  • Report:  #205455

Complaint Review: William Michael Stayart - Long Beach California

Reported By:
- Palmdale, California,

William Michael Stayart
103 Hermosa Ave. Long Beach, 90802 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
William/Bill Stayart the father of 4 children is a dead beat dad not to mention uncaring. didn't pay child support until he had to not to go to jail and then after the state attached his wages he left his job.

He lives in a 1/2 million dollar house and his children and I are right now living with a friend because I was hurt at work in Jan. and couldn't pay my house rent due to the fact Bill hasn't paid child support for over 6 months now. He lies and tells the state he's not working but he is selling Real Estate under his new wifes license #,they also own the franchise but say they don't.

Everything is under his wife's name or the name of someone else due to the fact he owes so much to me/his children not to mention all the taxes he never paid. He will rip you off friend or not that is just the way he is.

The state is NO help. So as his children and I are living on less then $750.00 a month,having to live with a friend he and his wife live the life, eat out all the time, dress the best.

The children don't see their dad for months then out of the blue he calls most of the time just to make them feel guilty for not calling/visiting him but when they do go down they have to help them with their work and if they are lucky they might get one real meal a day. I could go on for ever but this should be good. What can one say Bill Stayart is a DEAD BEAT of a dad. Any man can be a father but it takes a special man to be a dad.


Palmdale, California

12 Updates & Rebuttals


These Are My Parents.

#2General Comment

Wed, May 29, 2013

William Stayart and Kim Stayart are my parents. I would just like to report that if you are reading all of these don't believe either of them. My parents have put me through hell. I still just don't really believe either of them. Only believe what you know is true. They are both liars in my eyes and people that love to hurt me and my siblings. I am fine with my mother now, yet my father is still in denial. 

My father IS a dead beat dad. He would leave my siblings and I at home with no food in the house for days not even coming home, he would just stay at the boat. (The boat that was in my Evil Step Mother's name, that she ended up taking away and selling might I add). He made so many false promises. 

"Some how I get them to school every day, coach their teams, show up at all school functions, and play an active role in their lives."

Really? I wouldn't go to school for days because I was so depressed, he never cared. He was never an "Active role" in my life. I shut him out as much as I could. Tried to put myself into another world where I had different parents.  I was miserable. So miserable that I moved to AZ with my nana to get away from him and my step mother, who was wicked insane too. 

He did sell houses, under his wife's name. He was so good at being a con man. He could sell you anything with that "Stayart Magic" of his.

He owned nothing, true it was all in my grandfather's and his new evil wife's name.

PLEASE do not believe his lies.

My parents fight even online, isn't that so mature?

My mother is slowly getting better I thought my father was too but I was wrong.

This is the truth.

Short Stuff

Seal Beach,
Squatters yes

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 12, 2011

The address above--he was squatting in there, too. The HOA locked him out.


long beach,
United States of America
What a putz!

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, April 06, 2011

Go by the address listed as Bill's former address on Hermosa and you will see why so many people in the neighborhood dislike "Lyin' Bill". The place is completely boarded up, there is trash everywhere, and there is a notice nailed on the front door from the city to clean up the mess. Typical stuff for Bill and his wife Leah.

Bill and his wife first came into our neighborhood as Real Estate agents who also managed properties. They would fill units with real trashy tenants and couldn't care less how the problems created by these dysfunctional tenants affected the neighborhood. Among the problem tenants we had to endure were a family of Gypsies in a one bedroom, 12 "college students" in a one bedroom, (who turned out to be drug dealers) and a whole parade of other idiots. As long as they could come up with the rent Bill would pile them in. Bill never seemed to care because he allegedly got his commission up front. Finally a new owner bought the place and Bill was finally history. We have peace at last!
But to understand what a real scum bucket looks like one really needs to have a close look at the once beautiful historic house on Hermosa. After Bill and Leah bought the place they turned this graceful single family gem into a classless Duplex and then what seemed to be a boarding house. There were always a ton of suspicious people hanging around outside and the place soon became a neighborhood eyesore. What a pity. The cops have been frequent visitors and just evicted what a neighbor said were squatters. How sad to see all the broken glass from the original windows littering the sidewalk.
I am still here-and I still own my home and have plenty of equity in it. And because I didnt turn greedy in the bubble I still have plenty of money in the bank. And I still have the same great lawyer protecting me against nuisance suits from desperate people with zero ethics.

Short Stuff

Seal Beach,
United States of America
Mr. Stayart's whereabouts

#5General Comment

Sat, April 02, 2011

Mr. STayart is at 335 Cedar AVe., #102, Long Beach, CA 90740. He is allegedly in the unit without a lease or rental agreement.

William Stayart

Long Beach,
Still Here... this is the Mother that kicked her kids to the curb....

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 31, 2009

What a WEB SITE write anything you want about anyone and anything... post it for the world to see... I WON FULL CUSTODY of the children on XPARTE Motion in Lancaster CA... for years now I have asked NO ONE FOR MONEY... yet I am the one with out a Real Estate Lic. a drivers Lic. and a Passport - check out http://www.willygolf.com

William Stayart

Long Beach,
Still Here... this is the Mother that kicked her kids to the curb....

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 31, 2009

What a WEB SITE write anything you want about anyone and anything... post it for the world to see... I WON FULL CUSTODY of the children on XPARTE Motion in Lancaster CA... for years now I have asked NO ONE FOR MONEY... yet I am the one with out a Real Estate Lic. a drivers Lic. and a Passport - check out http://www.willygolf.com

William Stayart

Long Beach,
Still Here... this is the Mother that kicked her kids to the curb....

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 31, 2009

What a WEB SITE write anything you want about anyone and anything... post it for the world to see... I WON FULL CUSTODY of the children on XPARTE Motion in Lancaster CA... for years now I have asked NO ONE FOR MONEY... yet I am the one with out a Real Estate Lic. a drivers Lic. and a Passport - check out http://www.willygolf.com

William Stayart

Long Beach,
You can publish anything you want here, say anything you want - NO ONE CHECKS THE FACTS!

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 09, 2008

July 2008, I am William M. Stayart - I have full/sole custody (for nearly 2 years) of my minor children beacuse of Kimberly L. Stayart's drug abuse, lies and decpetion. Even today Kimberly and the Child Supprot System continues to attempt to destroy and or deter me, and I have the kids.....! Get the FACTS folks, allowing vindictive x-spouces to type anything they want and publish it may be your idea of sport... but I can assure you it has trouble written all over it.... Case # BY0336125 Child Support Case, public record. You will see I have paid in more than some folks make in 10 years into this system. There are at least 100 People that can attest to these facts, but you can read the fact beacuse this is public record. Case #MD017764 Custody Case, public record, I have full/sole physical and legal custody. I have asked Kimberly Leslie Stayart for nothing, the State, the county and the Federal Govt. for NOTHING. When asked to particpate in her insurance fraud invesigation, I refused. In fact her investigator followed me to court to find her and take pictures of her walking and sitting normally.... some how she still got the insurance money rumored to be over $300k... The residual damage, the wake left behind from the Child Support years are devastating to my children and I. In the early years, prior to having sole custody, I was forced to plea out and accept Failure to Obey a Court Order as a conviction. This keeps me from working in my trained field because the California Dept. Real Estate consider this a crime of Moral Turpitude. My X-Wife used the children as a weapon against me and it worked. She used the system against me even though she was receiving support from me. She kept the children from too. Not allowing me to play an active role in their lives. These days are gone and I forgive her. I am not bitter, I just want my life back. When I did work in a professional field I donated over $180,000. to Child Support Services System. I was left with an insurmountable tax debt from the 50% Wage Assignments. You see these wage assignments are BEFORE TAX. Remember folks, this is not just happening to me.... when we let the State, or The County throw away our Constitutional rights beacuse of a BUZZ TERM.... DEAD BEAT DADS... we destroy the very people (kids) we set out to protect... So. My after tax take home on a $2000 pay check was a little over $200. Hardly enough to support a professional position and a family when the job required traveling. Yet, I did this for nearly 5 years and reduced the over inflated debt down to $20k or so. Today the debt is nearly is $200k all interest, nothing but interest. In fact they still charge me for support and I am supporting the kids! How could any one stay working...? Another fact: We gave Kimberly settelment money, she signed the agreement took the money and agreed to to testify to the settelement in court. She failed to show up in court not once but 3 times.... (If I did that I would be held in contempt and put in Jail!) To this day - CHECK THE RECORD IF YOU CARE, case # BY0336125, LA COUNTY CHILD SUPPORT 600 S. Commonwealth In La CA - I have never been given credit for this money. So not only I have I paid, CSS is still charging my 1.5% per month on money I already paid.... DEAD BEAT DADS or does CSS HAVE A LICENSE TO STEAL, CORRUPT AND DESTROY NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS? After being fired for spending to much time in court and subpoenaing the controller of SIEMENS to testify in my Judicial Determination of Arrears CSS on interest alone has created a new debt that I will never be able to pay. I have asked no one for anything. I qualify for government assistance of every kind, medical, food, general relief. I should be receiving support for the children my X-Wife dumped on the street 2years ago, but I don't. Some how I get them to school every day, coach their teams, show up at all school functions, and play an active role in their lives. The system has forced me and many other Non-Custodial Parents into NON EXSITANCE. I own nothing, I am nobody, I have no earthly possessions. I can not travel or leave this country because CSS will not allow me a passport. This is especially difficult for me with family in Spain and South America. Today if killed on the streets no one would know who I am because I have no Identification, none. I can not prove who I am or was? Try to get a State ID with no Identification. With out the support of my family and friends I would be homeless on the streets. As I write this REBUTAL today my drivers license is yet again suspended and I am forced to go to court in the morning for a REINSTATMENT... CSS just wants money. If I pay them money they will give it to me. Since I have none and my X Wife will object they will deny me. Now I am a custodial parent, but the wake of the past never leaves... GET THE FACTS, and NEVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS! Other FACT Rebutals: 1. House Value is under stated (Avg Price of a home in So. Cal is $500K) 2. Corp. Owns Franchise and my wife is a shareholder, she is actually closing this down now beacuse business is off some 70+%. 3. I do NOT SELL REAL ESTATE, I do not have Lic. CSS saw to this 4. I support my wifes RE activities, marketting, recruiting, signs, flyers etc... 5. I have never ripped any one off. 6. I have NEVER been convicted of a Felony 7. I am not vindicitve, nor never have been. 8. I am not uncaring, I am a loving father who has been abused by the system and a VINDICITVE x-spouce tha blames everyone else for her problems. 9. Kimberly Leslie Stayart wanted the divorce. She left. She created her mess and still today blames everyone else. There was no abuse, no infeidity on my part, however rumor has it she was "exploring". Non-Custodial Parents go to court. Fight the system. Do not think this can not happen to you! Forgive and let go.... 6.


New Carrollton,
need to be careful..

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, November 12, 2006

He and every other parent can get you topay your share of child support as well. page 4 of the california child support handbook states that the mother and the father both have the financial responsibility to pay. they BOTH must pay. the system just thinks the non custodial parents are ignorant. some just don't know the truth. it's the law. I see WAY too many custodial parents get smug at thinking they can "get back at" the non custodial parent by using tactics just for revenge. I can't say how many times I've over heard women in my case say things like "take the kids and get child support." the truth is both parents MUST pay irregardless. until more non custodial parents find this out, the More the custodial parents get over. remember, you can be mad at my post, but truth be known, it took the two of you to create the child.


Act Now!

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 11, 2006

Kimberly, I very much sympathize with what you're going through. I'm so sorry for your children and you! THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO. YOU'RE RIGHT - THE STATE IS NO HELP WHAT SO EVER! The state only collects from non-custodial parents when it is easy! My case is similar to yours. I posted my complaint on ROR also. My children's "father" is behind in support to the tune of more than 4 hundred thousand dollars. I posted my complaint and really thought it would help me get some attention because even though this has now become a criminal matter, the "judicial system" doesn't take much action. I emailed the editor via the "contact us" link on Rip Off Report's home page. I specifically asked them to send my story and contact information to anyone they thought could help. Their website says that TV news shows, attorneys, watch dog groups often come to ROR for information. Contact ROR via their email link and specifically ask for your information to be given to any entity that can help. I did. I can't even tell you how much I've been helped because I wrote that email. Act now, do it today! You'll be pleasingly surprised!


El Paso,
What a Coincidence!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, August 11, 2006

I was looking for agents in that area as my daughter will be relocating there. I shall avoid them like the plague!


El Paso,
What a Coincidence!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, August 11, 2006

I was looking for agents in that area as my daughter will be relocating there. I shall avoid them like the plague!

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