  • Report:  #7884

Complaint Review: Web TV NETWORKS - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Kingston, PA,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
As one of the original subscriber to web tv and an advocate of their merging with MSN networks I felt more than obligated to file this report.

Web TV, MSN networks involved with Web TV and their affiliates are guilty of fraud. Web TV, now more than ever, with MSN as the new Executive Cheifs have sold the email addresses of all of their unknowing customers to (according to a MSN spokesperson)

"whoever has the cash". We have the proof.

The web TV networks charge their customers $22/month.

They have a contract that perscribes their email service as

a "timely" and "uninhibited" service, yet they have over 10 thousand claims of email fraud against them. No one, until now has been organized or perhaps Pissed Off enough to do anything about it.

The web TV browser does not function properly. That is if you consider being able to load at 120K page within about 1/2 hour

proper, or being able to use what is known as the "back" function. Whenever a new browser window opens, the original browser window becomes obsolete. Web TV denies this, they claim that the web master has incorrectly designed his pages.

I Find This Very Offensive.

Web TV Customer Service Sucks, that is if you ever get to talk to anyone. They claim to have customer service from 9am to 10pm

Pacific Standard Time, yet you'll have to wait at least one hour to get a live operator, not from my experience, I had to wait 1hour and 45 minutes, is this customer service.

And, yet, Web TV has never offered any customer a rebate or refund due to their lack of service, being down for several days at a time, or due to their lack of knowledge, and expertise in creating a functional browser. For this reason mostly they are FRAUDULENT.

If you'd like to be involved in this class action law suit against Web TV networks, feel free to email me at:

[email protected]

This is only the begining

8 Updates & Rebuttals


Web TV Admits Fraud - Class Action Law Suit ..file our claim!

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 01, 2003

The seeds that were planted a couple years ago have finally brought some justice to surface. Web TV now wants to settle a Class Action Lawsuit: http://www.webtvsettlement.com Unfortunately for webtv this class action suit is only the tip of the iceburg. There is plenty more to come, including the company's mis-use of subsriber information and the "testy" and extremely unqualified customer service people, overcharges, lack of justifiable refunds and simple carelessness with regards to subscribers. You all had your say, now the Courts will have theirs. The new wave of Set-Top Units is coming, http://www.broadbandmagic.com The future will come with or without you, your attitudes with regards to it will decide your fates. I STRONGLY advise ALL WEB TV subscribers who are elligle to take the time to submit the simple claim form found here: http://www.webtvsettlement.com/subscribers/ You will recieve a CASH SETTLEMENT.

I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses.


Fri, January 04, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: normstough

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I can understand frustration, but as an attorney I think this comes very close to libel- I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses. "according to someone..." is hardly valid support. I woukld like to see proof of "over 10,000 claims of e-mail fraud." A categorical statement that the browser is faulty "whenever" the back button is used is false, because mine is not, by actual observation.

The allegation that they have NEVER offered a rebate or refund is absolutely false, I know people who have received free service when they had problems.

As for slow-- my $2000 computer was JUST as slow when it was on a dial up before I got DSL. I would certainly agree that customer service sucks, but that's hardly justification for a class action lawsuit, or unsupported claims of fraud. Sorry, but you can't expect a Porsche when you pay for a Honda.

I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses.


Fri, January 04, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: normstough

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I can understand frustration, but as an attorney I think this comes very close to libel- I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses. "according to someone..." is hardly valid support. I woukld like to see proof of "over 10,000 claims of e-mail fraud." A categorical statement that the browser is faulty "whenever" the back button is used is false, because mine is not, by actual observation.

The allegation that they have NEVER offered a rebate or refund is absolutely false, I know people who have received free service when they had problems.

As for slow-- my $2000 computer was JUST as slow when it was on a dial up before I got DSL. I would certainly agree that customer service sucks, but that's hardly justification for a class action lawsuit, or unsupported claims of fraud. Sorry, but you can't expect a Porsche when you pay for a Honda.

I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses.


Fri, January 04, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: normstough

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I can understand frustration, but as an attorney I think this comes very close to libel- I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses. "according to someone..." is hardly valid support. I woukld like to see proof of "over 10,000 claims of e-mail fraud." A categorical statement that the browser is faulty "whenever" the back button is used is false, because mine is not, by actual observation.

The allegation that they have NEVER offered a rebate or refund is absolutely false, I know people who have received free service when they had problems.

As for slow-- my $2000 computer was JUST as slow when it was on a dial up before I got DSL. I would certainly agree that customer service sucks, but that's hardly justification for a class action lawsuit, or unsupported claims of fraud. Sorry, but you can't expect a Porsche when you pay for a Honda.

I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses.


Fri, January 04, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: normstough

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I can understand frustration, but as an attorney I think this comes very close to libel- I would like to see the "proof" that MSNTV sells addresses. "according to someone..." is hardly valid support. I woukld like to see proof of "over 10,000 claims of e-mail fraud." A categorical statement that the browser is faulty "whenever" the back button is used is false, because mine is not, by actual observation.

The allegation that they have NEVER offered a rebate or refund is absolutely false, I know people who have received free service when they had problems.

As for slow-- my $2000 computer was JUST as slow when it was on a dial up before I got DSL. I would certainly agree that customer service sucks, but that's hardly justification for a class action lawsuit, or unsupported claims of fraud. Sorry, but you can't expect a Porsche when you pay for a Honda.

Please give webtv the credit they deserve


Thu, January 03, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: Margaret Beaver

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I have owned my webtv for 4 yrs now and wouldn't give it up at all. I have had my computer for 2 yrs and still refer back to the webtv for searching (which is much better at times) and if the server goes down I can go to the web tv......but , yes it is very slow and agrivating most of the time because you cant get the connection as fast as the puter........MSN is a good ISP and have some good deals for webtv and the computer also .......I still pay the $19.95/mo. for the webtv and I also pay $21.00 fro AOL....so I am hoping to find a way to reduce the cost of
my internet connections as soon as "I" take the time to research it .

Please give webtv the credit they deserve and try to help them work out the problems they have to give us good ervice ........ lets all help each other and the world were living in will be a better place......

I disagree in many ways. The connection time maybe slow and agrevating yes at times but ..


Thu, January 03, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: Dorathy :-)

Their relationship to the company: Devotee

I have read your article against Webtv...however, I disagree in many ways. No it is not a PC nor will it ever become a PC. I have been with them since they very first began in 1996.

There has been many changes to it over the years. It has offered man wonderful upgrades and learning tools.

Not long ago many of the nursing homes started letting people bring there WEBTV units to the care units. Many of the peope out there don't have the skills to learn a PC nor do they want to learn a PC. These are simple to use for one. I sure wouldn't let a kid on my PC that costs mega $$. They are easy to learn to both the young and the old. There are many things you can do easily on the webtv units. Granted some times trying to get to talk to a tech does take time, however, I have belonged to some of the big ISP providers and I have held on a lot long
than the time you are talking about for sure.

The connection time maybe slow and agrevating yes at times but the big ISP'S aren't any better at connecting time. In fact I have found them rather rude and unqualitfied on how to help a person.Plus I have paid for a whole year ahead with some of the other ISP companies to have them take a chapter 11 or 13 and by by to your money. I have never had that happen to us since we have been with them. Like many will tell you for the service and what it costs it is what many people can afford.

There are many people who spent $$ on a PC thinking oh this will be so easy and they can't even turn it on let alone understand where the tech tells them to go to fix the problem they are having at the time. Plus it is easy to put together and very portable.

I got a wireless Keyboard and mouse for xmas for our PC and it proved to be a pain to try and install the thing so now I have to spend money to take it in to the shop to make it work !! I'm pretty smart on a PC but it has me stuck.

I find many people that want to jump all over us are the ones who are jealous of the webtv people. It would be so nice if everyone could have respect and learn how to like each other. WEBTV CAN'T BECOME A PC ,NOR CAN A PC BECOME A WEBTV !!
They both have their plus and minus points.

I never have had to do it with the webtv!!
Happy New Year...

MSNTV provides a valuable service


Wed, January 02, 2002

They filed the following rebuttal to the above Rip-Off Report:

Their email: [email protected]
Their name: Morgaine

Their relationship to the company: Consumer Suggestion

You know, MSNTV provides a valuable service to those who cannot afford, or prefer not to use, a computer on line. There is much that can be done on line using MSNTV. I have used it for more than a year, and yes, it's slow compared to my computer, and yes, it does have disadvantages, but it ALSO has some very good features, and I enjoy using it. No one ever said it was a computer. But if you take the trouble to learn how to use it
properly, and learn to use html coding and the on line tools, you can do things that CANNOT be done on a computer. Bottom Line: I like it.


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