  • Report:  #587923

Complaint Review: WADE KENISTON - Internet

Reported By:
Marti - Columbia, South Carolina, United States of America

PHOENIX Arizona 85078 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was contacted by a person who claimed to be calling from American Handicap and Disability Workshop. I have received calls from this person for several years and have always told them, I am not interested. My caller ID indicates they call my telephone number three times a day.

The last call pitching a rip off was a man who asked me to please make a donation to this org for the payroll of Handicapped workers. In return I would receive some complementary lightbulbs. I told the caller I was not interested. The caller was arrogrant, pushy and rude.

Several days later I received a small box which I did not order. I gave this box back to my Postman with return to sender on box.

In the meantime I am receiving calls from 248-292-0861 five times a day, per my caller ID.

I started receiving flaming red post cards telling me I owed them 100 dollars and was past due.

Last week I finally answered their call. The woman told me that I had a debt with them and I needed to pay up or they would continue to call me  until I paid. I ask, pay for what? And she said the Lightbulbs. I told her I returned the light bulbs and did not order them. She called me a liar and told me I had to pay them or else. She told me a supervisor confirmed the orginal call and verified that I had agreed to pay them a donation. This is utterly false. I realize then I was speaking to a criminal. This woman was rude and yelled at me. I told her I was on the Do not call list and to stop calling me. She told me it was prefectly legal for her to call me. I ended the conversation.

Today they called again and said I could stop all the calls if I would give them my checking account number so they could draft my checking account. I told her No, I was not giving her my banking information. I ask her for an address and I would send her a check. My goal was to get the mailing address to link up with the bills they were sending. She told me a check could get lost in the mail and never be properly credited to my account. She insisted I give her my banking information.


The address she gave was: PO BOX 55750, Phonex, Arizona 85078.

I then told her the company she worked for was operated by a convicted felon and he was a criminal. I told her she was a criminal and this would all be turned over to the FBI and the State for investigation and prosecution.


That process is well on it's way.


I urge everyone who has been criminally harrassed by this group of thugs to report them to the FBI and State Consumer Authorties.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

royally screwed

United States of America
Wade You need to stop your lies

#2General Comment

Fri, April 22, 2011

I used to be an employee of his and his companies are ahbw and handi team . his whole operation is rediculous he has perfectly healthy employees working there claiming to be handicapped veterans or battered women. Wade just own up to your BS grow up and admit it. i would be more than willing to testify in court against wade and his operation. i didn't partake in any of the sale while working there i just observed everything from people stealing information from that place and numerous other things.

Wade Keniston

Dear Mr. Worst Nightmare

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 11, 2010

After conversing with an attorney that attends my church this morning, I've come to realize that this is all a simple misunderstanding. I googled the PO Box 55750 in Phoenix AZ and American Handicapped came up with a phone number of 480-948-0858. I advise you to call this number and ask who the owner is. Give them your imformation and explain that you will not pay a bill for something you never ordered. Their Marti, I cleared things up concerning my companies name.


Wade Keniston President Of AHBW

Wade Keniston

Whoever you are- you must have a screw loose if you can't find the google toolbar on your computer to type AHDW Michigan Smart Guy.!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 11, 2010

Yeah I also just want to point out how stupid this whole thing is after more research by my attorney and I.  This guy that calls himself Marti from the city of Colombia South carolina , who has accussed me now of killing my wife of 8 years hasn't even had the intelligence to get his Google tool Bar out on his computer, and type in the simple words AHDW MICHIGAN. If you do that Marti, you'll find out that their's like 6,760 postings related to that company in Michigan. Not one mentions my name like you claim Smart Guy. I'm begining to doubt that you're a true american, if you can't put two and two together. Do you have an American Birth Certificate? If you had any desire to find out who owns that company called AHDW, I'm sure you'll find it somewhere amongst these Google postings Smart Guy. I don't even want the pleasure of hearing you squirm on the other end of the phone line when you hear the truth and I put your mockery to shame. I gave you my number on that last email, but now I  don't want you to bother calling me. Gosh Marti why don't you go on the real site for AHDW called "who calls me" and see what other people are saying about the "real" owner of the company. You have the audacity to threaten me at the end of your last message that your going to hurt me. Come down to Arizona, call me, and we'll sit down over lunch to discuss your true intentions. I'll even pay for your airline ticket today Marti! You lie on this Ripoff Report crap to the point of calling me a murderer! Who do you think you are? You're probably not even an American with that kind of a character display. If you are from this country you'd realize you're barking up the wrong tree.

Your imformation is totally false like most of this Ripoff Report Garbage happens to be. I'm begining to think you may be an old College/Highschoool Teacher trying to play a joke on me. Then again you've said some things that have shown your true demeanor. You obviously like to slander people for no reason, so yes if I find out who you are before you knock this nonsense off, I will be taking legal action against you Marti for slandering me, and my business. And trust me you are slandering me with nonsense. Just because my business name has a few similarities in sound to the one that you bought $108.00 worth of pink lightbulbs from called AHDW, doesn't give you the right to slander me.

Gosh this company your so mad at has multiple offices in Michigan- Dearborn, Pontiac I think South Carolina was even mentioned as a office site. I couldn't ever afford the cost of owning a big company like that.

Oh and the complaints against AHDW are astronomical according to the google toolbar that you obviously haven't found yet Marti. I'm proud to say this complaint from you  is the first one AHBW has had, and of course it's NOT TRUE because it doesn't even refer to a company that I own Smart Guy.

Oh and the convicted felon thing is wrong too Marti. My D.U.I. was dropped to a class 5 misdemeanor offense like all first time offenders D.U.I.s drop to. I made the mistake of drinking and driving at around age 30. I don't drink anymore because I'm not ever going to put myself in that type of situation again.

And your last statement of me telling my employees to take no for an answer. HAHA that's my phylosophy in this business and thats why I have no real complaints Smart Guy. We take no for an answer on %90 of our calls. That's why this business is so tough, yet can be so rewarding. Also if you don't have anything else of intelligence to say, I'm not going to respond to your degrading remarks. You must like picking on the disadvantaged people, instead of helping them.

I mean telling a guy that broke his pelvis in 6 spots in a car accident(me) that I'm a liar, that your going to hurt me, and that I own a company of which I have no affiliation with is just plain ignorant and Dim-Wiited. I hope to learn your true name and number sometime real soon Marti so I can buy you a ticket to Arizona, and we can have a manly discussion about who AHDW is, and why we're of no affiliation to them like I've proved now.

P.S. If a customer sends products back to my company we immediately zero out the account so they owe nothing, or refund them and put them on our Do Not Call list. See I have a differant company Marti than your dealing with.

Wade Keniston

You sure have alot of time on your hands Sir to make such idiotic comments!

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, April 11, 2010

OK I guess I hit some box that classified me as the owner of AHDW on accident last night. Wade Keniston(me) does not own the company AHDW. I own a company for abused and battered women called A.H.B.W. So your wrong again Sir! Why dont you leave your first and last name, and phone number on this report so we can talk this weekend and resolve this matter like real men would do. My phone number is area code (602)741-9334. I'm about 2200 miles from Michigan by the way where your real battle lies ahead. Now your accusing me of killing someone with a car! That's about as LOW as a person can go on this wicked and communist website. But then again its the internet, and until someone can invent a True Ripoff Report based totally upon FACTS and not MYTHS, you are so wrong again kid for the way you've slandered me. I got my First and Last D.U.I. about 6 years ago. I blew one tenth over the legal limit for low intoxification. I was a block from home, and ran into a tree at 30 mph. My fiance(WIFE NOW) got hurt in the accident, but had a full recovery within weeks. She didn't die. She'd run circles around you young man. I now choose to keep alcohol out of my life for good. After the accident at 1am our time I must admit that I ran down the street a maximum of two, maybe 3 houses banging on doors for help, ONLY because my phone was not on me at the time to call for an ambulance. I was charged initially with leaving the seen of an accident, which the judge dismissed of course because it made sense to dismiss it when all the evidence came up in the courtroom. The other charge was called endangerment because my fiance(WIFE NOW) got hurt in the accident, and had to go to the emergency room. It was my first D.U.I. so I had to do a day in jail which was aweful, and ultimately the experience changed my life so much that I was able to get off this thing called probation at half time because of my SUPERB behavior. So your telling stories like the rest of these ripoff report people that don't have true facts in line, and going to the lowest point possible where you call me a MURDERER which is untrue liar. You should be ashamed of yourself, and nowhere on the internet does it state that bologna. As far as my statement about lawyers went last night young man, I was reffering to getting a lawyer to somehow remove this nonsense about me on this rediculous Web Site RipOff Report, which very well could be run by Satan himself if you think about it. Even Walmart has close to 800 reports on this website, and Walmarts my favorite store to shop in for an obvious reason-The Economy in the US sucks.  Now I know you have a computer young man, or a cell phone that will allow you to check your messages. When I give you this truthful imformation about AHDW "the company that REALLY did wrong you by sending you unordered merchandise to the point of you making a real big horse's butt out of yourself towards me", I do expect a full apology from you for your mistake, and false accusations about me supposably murdering my wife of eight years now. If your a real man, and not just some bored kid trying to cause mischief you'll realize that you have made a REAL BIG mistake here. I looked up the Arizona Corperate Commision's imformation about the company AHDW, after I wrote you back last night. It took me less than 30 seconds to find the truth your looking for. Oh by the way, I must have checked some box last night stating I owned that company your upset with called AHDW instead of the box that said my name or AHBW I guess. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that's the reason for you still thinking I own that company that started all this nonsense to begin with. After doing a little digging it turns out that a man named Mark Lochhead based out of Arizona at 505 N Central Ave owns AHDW. He's owned it supposably since 12/23/2005. Maybe that explains how at the begining of your story you commented that this AHDW has been calling for years. I own AHBW which is a totally differant, smaller company that only consists of two people. AHBW has been in business for about nine months. Oh and I forgot to ask you the majic question "How can two people in the state of Arizona afford to fly to Michigan every day so they can supposably call you five times a day from a (248) area code about an item or parcel of lightbulbs worth I think you said $100.00. Your just mad because you didn't order whatever AHDW is calling you about. Hey I do want you to call my cell phone this weekend and leave me a message stating an apology for leaving extremely hurtful statements against an innocent guy , stating that your being really ignorant oh and I forgot to add immature, and that this mistake has nothing to do with meWADE KENISTON or AHBW. I'm the type of guy that goes to my Baptiste Church every weekend, so I won't./can't use any profanity on a website. So go ahead and call my cell phone when you read this waste of time rebuttle that has absolutely nothing to do with me WADE KENISTON or my company AHBW. If your a real man with integrity, you'll clear this nonsense up, and maybe even get a few pointers from me on how to handle things like this that your up against. Oh I found out something else about the offices in Michigan, but lets see if YOUR a real man and will even call, or if this is just a prank like most things on Ripoff Report are. If I don't here from you by tommorow night I'll just figure you found out the truth about the company AHDW, and you dont want to talk any more nonsense which does make you look foolish and immature once again.


Wade Keniston  President A.H.B.W


South Carolina,
United States of America
American Handicap and Disability Workshop-AHDW-Wade Keniston

#6Author of original report

Sat, April 10, 2010

Update on the criminal harrassment and extortion attempts by American Handicap and Disability Workshop owned and operated by Wade Keniston.  

Wade Keniston is a convicted felon in the State of Arizona according to public court record where he was in a hit and run fatality while driving under the influence. He killed someone with his car and left the scene. This proves his character.

His discharge from probation was May 2, 2006. Case Number CR2004-127577-001 Maricopa County Judicial Court.

SInce my last report I have received a bill in the mail in a Pink envelope telling me I have to pay them 108.00 or they are turning me over to a collection agency.

I have received 12 calls from them since Monday, none that I answered.

The last time I spoke to the woman who called she insisted I give her my checking account information so she could draft my account. Can you believe that!

These people contacted me and asked me to donate to their charity to help pay the payroll of the handicapped workers. In return I would receive complimentary light bulbs. As I said before, I did not agree to donate a dime, no supervisor ever called me to verify I agreed to send them money, and I returned their unwanted 108 dollar light bulbs. 

Wade Keniston claims he is not the owner and operator of this company when I know for a fact he is. 

It would have been very simple for Wade to tell his workers to stop harrassing people and accept No for an answer. This is where the ..They are criminals..comes in. That is what they are. They prey on the elderly and harrass people so bad some apparently give them their checking account information.

This guy is running a non profit yet he is acting like he is a profit collection agency and threatening people who commit to making a donation, not a purchase!

Mr. Keniston, you have met your worst nightmare. Go ahead and talk to your lawyer, you are going to need one after I get finished with you. YOU ARE A CRIMINAL, PERIOD!  Your days of robbing people are just about OVER.

Have a nice day, Loser.


Wade Keniston

faulty accusations about Wade Kensiton and AHBW

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, April 10, 2010

Please do not affiliate Wade Keniston with this other group your having problems with. I have a company called A.H.B.W. It stands for American Handicapped and Battered Women. We run a honest For-Profit company with my average order being $60.00 or so this year.

1. My company makes sure to double verify each and every order/sale so it's impossible for things like this to happen with faulty deliveries. I've heard that the verifier at AHDW gets paid for every order on his board so possibly they are sending out unordered merchandise, which is wrong as far as the penal codes go.

2. We do not send out postcards or remimders when someone forgets to pay a bill. We generally give the customer a courtesy call if they forget to pay for something. If their are Ever Any Problems, we ALWAYS put the Customer that has problems paying on our Do Not Call list, and tell them to keep the merchandise as our free gift.

3. We are not affiliated with any such phone number (248)-292-0861.

4. We have no such address in Phoenix of PO Box 55750 with a zipcode of 85078.

5. AHDW is a totally seperate organization that I believe has three offices in the state of Michigan, and one off of Cave Creek rd in Phoenix Arizona. The (248) area code is used only around the Pontiac City MI., or Oakland County Michigan Area Sir.

 So I don't know where your pulling the name Wade Keniston out from your hat with a (248) area code, but this is proof that Ripoff Report is total nonsense with the accusations put up about Wade Keniston. Sir you do owe me an apology for talking such nonsense. You can reach me at 602-741-9334. If I don't answer that means I'm extremely busy, so leave a message with your phone number, and I'll gladly get back to you shortly.  My company A.H.B.W. hasn't been around for years like you claim here in your letter. We've been open around nine months now. I know in my heart that your meaning to direct this anomosity at the company called AHDW. Please respond right away upon reciept of this email so we can resolove whatever problem(s) you still have. Maybe I can assist you after an apology. Once again Wade Keniston is affiliated with A.H.B.W. Another person owns A.H.D.W. I'll explain when you call. Oh, and by the way on Jan 1st of 2010, I made an corperate strategy to make all my customers prepay for their orders with their Credit Card. Collections were so terrible for products ordered on the honor system last year in general that I was forced to make that rule. So it's impossible for us to have sent you lightbulbs this year with a bill in the box. This is the second or third false allegation about me, and my companies on Ripoff Report within the past twelve months. I'll be speaking to some of my attorneys on Monday afternoon about getting this stuff taken off the internet. This just goes to show that you can find anything that's untrue on the internet. Please have your facts in order before you say something completely untrue, because you may have to take it back. And what's this convicted Felon stuff all about. I haven't even had so much as a speeding ticket over the past seven years. I think some prior felons may work at AHDW, so get your facts straight again before you say something that may hurt another's feelings.

Sincerely  Wade Keniston President of A.H.B.W.


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