  • Report:  #1073356

Complaint Review: Wujido - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Sinjin - Dallas, Texas,

10635 Control Place Dallas, 75238 Texas, USA
(214) 340-8880
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Some years ago I took the Kung Fu course at Wujido institute.  It was expensive, yes Dr. Harkins did "push" a contract and yes there is something odd about him - at the time it was a one man operation but he often spoke of himself with the word "We".  He was also easily irritated, made threats and warnings like - "I'll be watching how you are with the other students, if I think you think that your a tough guy, then you'll spar with me and you might as well make sure that your insurance is up to date, cause you'll go to the hospital." Now, truth is - I am a tough guy, but I wouldnt hurt an innocent person for the world especially a classmate so I thought his statements were not well placed, in that - there was no reason to say that to me.

Dr. Harkins had us keep a journal.  He regularly ridiculed many of the things I wrote or drew.  I couldnt do anything right with that book.  He made fun of my job alot and did so in front of the other students.  I wanted to defend my job but figured I should show him his respect.  What I couldnt do was keep my face silent, everytime he said something about my job - my face would flinch.  He would then use the look on my face as a pretext to spar with me to "keep me in line".

I said before that I am tough and I am.  I have fought off three attackers without getting hurt.  Dr. Harkins is much tougher than I and those on this website who imply that he is not a skilled martial artists are just not being honest about the man.  He is skilled and he is tough.  I can bench press 300 pounds but I could not out grapple him.  I could likely avoid most of his strikes but I could not strike back.  He is very good.  But he is quirky.  Odd.  The thing I disliked about Dr. Harkins is that...he made me dislike martial arts, he gave it a bad taste - and I wanted to like it.

At his suggestion, we did street scenario role playing.  Each person improvised a possible scenario and another would respond appropriately - either walking away or defending a strike.  By the time it got to me the only unused scenario that came to mind was "Gay Bashing" - so thats what I used.  I thought it was topical and appropriate.  I assumed the role of a Gay basher. When I was done - Dr. Harkins told the class that I must really be a Gay basher.  He called me over to spar and pretty much had his way with me and it was rough.  I probably lasted 2 minutes before I was thrown on the ground.  He slapped me in the face while I was on the ground and then gave everyone a speech about my poor conduct.  Now from my perspective, I just participated in a role playing course and got beat up for it.  He picked up my "journal" tore some pages out of it and said "Reading this was sad.  I mean you are just a person who doesnt get it.  This was sad."  Now the journal was mine, why he tore pages out of it is beyond me.

After that - I was the example that he used whenever he wanted to show a painful move...and let me tell you there was always the underlining feeling that the man just didnt like me.  It was terrible.

In the end, I got Pneumonia from my job and could no longer train at Wujido.  I called him up and told him my medical condition, and asked if I could get out of the contract. He surprised me.  He said, "I have known all along that you were sick.  It's obvious for a trained eye.  There is a sickness in you.  If you want out out of the contract, pay me $500.00".

Oh, he also told me to take 1500 mgs of vitamin C.  I paid to get out of the contract.  I never went back.  I have never looked at Kung Fu the same way again.  I am not a Gay basher and I am not a person with a "sickness" nor am I someone who would hurt another person.  And compelling me to keep a journal then at the same time making fun of my writing...man that hurt more than the slap in the face.

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