  • Report:  #173331

Complaint Review: University Of Central Florida - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- altamonte, Florida,

University Of Central Florida
Ucf Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
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UCF is a trashy university and a ton of unethical practices go on at this school. Being an undergraduate student there I know I went thru a lot of unfortunate experiences because of unfair practicies that teachers did there.

First off, there is a teacher there named mouloua, and in one of his classes, me and a hispanic woman were unfairly lied about by two racist white people and then we received lower grades as a result of what these people said about us. For some reason these two women just kept calling me and the hispanic woman lazy. They said that we weren't going to do any work, though we did as much work as anyone else and had no idea why they were saying this about us. They went to dr mouloua told them their lies, said we didn't do any work, and he gave them a higher grade than he gave us, without even asking us what was going on, or whether this was the truth or not.

The entire time, these two women were calling us lazy, telling us that we weren't going to do any work, and were very racist, and we had no clue why they were saying this. So at UCF, apparently as a student you can make up any lie about minorities and racist professors will believe the liars and give the minority students lower grades. There is a speech teacher at UCF, that gives women higher grades on their speeches, because they wear shorter skirts, or if he is sexually attracted to them, he gives them higher grades. This is something that is common in that class and women know to wear shorter skirts while giving their speeches.

I find this disgusting, and really unfair but apparently, at UCF, it's just normal standard procedures at that stupid place. I have many frineds who suddenly lost their scholarships at ucf. They said that the people just lost them in their computer, and they were nowhere to be found and these people literally had to quit school because of this or go back to their parents or hometowns.

Again, this is just common practice at that incompetent university. Staff just loses your scholarships and you wonder how something like that can even happen but it just happens and many people end up losing their privileges and money because of it. Dr smither is another teacher who is very rude, and just extremely mean. I, and many people I knew there, were bullied and mistreated by many professors, for no reason at all at that university, and the teachers are arrogant jerks who just pick on random students.

Teachers there are very rude, ruder than I've ever encountered professors before, and treat students as if they are children, or stupid. I was mistreated by another psychology professor for no reason there. I forgot her name but can get it later. She just walked up to me in class, made a mean comment about my book and was sort of just picking on me for no reason- extremely mean.

One day I forgot a scantron for a test. Generally, when a student forgets a scantron, the professor goes to the front of the class and asks if anyone has any additional scantrons then hands it to the student- every professor does this. When I told this teacher that I had forgot a scantron, she just shrugged angrily at me and said that I had to deal with it and had no response. The next test we had, another student forgot their scantron and she went to the front of the class and asked if anyone had any extra scantrons. Again I have no reason why this professor was so rude, but at UCF professors just sort of pick out random students and bully and pick on them for no reason.

This is just common for a lot of students at that pathetic ghetto school. A few times I tried to get information for the music school. I went to the director there, and was trying to ask him things; basically he just stared at my breasts, grinned, gave me no information and I left feeling very upset at the entire situation. Like a student there can't even go and get information from those jerks, and they are insulted in that type of way. I tried getting a voice lesson from a teacher there and was ignored, treated not too good and wasted 40 dollars while she taught me nothing.

Again I left feeling as if I had really been ripped off, mistreated, violated and there was not much I could do. If you have health or situational issues teachers will not be responsive to you at all and instead will make sure they do not help you out if you need any type of understanding in your situation. In fact, they will tend to treat you worse because of it.

There is an appeal committee there that treats students so badly I've heard that people leave there crying, They pick on them. This is just a really incompetent and stupid university run by jerks. College isn't easy nor is it supposed to be simple, but, other schools I've been to professors do their job- they don't try to overpower or treat students really badly the way the teachers at ucf do. But at ucf, the teachers there make it a habit not only to mistreat students in this way, but to just sort of pick out random students as they want, and bully them and for a lot of people it can end up being a really bad experience overall.


altamonte, Florida

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