  • Report:  #166260

Complaint Review: WFS Financial - Irvine California

Reported By:
- Oroville, California,

WFS Financial
wfsxpress.com Irvine, 92623-9733 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I don't know that I believe all the complaints that I have read against WFS. However, I am not sure that I would have believed what they are doing to me if I weren't living it.

In 2003 WFS did forced insurance on an auto I had financed with them. They applied 2 monthly auto payments to the forced insurance and then informed me I was behind by 2 payments.

It has taken me until now (Nov. 2005) for them to admit that I proved I had insurance. WFS claims that they don't have anything to do with the insurance and gave me the number to Balboa their "insurance department".

Balboa gave me the run around and did things like telling me it takes 2 or 3 days to receive my faxes and they have never received anything I have mailed them. And then when Balboa finally admitted I did in fact have insurance, it tooks many weeks for them to relate that to WFS.

Anyways WFS now admits that I have insurance from back in 2003. However, they have taken the 2 auto payment I made back then, which were diverted to pay insurance and have credited them to principle.

Now WFS still says I owe them for late penalties because I am behind 2 payments. They have also injured my credit by reporting that I am behind by 2 payments.

I have had nothing but problems with WFS since I got the loan. They never correspond or send anything that you can look at. The only thing they send is a monthly computer statement that has never made sense from one month to the next. The statements don't even show when they charged the forced insurance, it just show up as a increased amount due with no reason why.

I am honestly trying to work with them and I am trying to get a response and all I get is 2 collection calls from them every other day. I have had numerous auto loans with other companies and there has never been any problems but with WFS it feels like they're the slum lords of the auto loan industry.

I was talking to my lawyer about this and he says I should go to small claims but if someone out there wants to do a class action let me know. I have everything they have ever sent me and it doesn't make any sense. I have also written them multiple letters that they have never replied to.


Oroville, California

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
W. F. S. monitors this web site. They do so now in order to stave off and possibly curtail any PR damage with regards to the ever-growing number of complaints

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, January 02, 2006

In response to your response, I will say simply this to begin with, W. F. S. monitors this web site. They do so now in order to stave off and possibly curtail any PR damage with regards to the ever-growing number of complaints as well as those who are now becoming aware of this site. By the way as to the owners of the site I applaud you, and thank you for this opportunity to expose inequities indigenous to situations such as ones listed here. Jess you are right the post from the WFS employee is pointless and perhaps you are missing the point. Jess the post is not for you it is to demonstrate that WFS is in compliance with law and that you are JUST a misguided consumer Jess that is all. Jess the post was written as damage control; and nothing more. Additionally, the purpose of the post was in fact to discredit your post if at all possible. I don't know what it's going to take to make you see what is going on. Apparently you are of the misguided notion that everybody deals fairly and equitably when it comes to matters of money. Jesses please listen and I sincerely hope you don't take this offensively. Jess this is America, the United States of America, where the impetus for all that is done, and all that takes place is the almighty dollar. Jess when it comes to money and particularly in light of the current events economically, socioeconomically, and geo-economically here in this country these days, their are those he would do anything short of selling their own mother into bondage for a dollar, it is a pathetic state of affairs. Jess the real reason why W. F. S. does not respond you is not because you are in collections, but rather it is the way they operate. The forced insurance scam was really big back in 2000-2002 it was and is a way for large companies to rake in money under the guise of law. Sorry, it is a fact. Jess trust me on this, I know more about W. F. S. than you know about the back of your hand. I spent three years studying them while I had a loan with them. In fact W. F. S. added insurance to my account not once, not twice, but to six separate and distinct times. Jess during the time the W. F. S. added insurance to my account they had physical proof of insurance on my vehicle. Jess each and every time, each and every month I would pay my insurance I would have W. F. S. called by my insurance agent while I was standing in front of him, and as the agent would connect with W. F. S. in-house insurance my agent would tell them at that point and time my insurance was in full force and that the policy was open and active. In spite of it W. F. S. would not only refuse to remove the insurance they placed on the previous times, W. F. S. would move forward in adding an additional $14-$1500 to my account. In one instance I was in the process of having of them investigated by the Department of Insurance, State of California. While in the middle of the investigation the insurance investigator for the Department of Insurance saw W. F. S. illegally add insurance to my account, she contacted them and ordered them to remove the insurance immediately. The investigator sent me a letter indicating W. F. S. was in fact in violation of state law. Jess I'm quite certain that if you were to go through your account with W. F. S. based upon your own personal records and if you could get in fact an honest accounting from W. F. S. I could certainly assure you that you would find discrepancies beyond your imagination. Jess you are operating under the presumption that W. F. S. is going to deal with you honestly fairly and ethically. I'm sorry to dissolution you; however nothing could be further from the truth. Again to reiterate as I stated previously W. F. S. was started to out of the need for Western Financial Savings Bank to continue its business practices, as well as providing a lending source in a used car market, since it was so profitable with the bank. I guess they just could not see letting this cash cow go. Since most of the people with W. F. S. did not choose W. F. S. and oddly enough a tad bit disconcerting, if one looks close enough you'll see that most of the people who have loans with W. F. S. are usually people that are credit challenged and are struggling in one faction or another to get back to complete financial and or credit solvency. Again simply look at the post on this web site. W. F. S. is making a killing by financing used cars so much in fact that they've now reopen their bank as I stated before. It is now called Western Financial Bank, in fact there is one located in the city of Downey, right on Rosemead Blvd. and Firestone Blvd. Jess you're dealing with a predatory lender, simply case in point they lie and this simply all about the money. The main reason why they ignore you is that the only legal resolve you have in this situation is to sue them. As a corporation they're willing to gamble on frustrating your efforts because they now that most of the governmental entities and or agencies which once had staunch, rigid and law enforcement regulatory authority no longer do so now, or at least not in the manner that they once did. The problem is that most people think like you do. They think well this is the company and since I'm honest I know they're going to be honest, again nothing could be further from the truth. I sincerely hope that you wake up and see these people for who they are and approach the circumstance entirely different. I wish you the absolute very best of luck, however, your present line of thinking with regards to them will lead to straight to the slaughterhouse with respects to W. F. S., make no mistake about it they're a predatory lender and you my friend if not cautious and steadfast will be the prey.


The WFS Employee doesn't make sense

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I appreciate the rebuttal written by the WFS employee, it happens to be the first thing ever put in writing by WFS regarding this situation since it began. However, it is also completely pointless to the problem at hand. I understand the purpose of forced insurance, but I have proven I have always had insurance on this car. WFS is applying my payments incorrectly thus costing me late charges. If WFS were to go back and apply the two payments as payments there wouldn't be an issue and there would be no late charges. As for the correspondence I have sent the letter to the physical customer service address. WFS has received them and acknowledge them. However, WFS will not reply because they say I am in their collection department and the collection department won't reply to correspondence. Only their customer service depart or dispute depart will respond to letters. However, I am not allowed to deal with those departments because the collection department has my account now. I was actually told that I can only dispute the charges in question after I pay the charges in question. However, after dealing with WFS for a couple of years I know that as soon as I pay these charges I will never get through to anyone again. I have recently spent the last two weeks trying to get a hold of a manager named Oscar. I spoke to him and asked for a physical address to serve small claim paper. He said he would have to research that and call me back. He has never called. I have called him and left many messages since the first call and he hasn't replied. I have asked the question to the anger girls that call every other day and they can answer so I have them leave another message for Oscar to call me. He hasn't. One last thing to know I have paid every payment on time every month for well over year. I set up automatic payments from my account every month. I tried to have WFS do the automatic payments but there was always a problem and I got charge a late fee every month. Hopefully that WFS employee will respond to this because I honestly don't know how they justify these practices.


Los Angeles,
With regardes to WFS Insurance - This is about a thief of a Corporation, Wescorp which is the parent company. Western Financial Bank was force out of Business years ago for these practices and had its Charter taken away by the FDIC

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

If you can not see why this is happening then you need some coffee to wake up...just look at all of the Post prior to yours. This is about a thief of a Corporation, Wescorp which is the parent company. Western Financial Bank was force out of Business years ago for these practices and had its Charter taken away by the FDIC (Federal Reserve Board), however the idiots in California allowed them to keep their California corporate status. Once forced out the idiots started WFS financial and continued on in business and that was because the Bozo ion California State Government allowed them to partially stay in business. Now they are back in Business after almost 20 years of lying dormant. They now Call themselves Western Financial Saving Bank, which a subsidiary of WFS financial Services. This is a direct product of apathy and NON-PROACTIVENESS. This is what happens when you sit on your butt because you "Can't believe this is happening" WELL BELIEVE IT BECAUE IT IS HAPPENING. The real problem is you are in an Environment where lies and theft is the rule of the day. These people will tell any lie and do any thing imaginable to justify the lies and steal the money. WFS insurance is an in-house issue. These Crooks have make so much money off of lying and stealing that they are in fact oblivious to law. By the way please be aware of the response and or rebuttals you are getting now on this site. WFS is fully aware of this site now and is having its employees go through the complaints and are in fact having them to respond to these complaints as a matter of damage control under the guise of looking like they are concerned citizens with good advise for the issues being addressed here. This last response was place by a WFS employee. I know this for a fact in that I filed a complaint against WFS and spoke with the regulatory agency who admitted quite stupidly that they informed WFS about the numerous complaints on the site here. The last response is such an example. The insurance issue is the way that WFS Extorts additional funds. They claim to have no know of coverage on the account that they are administrating, thusly exercising their right as a lender to protect the investment that they has made (your vehicle) a short term collateral loan. With claims of no knowledge of insurance they now can add insurance to you overall balance. Under the guise of law it now appears as thought you are in breach of one of the terms of you agreement with them as set forth in the contract. Which is to have insurance coverage. This is a proclivity of law particularly in the state of California. It is called (Forced Insurance provision under California insurance Code) Once they have asserted that you do not have insurance when actually you do WFS now takes you Monthly insurance payment and applies it to the insurance that WFS has illegally added to your account. It is illegal because you are already covered and under California law a vehicle can not be DOUBLE COVERED and WFS knows this. WFS has it own IN-HOUSE INSURANCE called Balboa Casualty. Once they start applying your regular monthly payment to the bogus insurance, then you account is NOW in DEFAULT.....under the provision of the contractual agreement. WFS now has the right to say they will repossess the vehicle for NON-Payment which is a lie. No matter what you proof is they will deny the facts and claim you are not insured. If they repossess the vehicle you will NOT be able to retrieve it without paying exorbitant fees complied by them. Further more if you are successful at proving your coverage they will never return your money fully. In addition to the mis-appropriation of you payments WFS will also assess bogus late charges and pile so many innocuous fees the it will be virtually impossible to ascertain what you owe and what you do not. It is a never ending spiral, I know I have gone through it and have met many people that have also. This is an example of the crap and swill that is pouring out of Washington. This is a corporation is predatory and abusive and it is why it is happening. Once locked in you have NO-RECOURSE for resolution on any level because of the laws, courts judges. Regulatory agencies have been totally compromised. They will see the wrong and will insist that you try to work it out with the company. The are in effect complicit, why? because they are a corporation. That is why. They will lie to the head of the company as well as the agencies investigation them. WARNING BE CAREFUL Here are the legal implications. If they continue to steal your monthly payment and apply it to the bogus insurance that they have added to your account, at the end of you loan When it is scheduled to pay off, and presumptively they have not gotten you car back, they will in fact then take the loan and the bogus balances along with all of the bogus late fees (Late fees they will add for not paying your car note) which were added to the loan amount. Now at this point in time WFS will then sell it to a collections agency at 75% of the face value of the loan. Thus, collecting from you all of your payment and now collecting from a third party who will now aggressively pursue you for a bogus balance that you do not owe. Your credit will now be trashed and should you ever have to buy another car you will have no option but to return to this B-S company and the cast of idiots working for them. The previous response is nothing but BS and should be ignored, because this is what WFS does, THEY ARE THIEVES NOTHING MORE


Insurance verification

#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 25, 2005

When you get a loan your insurance company is supposed to automatically provide the finance company with your proof of insurance. If that doesn't happen, the finance company has the right to place insurance on your loan , which is also stated in the contract that you signed at the dealership. If your insurance company has no knowledge of who your finance institution is, then it is likely it will take months to verify insurance and for the insurance that WFS places on your account is removed. The late fees that you have can be removed if you continued to make your regular payments on time every month even if you didn't include the increase due to the insurance. Same thing goes for the deliquencies that were reported to the bureau. WFS has to look out for themselves first. If they don't have proof of insurance for a vehicle, they have to insure it themselves to protect their interest. They are more than willing to contact your insurance company for you also to verify you have insurance. In addition, when you send letters to WFS you cannot send them to the address of where your payments are sent to . All this mail is processed through a machine and you will not get a response. You will need to send all correspondence to the physical address with Attn: customer service. Hope some of this information was helpful.

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