... you wanted me to spin things another way for you. I am simply not one of those readers to give clients false hope and fairytale promises. I told you that your situation was a dead end and to move on. You resisted the message. You then clicked out and punished me with a 1-star rating. I then emailed you to say that I was disappointed and hurt by your actions. I felt you were unjust with that rating. Since you have brought this up here on ROR, you have opened the door for my comments in a public fashion. You cannot expect to throw around accusations and lies about me, and then expect me not to respond. You were so upset with the answer to your question that you clicked out while I was mid-sentence. I then sent you an email FOR FREE. The end of my email to you says: "I am sorry you are not ready for truth here. It is WAY BEYOND TIME for you to move on with your life. I hope you do. Much love and light to you." Also bear in mind, that you had come to me NINE MONTHS EARLIER with the exact same question. I had read for you, FOR FREE the first time. And here you were, 9 months later, still stuck. I didn't even ask you to click hire... YOU clicked hire all on your own. (I had a hunch you'd be a vindictive rater, but gave you the benefit of the doubt.) As thanks for the reading and email, you gave me the 1-star! I know that bad ratings come along every now and then. Not everyone is ready for the truth. But I will keep dispensing it, hoping that I can help and empower MOST clients into making better choices for themselves. Cinstress, I am glad to read that you have moved on from psychic readings and no longer need them. Hopefully you have also moved on from the unhealthy relationship.


Beverly Hills,
Jasper, your lies must end.

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Jasper - I don't care what name you use. Really I don't. You can change it as much as you want to. You can change your photo every day to a different model. Blonde today, redhead tomorrow. Makes no difference to me. However I DO care that you have targeted ME. I also care that you slander me throughout the above post. You claim that tossing names about is "unprofessional." What is it that you have done with your post? I do not have fake names on ROR. I post as myself. I have no reason to hide. So you run here to announce that you are now changing your name to Jaspers light. Good for you! I hope it works out for you. Based on your nasty comments about me and my "demented plan," I am curious as to YOUR definition of "light" since you are using that word in your new name. I noticed you wrote: "For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute." Now I find that truly interesting. On 12/28 at 11:22pm, your price was $2.89. Go ahead and deny it. I have a printscreen. LOL... Since you (through all of your multiple identities, such as Jaden/Sally) run here claiming to have printscreens of MY prices, turnaround is fair play. Since you were $2.89 the other night, how does that fly with your claim of being "always under 2 a minute?" What is your definition of "always?" Is "always" pretty much anytime except when you're not? Your post also proves that your attacks as Sally/Jaden ARE you. I always use the $ sign next to prices. But you have an unique way of writing out prices... and it's consistent with all of your nom de plumes. Which brings me to my next point. If you post as "Sally," don't then sign that post as Jaden. Keep your multiple personalities straight. Your behavior with this post simply speaks poorly of you. If naming names is "unprofessional," I guess YOU are unprofessional since you did just that. And you ran here to report on your new name... um, why? Perhaps to ADVERTISE so people can find you? SIGH. Jasper. (shakes head)


Beverly Hills,
Jasper, your lies must end.

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Jasper - I don't care what name you use. Really I don't. You can change it as much as you want to. You can change your photo every day to a different model. Blonde today, redhead tomorrow. Makes no difference to me. However I DO care that you have targeted ME. I also care that you slander me throughout the above post. You claim that tossing names about is "unprofessional." What is it that you have done with your post? I do not have fake names on ROR. I post as myself. I have no reason to hide. So you run here to announce that you are now changing your name to Jaspers light. Good for you! I hope it works out for you. Based on your nasty comments about me and my "demented plan," I am curious as to YOUR definition of "light" since you are using that word in your new name. I noticed you wrote: "For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute." Now I find that truly interesting. On 12/28 at 11:22pm, your price was $2.89. Go ahead and deny it. I have a printscreen. LOL... Since you (through all of your multiple identities, such as Jaden/Sally) run here claiming to have printscreens of MY prices, turnaround is fair play. Since you were $2.89 the other night, how does that fly with your claim of being "always under 2 a minute?" What is your definition of "always?" Is "always" pretty much anytime except when you're not? Your post also proves that your attacks as Sally/Jaden ARE you. I always use the $ sign next to prices. But you have an unique way of writing out prices... and it's consistent with all of your nom de plumes. Which brings me to my next point. If you post as "Sally," don't then sign that post as Jaden. Keep your multiple personalities straight. Your behavior with this post simply speaks poorly of you. If naming names is "unprofessional," I guess YOU are unprofessional since you did just that. And you ran here to report on your new name... um, why? Perhaps to ADVERTISE so people can find you? SIGH. Jasper. (shakes head)


Beverly Hills,
Jasper, your lies must end.

#17REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Jasper - I don't care what name you use. Really I don't. You can change it as much as you want to. You can change your photo every day to a different model. Blonde today, redhead tomorrow. Makes no difference to me. However I DO care that you have targeted ME. I also care that you slander me throughout the above post. You claim that tossing names about is "unprofessional." What is it that you have done with your post? I do not have fake names on ROR. I post as myself. I have no reason to hide. So you run here to announce that you are now changing your name to Jaspers light. Good for you! I hope it works out for you. Based on your nasty comments about me and my "demented plan," I am curious as to YOUR definition of "light" since you are using that word in your new name. I noticed you wrote: "For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute." Now I find that truly interesting. On 12/28 at 11:22pm, your price was $2.89. Go ahead and deny it. I have a printscreen. LOL... Since you (through all of your multiple identities, such as Jaden/Sally) run here claiming to have printscreens of MY prices, turnaround is fair play. Since you were $2.89 the other night, how does that fly with your claim of being "always under 2 a minute?" What is your definition of "always?" Is "always" pretty much anytime except when you're not? Your post also proves that your attacks as Sally/Jaden ARE you. I always use the $ sign next to prices. But you have an unique way of writing out prices... and it's consistent with all of your nom de plumes. Which brings me to my next point. If you post as "Sally," don't then sign that post as Jaden. Keep your multiple personalities straight. Your behavior with this post simply speaks poorly of you. If naming names is "unprofessional," I guess YOU are unprofessional since you did just that. And you ran here to report on your new name... um, why? Perhaps to ADVERTISE so people can find you? SIGH. Jasper. (shakes head)


Beverly Hills,
Jasper, your lies must end.

#18REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 30, 2007

Jasper - I don't care what name you use. Really I don't. You can change it as much as you want to. You can change your photo every day to a different model. Blonde today, redhead tomorrow. Makes no difference to me. However I DO care that you have targeted ME. I also care that you slander me throughout the above post. You claim that tossing names about is "unprofessional." What is it that you have done with your post? I do not have fake names on ROR. I post as myself. I have no reason to hide. So you run here to announce that you are now changing your name to Jaspers light. Good for you! I hope it works out for you. Based on your nasty comments about me and my "demented plan," I am curious as to YOUR definition of "light" since you are using that word in your new name. I noticed you wrote: "For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute." Now I find that truly interesting. On 12/28 at 11:22pm, your price was $2.89. Go ahead and deny it. I have a printscreen. LOL... Since you (through all of your multiple identities, such as Jaden/Sally) run here claiming to have printscreens of MY prices, turnaround is fair play. Since you were $2.89 the other night, how does that fly with your claim of being "always under 2 a minute?" What is your definition of "always?" Is "always" pretty much anytime except when you're not? Your post also proves that your attacks as Sally/Jaden ARE you. I always use the $ sign next to prices. But you have an unique way of writing out prices... and it's consistent with all of your nom de plumes. Which brings me to my next point. If you post as "Sally," don't then sign that post as Jaden. Keep your multiple personalities straight. Your behavior with this post simply speaks poorly of you. If naming names is "unprofessional," I guess YOU are unprofessional since you did just that. And you ran here to report on your new name... um, why? Perhaps to ADVERTISE so people can find you? SIGH. Jasper. (shakes head)


Wasted Energy

#19Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

You know this constant back biting and crap about who does what ONLINE is really sad, people. Who gives a rip if people change their names and pictures? I have a website I change the background on and photos all the time. Does this make me fake? I change around the furniture and pictures on my walls all the time. Does this make me fake? NO -- for me doing this shifts the energy that seems stale and stagnant to me. Good lord people...customers AND readers...get a grip. More than the customers coming here and filing umpteen reports after another? I think it's WORSE to see the dueling between readers and the made up names and utter CRAP. Take just a second and look around in the physical world at all the things we all deny and neglect when we put our energies into THIS nonsense. IF you want to complain about a reader FINE complain. But bicker back and forth on some witch hunt for who's doing what under whatever name at whatever websites? When it gets that bad I think it's time to STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD...clients AND readers!


This change is specifically for you Iris:) although the previous ones werent you helped me along my journey>

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

It has been brought to my attention again this post, how my name is being slandered. If you notice I have never in any of my post tossed names out. I view it as unprofessional. Never have I cursed at a client, its not in my nature that's something only a dark person would do. As you can tell from iris's and all her fake names on ror previous post name calling is something she does do. I havent called names nor do I feel I need to sink to that level. Which brings me to my next point. I have been searching for a more personal name than just jasper thus the name change after 5 years. Which thanks to this dark person, Iris under many assaulting names here I have finally found! SO you will hear it from me instead of the grapevine. Bummer I stole Iris's thunder lol. Here's how I found my name. This is simply a case of the darkness attacking the light. Iris is the darkness im the light. One tiny ray of the light can and will pierce even a dark night. Light always wins in the end Iris. So to symbolize this victory over this dark, stalking person, I will now become Jaspers light. Quite a fitting name. I will not respond any further than this one last time no matter if my clients or associates contact me about this. I WILL not give into your dark demented plan. For those clients out there, im always under 2 a minute. I treat my clients with respect and dedication. I offer a card free in all live sessions. Try for yourself and see the light I can shed on your path or destiny. What can it hurt when its free to try and see. You will see the truth of what im saying. Thank you G-d bless u.


i have a comment

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2007

Since these two experts seem to rival one another, ill let you know my personal experience on june 21st 2007 i went to iris. ( i left a rating you can view on her profile she became rude aggressive abusive and nasty to me). Never have i had such a awful treatement from a expert as i did from iris. i also went to jasper13f, she was at the time and she gave me a reading which at the time i didnt think would come true but it did actually.. Of the two i would pick jasper13f though i've since moved on past the use of a psychic, which is a good thing since they are obviously too busy sabatoging one another to help others. My advice for both of you is to drop this you only make yourselves look bad iris and jasper persisting in this. Your both using phoney names and its obvious yoru botht he only ones posting how very unprofessional of you.


The Bayou,
Jasperlynn is now True-Insight on Kasamba or Honest Insight on Keen

#22Author of original report

Sat, December 29, 2007

I took a printscreen as proof. Today she is True-Insight at $1.89. Make sure you put the dash in between the 2 words to find her. As soon as she reads this response, she will most likely change it again. Yesterday it was True Insight without the dash at $0.99. On Keen she is Honest Insight. I tried to get a reading with her. I asked for the free card she advertised. It was The Sun. She gave me generic information that could be true for anyone. When I said she was wrong, she swore at me, clicked out and blocked me. I also had 2 friends go to her for the free card. As you can guess, they all got The Sun with the same generic information. When they called her on it, she got nasty, clicked out and blocked them. She's been posting on this forum as Jaden, Sally, Kennethjohnson and a few other names. She's either GotMe, or friends with GotMe. GotMe has been around since the Janice debaucle. GotMe is a stalker client. Jaden/Sally is True-Insight, a stalker expert. She seems to have it in for another psychic named Iris. I can't find anything wrong with Iris. The accusations seem to be silly, all focused on her price. No one complains about her readings, her accuracy or any of that. I've been to Iris and she was really sweet. She wanted me to stop calling psychics so much, and was the only one who was honest about my boyfriend not coming back. Her advice is really blunt. I mean the girl is brutally honest. It was a tough pill to swallow but I'm glad she gave me that tough love. I needed it. Anyway back to the Jasper fiasco, she changes her name almost every day now. Whenever there is an update to this Ripoffreport, she changes it. That tells me she's visiting this site every day, which confirms that she is posting here as Sally/Jaden as well.


New York,
New York,
What name is she using now?

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, December 27, 2007

I can't find any of the names listed above. I wanted to look at her profile and reviews but can't find her.


You are right!

#24Consumer Comment

Sun, December 23, 2007

Everytime she gets a complaint against her or someone files a report on here she changes her profile, her name and her picture. There has been more than one complaint filed against her because of these questionable tactics!


North Carolina,
Jasper 13

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 22, 2007

If you are as great, ethical, and honest as you say you are then you would let your reputation speak for itself. Many readers whose name have been posted to this site dont even bother to respond. Do you know why? Because they could care less and their reputation speaks for itself. You talk just like a fraud Jasper13. I hate to say it but you do. You sound exactly like a fraudulent reader and most likely you are. I should get a reading from you just to prove it. Maybe I will. I bet I would get blocked and hung up on also. Would you tell me there is negativity around me and that it needs to be cleansed. All these glowing posts about you sound like they were all written by the same person. Not many clients will come to this board to defend the readers they have read with. When that happens it is usually by the hand of the one that is being complained about. You can always tell the difference. Just do everyone a favor and switch to being a ethical reader. Anyone who uses this site to attract clients via negative reviews about them IS unethical. You can give a psychic reading to people who don't know any better and tell them a bunch of general hokey pokey that applies to every human being on the planet because we have all experienced the same life issues. It's universal. Karma is very very real. It may be slow coming down the pike but trust and believe it gets down the pike!


North Carolina,
Jasper 13

#26Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 22, 2007

If you are as great, ethical, and honest as you say you are then you would let your reputation speak for itself. Many readers whose name have been posted to this site dont even bother to respond. Do you know why? Because they could care less and their reputation speaks for itself. You talk just like a fraud Jasper13. I hate to say it but you do. You sound exactly like a fraudulent reader and most likely you are. I should get a reading from you just to prove it. Maybe I will. I bet I would get blocked and hung up on also. Would you tell me there is negativity around me and that it needs to be cleansed. All these glowing posts about you sound like they were all written by the same person. Not many clients will come to this board to defend the readers they have read with. When that happens it is usually by the hand of the one that is being complained about. You can always tell the difference. Just do everyone a favor and switch to being a ethical reader. Anyone who uses this site to attract clients via negative reviews about them IS unethical. You can give a psychic reading to people who don't know any better and tell them a bunch of general hokey pokey that applies to every human being on the planet because we have all experienced the same life issues. It's universal. Karma is very very real. It may be slow coming down the pike but trust and believe it gets down the pike!


North Carolina,
Jasper 13

#27Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 22, 2007

If you are as great, ethical, and honest as you say you are then you would let your reputation speak for itself. Many readers whose name have been posted to this site dont even bother to respond. Do you know why? Because they could care less and their reputation speaks for itself. You talk just like a fraud Jasper13. I hate to say it but you do. You sound exactly like a fraudulent reader and most likely you are. I should get a reading from you just to prove it. Maybe I will. I bet I would get blocked and hung up on also. Would you tell me there is negativity around me and that it needs to be cleansed. All these glowing posts about you sound like they were all written by the same person. Not many clients will come to this board to defend the readers they have read with. When that happens it is usually by the hand of the one that is being complained about. You can always tell the difference. Just do everyone a favor and switch to being a ethical reader. Anyone who uses this site to attract clients via negative reviews about them IS unethical. You can give a psychic reading to people who don't know any better and tell them a bunch of general hokey pokey that applies to every human being on the planet because we have all experienced the same life issues. It's universal. Karma is very very real. It may be slow coming down the pike but trust and believe it gets down the pike!


North Carolina,
Jasper 13

#28Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 22, 2007

If you are as great, ethical, and honest as you say you are then you would let your reputation speak for itself. Many readers whose name have been posted to this site dont even bother to respond. Do you know why? Because they could care less and their reputation speaks for itself. You talk just like a fraud Jasper13. I hate to say it but you do. You sound exactly like a fraudulent reader and most likely you are. I should get a reading from you just to prove it. Maybe I will. I bet I would get blocked and hung up on also. Would you tell me there is negativity around me and that it needs to be cleansed. All these glowing posts about you sound like they were all written by the same person. Not many clients will come to this board to defend the readers they have read with. When that happens it is usually by the hand of the one that is being complained about. You can always tell the difference. Just do everyone a favor and switch to being a ethical reader. Anyone who uses this site to attract clients via negative reviews about them IS unethical. You can give a psychic reading to people who don't know any better and tell them a bunch of general hokey pokey that applies to every human being on the planet because we have all experienced the same life issues. It's universal. Karma is very very real. It may be slow coming down the pike but trust and believe it gets down the pike!


The Bayou,
How many identities does Jasper have?

#29Author of original report

Sat, December 22, 2007

Hey Dave I never saw you post here before, your writings just like Jasper, same lowercase, transposed letters :) You come to her defense out of nowhere, conveniently, and word for word it could've been written by Jasper-True Insight-Mitsy-Jasperlynn-how many names does she use? How many pictures does she use? She doesn't even use the same photo on Kasamba and Keen. I am not a stalker and didn't even know who Jasper was until a year ago. How could I be stalking her for 5 years when I only started getting readings in 2006? Good to see you go Jasper. This site is not for advertising your services. It is for those of us who have been defrauded by fake psychics like you. Good riddance.


West Virginia,

#30Consumer Comment

Sat, December 22, 2007

ive been getting readig with jasper for a year and a half now. shes a honest reader. sometimes she tells me things are not going to be as im hoping sometimes i get lucky lol. she not the king to sugar coat things, though she does speak honestly. this reader is affordable genuine and accurate, jasper if you read this know your client know this is lies and slander. we are right behind you on your side jasper. im sure your right jasper, that you will continue to shine a bright light in our lifes guidign us wiht your clear insight. Youve helped me in so many dark moments jasper. you dont know it but your words were once a life saver for me... dont let them get to you jasper. when i need honest accurate information and i want the truth i go to jasper. a few times i argued wiht her saying no this cant happen and she was right much to my dismay. she always has such a clear insight..shes always connected free to begin with too for me


enough of your lies wolf

#31REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, December 22, 2007

thiswil be my last response to this absurd person who has stalked me going on 5 years now . for supposedly not being iris you sure singing her prases perhaps your obsessed or in love with her or you are her i realy dont care kick your feet throw a tantrum do what you will but im notogin to be paying eny attention to you your a stalker. plain and simple STALKER and everyone here now realises this well i guess you got a group of stalkers it really matters not to me bottom line im a good reader i care alot about my clients as they are welcome to read in my ratings. i go above and beyond for many. i love my job its obvious you do not love yorus fellow reader. its s shame you offer advice to so many when your so bitter inside.... im done im not even going to read this report again it means nothing to me YOU are nothing to me but a harrasing stalker YOU NO LONGER exist to me. you never did really and client yes i am advertising here life hands you lemons you make lemonade im a darn good honest psychic one of the best you will ever meet that why im always so busy. my client have came to me for years and years i was here before this poser client stalker and ill be here long after. becasue my readings are true my words are true adn im a kind genuine honest reader im one of the cheaper readers on the site so i can help those in need and i do offer a card free... dont let this wolf in sheeps clothing keep you from finding a true genuine reader...besides what have you got to lose the first card is free? try one card im sure youll know the truth is in me and then youll understand why this reader feel so threatened by me why else would someone stalk me 5 years if they were not threatened by my sucess if they werent in lack...sufffering...unhealthy. its a sick obsession this person diana has with me but shes hasd it for 5 years now so hey i dont know whether to feel honored or to call law enforcement lol YOU THE CLIENT ARE WHAT MATTERS AND SEEING IS BELIEVING HAVE A CARD FREE TO TRY AND SEE YOU ALONE ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY. YOU DONT NEED TO DWELL IN THIS PERSONS NEGATIVITY YOU CAN BE FREE! MISERY LOVES COMPANY BUT IM DONE BEING HERS she can call me names ( which i see she resrted to when i wouldnt fight wiht her) she can say all the lies she seeks to say none of it matters to me. im outta here for good not gonna read this no more not gonna care about hte lies shes saying for the truth always wins and these words will never hurt me she already too my time way from too many clients already and they need me. G-d bless you all and i look forward to connecting to you on a very real level in my readings youve nothign to lose by trying me the first card is free! good bye farewell!


The Bayou,
True Insight aka Jasper appears to be all these identities

#32Author of original report

Sat, December 22, 2007

HA! True Insight shows up as Jasper to advertise her services. She brags on another site called WAHM that she is using ROR for free advertising. Her name on WAHM is Mitsy. She has had a vendetta against Iris for a long time and this is the proof. She has written a fake report on Iris claiming Iris makes people click hire while she connects. All clients of Iris know that Iris is ethical and is not a con like Mitsy-Jasper-True Insight-Got Me and whatever other names she uses here to discredit Iris. Iris has a reputation of giving free time and readings to clients in need. She cares more about helping people than making money. Mitsy-Jasper-True Insight brags about how much money she makes. She does not care about clients. She offers a free card but she is a b.s. artist. Me and a few friends have been to her to test her, and she blocks you when you call her on her lies and bad predictions. Lucy and others have already posted that Iris was one of the few who never ripped them off. Iris does not feed false hope. She does not encourage psychic addiction. True Insight-Jasper our group has been watching you. We all know this is you. And now that you bragged on WAHM how you are using ROR to advertise your services it was not tough to figure out that you are Mitsy on WAHM. You are one stupid fraud.


Dont listen to the wolf in sheeps clothing when you can try for yourself for free and the truth see.

#33REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, December 21, 2007

Clients why would you believe everything you see? Of course you wouldnt when you can try for yourself for free and the truth see! Seeing is believing! Have a card free to try and see, You alone are in control of your destiny. I seek only to enlighten it humbly. Dont believe the wolf in sheeps clothing. Try it for free and join the thousands who continously enjoy my readings. G-d bless you all and happy holidays! (even the poor soul who wrote this whose for 5 years a fellow expert stalking me, especially that poor soul actually) Clients: try for yourself and youll believe i offer only answers in honesty, no sugar coating. Youve tried the rest now try one of the best! G-d bless.


The Bayou,
gotyou gotme jasper true insight part of kasamba scams

#34Author of original report

Fri, December 21, 2007

haha Gotme, I knew your still lurking. You are jasper, makes sense now. You were the one that complained about iris changing her picture and name. Now you defend Jasper true Insight and say 'many readers change pictures, is that a crime, does that constitute fraud?' Which is it Gotme? Now its ok to do since its you doing it. Oh and your back to true insight again. Do you change the name everyday? Kinda funny that gotme and Jasper are the only 2 both attack iris when everybody else says she is honest. Must mean Gotme and jasper and trueinsight are the same person Guess i got you gotme.


The Bayou,
gotyou gotme jasper true insight part of kasamba scams

#35Author of original report

Fri, December 21, 2007

haha Gotme, I knew your still lurking. You are jasper, makes sense now. You were the one that complained about iris changing her picture and name. Now you defend Jasper true Insight and say 'many readers change pictures, is that a crime, does that constitute fraud?' Which is it Gotme? Now its ok to do since its you doing it. Oh and your back to true insight again. Do you change the name everyday? Kinda funny that gotme and Jasper are the only 2 both attack iris when everybody else says she is honest. Must mean Gotme and jasper and trueinsight are the same person Guess i got you gotme.


The Bayou,
gotyou gotme jasper true insight part of kasamba scams

#36Author of original report

Fri, December 21, 2007

haha Gotme, I knew your still lurking. You are jasper, makes sense now. You were the one that complained about iris changing her picture and name. Now you defend Jasper true Insight and say 'many readers change pictures, is that a crime, does that constitute fraud?' Which is it Gotme? Now its ok to do since its you doing it. Oh and your back to true insight again. Do you change the name everyday? Kinda funny that gotme and Jasper are the only 2 both attack iris when everybody else says she is honest. Must mean Gotme and jasper and trueinsight are the same person Guess i got you gotme.


The Bayou,
gotyou gotme jasper true insight part of kasamba scams

#37Author of original report

Fri, December 21, 2007

haha Gotme, I knew your still lurking. You are jasper, makes sense now. You were the one that complained about iris changing her picture and name. Now you defend Jasper true Insight and say 'many readers change pictures, is that a crime, does that constitute fraud?' Which is it Gotme? Now its ok to do since its you doing it. Oh and your back to true insight again. Do you change the name everyday? Kinda funny that gotme and Jasper are the only 2 both attack iris when everybody else says she is honest. Must mean Gotme and jasper and trueinsight are the same person Guess i got you gotme.


if known jasper for years

#38UPDATE Employee

Thu, December 20, 2007

shes honest ethical if you want to hang people for changing pictures and names youd have to hang almost all of kasambas people. sorry you didnt get teh service you wanted the first tiem i went to jasper things were differetn from what i was used to took some getting used to but i been there for years and shes honest not a fraud as you mentioned either your like me and you have a different experence frome this reader than your used to and she told you the truth which you couldnt handle or your the fraud a expert hiding under a fake id. cus i have the joy of working along side of jasper and shes one of the top rated readers on kasamab and yoru slander wont change that about her

Got Me

Or maybe someone is slandering ?

#39Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 20, 2007

Lots of slander and lies are posted. we all know that. Highly ranked readers seem to get the bunt of it. I find reading the numerous posts more humorous than the funny papers and on the same level as childrens cartoons. I think a prime example of what a joke this all is would be Janice and her kasamba victims group. I would bet she is stil; running for the hills after she about burned the forum up with her crazy wildinsane threats, accusations and then was outed as a client/reader herself . Her gang still hangs out and ties to stir it up every so often, but its laughable really. Many readers change pictures, is that a crime, does that constitute fraud? Is changing or updating a pic grounds for arrest, hanging, shooting by firing squad or beheading? If so there wouldnt be many readers left on kasamba.


The Bayou,
Jasper changes Kasamba name back after ripoffreport about her

#40Author of original report

Thu, December 20, 2007

Since posting, jasper has gone true insights back to jasper13. mommydearest must be her. Im a client whose tired of the scams on kasamba. Jasper is a big fake.

Mommy Dearest

gosh what are you a rival expert or a stalker?

#41Consumer Comment

Thu, December 20, 2007

ive bene to jasper 2 times and she helped me knew my questions before i had a chance to ask lots of people change there names and pictures on kasamba just look at spiritual sister turned spiritual readings turnes iris the messenger all different pictures look at any of the experts they all change so whats your real problem anyway i been to both these readers and they bth change but that dont make them any less reputable i suggest you quit stalkign out your chosen people and focus on your own shortcomings which are so very evident here this would be why you dont have a stable realtionship becuase your stalkign them.

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