  • Report:  #517357

Complaint Review: VOODOOHEX.COM - Internet

Reported By:
Justic4All - , , USA

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There is a new scammer out there.  VOODOOHEX.COM ensures results.  If anyone knows anything about voodoo or other religions that have "magical powers" they would know that you can't garuntee results.  This website scammer only accepts payment through Western Union and the payments are sent to a different country.  This is a bit suspicious considering he supposedly lives in Louisiana.  Anyways, back to the point.  I hope that anyone researching this spell caster comes across this report and thinks twice before losing their money.  Personally, I am out to help those that can't afford to lose more money.  I hope that you trust what I have said and think long and hard before putting false hope into this website.  Also, "mythralthemystic.com" is the ultimate scam job.  I can only describe it in this way.  Mythralthemystic.com is the daddy and all the posted, "spellcasters of the month", are his children.  Daddy puts down one child and praises the other by inventing fake personas to comment on the forum about how great this "spellcaster" is.  My suggestion, check the IP address and webhoster of all these great spellcasters. 

21 Updates & Rebuttals


Bruce is the one with multiple personality disorder!

#2General Comment

Tue, January 19, 2010

Bruce accused justice4all of creating multiple accounts to slam his website.  But look at how many posts are made by the same person!  Bruce has obviously posted good comments about his site, pretending to be satisfied customers.  But anyone can tell from reading the posts that they were all made by Bruce because of the crappy English!!  Bruce has a screwed up mind and is apparently a stalker too, since he has threatened several people by searching their private info!  He's a freak, and no one should pay any attention to what he says!


baton rouge,
United States of America
Yes he is a scam

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, January 11, 2010

I found Bruce's website by accident and I was stupid enough to believe the posts there, I ordered a spell from Iox the scammer and nothing happened, he stopped answering my mails, I paid $600 for nothing.

stay away from Bruce and Iox they are both liars and scam artists.


United States of America
Honest reviews of Bamboda and others at www.SpellsForum.net

#4General Comment

Wed, December 16, 2009


 Real reviews of Bamboda and other spellcasters from Bruce Smith's blog ( mythralthemystic ) at: http://www.SpellsForum.net

Mythral is a scam

they will get you,
United States of America
Mythral The Mystic - Digging Deep into your Purse!

#5General Comment

Wed, November 11, 2009

Bruce should change his title to " Mythral The Mystic - Digging Deep into your Purse! "
Bruce! Enough is enough!

It is time for the world to reveal who you really are!!! You scammed me four time; once by each of your fake personas. Every time you stole my money you laughed at me!! Tossed me aside and left me and my children broke with false hope.

I can only imagine how many people you scam every second you breath! I guess being a con-artist is your true talent. It pays you well at the sacrifice of others.

You banned my account on Mythralthemystic.com once I posted the truth. Let alone threatening to reveal my personal information online if I contacted the police, or posted my experience on ROR.

I will be contacting my credit card company and getting an immediate refund. I will not run in fear any longer!!!! I encourage others to do the same.

I am a real person and Mythral The Mystic is a scam!

Rest in Peace

United States of America
Mythralthemystic - Professor Bruce Smith is one big scam!

#6General Comment

Mon, November 09, 2009

Wow! You people actually believe Professor Bruce Smith is a real person. HAHAHA!!!!! LOL!!! Nothing like a good stock photo of some guy staring at a CT Scan to have everyone convinced!

Professor Bruce Smith is a scam and the very con-artist portraying himself as those other fake spell casters listed on his blog. The CT Scan has nothing to do with spell casting!

The man behind this site is clearly laughing his a*s off every time he scams you of your money. LOL!!! He takes your money and isn't even the person on the page. Where's another photo? IF this person is soooo real, then Bruce should take another photo of yourself holding a big board up with "Mythralthemystic" written in permanent marker!?

Folks. You are being scammed. When he is not taking your money he is typing up false comments on his blog about others seeing results!

This is your wake-up call! Either open your eyes or continue making this man rich!

I am sure Bruce (aka con-artist) has smile marks on his face from laughing so hard!


Silly People

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, November 07, 2009

I don't normally frequent this site as 95% of the comments are from jilted individuals with nothing better to do with there time.  I do feel it necessary though to question some of the rubbish that has come out in most of these posts.

Ive frequented Mytheralthemystic now for just on a month.  I to have been burnt by dodgy who have used my naivety as a means to take money from me.  However I don't see this from Iox Bamboda.

Iox has been terrific.  Expensive yes, but he has replied to everyone of my emails, and been sincere and up front in all correspondence.  Seriously, who would actually say 'I don't like people wasting my time and I wont waste yours'  The Ive used previously have been very quick to take my money, but when nothing works, are the ones that don't reply or once you have paid refuse to answer your emails.  Iox has never done this and has replied to around 30 emails I have sent him even after my.
I also notice that each individual case is different.  are different, costs are different etc etc.  If he actually was a scam, wouldn't everything be exactly the same?
I'm not sure what to take from Bruce's website and if the testimonials on there are actually true or not.  But to me they do seem like legitimate people.
My cast was 11 days ago and I have seen results from it that are unexplainable.  Only small things but I have still seen results.  I don't believe that this was just fate.  Not in my situation anyway.

To everyone questioning or defaming Iox Bamboda, I have just one question to you.  have you actually used his services?
It seems there is a lot of skeptical people in this world.  Thats fine.  But don't push your narrow, one minded beliefs onto others.  Miracles do happen.  Things happen that are unexplainable and there is no doubt in my mind that there are forces well beyond what the average human will ever understand.

Oh and I am a real person. 


United Kingdom
i laughed too

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, November 06, 2009

i am sad and happy about this post. i hate seeing that they threatened the poster because i got an email too, threatening me. and then i got an apology saying the person who posted it admitted it. that is really funny that they are so scared and so fake that they say they will post all the information. when i got his email i did not care. i thought to myself. she knows i want her back. she knows i am desperate for her to come home. i have nothing to hide except for being scammed by this freak.
i hope that the poster is still reading these comments and knows they good deed by allowing people to start using their voice. i hate that this poster folded. do not be scared of those peoples threats. come back and stand up for yourself. we all know they are fake. and the professor's attempt to save his reputation is just sad. what a loser. guess he won't be seeing the pearly gates.



#9General Comment

Thu, November 05, 2009

Your the one who wrote it.  Either way, your still a joke.  Why not get a real job instead of fleecing the weak minded out of their money?  Anyone with any sense knows there is no such thing as what you claim to be, and unfortunately people who are in a bad spot come to you under the impression you care.  Thats a shame on all levels.  You make money off of other peoples weaknesses and how you can justify that is beyond me.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  Man-up and get a real job.  Does your Mama know what your doing?


United Kingdom
It fun to see how some people are narrow-minded.

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, November 05, 2009

To the poster: Christiana

I am glad I can humour you with my post. Maybe it is because you are narrow-minded and you come from another part of the world.. maybe... And maybe because in the heat of the moment I used a internal word I use with fellow colleagues. Anyone who has a brain can understand that it is "

May I ask why you roam the ripoff like a lost soul seeking attention? It is clear you have nothing to do with this subject.

If you by any chance has to do with this then you have reached an all time low. You have nothing to add so you start finding flaws in the words.. Sad to see. 



#11Author of original report

Tue, November 03, 2009

I made a mistake.  I have not purchased a spell from Bamboda.  I hope all of you who use his services the best.  I will not be back on here.  I am done.



#12Author of original report

Tue, November 03, 2009

"Made a Mistake"


Good advice

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009

Yes professor :-)

Stick to the truth is very good advice.  Let's see if you can stick to the truth and actually admit that spell casting, voodoo et. al. are pure unadulterated fraud.  Pure and simple fraud, nothing else.

I hope you do but I sure won't hold my breath, you are all too interested in suckering poor ignorant people out of their money to admit how dishonest you are.  I know it and so do you!

As for the OP, you should know better.  Please keep your money and deal with problems yourself.  At least you have a chance of success.





#14Author of original report

Tue, November 03, 2009

Look at the people who are commenting and take note to those who constantly defend and praise the spellcaster for their results.  I know a handful of people who have been blocked from the site due to their negative comments about the spellcaster after using his services.  His spells don't work, he is not real, but his threats are.  As he is currently threatening my friend and says he doesn't care about lawyers (because he is a scammer and by the time the law gets involved his website will be closed).  Says he will post all of her private information and emails all over the net.  Very mature for a legit spellcaster, don't you think.  I told him that this can one of two ways.  I will stop posting anything about him if he leaves her alone and refrains from posting her private wishes and information on the net.  I also told him if he posts her emails, I will post all of his emails that threaten her.  I hope this helps anyone who is interested in using his services.  Hopefully, he will stop being immature and bullying her and all of this will stop.  We shall see though. 



#15Author of original report

Tue, November 03, 2009

Yes, I am accurate.  I actually have confirmation from a couple of other people who were receiving threatening messages due to this post.  They all work together.  Please be smart and seek out a book to help yourself cast your own spells.  These people will just take your money.  Remember to never trust when people want to have you pay through western union.  Also, remember that if they were legit they wouldn't threaten to expose all of peoples personal emails and pictures on the internet.  Not a way to gain clients trust.  I hope this helps you. 


Almost made myself sick from laughing so hard

#16General Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009

"You are defragmenting me here on this site and you think it's ok.. I DEMAND AN APOLOGY!"--------HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Defragmenting??!! 

defragmentation is a process that reduces the amount of fragmentation in file systems.

Dude, you are a joke.  And an EXPERT at something as well?  Give me a break.   YOU should be the one to give an apology, for coming on here and sounding like a fool. 

"I am sure no one here are stupid enough to take justice4all's slander serious. Because slander is illegal and believing it makes you a felony to this aweful crime!"

And what box of cereal did you earn your law degree from? 

Anyway, thanks for the laugh this morning.  You are a joke. 


United States of America
you never used these services!

#17General Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009


mytral is a legit blog, I ve been reading it for months and I always find positives and negatives comments .

From your words, I can see you never used vodoo hex nor any of the other sites. You should be ashamed, you think you "help" people while the only thing you do is to play to be a detective. I ve checked the IPs of the websites and they are all different. I ve contacted other users of mytral blog and they are all happy and trust bruce.

So , come on... who are you? maybe a bloody competitor of the good spellcasters?? maybe the spellcaster that got a bad review by bruce??

I recommend you edit this post and the other ones you made!!!



United States of America
I am a user of the blog

#18General Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009


mytral is a legit blog, I ve been reading it for months and I always post positives and negatives comments with no problems, moreover I have purchased spell to two of the spellcasters discussed there, and I have got results of one of them and waiting for the other.
From your words, I can see you never used vodoo hex nor any of the other sites. You should be ashamed, you think you "help" people while the only thing you do is to play to be a detective. I ve checked the IPs of the websites and they are all different. I ve contacted other users of mytral blog and they are all happy and trust bruce. so come on... who are you? maybe a bloody competitor of the good spellcasters?? maybe the spellcaster that got a bad review by bruce??

I recommend you edit this post and the other ones you made!!!



twisted mind?

#19Consumer Comment

Tue, November 03, 2009

You know as well as I do that you are 100% fraud. 

you are stealing these peoples money and you should be ashamed of youself.  Spell casters are something you read about in silly childrens fairy tales.

Get a real job!



United Kingdom
Stick to the truth

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 02, 2009

This person, justice4all, come to my site 2 weeks ago and was already mindset that my blog was a lie and I were involved with the spell casters I have presented on my blog.. I explained it all very thouroughly so he/she would understand that I simpley presented them on my blog and then people who REALLY had used them would post their reviews, comments or concerns. This was easier said than done!

I spotted justice4all as the first person who made multiple accounts with multiple personality dissorder. I do not know what else to call it... Justice4all posted "normal" and nice posts as "Windsong" and scam accusation as "doctor". What else could I do than to ban this person? I even emailed him/her and confronted this strange behaviour. I only got hatred and lies back. I tried to be friendly and sort this out but now she/he is here posting the lies instead.

I do not care about Mr.Bamboda's reputation. That is for him to defend but I do not like being called a scammer.

You are defragmenting me here on this site and you think it's ok.. I DEMAND AN APOLOGY! Who made you the judge and jury? Who made you the expert?

Justice4all accusess these sites and me to be affiliated because it has the same host... BUT THE SITE DO NOT HAVE THE SAME HOST!!! SO WHY IS THIS PERSON MAKING UP THESE LIES???

As an expert in my field of social science, I would say that we are dealing with a twisted mind that either is an old client of some other spell casters and been failing with getting their lover back, and now is vengenous towards anyone saying they cast spells. My other option is that justice4all is a competitor of these sites. Justice4all wants to ruin these sites reputastion with lies to benefit from it.

I am sure no one here are stupid enough to take justice4all's slander serious. Because slander is illegal and believing it makes you a felony to this aweful crime!

//Professor Bruce Smith



#21Consumer Comment

Mon, November 02, 2009

They all are! There is no such thing as a "psychic", "spellcaster", "witch" etc etc

Stop throwing your money away and spend what you have on yourself!! These people are nothing more than frauds and scammers who lure you in with their lies!



United States of America
Are you accurate

#22Consumer Comment

Mon, November 02, 2009


Thank you for your report. I am a consumer wanting to know the truth about this spellcaster service. I am wondering if you have actually used any of their spells and whether it has not worked for you or know anyone who had or had gotten ripped off. Becasue then i would know ur report is based on experience and not just made up.

How do you know this spellcaster is a fraud if you havent used their services? I am only looking for the truth so i can make an informed decision about voodoohex.com

and also whether to trust mythralthemystic reviews. please respond and let me know. thank you kindly

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