  • Report:  #669480

Complaint Review: UAC - Edina Minnesota

Reported By:
meea20 - Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America

Edina, 55439-8104 Minnesota, United States of America
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I recently underwent a tramatic situation with the loss of my car.  My car cought fire on Friday, December 3, 2010 while I was in it driving to work.  I called and my opd and ofd came and put the car out.  I had the car towed to my personal residence because I stilled owed for the vehicle.  I contacted UAC on my lunch break to inform them of the situation that Friday.  I was told to contact my insurance company and file a claim.  At which time I explainded to the representive that I only had liablity.  She stated to call anyway because they needed a claim in order to move forward. 

I contacted UAC back that friday with the update and information from my insurance company in which they had requsted. The rep at that time stated that I should go to my local Car Hop and let them know what my price rance was so that they could get me into another car.

  Monday I contacted them in order to what was going on with my accont at which time this rep.  stated that she needed for me to send in picutres of vehicle to prove that it had indeed been in a fire.  I took her e-mail and forwarded the picutres that I had taken with my phone. 

Tuesday contacted UAC it see what was going on with the progress of my case when a young man answered the phone and was quite rude.  He stated that I had not issued the company with what they had requested and that I was putting my self in this situation.  I was angered by this statement being that I have been loyal paying customer whom underwent a tramatic situation I did not feel that I should be spoken to that way at any time.  I repeated back to him several statements in which he had made that was I deemed to be rude.  His responce was that he did not say that and not to put words in his mouth. 

I asked him for the information once again of what the e-mail address that I needed to send the info to was.  He repeated it for me and told me that I could also send him the info so that two people would get it.  I stated that I was unhappy with the service in which I was getting from him and requested to speak to his supervisor.  He laughed and placed me on hold.  When he returned he stated that they where in a managment meeting.  I asked t be forwarded on to a voicemail at which time I was told that this company dose not have voicemail.   I asked to leave a message he said that he would place in a request and it was a 24 hour turn around time.  I stated that I was expecting to hear from someone by 3:30pm the following day. 

When I arrived back to my office I resent the picutres from my work computer and called once again to make sure that they where recived.  The lady on the other end was very helpful and kind and stayed with me on the phone as I sent the pictures 3 more times until someone in the department stated that she indeed get the pictures.  I asked her about an order to

About 40mintures later I recived a phone call from the young man in which I had stated earlier that I did not want him to handle my case due to his attitude.  He called to tell me that now he needed from me to get a police report to prove that the car was indeed on fire.  I stated that they did not give me one and asked how I would go about doing so.  He told me that if I could not provide one there would be nothing that they could do.  I stated my furstation yet again about not letting me know what was needed prevoiusly due to the fact that I did not have a vehicle.  We exchanged comments for serval min. at which time I stated to him that I no longer wanted him to handle my case.  I stated once again that I would like to speak with his supervisor.  He laughted at me again and placed me on hold. 

Upon his return he stated that he was hired to do this job and that supervisors do not take phone calls. I asked him where did they want his car.  He told me the car is torched we don't want the car keep it.  I again stated that I could not even take the car to the city dump becuase I did not own the title. they would have to despode of this vehicle. 

 After the situation became heated his supervior came onto the phone and stated that she had been listening to this phone call and heard everything all day.  Stated that they could order the police report and provided me with psychobabble about me not being upset with them and being upset about my car. She stated that I was upset because no one was able to give me a time line on how long this would take.  I stated that I was angered my the treatment of a paying customer.  She then stated that they could order my report from the department.  When I attempted to state my furstation about the vehical to her she told me to listen.  Although her tone was much more professional then the previouse person she then told me to get a report and have it faxed to them.  I repeated back to her that she had stated that she would be able to send for a report she then stated that they might not give it to her. They don't have to help me they where attempting to be nice because I had been a good customer.  If I provided them with the information they would see what they could do about getting me into another car. 

I sure do hope that they do indeed record all phone converstations becasue I was treated with a great deal of disrespect by Timothy and I have not intention on ever doing anything with this company again.  I will tell everyone that I ever meet that they are rude and never to work with Car Hop or UAC ever again. 

I understand that this is not a normal thing in which this company would have to deal with on a regular base.  Yet if a major situation arises such as this and this is the responce that I got was horrible service. I have worked in customer service and my training was never to teach a customer the way that I was treated.  I was not perfect in this situation but they will continue to do nothing while I pay for this vehicle I will no longer be able to get to work.  I will have no income and then what they are after they won't get at all because I no longer have a job.  They should think those things over when they are providing horrible customer service. 

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3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 09, 2010

You went dirt cheap, and got what you paid for....enjoy paying off the car you don't even have anymore while I enjoy the reasonable rate I have on full coverage for my car should this occur...luckily you weren't injured, so you should be able to get a job to pay the loan off.....


Homosassa 46517,
Long story short:

#3General Comment

Thu, December 09, 2010


Quote: At which time I explainded to the reprehensive that I only had liablity. Huh? No comprehensive? Just by whom and

how do you expect to recover the cost of your car? I would assume the "representive"  "explainded"  the facts of life. Youre what is referred to in the industry as "self insured". So go buy yourself a new car.


Confusing report.

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, December 08, 2010

"At which time I explainded to the representive that I only had liablity."

   This would appear to be the key to the issue.   I have never seen a car loan contract that did not require the car to be fully insured (i.e. comprehensive and collision).  If you do not have any insurance that covers the damage, why are you contacting the lender?  Did they put a forced policy on the car when they found out you didn't have full coverage?   If they didn't, you'd still be responsible for paying back the loan on the burned car.

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