  • Report:  #824962

Complaint Review: Walgreens Inc. - Internet

Reported By:
Julie - Wonderlake, Illinois, U.S.A.

Walgreens Inc.
60050 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
30 Updates & Rebuttals

I am the law

Chuckle, chuckle, laugh, laugh...

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 28, 2012

Can you say "frivolous lawsuit"?

I have to ask the OP... Do you honestly think that a rapist can't just follow you home without your address being overheard?

Southern Chemical and Equipment LLC

Makes me wonder what type of Meds this person is getting!!

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, February 21, 2012

I just have to stop and wonder what sort of meds this person is getting at Walgreens, and also wonder if in-patient treatment wouldn't be more suitable.

There is no "rip off" here.

The OP is simply CRAZY!!

Real simple.

Move your prescription somewhere else, OR, even better yet, sign up for the pharmacy by mail program. You may even get a discount, as most insurance companies give a discount if you will take a 90 supply of generics by mail.

Either way, the original claims that were made here were nothing short of crazy.

Get a grip!


United States of America
Crazy Cakes

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, February 21, 2012

I have used Walgreens several times in the past, and I have worked in a pharmacy before. (A mom and pop place, they asked for addresses too) I've been witness to people handing them an ID or giving a date of birth if they were not comfortable with saying their address. Really, it's not that big of a deal. Do you have some sort of sexual trauma in your past that this is the first place your mind goes too? Also, are you Julie or are you Ralph? Are you a split personality combo?

If you had a profile with them, then you would have had to give them your information at some point anyway, was that setting you up to be raped? Unless you had a prescription with all that information on it, and even then, they would still have to verify it was correct, it seems like you are grasping at straws.

Seriously, you are coming across as insane. What did you scream it out across the room or something? Do you have no volume control over your voice? If you are that uncomfortable go somewhere else and stop spewing your crazy all over the place.

Please get some help if this is the first place your mind goes when your asked for your address, no one is setting people up to be raped, that is the stupidest thing I've heard in a very long time.


Does anybody remember...?

#5General Comment

Mon, February 13, 2012

Remember that guy who posted here about the tow truck company and then he accused all of us of actually being the owner of that company? Yeah, that guy was funnier than the author of this report. That said, why do so many foolish people automatically adopt the logical fallacy that people who disagree with a report must be from the company in question?


Psychology 101

#6Author of original report

Mon, February 13, 2012

      Anyone reading these responses can easily tell thee "ANGER" that is coming out of these people.....an obvious tell tale sign they have been paid by Walgreens to respond.....know someone personally affiliated with Walgreens......own stock......or make their living as "salesmen and women" to the pharmacutical companies or 1 more thing.....just plain and simple trailer trash with no sense of the slightest comprehension of "What" the original question and comment was.....such a shame!


United States of America
LOL You are out of your mind...

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 13, 2012

It's hilarious to me that you think the ONLY people on the planet that could possibly disagree with you are those that would represent Walgreens.  Funny, according to your logic, no one but Walgreens employees or representatives have taken the time to respond to you... yet with all your sound logic, not one person has backed you up.  So, they must ALL be working for WG.  Apparently, not one non-WG-rep has perused this forum yet.  But as soon as one does, they'll DEFINITELY back you up, right??  HAHAHAHAHA

Let me assure you, not one person responding here is from WG.  You do sound crazy, and hysterical and paranoid.  Rip-Off Report, you seriously need to remove this entire post from this site.  The title is insane and terribly slanderous.  Not that I advocate for evil corporations like Walgreens, but this is straight up wrong by anyone's standards.  

Bottom line... you sound like a crazy person, and every single person that's read your post agrees.  It's one thing to be cautious, and yeah, saying something like, "I'm not comfortable giving my address at the drive through at Walgreens... who knows what kind of crazies are out there!" isn't so bad... screaming RAPE at the mention of an address is a whole different issue, and makes YOU the crazy in the first scenario.  Let me confirm my point in case you weren't following... you sound crazy. 

Undeniably, indisputably, irrevocably crazy.  Paranoid. Hysterical. Full of nonsense. And for the record, the previous poster was right on the money... rape has nothing to do with looks, moron. Get over yourself.  You walk around thinking you're pretty... so pretty that everyone wants to rape you.  ROFL this is priceless... I can't stop laughing!  hahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahaha


United States of America

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2012

By your logic, any way sense or form of giving out your address will indicate rape.

Then heaven forbid you EVER tell ANYONE your name out in PUBLIC anywhere! Ever heard of a phone book? Most people's addresses are listed in a phone book and OH MY GOSH! Don't ever say your name! They may look it up, go to your house, and RAPE YOU!

Please, get a life. If it bothers you that much to tell your address at Walgreens, PAY THE HIGHER PRICE AT A DIFFERENT PHARMACY. Heaven forbid you risk getting raped -rolls eyes-.

If you actually thought your comment through, you would see how ignorant it is. Your name and your address are in more convenient places than just what you mentioned. Get a life. Get over it... you are probably just sue happy and want money and are grabbing at any little thing you can.


Union Grove,
United States of America
All righty then!!!

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, January 30, 2012

Hmmm...seeing as I'm familiar with Wonder Lake you most likely are speaking of the Walgreens in McHenry.  I HIGHLY doubt that many rapists hang in the pharmacy area there and have never seen anything in the newspaper that this is becoming a problem.

I would suggest that you go back on the medication that you were at Walgreens trying to get, maybe go to another pharmacy but please do report back if you do so that I can avoid that one.  But then again it could prove to be pretty entertaining...


You are an 11

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

...on the Paranoia scale and well beyond any reasonable thought process.

So let's go with the unreasonable and look at the "numbers".

What "IF", hypothetically speaking someone at a walgreens overhears your address and 2,3,4, days later or even a month later breaks into your home and hurts you or a loved one?!
- According to Walgreens there is about 7,700 Walgreens pharmacies.  Lets give them an average per store of 6 customers per hour and they are open 8 hours per day.   This gives them about 369,600 customers PER DAY.   This number is undoubtably low because there are several stores that are open 24 hours/day, and many will have more than 6 customers an hour.

But even with this low-ball number in the millions of customers per month can you provide proof of even ONE incident where a person was raped because they spoke their address in a Walgreens pharmacy?

While you are at it can you provide proof that that same Walgreens Pharmacy refused allowing the person to show their ID or write their address down.


Oh, come on.

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

I've been raped a few times by men that have learned of my address via the Walgreens system, and you don't see me posting a ripoff report. The rapes are inconvenient (and a little painful, given that I am a guy), but that's life. 



#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

There have been several suggestion for you to avoid 'screaming' out your address.

1. Go somewhere else

2.  Go inside and whisper it in their ear.

3. Write your address on something - if you don't have a pencil or anything with your address on it, make a nice neat card with your address clearly printed on it and have it laminated and carry it around with you.  This is not a security issue because it has less on it than your drivers license.

4. Quit being so paranoid.

The solutions are so easy and obvious that it's hard to believe you didn't think of them yourself.  Any of these should greatly relieve your anxiety level.



#13Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

There have been several suggestion for you to avoid 'screaming' out your address.

1. Go somewhere else

2.  Go inside and whisper it in their ear.

3. Write your address on something - if you don't have a pencil or anything with your address on it, make a nice neat card with your address clearly printed on it and have it laminated and carry it around with you.  This is not a security issue because it has less on it than your drivers license.

4. Quit being so paranoid.

The solutions are so easy and obvious that it's hard to believe you didn't think of them yourself.  Any of these should greatly relieve your anxiety level.


North Carolina,
United States of America
Rapist facts

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

It's a proven fact that most rapists use Express Scripts for their prescriptions, therefore your chances of encountering one at Walgreens are slim to none, since the 2 companies no longer do business together.


Gee I never thought of that..

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

Go to a pharmacy where there are sick people needing drugs and look for pretty girls to rape.  It has been my experience that most women that say they're pretty are not, just fat girls trying to bolster their own self esteem.



#16Consumer Comment

Mon, January 23, 2012

Ralph, Julie or whoever you are it is HIPAA - I suggest you look it up moron.  And NO I am not a Walgreens  employee so start taking your meds and get your head outta your a**. 


Take two!

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, January 22, 2012

Whack Job- Please follow your prescription, Take two pills and call the local mental ward in the AM.

I can proudly say that I do not mind in the least having my tax dollars used to keep you locked up and treated. you are truly Ill of mind and spirit. PLease get help, that is the only way us Civilians can feel safe. There is a creepy/paranoia/ everyone is out to get you mentality that needs to be put to rest.

Get help...and not from this board. From a Doctor who specializes in treating your illness....sick sick sick you are.



#18Author of original report

Sun, January 22, 2012

Both my husband and I are astounded at the number of Walgreens employees that are responding to this query! Sorry I made my rebuttal thru my husbands account! LOL  What's more amazing is that trying to PREVENT anything from happening to ANYONE for the common good will not work if those that cannot read and are obviously uneducated would have this sort of an impact. It just shows how stupid and ignorant the general public really is. Never have I ever seen such a response to a company that practices in civil right violations thats giving it out like its candy.

If this isn't going to work, then let me pose a question to all of you that have so nicely responded and defended a sorry a*s sack of s**t of a company and fought so hard to protect their reputation: What "IF", hypothetically speaking someone at a walgreens overhears your address and 2,3,4, days later or even a month later breaks into your home and hurts you or a loved one?! What would you do then if you figured out it was a person that was in the walgreens at the time you or your loved one had to verbally give out the address for a stinking prescription? WELL? Please, stick to the question at hand and quit drifting off into space like in those other responses.

The same as drunk driving....How many people had to lose their lives before our federal government had to step in and majorly change the laws as "Preventative Medicine" to protect us? How many children had to shoot themselves and others before anyone stepped in and did some major re-adjusting to the laws to PREVENT this from happening? Besides, I never once mentioned ANYTHING about any LAWS regarding walgreens in my original FREE SPEECH comment, I spoke about POLICY! It's when company policies become unbearable to the common good that LAWS are written and enacted when the company REFUSES to change their policy. This is why our country is so inundated with stupid and nonsense LAWS in our justice system. 

In todays world of super electronic communication and information AND privacy laws one would think that walgreens would change this policy to those stupid enough to scream out their addresses. ID theft is a very serious virus in this and other countries! Period! A predator is a predator in MANY forms and if all of you could read I wouldn't have to capitalize thee important words here to get you lame asses to understand. But like a bunch of juveniles, you defend something you know nothing about. I wish I could take my s**t somewhere else but my insurance will not let me for that 1 script because walgreens is the only one that carry's it for that price. My pharmacy is Walmart. Walmart has it's own problems but when it comes to privacy laws they are right on the money. First, they don't back you up against each other in line so your info stays private. They ask for a birthdate, not where do you live (and if you don't answer they don't REFUSE your life saving meds!). Hippa Laws are in place for privacy and confidentiality and any Attorney we have spoken to AGREES!

I bet an investigation into all these brainless uneducated responses we have recieved will reveal that ALL of you have been put up by the company in some way to make this a fiasco. One day someone, maybe one of you or someone you know, will be dead because of this policy and then all of you will be looking back at HOW STUPID all of this rhetoric was and how ignorant all of you really are.

So to all you ignorants out there, answer the question we posed to you earlier and stick to THAT subject! What would YOU say to walgreens if this happened to you? FYI: We have taken the liberty to ask several police officers what they think of this and they see it as a VERY POTENTIAL PROBLEM. Do NOT give out your address to anyone when out in public for any reason just because someone asked you to! This will drastically reduce your chances of being assaulted and worse if a serial rapist or killer has a prescription and likes what he or she sees!

I've said it before and I will say it again. Walgreens needs to change their company policy regarding this matter to protect the public and its customers or they will be looking into going out of business! I will only respond to educated responses from now on so this might be the last time this subject will be on my table, I'm guessing!?



#19Consumer Comment

Sun, January 22, 2012

Got many prescriptions filled at Walgreens and never did a Bugged Eyed, Drooling Rapist come to my home whatever your name is.  I have worked with victims of DV, SA and other violent crimes and most of the clients KNEW who their perps were. 

Rape is not the victim "being attractive" it is about power and control PERIOD!  I suggest you grow and up get a life. Oh and good luck on the Class Action because there will be no suit.  Written National Apology!!! AHAHAH


United States of America
revise prescription

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, January 22, 2012

When next the Poster goes for a medical evaluation that includes a prescription I would suggest something to alleviate the paranoia.

Hippa laws are in place for a reason. This includes patient confidentiality. Pharmacies are required to abide by this. Verification of identity is not uncommon. What is UNACCEPTABLE is the RIPOFF report that is a MYTHICAL scenario that was conjured up by a mentally ill person. I mean this in a medical way and in no way consider it an insult. Its a fact that a medical determination and diagnosis be done on this poster. There is no way they are "sane" or "reason" oriented.


Statistically speaking...

#21General Comment

Sun, January 22, 2012

A woman is far more likely to be raped by somebody she knows than a stranger. This means that the nice guy who is just a "friend" represents a greater hazard than somebody waiting in line at Walgreens Pharmacy. On top of that, if somebody recognizes the attacker as somebody getting a prescription at Walgreens then the store will have his identifying information on hand including his address.

By all means start a class action lawsuit. Hope you have lots of money as attorneys are expensive and these things tend to take a while.


A pretty girl?

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

Oh, I see, you're a "pretty girl".  Well gee, that makes all the difference.  All you "ugly girls" can breathe easy now.  Are "pretty boys" in danger too, from the woman rapists?

Wow, please give me a break!


New York,

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

how does drunk driving relate to domestics? You relate kids killing themselves with guns, and then speak of drunk driving and domestics. Do only drunk drivers have domestic violence? and if they are drunk drivers, wouldn't you assume they have already been arrested, and in custody? It would then follow that the domestic would have to occur first, then the drunk driving. Unless the domestic happens at the jail.

If you think the above is insane, now you know how we feel about your original report!

BTW I don't work for walgreens, although I have built a few, as I am a commercial electrician.


New York,

#24Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

that first you were julie, terrified of being raped, and then you all of a sudden are ralph, who is giving "instructions" on how to get an address at the drive thru?

Which is it?

or are you just some psycho that craves attention (using rape in the title)?


Just plain ridiculous

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

Look lady, if you think it's a matter of being raped or not being raped, just park the car, get your lazy a*s out, walk inside and whisper your address in their ear.  That seems like a pretty simple way to keep from being raped.

Just giving an ID or whatever still wouldn't preclude one of us homicidal men from following you home regardless of whether you gave Walgreen your address or not.

Also, are you aware that you can get prescriptions through the mail?  In fact, my insurance company prefers that we order our meds through their source.  Very common.  Then you only have to worry about someone following you home and raping you the rest of the day. 

relating this to guns and kids and drunk driving and domestic abuse and who know what,  is just silly and has no logic whatsoever.

Please seek professional help.


That was a quick operation

#26Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2012

I didn't know they could do a sex change that quickly..it was just a few days ago when you were Julie now you are Ralph.  I just hope that you didn't give your address to any of the people at the hospital or they may follow you home as well.

Well because you are so concerned about giving out your private information.  You better not drive because any DMV employee could take down your license plate number and find out your address that way. 

Never go to a store that requires them to deliver the item because you don't dare give some salesperson the address they need to send the items to.

You better not write any checks because they could get your name and address off of it. 

You also need to get a PO box and hire someone you trust to go get your mail because you don't want any company to know where you live either and I won't even go into the postal workers who come to your house to deliver your mail.

Good Luck...because it's a jungle out there


Nice try!

#27Author of original report

Sat, January 21, 2012

It is obvious that those that have responded to my query are tied to the company, Walgreens! Somehow, this falls under the same arguement the general public has regarding GUNS and CHILDREN killing themselves until the Government had to step in and change the Laws to protect OUR children! Period! Drunk driving and domestics: The same thing! If showing your ID or writing it down is so simple then why isnt it an option? It's not. I do show my ID and then they claim they cannot read it. There is no pen or paper available there to write anything down. When a pretty girl is in the drivethru and she has to shout out her address because they can't hear you and I'm in the next car and I can hear her then now I have the address and can follow her home anytime I feel like it. I can stalk her butt just waiting for the chance to get her alone!?

What I am doing is Preventative Medicine if you will by simply making it AWARE to the public that this sort of thing can happen wether you like it or not. If it happens once, will it be enough to change this policy? What if it happens to your Mother, Sister or Daughter? Will you then become a spokesman and advocate only to take the credit to something someone else already warned you about? Believe me, I am not the only one complaining. 

Why is it that this practice is not pursued by other Pharmacys? Do you go out in public and give other strangers your address for no apparent reason? The same as Drunk Driving, we need to address this Policy before one of YOU gets killed, Raped or hurt? Your address is private information and I dont want ANYONE to have it unless I choose to, Period!

So would it hurt just to ask for a Birthdate or an ID and leave it at that knowing that no one undesirable will have your address to give them that advantage?

It's YOU, the idiots in this country that are making everything that's wrong in this country difficult to live with when something serious happens and then you feel you have to become an advocate for what should have been "common sense" anyway!

FYI: I learned this from a convicted felon that I was rehabilitating! Who should know better?

You say I am whats wrong with this Country when it is YOU thats whats wrong with this Country: Always crying out loud when it is too late! Stupid People! Just like Kids and Guns and Drunk Driving!


Wait a minute

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2012

You said that all Walgreen did was ASK for your address.

asks you to blurt out your address and then asks you to repeat it several times, each time louder because THEY JUST DON'T SEEM TO GET IT THAT YOU DON'T WANT ONE OF THOSE MEN TO FOLLOW YOU HOME AND RAPE YOUR

The one who blurted out your address was YOU, not Walgreen personnel. If you didn't want to tell them loudly you could have done it several different ways, including writing it down.  Anyway,  according to you, they revealed nothing, only you did that.  Is there a way to sue yourself?

I also doubt if rapists hang out at Walgreens looking for victims.

This is ridiculous in every way.


You are clearly insane

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2012

A class action lawsuit for what? verifying a prescription with an address? There's nothing illegal about that. Tell you what, why dont you find a report of someone being raped because they gave out their address to a walgreens employee. if someone wanted to rape you, they wouldn't be following you to walgreens to get our address, they would just follow you to your house. Stop being so sensitive about things. You gave them your name too right? OH NO. Those 6 men in line behind you heard your name and they might google search where you live and come rape you!

Get over yourself. There's not going to be a class action lawsuit, walgreens hasnt broken any laws. You must live in constant fear of getting raped with this level of paranoia.



#30Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2012

Okay Rape is a very serious crime, and we have no idea what caused you to feel this way.  But with all due respect if you truly feel this way you need to seek some "professional" help at your earliest convenience.

In the mean time if this bothers you that much then go to another pharmacy.  If you don't want to go to another pharmacy then how about writing down your address on a piece of paper, or better yet just show them your ID with your current address on it.  I am sure if you explain you are afraid that one of the 6 men behind you will rape you if you speak your address they will be sure to "take care" of you.

Here are some things to think about.  If one of the 6 men were to "follow" you home why would they need to know your address?  What would keep the the pharmacist at CVS taking the address off of your ID and following you that way, in fact what would keep any pharmacist from taking information that they have in their computer system to show up at your doorstep one night?


Virginia BEach,
Walgreens setting women up to be raped? WOW!

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2012

If you are uneasy with Walgreens policies take your medication prescriptions somewhere else! I have never heard of anyone being raped after a 70 year old customer got someones address from the pharmacy!  It is people like YOU who cause all the issues in this world today always unhappy and complainging about something because you are miserable in your life

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