  • Report:  #270989

Complaint Review: Zango - Internet

Reported By:
- bangalore, Other,

#123,BTM Layout 123456 Internet, India
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SearchHelp (SHLP) - Hiding under the SEC radar screen in the NASDA bullet in board companies lurks New York grafters that prey on investors with a trendy claim to protect children. Leveraging this highly emotional subject, they've absconded with over thirteen million ($13,000,000) in investor funds, slowly moving into the big time for investor fraud.

New York's SearchHelp which purports to protect Children while manipulating publicly traded stock for personal gain. The Company's products, Sentry at Home, Sentry Predator Locator, and Sentry Remote emulate hundreds of

products already on the market today, most of which are based on freeware. The Company appears to have no competitive edge and is never mentioned in any competitive "shoot offs", such as PC Magazine's annual software comparisons.

The company based in Syosset New York, is headed by CEO William "Bill" Bozsnyak, who continues to raise public money to support a rich lifestyle while creating no substantive sales or value for shareholders. SearchHelp's software tool is used to gain personal wealth, while providing miniscule revenue for the company. SearchHelp gives out hope to remedy internet

threats to children, while in fact this controversial software was created to intentionally violate children's civil rights and is in fact outlawed in several states.

The investment ruse is headed by Bozsnyak, who has lined his pockets with extensive compensation commiserate for a Fortune 100 company, when in fact the company year after year accrues continual loses, typically exceeding one million dollars per quarter ($1,000,000). The Company has a cumulative deficit of over thirteen million dollars ($13,000,000)! Bozsnyak is manipulated by insider and NASD lifetime banned trader, Jeffrey Supinsky, who has profited over two hundred and seventy five thousand dollars ($275,000.00) as part of this "pump and dump" scheme, while once listed

publically under insider trading rules. (Supinsky sold at a peak, from which the Company stock is now at 30% value). We still don't know what he's making since the last dump two years ago, but he's clearly active in day to day company activities.

SearchHelp has a history of raising large amounts of money based on flashy press releases proclaiming a great future financial windfall, however the only one gaining any windfall or financial benefit is the Bozsnyak and his

team of marauders. This small 10 person company has management expenses of over seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars a quarter ($750,000), and spends only a meager ten percent (10%) of this amount on sales and

marketing. Clearly this business is in the business of taking investors, not selling products and. God Forbid! -making a profit.

The company appears to do either poor research or intentionally promotes agreements with a flair for public relations and subsequently after raising

a large round of financing based on the PR then reneges on the purported agreement that would create revenue. Bozsnyak and his officers then live extravagant lifestyles with pay raises, cash bonus' and large car

allowances, all designed to drain the public funds raised to advance the company and create revenue. The Company is in a constant stream of litigation.

The company operates an investor Ponzi scheme in the open board of trading and thus far have circumvented adherence to SEC regulations. We find this

surprising with Supinsky constantly in the background for the last 3 years, with his tainted history of stock fraud, but hey! The SEC really doesn't care about the small guy.




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