1, Report:
Posted Date:
Feb 18 2008
Captures.com/Web Marketing Source After agreeing to cancel a month after my request, I was told I would still be billed for $279.00 and then it would be over. I was billed that amount which was a 3 month billing, each month, from my bank account. They would not stop the billing and because it was a debit card I could not stop it. I was charged a three month billing each month for four months. Redmond Washington
On February 2, 2007, I returned a call that had been made to my business phone about 6+ times. After being on the phone for approximately three hours I agreed to subscribe to Web Marketing Source for help getting my website optimized and keywords done that would enhace my chances o...
Captures.com/Web Marketing Source
Categories: Computer Marketing Companies
2, Report:
Posted Date:
Jul 03 2007
Captures.com Excuses, excuses, and more excuses Ripoff Redmond Washington
Ok, so after reading a few other RipOff reports and seeing the rebuttals from Captures.com / Web Marketing Source, explain to me this:
1) Why would it take Captures.com nearly 10 months to almost complete a website? There are not even that many products... And it's not like Captu...
Categories: Computer Marketing Companies