The Tupper Lake Middle/High School has a great music department.
yeah right...
But, we are going through too many chorus teachers! I mean Ms. Weems left, fine, we found another one with no problem, Ms. LaCasse(Biddlecomb). Then she left to go with her husband, Tucker in Florida. I liked Ms. LaCasse...then the day came where she broke the news she was leaving.
Don't get me wrong, but i still like her even though she did move. Then we got a teacher named Ms. Lake, now Mrs. Walker. She was great and everything. She helped with the musical, "Footloose", and she also lasted 2 concerts with us. But now she is leaving too!
The school better get their act together cuz this is just bull s**t! The school should either find a music teacher that isn't getting married or already is married and will not leave in a year. I think the school should get a guy to do it. I mean, his wife would have to follow him, instead of having a girl, and having the girl leave wherever the man goes. PLEASE FIND A FREAKIN' TEACHER THAT WILL STAY MORE THAN A YEAR!
Tupper Lake, New York