  • Report:  #757979

Complaint Review: victim Witness Office - lancaster Pennsylvania

Reported By:
amerikan_lady - wrightsville, Pennsylvania, USA

victim Witness Office
50 Norht Duke Street lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Please be aware as to how advocates are treating there victims. My abuser has beaten me severely over the years even in public at the supermarket in broad day light. I was forced by the court to give my abuser rights to visitation with our child even though he attempted to beat me to death with a baseball bat he hit a friend of mine that same incodent causing severe injuries. Mr. Strube (defendant) was charged with multiple counts against his victims one of which was me. I have a no contact order as a result of the baseball bat incodent. This man stalks me sends letters attemptimg to make contact me almost everyday stops regularly at different family members houses looking for me. When I reported these violations to police who was incontact with district attorney craig stedman I was advised that due to the fact that I'm a traumatized victim my credibility was not good enough for them to proceed with prosecuting. Let me also mention 20 years ago the same paul strube beat a man from columbia pa almost to death but since he paid the victim at that time $20,000. restitution and the DA's office who knows how much, now thousands of dollars later and countless dollars to court system Mr. Strube can Rob, beat, commit countless other crimes and he's never held accountable. His trick to the trade is pay the prosecution and keep getting continuances at the state's expence he's had a public defender and the court contiued these latest charges for almost a year and still has the guts to keep contacting me dispite my protective order. I asked victim witness ellen bohlen and Pamela the director to inform me of the case since they failed to notify me of anything. When I spoke to pamel I told her it was disgusting I as a battered victim should even have to call to be informed and to complain about there pathetic services she told me I should not call them again. I requested a boss or alternate office she said she was the director and denied me services. At that time I asked her to put herself in my shoes and how would she feel if this happened to her. This caused her to feel uncomfortable and only she knows what she said but what ever it was the Police who were going to file the ICC charges instructed me that not only would they not file the ICC the DA'a office didn't even have the gut's to call and tell me they had the officer tell me that my case and the other victim's case was being dismissed (with regards to the bat incodent). I called vitim witness office several months ago to do the same thing check the status quo of the case, complain that I wasn't notified and request from that point further to be notified. The responce was they didn'y notify me because it kept getting continued and I didn't have to be there. No excuse not to notify me in my opinion. On the District Attorney's office website they have this saying To not enforce justice is as damaging to society as crime itself what nerve. They should be sued for there lack of services. The district attorney Craig Stedman is an ellected official I've tried repeatedly even through 3rd party to let this man know what and how his office is treating me even he doesnt' have the guts to respond. Yet he's still collecting that sallary for the duty he's failing to uphold. It seems justice is about money not rights. I was arressted in Jan 2007 as was Mr. Strube for a domestic dispute. I also was pregnant at the time. I informed to same district attorneys office I should not be prosecuted as a pregnant victim that already had 2 pfa's at that time against abuser. Even wrote a letter at that time to DA Totoro who's now judge. I got a writted responce stating once a case is scheduled for court they refuse to with drawl charges. They wasted the courts time I was found Not guilty. Here we are 4 years later and the same man who at this point established a clear patteren of abuse is still beating people with bats and the DA'a office has the nerve to drop charges 2 seperate cases multiple counts of assult. Unbelieveable. I want every one to please be aware. If Mr. Strube commits futher acts of violence from this point on I beg a lawyer to impeach or file a motion I'd personally take it door to door to get signatures to have Craig stedman and his little hand picked staff ousted of office. Pleanty of other people would love to have that position who would not allow this to happed and have the decency to at least return a phone call. They also should be held liable. You can't compare apples to orranges but they are still fruit so here's something far worse than my situation but readers consider this: Reiahna Bechtel case. A disturbing example of what happens when the court neglects victims rights. This woman, her child and 2 friends were murdered during a custody exchange the court forced her to have btween her abuser. Same thing as me only I'm fortunate enough to speak about it. When I speak up I'm ignored. I dont want to be another face on the wall but if I am murdered I'll be one less voice the vicitm witness office and district attorneys office will hear.

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