  • Report:  #820912

Complaint Review: University of Phoenix - Internet

Reported By:
exactly.... - , , United States of America

University of Phoenix
4025 south riverpoint parkway Phoenix, Arizona Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First, I want to state that I have never attended U of P, Kaplan, Argosy or any subsidiary of for profit corporations veiled as higher learning institutions such as Apollo Group, EDMC, et al. So why do I have the right to file a complaint? Because I'm a tax payer (will be explained further... read on). What is the body of this complaint? I'm hoping that victims of these institutions can form a plan of action because frankly what is happening in my honest opinion is criminal.

I think victims of these organizations should do the following:

1- Go to your local police station and file CRIMINAL charges of fraud aginst the school you attended. Basically fraud is when an entity whether is is a person or organization or a person on behalf of an organization intentionally deceives the victim and causes harm (this can be physical or financial). The Mafia for years has been slapped with lengthy sentences for doing just that and I really see little difference here with these companies.

They do this to a specific demographic in this country, the poor and underprivaleged and to military veterans. Reason: Approximately 90% of these organizations revenue comes from federal money such as pell grants. This money is tax payer money (so yes I have a God damned right to be pissed!) which I happily pay so that my fellow Americans can improve their quality of life by getting a REAL education and receive better careers. I'm happy to pay for these taxes as long as they are effective in helping my fellow citizens.

There is a cap though and basically they can only receive 90% of their revenue maximum from these programs such as pell grants and stafford loans. The other 10% is targeted towards military veterans. Being that vets earned their GI Bill by serving which was a part of their contract that money is not something that they have to apply for but rather is their money to spend as they please. So it's a loop hole which means that 10% of the revenue comes from a group of people who technically "knowing all the risks" chose to attend these junk institutions.

Side note- I am a vet and have re-enlisted so I know they recruit heavily. They come around to our work areas trying to get us to sign up when we are constantly deploying (not likely we would ever have time).

2- Contact your state Attorney General and request that they file a state version of a RICO act against these organizations. RICO is Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Basically it allows the state to try organizations by association and as a whole that the organization and the individuals who participated in the act of the crime (i.e. they people who intentionally lied to you about your school, rankings, future career potential, tuition and fees.... you get my drift, pretty much everything they said to you).

So file criminal fraud against your recruiter who lied to you and push to make sure that the "school" is also indicted through a variation of RICO.

3- Please join some class action lawsuit against these companies! In some way there must be some legal reprecussions so that these companies stop stealing money from EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US WHO LIVES IN THIS COUNTRY! They are gutting our federal money which we paid for through some loop hole for a joke of a higher learning institution! At least in some way if it became large enough these grants would be denied for some period or the companies assets will be frozen. Recently the CEO or U of P cashed SOME of his stocks and receive $59 million. Just as a comparison, the President of Harvard receive $700,000 salary. Seems a bit(((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

that the worst "school" in the country's leader makes ridiculous multiples of the best school in the country's leader. Don't you agree?

4- File small claims against the organization as well. I think last time I checked There are approximately 380,000 current students at U of P. If there are that many disgruntled and stuck students, not knowing how many drop outs and alumni there are and just 25% of them filed small claims against U of P all at the same time there would be no possible way they could defend themselves in courts across the entire country. Your power is in numbers and if they seriously have burned that many of you, you can screw them right back and overwhelm them!

5- Barrage your representatives, call and go to and write your senators and congressmen! that being said I doubt this will do much as there seems to be a lot of these "representatives" who sit on the boards or these supposed schools.

For example:

Education Management Corporation (NASDAQ: EDMC) is an operator of private for-profit post-secondary educational institutions, primarily in the United States. The company's institutions provide primarily career-focused educational programs. It is the second largest for-profit college company in the United States, after the University of Phoenix.

The company is based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and employs approximately 19,000 faculty and staff and had enrollment of approximately 158,300 students as of its fall 2010 semester. EDMC was founded in 1962, and is 41% owned by Goldman Sachs. The Chair of EDMC's Board of Directors is John "Jock" McKernan, Jr., the husband of Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and a former Governor of Maine from 1987 to 1995. The company operates a total of 105 individual schools, plus branches, under its four subsidiary names: The Art Institutes, Argosy University, Brown Mackie College, and South University.[1]

So if this is the case we have politicians who are supposed to be representing and protecting their constituency (meaning they work for us... yes they are OUR EMPLOYEES), but are making waaay more money by letting these scams go on.

Honestly, this is the who.... "meet the new boss.... same as the old boss." It was Countrywide and other criminal mortgage companies who did their whole credit default swaps and had their congressional buddies deregulate laws that were mean't to protect the consumer and the American people from this. But These same "ivy league" geniuses just screwed us the people and we got stuck holding the bill. And this school scam is the exact same thing all over again.

Think about it, we are having to foot the bill. I never went to these schools and I'm footing the bill. You the victim who graduated and can't get a job to save your life with this crap degree you can wipe you a*s with.... you enslaved in financial debt. It just keeps going on and on. This is just the newest way to rip us off as a country and get away with it. By the time something happens in which we the people are pissed and want someone to answer for it, a couple people go to jail. The majority of the crooks either get a promotion or retire from being politicians and have ridiculously high paying consulting jobs and so on.

And we always get (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) by paying the bill.

I really feel that at this point these rogue companies can only exist because our government allows it to happen and they are completely comfortable burying the poor and underprivaleged with ridiculous amounts of debt that they can never get out from under. At this point we as Americans, citizens, students, taxpayers, consumers.... whatever need to all agree to have a blanket vote of "no confidence" with our elected officials, regardless of party. They let these companies virtually rape us and they get paid to do it!!!!

I mean, only 7 out of 100 senators voted against the law that allows the government to lock up U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial? That is a direct violation of our Constitution and our rights are INALIENABLE! That means that they can never take away our rights, ever, under any circumstances. But they just threw the 4th ammendment out the window.

They are doing this because when you are in debt and have shitty credit and you are terrified of losing your job cause the degree you got from U of P is means nothing and you have to take care of your family, etc. you won't stand up and get pissed off and tell them they're fired. It's like slavery never left, now we are all just indentured servants trying not to get in trouble or any further debt. They probably don't even want us (the 98%) to have good educations because we can realize one day that they suck at running the show and we can do better. Job security.

Anyways, a complete tyraid but don't lay down and take this s**t. Don't get screwed into holding $10,20,50k of debt for a completely fraudulent company. Throw that s**t back in their face. It's completely acceptable to be civilly disobedient when there is an unjust system of lying to people wanting to better their lives. Don't let these politicians that are getting paid off ignore the fact that they are required to represent you! There are hundreds of thousands of you out there who went to these schools. Get together and stir s**t up!

Side note- I'm not blaming one party or the other... at this point they're all equally useless and only their for their self interest IMO.

And also please do not stop trying to go back to school. We need to get educated in this country. There are a lot of good reputable schools that are doing online education now (if that's what you need for personal reasons). I know of a lot of good ones like FIU, Northeastern University, UMass online, WSU, etc. There are a lot of online schools now who will give you a real education which you will be proud of, where you won't be lied to and where you will get a good job for your future. Go find the right one and this time make sure you do your research.

If 500,000 people started sueing these schools at the same time, pressing criminal charges against those recruiters, just raising (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

... that would get the worlds attention and these companies and their lil organized crime bs would be running for the(((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE)))

. Go whip their a*s!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Taxpayer Rights

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

Yes, you have the right to see where you taxpayer money is going, it called a qui tam, look it up! Also, the DOJ should intervene more often, just my opinion. There is alot of pending quitam against for-profits, more people need to speak up!


San Jose,
Student loan bubble is about to burst

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, January 16, 2012

The $1 trillion student loan bubble is starting to burst.  Only by some very creative accounting being long term deferements and income contingent repayment plans allowing loans to be considered current with no monthly payments masking the true default rate.

As I said before, the for profit trade schools bought off congress and were given three years to "clean up their act".  They have until a minimum of 2015 to meet at best minimal standards.  The default rate is likely to remain low as long as one is allowed to keep loans in deferement status due to unemployment.  Don't be surprised if the unemployment deferement period is extended to 2 or even more years.


United States of America
Illegal Practices? Abhorently flawed arguement!

#4Author of original report

Sun, January 15, 2012

I have to admit, I was actually shocked at your rebuttal and use of what you consider a rational arguement. I've decided to break this down for you in simplified manner regarding your comments and to also educate you on the relevance of my statement.

1-"We as taxpayers do not have the right to question what happens with our money when it deals with financial aid."

I, as a taxpayer.... have EVERY LITERAL RIGHT to question what happens with the money raised from me and every other taxpayer in this country. You seriously have missed the mark regarding this comment (much like your self professed higher education at U of P). As citizens, taxpayers and constiutants, we ACTUALLY hold the most right for review and skepticism regarding how policy is enacted, used and in what form OUR tax revenue is spent.

That is because in this government type (which is a constitutional republic with democratic influence... not sure if you learned that part at U of P), the state, which is regarded as the federal and state governments are WHOLLY accountable to its constiutency!!! There was a remark Benjamin Franklin made when leaving public office and retiring which went something like, "I am now leaving the employee class and re-entering the employer class."

Just to assist you with this metaphor he is stating that he worked as a servant for the people of this country. So tax revenue that is garnished from the citizens of this country is done so for the benefit of it's citizens within the confines of the governments structure to SERVE the people. Therefore, the government exists solely to preserve our inalienable constitutional rights and to serve it's population. We as citizens do not serve the government or any elected official. So their actions are completely accountable to us.

Long story short, I have every right under the sun to question the criminal tactics of these for profit colleges and their psuedo-ponzi-educational format. So does every other citizen of ths country just for their sake of arguement, opinion what have you which is protected constitutionally.

(I know very well your superior education is allowing you to divulge this with the greatest of intent...)

2-"The role you play in the system is so small that it barely dents the surface."

I believe the response above is more than adequate regarding this snide remark.

3-"The fact is that you slander any type of institution that is online, but you fail to mention any other university which uses the same system of financial aid."

Actually as "Jeanski" already stated there are a multitude of traditional, reputable, RANKED, less expensive, properly career connected, universities who have entered the 100% online educational format that do use the same financial aid programs that you commented on.

Unfortunately you already admitted to thoroughly disregarding any relevant or honorable rebuttal when you stated the following: "I briefly skimmed your article..." which means you obviously "skimmed" over the part where I meantioned FIU, Northeastern University, UMass Online, WSU (every school mentioned a ranked and profiled university by USNWR, Business Week, et al.)

The medium of online learning is an excellent technological improvement for learning and in no way should be discarded. In fact built upon. But not when it comes to fake and in my opinion criminal companies such as these for profit con artists. Unfortunately for you when picking a university you might have skimmed over accreditation, cost, reputation, rankings, future career prospects, etc. which in retrospect might have hurt your credibility here and when you go looking for a real job.

3-"I briefly skimmed your article after you started talking about imprisoning citizens which literally has nothing to do with this case."

I used the blatant corruption of this bill being passed which is constitutionally illegal and in no way can or should be upheld (regardless of who signs it) as a comparisson and example to the overall corruption regarding social problems such as these schools in our country. Let me go in to more depth.

For profit educational companies (hate calling them schools) have been caught in a veritable plethora of crimes, infringements, fraudulent acts, etc. and I have a list which we can go over below:

-I am inferring that these for profit schools are corrupt and that many representatives (who are supposed to represent us) are criminally implicated in these corrupt acts.

Example- Former Governor, John R. McKernan, Jr. (R-ME) is chairman of the Board of Directors at EDMC and is husband of United States Senator Olympia Snowe. Snowe (R-ME) has publicly declared assets between $5 million and $25 million in EDMC. Regarding illegal recruiting allegations, In August 2011, the Justice Department and the attorneys general of California, Illinois, Florida and Indiana intervened in a lawsuit against Pittsburgh-based Education Management Corp. Their complaint says the school broke a 1992 law prohibiting for-profit colleges from paying recruiters incentive compensation. The complaint says the company repeatedly made false statements to conceal its practices and receive $11 billion in federal and state financial aid nearly all of the company's revenue.

This is one example of current and former representatives or "public servants" who receive personal earnings from illegal means. Furthermore many of these "public servants" deregulated the laws to allow loop holes so that they would be able to receive these personal earnings. That in and of itself is criminal. Just because you make it legal to commit the act of theft, doesn't mean you have the right to do so. That is tyranny under law in which we the people have the right to disregard such laws.

Further example of that- I am currently serving as a soldier in the U.S. Army. If I am given an unjust, immoral or illegal order I have the right to disregard that order. Furthermore it is my duty to disregard and stop that order from being executed because it is unjust and immoral. But then again, we soldiers don't get to write policy which makes us millionaires. We just have to go fight ways other cowards start....

Also, these types of schools have PAC's (Political Action Commitees FYI.... For Your Information.... FYI.... hope that cleared things up...). Definition of a PAC: "In the United States, a political action committee, or PAC, is the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation. Legally, what constitutes a "PAC" for purposes of regulation is a matter of state and federal law. Under the Federal Election Campaign Act, an organization becomes a "political committee" by receiving contributions or making expenditures in excess of $1,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election."

WHAT THE $&*% does an institution of higher education have to do with a political imperitive??? Furthermore why does nearly every dollar of revenue (coming from the taxpayer directly) go into a PAC to lobby (i.e. bribe) our "public servants" who are supposed to represent us in allowing these companies to continue to function???

Well that's easy, look at Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and the fact that she's a millionaire from allowing scams like U of P, EDMC, Kaplan to exist. She's paid off so you can get screwed and make some ridiculous arguement defending your school like you were some brainwashed hitler youth brown shirt...

It's pretty sad.

Here is a list of the companies who have been found commiting one or more of the following crimes:

Schools implicated in illegal actions:

The institutions identified in the Committee hearing in respect to the GAO report numeration were:

University of Phoenix - Phoenix, Arizona Oops that's your school!!!
Everest Institute - Mesa, Arizona
Westech College - Victorville, Ontario, Moreno Valley, California
Kaplan - Riverside, California
Potomac College - Washington D.C.
Bennett Career Institute - Washington D.C.
Kaplan - Pembroke Pines, Florida
College of Office Technology - Chicago, Illinois
Argosy University - Chicago, Illinois
University of Phoenix - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anthem Institute - Springfield, Pennsylvania
Westwood College - Dallas, Texas
Everest Institute - Dallas, Texas
ATI Career Training - Dallas, Texas

Here is a list of alleged crimes implicated amongst these schools by investigators from the GAO (Government Accountability Office.... FYI.... Fo.... You get it)

Out of the fifteen sampled, all were found to have engaged in deceptive practices, improperly promising unrealistically high pay for graduating students, and four engaged in outright fraud, per a GAO report released at a hearing of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held on August 4, 2010.[28] Examples of misconduct include:

offering commissions to admissions officers,
employing deceptive marketing tactics by refusing to disclose total tuition cost to prospective students before signing a binding agreement,
lying about accreditation,
encouraging outright fraud by enticing students to take out student loans even when the applicant had $250,000 in savings,
promising extravagant, unlikely high pay to students,
failing to disclose graduation rate, and
offering tuition cost equivalent to 9 months of credit hours per year, when total program length was 12 months.
The four for-profit colleges found to be engaging in fradulent practices were:

Westech, California: Encouraging undercover applicant with falsified $250,000 in savings to falsely increase the number of dependents in the household in order to qualify for a Pell Grant, as well as take out the maximum amount in student loans;
Medvance Institute in Miami, Florida: Financial aid representative told an applicant not to report $250,000 in savings, comparing student loans to a car payment in that, "no one will come after you if you dont pay. In fact, a student loan default may remain in the debtor's credit history, prevent them from taking out a car loan, mortgage or rent, and may have their pay garnished up to 15%, until the student loan is paid in full.[citation needed] Another admissions officer at Kaplan College in Pembroke Pines, Florida,[29] alluded to fraudulent behaviour stating to the applicant when inquiring about the repayment of loans, "You gotta look at it...I owe $85,000 to the University of Florida. Will I pay it back? Probably not...I look at life as tomorrows never promised... Education is an investment, youre going to get paid back ten-fold, no matter what.";
Anthem Institute in Springfield, Pennsylvania: Financial aid representative editing applicant's FAFSA form by omitting $250,000 in savings;
Westwood College in Dallas, Texas: Admissions representative telling applicant to falsely add dependents to qualify for Pell Grants, assuring the applicant that the dependents would not be verified through previous income tax returns nor Social Security numbers, and financial aid representative encouraging applicant not to report the $250,000 in savings, stating that "it was not the governments business how much money the undercover applicant had in a bank account.", when the Department of Education requires students to report such assets, along with income, to determine how much and what type of financial aid will be awarded.
It was found that 14 out of 15 times, the tuition at a for-profit sample was more expensive than its public counterpart, and 11 out of 15 times, it was more expensive than the private counterpart. Examples of the disparity in full tuition per program include: $14,000 for a certificate at the for-profit institution, when the same diploma cost $500 at a public college; $38,000 for an Associate's at the for-profit institution, when the comparable program at the public college cost $5,000; $61,000 for a Bachelor's at the for-profit institution, compared to $36,000 for the same degree at the public college.



^ Kozol, Jonathan. The Shame of the Nation. Three Rivers Press, 2005. See chapter 4 "Preparing Minds for Markets" and others
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^ Gentile, Carmen (March 4, 2010). "School Is Linked To Visa Fraud". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/05/us/05fraud.html. 
^ Ramsey, Ross (2010-07-20). "Private, For-Profit Colleges Under the Microscope Higher Education". The Texas Tribune. http://www.texastribune.org/texas-education/higher-education/private-for-profit-colleges-under-the-microscope/. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
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^ http://www2.ed.gov/offices/OSFAP/defaultmanagement/peps300.zip
^ "For-Profit College Financial Aid, Government Panel - C-SPAN Video Library". C-spanvideo.org. 2010-08-04. http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/294901-1. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
^ http://help.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Pruyn%20Attachments.pdf
^ http://www.accsc.org/Content/CommissionActions/documents/STBCListAugust2010.pdf
^ Lloyd, Marion (2009-12-17). "Inspector General's Warning to Accreditor Raises Fears Among For-Profit Institutions - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education". Chronicle.com. http://chronicle.com/article/Inspector-Generals-Warning-to/63206/. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
^ Anderson, Nick (2010-12-08). "GAO revises its report critical of practices at for-profit schools". The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/07/AR2010120706803.html. 
^ Kevin Kinser, (March 30, 2007). "For-Profit Institutions Need to be Classified, Too". Chronicle of Higher Education 53: B9B10. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ764697.
^ Kozol, Jonathan. The Shame of the Nation. Three Rivers Press, 2005. See chapter 4 "Preparing Minds for Markets" and others
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^ Vasquez, Michael (2011-03-15). "For-profit schools grow - as do complaints - Education". MiamiHerald.com. http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/09/04/1809205/for-profit-schools-grow-as-do.html. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
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^ Ramsey, Ross (2010-07-20). "Private, For-Profit Colleges Under the Microscope Higher Education". The Texas Tribune. http://www.texastribune.org/texas-education/higher-education/private-for-profit-colleges-under-the-microscope/. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
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^ http://help.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Pruyn%20Attachments.pdf
^ http://www.accsc.org/Content/CommissionActions/documents/STBCListAugust2010.pdf
^ Lloyd, Marion (2009-12-17). "Inspector General's Warning to Accreditor Raises Fears Among For-Profit Institutions - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education". Chronicle.com. http://chronicle.com/article/Inspector-Generals-Warning-to/63206/. Retrieved 2011-03-19. 
^ Anderson, Nick (2010-12-08). "GAO revises its report critical of practices at for-profit schools". The Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/07/AR2010120706803.html. 
^ Kevin Kinser, (March 30, 2007). "For-Profit Institutions Need to be Classified, Too". Chronicle of Higher Education 53: B9B10. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/detail?accno=EJ764697.


Here is my supporting data that your school is commiting a fraudulent crime and that I the taxpayer have to pay for it. Furthermore that those who are supposed to represent and protect my freedoms are implicit in the crimes being commited....

which after a huge amount of digression goes back to the point that those representatives are interested in their corruption in stealing taxpayer money and making legal something which in any other similar circumstance would not be...

I hope your laughing at all the references, evidence, reports and other FACTS I bring to the table. And remember this really about experience. I don't really feel like having the "experience" getting f**ked by your BS school when I pay my taxes. So it is relevant. It is important. I do have a viable reason to file this complaint. Your school and it's bretheren are hustlers bilking this country out of billions and leaving entire populations in financial slavery with nothing to show for it... especially not an education!!!

PS- I highly doubt that you are actually a student. Rather, U of P and many of these schools have full time employees to write testimonials and other lies with fake people to bring the overall reviews and rankings up on sites that post all of your BS. So you are an employee. And I'm sure that being an employee you know that you would never waste your money on the place you work because you know its a scam too! ROTFLMFAO.... you gotta figure that one out on your own.

Hope this helped.


San Jose,
The for profit schools bought off the Congress

#5General Comment

Sat, January 14, 2012

The issue of for profit schools was addressed in Congress.  Congress was bought off by for profit trade school representatives.  They were given until 2015 to meet very minimal student loan default requirements.  If you are not working then you can be in an income contigent repayment plan and paying no money with not being considered in default.  The total amount of outstanding student loans exceeds over a $1 Trillion and I suspect that the taxpayer is going to be stuck with close to $500 billion of unpaid student loans.


New York,
comment to reply #1

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, January 12, 2012

I have to disagree with you on this one.  The OP makes an excellent point about how the taxpayers are getting screwed. We have EVERY right to complain and the financial drain of these for-profit schools won't stop until we do.

Look at the student loan default rates of the proprietary schools like UofP, Sanford Brown, ITT, etc, and compare them to the traditional schools. You'll see a big difference. Why? Because the OP is right when he says these schools prey on the poor who have not had the benefit of a good education to prepare them for college. The student gets sucked in by the promise of a rewarding career, only to find out that (a) s/he is not capable of college level work, and/or (b) the education they amassed a huge debt for didn't adequately prepare them for a career.

Students like this are awarded millions of dollars in Pell grants (thanks to our tax dollars) to get what? Not a good education if the reports here and elsewhere are to be believed. Additionally, I would hazard a guess that the completion rates at these schools is far lower than that of traditional schools, so did the student benefit? The credits aren't transferable so his ability to transfer to a traditional school is nil.

I've worked in highed ed all my adult life.  I would never recommend one of these schools to anyone. It just isn't worth it.  Almost every traditional school in the country now has an online program that makes it possible for the working adult to return to school.  It will be far cheaper, and better for the student, for him/her to check out the local community college FIRST to see what the options are.

As a taxpayer, I have no problem with my tax dollars being spent to help those who wish to go to college and improve their career options. But I think someone in congress needs to take a serious look at these schools and determine whether that is the best place for our money to go.


United States of America
Illegal practices?

#7General Comment

Thu, January 12, 2012

Okay so I guess I'm confused as to how this report makes any sense at all. We as taxpayers do not have the right to question what happens with our money when it deals with financial aid. The role you play in the system is so small that it barely dents the surface. The fact is that you slander any type of institution that is online, but you fail to mention any other university which uses the same system of financial aid.

I briefly skimmed your article after you started talking about imprisoning citizens which literally has nothing to do with this case. Since you have not attended the institutions you're attacking I believe you're the last person people should be taking advice from. The fact is that people hear stories and sensationalized rumors and then jump on them to try and correct them. I believe that you have good intent, but it doesn't seem like this is your battle to fight.

Please remember complaints on this site are supposed to be from experiences, not rumors. I am actually a student at the University of Phoenix online, so I just find this report laughable as I hope others will be able to see through it. Take care and have a great day.

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