1, Report:
Posted Date:
Jan 06 2007
Mayor J. Fabrizi City Of Bridgeport, Connecticut Mayor Fabrizi promised help while my beloved wife dies of cancer in making arrangements to pay back taxes. That was before he officially became mayor. Once he was mayor, he foreclosed on my house, appraised at $305,000 and it was sold at foreclosure for $197,000 - I'm a grieving 69 year old widower with health problems faced foreclosure. Bridgeport Connecticut
I read in the press about the elaborate inaugaration and dinner-ball held to celebrate the election of Governor Jodi Rell and I have mixed feelings about it. Our boys and gals in the military are still at war in the Middle East and away from their families, riski...
City Of Bridgeport, Connecticut Mayor J. Fabrizi
Categories: Government Corruption