  • Report:  #766674

Complaint Review: Zales - Merrillville Indiana

Reported By:
Kelly - Rensselaer, Indiana, United States of America

2304 Southlake Mall Merrillville, 46410 Indiana, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On Saturday August 13, 2011 my daughter and I were shopping at the Merrillville, Indiana Southlake Mall.  My daughter had informed me that her boyfriend had purchased a ring for her at a local store and that were pleased with their purchase but that the stone was not real.  I proceeded to tell her that when making decisions like this that they should always look around and check prices as well as quality.  We happened to be walking by Zales Diamonds in the Southlake Mall and so we stepped in to look at what they had.  She was shown by Janet a section of promise rings priced in four categories... $99.00, $129.00, $199.00 and $349.00.  My daughter fell in love with 2 rings ..one from the $99.00 dollar slot and one from the $129.00.  In the midst of our conversations while looking I had mentioned that maybe she could make a call and see if the other ring could be cancelled?  Janet then told us that if she could indeed get it cancelled to please come back with her boyfriend and she would be happy to sell them either of the rings.  

Leaving the mall my daughter was so excited at the thought that maybe the other could be cancelled and they could actually make a purchase with a real diamond from the Zales store.  When arriving home my daughter and her boyfriend discussed their options and went to see if the other could be cancelled and a refund issued.  They indeed were able to do it and we very excited to return to Zales to purchase one of the two rings that were shown to her by Janet at the Zales store.  

The following day.. Sunday, August 14,2011 we returned to the Southlake Mall in Merrillville with my daughter, her boyfriend, my son and couple that are very good friends with my daughter and her boyfriend and proceeded to return to the Zales store in which Janet was again working.  We were approached by a sales clerk in which we asked to please see Janet due to her willingness to sell us a ring the day before.  I took a back seat and stood back listening to the events in case my assistance was needed but I felt it should be in the hands of her and her boyfriend now. Janet approached the group of 6 of us with smiles stating ... oh you brought him back this time and must have gotten the other one cancelled?!   My daughter was all smiles and showing her boyfriend the two in which she had fallen in love with the day before while responding yes... and we are ready to buy today.  They looked at the ones in which she liked and the two of them had decided upon the one that had been removed from the $129.00 and was shown to us and priced at the $129.00 the day prior.  They agreed with Janet that was the one and they would take it.  Janet put back the others that they had also looked at which came from the $99.00, and the $199.00 slot and proceeded to prepare the final sale of the ring.  My daughters friend then asked may I see the ring, Janet handed it to her and the friend proceeded to try it on. The friend then asked as it did not fit her, what size is this??  Janet then took back the ring and began looking at the tag.  As the  6 of us stood watching her face began to get a funny look on it.  She looked up and stated... Oopss  I think we have a problem.  That is never good to hear and she gained all of our attention.  What is wrong, my daughter asked?  Janet proceeded to tell us all that the ring they had picked out had been misplaced in the wrong slot. At this point I pulled front seat again... I asked " Janet... this is the same ring you showed us yesterday and It was removed from the $129.00 slot then.. you told her to come back and you would be happy to sell her that ring.  Janet proceeded to say...Yes you are right and I have to honor this price for you.  My daughter and her boyfriend were very excited but I could tell that she was very saddened by this.  I watched her facial expressions as she continued to talk and I could tell that it was weighing heavy on her.  She said well... lets go ahead ..again I have to honor this price to you.  At this point I spoke up and stated.. Wait.. are you going to get in trouble for this error?  She proceeded to tell us that she probably will loose her job or will have to pay the difference out of her pocket.  I looked at the kids and I could tell my daughter knew what I was about to do.  I then stated to Janet that I did not want to see her get in trouble or loose her job and so I stated why don't we negotiate a ring that was in the 199.00 slot that they too had liked for the same price as the 129.00.  Keep in mind the ring that was misplaced in the $129.00 slot  was a 549.00 ring that was actually on sale for $349.  I was trying to do the right thing as I too have been in Retail sales for many years.  Janet then stated she would have to call her manager to see if she could do that?  I had a very odd look on my face and she asked what is wrong?  I stated ... You were going to honor a price of $129.00 for us for a 549.00 ring and I felt sorry for you and am agreeing to buy a 199.00 for the price of 129.00 instead so you don't get in trouble and you have to call a manager all the sudden to see if you can do this??  She stated yes.. I do!  She then walked away to make a call.  In the meantime .. her associate came to us and very rudely stated.. "There is no way she is going to be able to do that."   I believe all of our mouths dropped at that point,  I then spoke up and stated .. "Well she just told all 6 of us that she had to honor the 129.00 price for the 549.00 ring that was on sale for 349.00 I was trying to be nice and offer to just take a 199.00 ring instead and that way it did not affect the company or her as badly.. but we can just go ahead and take the 549.00 for the 129.00 then!  She walked away from us all with a nasty look on her face.  

Janet returned and bowed her head and stated her manager just told her that she could not do either.  We were all amazed at what we were hearing and I restated the situation again... following with .. and you mean to tell me now she is not willing to do either after you already told all 6 of us that you HAD to honor the price of 129.00 for the original priced of 549.00 that is on sale for 349.00.  She said...Yep...and then smiled big!  I then said.. and you can't give them a 199.00 for the 129.00 price either?  She said nope.... and again smiled big!  At this point I looked at the kids and stated well maybe it is time to go look elsewhere.  THEN... Janet stated.. well I can take your number and have the manager call you tomorrow to discuss it and proceeded to say.. well don't you like this 99.00 dollar ring.. you looked at it also yesterday.  Needless to say I knew that if I gave my name and number for a return call tomorrow I would hear the same thing.. she was trying to pacify me and get the kids to purchase a 99.00 ring so she would still make a sell.  We all looked at one another and decided to leave the store and begin a new search.  

Once out in the hall area my daughter shed some tears and stated that she loved the ring and why did the lady have to do this too her?  I told her I would attempt to make a call to the corporate office on Monday as I knew they were not open on Sundays.  

First thing on Monday I made a call to 800-311-5393 and filed a complaint  with Kristen in which I was given a ref number and a response that the district manager Scott would reply within 48 hours.  On Thursday morning first thing I responded by calling the same 800 number and asking about my reference number .  I was then told by Tara that she checked the reference number and agreed there had not been a return call made and she would personally call Scott and ask for a return call yet today in which I am currently still waiting.  My daughters boyfriend would still like to purchase the same ring for the price of 129.00 and the only reason I am submitting is because he is 17 and not an official adult so I felt it was best I  did the report for them. 

7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Mon, April 27, 2015

I realize that this was posted about 4 years ago. I wonder if your daughter and the boyfriend are still together. Haha

Anyway, as someone who was in this type of business many moons ago, I’ll say I agree with most of the other rebuttals. I know for a fact that those rings -- in fact everything in that store, has a price tag on them. The original price had to have been on the ring. You had to have noticed that it was $549.00. So of course you thought you were getting a steal. And if the sales associate is quoting the price of $129.00 because it was in that section. And you kept asking if that as the price. And Janet being excited about a sale (no matter how little it is) kept saying yes, and she'll hold it until tomorrow.

So this explains the "entourage" that came with you. A ring of $549.00 is probably 14kt gold and real diamonds or gem. Not lab created or white sapphire. Zale’s doesn’t carry CZs. So your daughter and boyfriend could show off this nice piece. Once the sales associate looked at the price tag, (which she should have done the previous day, to give you the information on the ring) she realized her mistake. I believe in the heat of the moment she said she would honor the price before she realized she would need a manager to override it. There is no way you'd get 80% off.

Now as far as the $199 for $129.00 (and since there was already a 10% sale going on) I find it hard to believe they wouldn’t over ride that. Its $70 dollar difference, but you wouldn’t get the extra 10% off. I think that was fair, to sell the $199 for $129 or maybe $150.00

You kept referring that YOU were buying the ring. "I’m trying to do the right thing" or "You were going to honor a price of $129.00 for us for a 549.00 ring and I felt sorry for you and am agreeing to buy a 199.00 for the price of 129.00 instead so you don't get in trouble and you have to call a manager all the sudden to see if you can do this?? "

And at the end you still want the $549.00 for $129.00 THATS CRAZY. And you're even crazier to file this complaint on Janet. She should had looked at the tag. And I know you, as being in retail as you stated, looked at the price. You know about honoring price. But only if it’s written. It wasn’t written on the tag. You knew what you were doing. I think that's what bothers me about this complaint. Getting something for nothing. 

Also, as another pointed out, this boyfriend bought her a ring. And your daughter probably wanted a real diamond. I mean what girl doesn’t? But how insulting to bring her to look at a ring for HER to choose, when HE made a purchase on his own with his heart and money..and what he could afford. You mentioned they were pleased with the purchase. She should had been grateful. But you butted in and made it more.  You also mentioned her other friends (the other couple) just got a promise ring, so sounds like a "one up".

I again think you knew the real price of the ring she fell in love with. I mean if I was 16-17 and my boyfriend was about to purchase a "$549" ring for only "129" and its real I’d be excited too! What 17 yr. old boy knows about jewelry? All he probably wanted to do was make his girlfriend happy. He probably felt embarrassed by the original purchase now that you "wanted to educate" them about "quality". And embarrassed that he made a wrong purchase from her original ring. Now with 5 other people around, even more insulted. You should have left well enough alone. 

At the end of all of this, what happened? Did you get the ring? Did they give you a gift card for the inconvenience? 



#3Consumer Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

Am I a gold digger....not by a long shot... I happen to be an individual that has not been handed things through life.  I have had to work hard for what I have and I wish to instill in my children that when you work hard you then can have nice things.
I am all for value and getting the best bang for my buck when I buy something.  But here is the thing, your daughter is not the one buying the ring.  It is a GIFT from her boyfriend.  If he chooses of his own free will to buy a $50 or a $5,000 ring that should be HIS choice.  You basically cornered your daughter into getting the other ring cancelled so that her boyfriend(not her) could buy one of better quality.  You basically told your daughter that she must accept a certain level regardless of the thought or any other possible factors.  It doesn't even matter if which ring was more expensive, because the choice should be HIS not instigated by the mother of his girlfriend.  Now if his parents want to explain to him the value of items, and suggest that he get a better ring that is an entirely different matter.

Not sure where you come from but in my opinion I was making a more than fair offer and trying to not take advantage of an error that the company had made.
- Well more than fair in your mind.  You wanted a $549 ring for $199, and your numbers are a bit confusing how you got to $185 difference but I sure hope that you were not expecting them to give you the 10% on top of the price match.  As I said you may have a valid complaint and could push them giving you the higher priced ring for the price you thought it was.  If that does happen you can be sure that who ever put the ring in that spot will be held accountable.


New York,

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

At some point they have to be held accountable for the errors in which they have made...

I absolutely agree, and I'm sure her BOSS will hold her accountable. Why should you be able to take advantage of her error?

...and if you don't include this part in the lesson teaching then you are stating to your children for the future of the world that it is acceptable to allow people to take advantage of you...

No one took advantage of your daughter. She was presented with the error and had the option to buy or not buy the ring at the correct price.

and change their mind and make new prices as they feel fit.  

The clekr didn't make up a new price. She merely admitted the error, made an offer, retracted the offer because of her boss, and offered the ring at the correct price.  She didn't make new prices.

I know I sound confrontational, but I stick by my original statements that some people try to take advantage of others, and you seem to be one of them.  What lesson are you really teaching you daughter - that it pays to take advantage of someone who makes a mistake??? Not a very nice lesson.


United States of America

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2011

I was not offended by your comments at all.  For the record... the reason for the additional people with us was not to "show off a prize"  but they were along because we were also school clothes shopping for my son.  When they heard we were coming to the mall they asked to ride along.  Their friends had also recently purchased a ring and they too were expressing the value of a dollar and spending wisely gets you the most for your money when making purchases such as this.   Am I a gold digger....not by a long shot... I happen to be an individual that has not been handed things through life.  I have had to work hard for what I have and I wish to instill in my children that when you work hard you then can have nice things.  But .... you have to learn to spend your dollars wisely and look for the best value for that hard earned dollar. 
As for the other parents ...yes they too are aware of what happened and felt very strongly in the magnitude of teaching the kids that in life you have to stand up for yourself in some situations when you feel very strongly about an issue.  In regards to the store and hoping to see this resolved.  Well that is the whole reason behind posting on this site is it not??  The realism is that if you allow people to take advantage of you and not hold up to their part in a transaction we could all be taken advantage of in many life situations.  Again... If you paid attention to my original post... I felt very badly that this error had happened as I have worked retail many years and I realize that sometimes accidents happen, but at some point you have to be held accountable for your errors.  That is true no matter what side of the counter you happen to be standing on.  In this case the error was on the retailer and I did not want to see the employee or the company loose a large amount of money and even offered to settle for a smaller adjustment due to the error and the magnitude of the amount.  My offerings in my opinion were more than fair and less of a value for the kids than what the sales clerks original statement was.  She originally stated she had to honor this price of 129.99 for a ring that was valued at 549.00 my recommendation was allow them to purchase a 199.00 ring for the 129.00, the store was offering an additional 10% off that day anyway so it would have dropped it to 179.00 which was only a value difference for the company of 50.00 verse 549.00 on sale for 349.00 then an additional 10% making it 314.00 again costing the company 185.00 difference.  Not sure where you come from but in my opinion I was making a more than fair offer and trying to not take advantage of an error that the company had made.  I do have a heart and again in teaching the kids a lesson of life it is not always about "Screwing" someone but being fair and understanding that we are all human and mistakes do happen so always putting yourself in the other persons position is a good value to learn when making transactions irregardless of the situations.  
  I will say that after my offerings were made and the sales clerk responded with "Well I have to call my manager to clear the 199.00 ring" I was taken back.  Again trying to be more than fair after she stated she had to honor the 549.00 for 129.00 and my offer was a much more reasonable one for the company's bottom dollar  I was unclear why that was going to be a problem.  I know some may argue that everyone wants something for nothing but that is not the case.  It was being offered at a price in the case and as a consumer that is what the kids were willing to spend then once they agreed to take it at this price is when the error was found.  At some point they have to be held accountable for the errors in which they have made and if you don't include this part in the lesson teaching then you are stating to your children for the future of the world that it is acceptable to allow people to take advantage of you and change their mind and make new prices as they feel fit.  Where does that lead our future generations and what does that say for the future of America?  That is another debate that we won't get into.  I just want to see the right thing happen here and we will see just how that pans out? 

I was told I would be contacted by yesterday by their corporate and clearly that has not happened.  I did again yesterday attempt to call and was told by the corporate that indeed the district manager has not yet been in contact with me and she was going to personally call him and request he called me yesterday.  Again as of this morning I have not heard from them yet. 


United States of America

#6Author of original report

Fri, August 19, 2011

I was not offended by your comments at all.  For the record... the reason for the additional people with us was not to "show off a prize"  but they were along because we were also school clothes shopping for my son.  When they heard we were coming to the mall they asked to ride along.  Their friends had also recently purchased a ring and they too were expressing the value of a dollar and spending wisely gets you the most for your money when making purchases such as this.   Am I a gold digger....not by a long shot... I happen to be an individual that has not been handed things through life.  I have had to work hard for what I have and I wish to instill in my children that when you work hard you then can have nice things.  But .... you have to learn to spend your dollars wisely and look for the best value for that hard earned dollar. 
As for the other parents ...yes they too are aware of what happened and felt very strongly in the magnitude of teaching the kids that in life you have to stand up for yourself in some situations when you feel very strongly about an issue.  In regards to the store and hoping to see this resolved.  Well that is the whole reason behind posting on this site is it not??  The realism is that if you allow people to take advantage of you and not hold up to their part in a transaction we could all be taken advantage of in many life situations.  Again... If you paid attention to my original post... I felt very badly that this error had happened as I have worked retail many years and I realize that sometimes accidents happen, but at some point you have to be held accountable for your errors.  That is true no matter what side of the counter you happen to be standing on.  In this case the error was on the retailer and I did not want to see the employee or the company loose a large amount of money and even offered to settle for a smaller adjustment due to the error and the magnitude of the amount.  My offerings in my opinion were more than fair and less of a value for the kids than what the sales clerks original statement was.  She originally stated she had to honor this price of 129.99 for a ring that was valued at 549.00 my recommendation was allow them to purchase a 199.00 ring for the 129.00, the store was offering an additional 10% off that day anyway so it would have dropped it to 179.00 which was only a value difference for the company of 50.00 verse 549.00 on sale for 349.00 then an additional 10% making it 314.00 again costing the company 185.00 difference.  Not sure where you come from but in my opinion I was making a more than fair offer and trying to not take advantage of an error that the company had made.  I do have a heart and again in teaching the kids a lesson of life it is not always about "Screwing" someone but being fair and understanding that we are all human and mistakes do happen so always putting yourself in the other persons position is a good value to learn when making transactions irregardless of the situations.  
  I will say that after my offerings were made and the sales clerk responded with "Well I have to call my manager to clear the 199.00 ring" I was taken back.  Again trying to be more than fair after she stated she had to honor the 549.00 for 129.00 and my offer was a much more reasonable one for the company's bottom dollar  I was unclear why that was going to be a problem.  I know some may argue that everyone wants something for nothing but that is not the case.  It was being offered at a price in the case and as a consumer that is what the kids were willing to spend then once they agreed to take it at this price is when the error was found.  At some point they have to be held accountable for the errors in which they have made and if you don't include this part in the lesson teaching then you are stating to your children for the future of the world that it is acceptable to allow people to take advantage of you and change their mind and make new prices as they feel fit.  Where does that lead our future generations and what does that say for the future of America?  That is another debate that we won't get into.  I just want to see the right thing happen here and we will see just how that pans out? 

I was told I would be contacted by yesterday by their corporate and clearly that has not happened.  I did again yesterday attempt to call and was told by the corporate that indeed the district manager has not yet been in contact with me and she was going to personally call him and request he called me yesterday.  Again as of this morning I have not heard from them yet. 


New York,
genuine mistake?

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, August 19, 2011

Since when did it become the norm to take advantage of people who made a mistake?  Since the clerk was the only one who could have put the ring in the wrong spot, she is responsible.  However, why can't a customer say, "Oh, geez, you made a mistake? Well, I can't afford it at that price so no thank you". 

Seems like everyone is out to take advantage of everyone else these days. Everyone wants to sue, get a bargain at someone else's expense, or get something for free.

While I appreciate the OP's efforts to accept a purchase that would result in less disciplinary action against the clerk, it still smacks of "I want to take advantage of your mistake".



#8Consumer Comment

Thu, August 18, 2011

Your daughter's 17 Year old boyfriend bought a ring for her that she states she was pleased with.  So what do you do you take her to another store to shop around for different rings.  She finds one and you have her call to see if she can cancel the other ring because it wasn't a "real" stone.

So they cancel the ring and then what do you do..you go down with an entire entourage back to the store.  Yea nothing like taking a big group down to watch your daughters boyfriend buy her a promise ring.    It almost seems like you brought that other couple along to "show off" this "prize" your daughter was getting.  Then to top it off you took it upon yourself to post this report on the behalf of your daughters boyfriend because he is 17 years old, I am sure that HIS parents are very happy that you are doing all of this.

You may not be doing this on purpose so I hope think about what you have just taught your daughter.  With all of that it sounds like you are an overbearing gold digger. 

Now, I am sure that once I said this you won't care what else is said but here it goes anyways.

As for the pricing error.  Generally a store is not responsible for something like this where a customer could have put it back in the wrong spot.  But in this case if the associates are the ONLY people who could have put it in that spot you may have a valid complaint.  So hopefully it works out for you and your daughter.

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