  • Report:  #768850

Complaint Review: UST Development US Telecom - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Byron - rancho cucamonga, California, U.S.A.

UST Development US Telecom
305 N. Sacramento Ave Internet, 91760 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was hired by Brandon Bell to work for UST Development. I was never paid a single penny. I took UST Development and Brandon Bell to court and sued them for $2500.00. which was the amount owed to me. The court awarded me judgement (it was open and shut case) and I then started trying to collect.

First off Brandon Bell told me that "he had no intention of ever paying me a dime." I had to file an order with the courts compelling him to appear in court with the proper financial documents. These documents were required at the first hearing but Brandon Bell disregarded the court order. At the second hearing date, Brandon Bell failed to appear so I had to file for a bench warrent. The warrent was served and a new court date was scheduled.

At the hearing Brandon appeared again without the court ordered documents but did appear with his brother David Bell. I spoke with them both in the hallway of the courthouse as directed by the judge to try and come to some sort of resolve. The Bell boys told me they had filed bankruptcy both as a company and personally...this should also be a major red flag when considering any involvement with them. They then asked me what it would take to resolve this matter and close it up. At this point it had already been over a year and I was tired...tired of the Bell's, their games and total disregard for anyone else. I can not put into words the hardship not being paid by UST and Brandon Bell put apon me and my family. His should suffer half as much.

I agreed that if UST, Brandon and David Bell would just pay me for the money I was out for all the court filings and service fees, I would go away. The amount was a scant $250. They both agreed and then the REAL fun began. First David Bell told me he would pay me and to just stop by his office later on that day...he wasn't there and the doors were locked. Two days later he finaly returned my calls and said he had to wait until the end of the month when all checks were writen and paid out. On the 3rd day of the next month I contacted David Bell to ask if my check was there. He told me it had showed up but the name on the check was wrong so he hads to send it back but a new check would be issued in the next day or so. Three days later David told me to stop by the office and my money would be waiting for me. I stoped at his office but the guy there said he knew nothing about a check, had never heard of me, and that it was between David Bell and myself. I immediataly called David and was told he forgot to leave the check but he was heading to the office and would call when he arrived so I could then stop by and pick up my money. He never called.

Over the next two weeks I spoke with David Bell several times and each time he apologized for the way things were going and that he was going to be in his office later and would call me...he never called. So I started driving by his office periodically and one day found David there. I parked my car and went into the office where I found a smiling David Bell acting like I was an old friend, he shook my hand and asked me back to his office where he eagerly apologized once again, claimed he was going to make up for my troubles, and proceeded to write me a check in the amount of $300 ($250 for the agreed amount and an extra $50 for my troubles). This check was writen on a UST Development account at Chase Bank. After leaving Davids office I promptly went to the nearest Chase Bank branch and tried to cash the check. The teller said the check was no good. I then called David who informed me that the account was a "something something" ( I dont recall his exact words) accont and I needed to just deposit the check. I deposited the check into my WellsFargo account and "Presto." Three days later the check was returned by my bank unpaid.  I called David Bell and he acted suprised and said he would give me cash and to just bring the check by for a trade. He said he would "be at the office later" and that he would "call me when he arrived." He never called. I called him a few more times and head the same line of B.S. so I quit calling. I went to the police and filed a report since writing a check on a bad account is "Fraud" but the police are understaffed and the amount was to small for the D.A. to really do much about.

I have no doubt David Bell knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote me the check and has done it before. Duringf this whole time I had been leaving Brandon Bell messages but he neve once answered or returned my calls. They are both Liars, a Cheats, and about the most dishonest men I have ever met. These guys would steal from their own mother and then lie to her Priest about it...Stay Away From the Bell Brothers. There are hundreds of honest companies to work for and to employ for services...avoid any company with David Bell or Brandon Bell having any involvement.

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