  • Report:  #415952

Complaint Review: Zapped.info - Jim Or James Anderson - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- las vegas, Nevada,

Zapped.info - Jim Or James Anderson
www.zapped.info Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am not going to sign my name because I saw what he did to the lady who first complained about him. I am uneasy about this man's mental state, and I am concerned about my safety. I am only writing this because I happened to stumble on this complaint while searching for something else! I want to warn people, especially females about this guy.

I have had to change some minor details to conceal my identity. I did not change anything relevent to the complaint.

His computer repair service in Las Vegas is without a store so he goes to your place to fix your computer. On the phone he was pleasant although very long-winded and looking back I remember thinking how odd it was that he was telling me some of the things he was telling me. I needed my computer fixed so made an appointment for him to come over to my place.

When he got to my place, he walked in wearing rubber gloves, an odd manner of dress, and he had a video camera "to film himself working". He said he had the gloves to be "professional" or something like that. I got the distinct impression he was germ-phobic. My place is immaculate by the way, and rubber gloves might be appropriate if my place is a pigsty. I am only telling this stuff to point out he is a bit of an "oddball."


The first sign of trouble: he was rude because he was openly staring at my chest instead of looking me in the eyes. I was not wearing revealing clothes and I would catch him looking at me in ways that gave me the creeps. Even when we weren't talking I would catch him staring at me, especially at my chest. It isn't like no one has looked at my chest before but it was how he was looking and how it made me feel that was strange!

The next thing that bothered me was some of the things he said, the topics seemed disjointed and he acted weird. (For example one minute he was acting very nervous and uncomfortable, then like the switch flipped he became arrogant and egotistical.) It seemed to me he felt he had the right to ask me a lot of personal questions that had nothing to do with the task at hand. Although I tried, its hard to be polite when you are telling someone to mind their own business! He seemed to be privately seething inside when I refused to answer him. When I met him my initial gut feeling was to distance myself, and here he was invading my privacy in my own place. I was starting to feel uneasy. (I was so uneasy in fact, that I called a male friend of mine who lives nearby and later he actually parked across the street, calling me every 15-20 minutes to check on me until I told him that I was okay.) Being a big muscular guy, I didn't need him to come in and intimidate Mr. Zapped, I needed my computer fixed!

He took 3 1/2 hours longer than he'd estiimated to fix what he had said was a simple problem. I have never seen anyone work or move so slow. He had said that the job would take about an hour tops. He was here for almost 5 hours. Maybe he was learning as he went along.

He kept talking to me (my chest) about how impressed he seemed to be with himself, and at the end of the day he suggested to "have [more than] a [professional] relationship."! Whatever I said to reject his offfer wasn't all that charming and sweet because I was mad and uneasy. I felt intruded-upon!. His demeanor to changed again and I sensed that he felt I had done some great injustice to him, although I had done nothing wrong to him. It was as if his face had turned to stone! I paid him, and he barely said a word. I sensed anger and I barely knew this creep. I was correct, because as he was walking away, he said "F*ck**g b**ch!" just loud enough for me to hear it.

A couple of weeks went by and maybe he had fixed the original problem or added to it because something else was going on. In the original report from April '08 she said that Zapped had told her that "he puts some sort of spying-ware on his client's computers so he can get into their files" and when I read that I felt a chill run down my spine! Some weird things like never before were happening.

My computer was acting like it was possessed. Sometimes it would take me to websites I had not requested, it often took forever to load up, the cursor sometimes moved on its own and then I had emails I hadn't opened were somehow opened, emails I'd saved were deleted. I finally had to take it to another repair company (PC Medics who are phenomenal by the way!) and they basically "built" me a whole "new" computer, suspecting my computer had been tampered with but the additional cost to find out what was wrong exceeded my budget.

Suddenly I started receiving anonymous phone calls from a "restricted" or "unavailable" number up to 18(!) times in one day, and the first time I answered the person on the other end breathed hard then hung up, after that just hung up and called right back. I had to change my number but couldn't do it due to my business and the time and money I would lose!

One night my sister was at my place and we were watching a movie and the curtains weren't closed. The lights were on inside making it difficult to see outside unless you were at the right angle. She was returning from the kitchen to the tv-room when she shrieked "Oh my God, someone's out there watching us!" From my angle I could only see reflection, but we both heard the wooden stand on the patio crash to the ground! My sister and I were frozen in place for a couple seconds, then she took action with me behind her and charged out the front door to tackle the peeping tom, but all we saw was a white or light-colored van speeding away.

We went to 2 separate police stations to file a report or talk to a detective, and we were turned away! When I told the desk officer about the computer and the phone and the peeping "tom" the he said "So prove its this guy who's doing something to your phone and computer. I cannot take a report. Change your phone number and take the computer to another repair shop so they can fix it. If you have a problem at home again, get a license plate number!" We discovered the police don't do anything for you in this type of thing. (in case anyone doubts this, my sister and her husband and my best friend were with me!)

So, when my good friend came home from Iraq we told him what was going on, and since the police wouldn't help me, my friend said he would. The whole thing was videotaped, including Mr. Zapped in his WHITE VAN to their most friendly conversation ending in an agreement. Then the phone calls stopped, the peeping tom incident never reoccurred and all's well.

I have no concrete evidence, only what happened and I know what I believe. After reading the report from April '08 it just reinforced my conviction that this guy is a dangerous and unstable man, and in hindsight I should never have let him in my house!


las vegas, Nevada


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