  • Report:  #575374

Complaint Review: United Defense Group - Attorney Esq. Sherri Cross David Hill David Rosen - Internet

Reported By:
JusticeInAmerica - Orlando, Florida, United States of America

United Defense Group - Attorney Esq. Sherri Cross David Hill David Rosen
Internet, United States of America
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February 2010

The United Defense Group has left us feeling stranded, dis-oriented, and like we've been robbed. Where can we turn to now that our money is gone?!

Here is our story: The United Defense Group was retained for $25,000. They have done little to nothing to earn their retainer fee and now refuse to return our calls.

Here is what hooked us:

"We understand that you have a choice of who you select to defend you in court. Discover why our law firm is the best choice you will find anywhere, at the best price. Make a quick call to us right now at (800) 459-2500. Thousands of people are unfairly convicted of crimes. Why? Because the system puts you at a disadvantage. You are up against experienced, government funded prosecutors and juries that are eager to assume guilt. Without deep pockets and the right connections, most people simply cannot mount an adequate defense. We level the playing field. We have assembled a team of the top trial attorneys, investigators and legal experts in the nation. Our attorneys are accustomed to handling some of the most challenging cases and have achieved astonishing results. Supervising Attorney Alan Baum was recently selected as one of Southern California's top 5% Criminal Defense Attorneys by "SuperLawyers" for the excellence of his results, and Senior Attorney of Counsel David Bahuriak has been chosen as New Jersey SuperLawyers "Rising Star" for three consecutive years. Our unique firm philosophy makes this powerful defense force available for the first time. If you or someone you know has been or may be accused of a crime, we encourage you to call now for a free consultation. Early intervention is the key to our mutual success."

After reading what appears to be their Mission Statement I felt I had finally found a firm that would truly work for us. However, hindsight is 20/20. My initial contact was with Attorney Sherri C. Cross. I worked with her to get all the paperwork and fees out of the way quickly. We were eager to speak to an attorney and share our side of the story. However, Ms. Cross told us an attorney would be assigned to us once she had an opportunity to learn more about the case. She provided me with the name and contact information of attorney David P. Hill. However, Ms. Crossed warned me NOT to contact Mr. Hill for any reason. She advised he would not have any idea what you're talking about. Ms. Cross' statement immediately alarmed me. I DIRECTLY asked her if the United Defense Group is a referral service. Ms.Cross assured me United Defense Group is not a referral service. At the time, Ms. Cross' slick talk worked on me. A year went by and we called Ms. Cross asking for updates but, NOTHING. We repeatedly called David P. Hill and had trouble receiving return calls. I reached out to Ms. Cross and shared my concern. I asked that David P. Hill be replaced by another attorney. Ms. Cross assured me that the problem would be immediately corrected. Nearly a year went by and the United Defense Group was not able to offer us with any information. As far as we know, little if NOTHING was done is that timespan. Apparently, a WHOLE YEAR WASTED!

We met with Mr. David P. Hill prior to formal charges from the District Attorney. We discussed the case with Mr. Hill and developed a strategy; a plan of action with options. Mr. Hill was immediately informed that the accused has a long history of mental illness. We feel that his inability to appreciate the severity of his actions would help ease the charges he faced. Mr. Hill was provided with both medical and academic records documenting the defendant's mental state over a span of 30+ years. Mr. Hill assured us that the Defendant's co-operation with authorities along with his mental defect would probably work out to probation or little more. However, it soon became apparent to us that Mr. Hill was no match for the District Attorney. Mr. Hill allowed the District Attorney to RUN THE ENTIRE SHOW. Mr. Hill informed me on several occassions that the District Attorney would not even return his calls and kept communication primarily to email. Mr. Hill informed us that the District Attorney was rushing the case.

In a nutshell: We retained the United Defense Group for $25,000 approximately a year prior to charges being filed. We met with the District Attorney and investigative officers from the FDLE offering full co-operation. Mr. Hill agreed that the Defendant's mental history would weigh in his favor. We agreed to retain a psychotrist for an independent evaluation and present the findings to the presiding judge. Mr. Hill struck a deal with the District Attorney while leading us to believe that the mental health factor was being considered. We paid $30,000 in restitution. Mr. Hill presented the mentally ill and functionally illiterate Defendent with plea bargain documents to read and sign. Mr. Hill failed to act aggressively and get the Defendant's mental health history in front of the judge. The United Defense Group has REFUSED TO RETURN OUR CALLS AND PROVIDE US WITH AN ITEMIZATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN FOR THEM TO EARN $25,000. On one occassion, Ms. Cross hung up on my telephone call although I was being polite and business-like. The Defendant sits in jail with no access to therapy and limited medications. WE FEEL ROBBED! As their own website states: "Early intervention is the key to our mutual success." We retained them about a year prior to any charges being brought. However, in the year's time not much or anything was done in an attempt to communicate with the investigating agencies; FDLE and the District Attorney's office. It's important to know that there were other parties to this case facing the SAME charges. They retained attorneys and paid $10,000 on average. THEIR ATTORNEY'S WERE ABLE TO GET THEM PROBATION ONLY! We fee we would have been better off with a public defender.

Consumer Complaints: (((link redacted)))

United Defense Group - A Criminal Defense Law Firm United Defense Group defends you if you have been accused, charged or arrested for any type of crime. Contact us right now at 1-800-459-2500 for expert ... www.uniteddefensegroup.com

Sherry C. Cross, Esq. Criminal Defense Attorney

David P. Hill, Esq. Attorney at Law

214 Annie Street Orlando, FL 32806 Tel: (407) 648-0006

I have included the broad strokes in my initial complaint. I plan to make additional entries detailing specific events and updates. All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only.

I and/or my affiliates, business or anyone associated with me in anyway make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis. I am sharing information based on my experience. I have expressed my opinions.

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