  • Report:  #68617

Complaint Review: Wilhelmina Scouting Network - New York New York

Reported By:
- Brooklyn, New York,

Wilhelmina Scouting Network
589 8th Ave 13th Fl New York, NY 10018 New York, 10018 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was stopped by a Wilhelmina Scouting Network Scout,while in the Bayside Mall in Miami Florida. She told me I should be modeling and was perfect for there open call which would take place at the Miami Office On 8/25/03. I went to the Miami Office on 8/25/03. I was interviewed by Daniel Williams who stated that he was an executive at the company I had the look to be a print model. I would get exposue on there website for a one time fee of $995. and a montly fee of 19.95.

I agreed thinking I would get what was promised based on the fact that the company was affiliated with the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency. I have not received what was promised and it has been brought to my attention by upn9 news and fox 5 news that this company is under investigation for fraud and deception.

I live in NYC and was assigned to the Time Square Office which is now closed after being exposed on upn 9 news in NYC. This company uses deception to make innoccent people think they will become models & continues to take money from inspiring models without getting them work.


Brooklyn, New York

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