  • Report:  #828053

Complaint Review: A#1 AIR - Carrollton Texas

6 Updates & Rebuttals   Read More About : A#1 AIR

Reported By:
D - Dallas, Texas, United States of America

1605 Crescent Circle #200 Carrollton, 75006 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

SPECIAL UPDATE: April 27, 2018: A#1 Air remains committed to increased customer satisfaction and has improved their business practices over the years to better serve their customers. A#1 Air is truly dedicated to making sure their customers are satisfied and that any complaints which do arise are addressed promptly and fairly.

To date, A#1 Air has made good faith efforts to resolve all complaints reported on Rip-off Report. Based on our experience, the member business has proven to be among the top members of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program as a Verified Safe Business™.

Over time and since becoming a member, A#1 Air has remained actively engaged and improving the way they address customer service complaints. As an active and current member of the Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program we are happy to report that now more than ever A#1 Air remains committed to improving customer satisfaction.

Remember, no company or individual can ever satisfy 100% of the people 100% of the time. There are no products or services that will always be perfect for everyone and even the best companies will receive complaints from time to time. However, by participating in the Corporate Advocacy Program, the member business has made a commitment to working with its customers to resolve complaints quickly and fairly whenever possible.

Please keep in mind that as a consumer you have some responsibilities as well. Success has many definitions that based on your past experiences, current situation and your perceived expectations. Success with any product or service is always based on the proper application and understanding. The fastest car will not run if you never turn the engine on. Look at how you used the product or service that was provided in relation with the instructions that you received. The Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program will help you get your voice heard but please be prepared with documentation and fair representation of your concern, also have an idea of how the company can fix your concern. Can they offer additional services, extend warranties, offer a fair refund or just get you talking with someone that can help. ..let them know and let us know!

*Any consumer not receiving satisfaction from a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program should email us at [email protected]

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Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Ripoff Report REVIEW:

EDitors UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to A#1 AIR for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Reports discussions with A#1 AIR have uncovered an ongoing commitment by the company and all staff to achieve total client satisfaction. This means that a #1 Air clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. A#1 Air takes any customer concern seriously no matter how big or small. A#1 AIR listens carefully to client concerns and sees them as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company in the services offered and the support for those services. They have many ongoing education with all staff members in not only how to respond to a customers concern but also how to prevent them in the first place.

A#1 AIRs owners, James and Sherry Green, have informed us that their they know their clients are their most precious resource. As successful business people, James and Sherry feels it is critical to listen to their clients and respond properly. They have set up a huge safety net to insure that any customer concern is handled quickly and efficiently. All customer concerns are logged into the customer database and a concern call is immediately paged out to all management and assistant management teams. As soon as it is paged the appropriate manager takes emails the management staff that they have "got it" and begin to take immediate action to gather details and contact the customer to try to resolve the concern as quickly and as efficiently as possible. All managers have the authority to resolve the problem by whatever means are necessary. The only "policy" given by James and Sherry is for the manager to put themselves in the customers shoes and understand their side as they see it and then "do the right thing." This gives customers an on the spot resolution to almost any issue. After resolving the concerns the manager has to emails the management team again with what happened and how we resolved it. They go over any concerns daily to look for areas that need improvement or staff members that may need additional training. Any changes needed are put into effect immediately to prevent future concerns. All staff members are held to high standards and are "secret shopped" from time to time to insure they are following company policies and practices and ethics standards. By always putting their customers first and having the company philosophy that staff treat customers as they would like to be treated, James and Sherry hope to maintain A#1 air as a successful air conditioning and heating company both now and for many years to come.

Another top manager of the company told us that James and Sherry Green's personal business philosophy is based on the premise that the number #1 daily goal of all staff is to "GET and KEEP customers. That pretty much sums up how each person should stat thinking about their day as an employee of A#1 Air. If they start with that goal in mind then the great customer service follows. Then they relentlessly train on how to achieve that goal. What can they do to gain that person as a client? What can they do to keep them? 's A #1 Air's mission statement says it all: "Our goal is to be the best choice for our customers heating, air conditioning and comfort needs and to be the best choice for our employees career." If its good for the customer and the employee the company will win by default. Some of the other things Rip-off Report learned in the course of its investigation: typical customer feedback reads: A#1 Air (and James and Sherry Green) truly communicate all aspects of the job in a clear and effective manner. We are very pleased with the responsiveness that we get from the entire staff at any time of the day. They are serious about meeting commitments, and deliver on all their promises."

A#1 Airs technicians and installation team have expressed that they feel very confident doing their job and love working for the leading A/C company in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. A top manager at A#1 Air stated "Mr. Green take personal interest in the system design and equipment selection for the customer. He has a passion that the airflow is accurate so the system will work to its max potential. With 20 years of experience in the field himself he has great insight for not only designing a system but also what needs to be done to achieve max comfort for the client. It always gives me great pleasure to go back to the customer a year after the install and find that the system has exceeded comfort expectations and hear how the new system has lowered their utility bills by as much as by 20 to up to even 50 percent in some cases. I really like working for an owner that has been in the field himself and knows all aspects of not only my job as a manager but also what all our install crews go through on a daily basis. If you have never spent all day working in a 150 degree attic you just cant truly understand what its like. Mr Green has such a great respect from myself and also the entire install team. They know he "gets it" and they know he respects them as the hardest working group of all in the company. They really respect that he demands a that a job is done right and to all specifications. He doesn't allow for shortcuts or shorting a customer in materials to save money at the customers expense. He knows his name is on job and wants it done like it was his own home. The standards for the service department are just as high as the install department. The A#1 Air tune up is like no other. There is so much more that is included in an A#1 Air tune up that other companies don't include. James and Sherry both feel that if you give more value to the customer in a tune up they wont go anywhere else and you will have a customer for life. all technicians know that when they are on a tune up or safety check that this customer is invaluable and are required to treat them as such. It goes back to the get and keep customer philosophy that is at the heart of everything we do."

A#1 Air takes employee satisfaction seriously as well. Employee feedback and surveys reveal comments such as this: "A#1 Air provides a very positive environment to work. Opportunities for suggestions and improvements are encouraged. James and Sherry are truly concerned about our contribution to the company and providing growth opportunities for us. They both take the time to listen and communicate with employees and customers." Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that A#1 Airs past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client and employee satisfaction. With part of the mission plan being "A#1 Air is the best choice for an employees career", they really take that to heart. A#1 Air provides weekly in house continuing education and even hired a full time technical trainer for all the field staff. They bring in outside trainers for many different areas of employee growth and enrichment. A#1 Air provides a library of self improvement books and videos in the areas of management, leadership and quality training to help prepare current employees for future positions within the company. A#1 Air really likes to promote from within whenever possible. They subscribe to many different training programs as well. They also know that employees love to give back to the community and A#1 Air is involved with many different charities and community groups as well as their own employee sponsored programs. They rally like to take care of their own in times of need. A#1 Air has provided many staff members with a way to keep up theirs hours by being able to work from home during times of need. They also pull together to help support those that are going through personal issues. Those reasons are why A#1 Air has so many loyal employees. And loyal employees "want" to take care of the customer.

A#1 Air recognizes that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are issues that need to be addressed, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Reports Investigation A#1 Air has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to problem resolution and a commitment to a great client experience.

In summary, after our investigation, which included discussions with James and Sherry Green and many of his past and current associates, Ripoff Report is convinced that A#1 Air is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, its a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Rip-off Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.


As a matter of policy of the Corporate Advocacy Program, Ripoff Report contacts every person who filed a complaint so the member business can make things right with them. Ripoff Report always monitors these results to make sure when the consumer contact us that the complaint gets resolved to the satisfaction of the customer. .


A#1 Air Inc. Anumber1air, (((REDACTED))) Carrollton, Texas

NOTICE: About the Report below.

Ripoff Report sometimes (((REDACTS))) some offending words and false accusations/statements because we found what was posted to be false. If the posting was true, there would have been legitimate proof or documentation sent back to Ripoff Report. The claims are ridiculous. Ripoff Report was not sent any evidence for the claims the author of the Report below made –  While it is true some employees had charges of possession of marijuana in the past. Ripoff Report feels this is no big deal. Everyone deserves a second chance. As a matter of policy, when a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, .. Ripoff Report emails everyone that filed a complaint so the member business can make things right with them…  our program calls for the member business to err on the side of the customer. Of course, everything within reason. It is our opinion, the Report below is bogus. Ripoff Report hired a 3rd party verifier  who inspected the offices of A#1 Air  and found them to be legitimate with the credentials supporting this fact. There was no one on Drugs.

A#1 Air out of Carrollton TX. Has been advertising that they are drug free, and background check all their technicians. And that is a LIE. The owner himself is a 2 time felon. and has multiple employees that are felons. He advertises that installers are worker checked approve, and that is LIE if they dont qualify to get a badge he has one printed online. The owners name is James Paul Green and if you follow the link you will find the 2 felony drug charges. the other employees that are working with a record or not drug free.

Jason Adams
Matthew Good
Angel Ramirez
John Jones

Theres a few more. facts. http://www.dallascounty.org/criminalBackgroundSearch/search.do;jsessionid=F96502D00323DF04C8DC933D17A2D58A.dcapp4

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Be honest

United States of America

#2General Comment

Thu, February 09, 2012

Mr. Turner you should really take your grudge out on your ex-wife in another forum. The opinions of someone from comfort experts/hobsons, who was fired for sexual harassment of a female employee, is really of no importance.


United States of America
Elaboration on State Regulation

#3General Comment

Wed, February 08, 2012

There is in fact state regulations...Please follow the link:


A initial application is done with criminal background check as well as yearly renewals. They are looking for violent/hazardous criminals. Although someone may have a drug charge from the past does not mean that they are a threat to your home; nor currently using drugs. If there are any questions with regards to your record you have to under go an appeal/hearing.

Thank you.



#4Consumer Comment

Wed, February 08, 2012

 In order to go into a home these employees are reviewed by the State and given approval,which in turn, having to keep a state licensed card on them. "

   Are you saying that there is some regulation requiring a mandatory criminal background check on air conditioning and heating employees in Texas?  Never heard of that one.  Care to elaborate?


United States of America
False Accusations

#5General Comment

Wed, February 08, 2012

This is completely absurd and just wrong that someone can go and "throw you out there" with false statements, exaggerations, etc. Plain and simple, Disgruntled Employee was fired and did anyone stop to ask why he was Fired..... THEFT!! This sums it up into retaliation. You know, right or wrong, everyone has skeletons and a past. People change. In order to go into a home these employees are reviewed by the State and given approval,which in turn, having to keep a state licensed card on them. The state checks their backgrounds and feel that if they are a threat to any persons they will not be granted approval; without approval no entry into a home and you will not be hired. This process is renewed/reviewed yearly. This if FACT. These employees are hard workers and not a threat. So get over yourself and just accept the fact that you are the crooked employee that screwed over the company. You are just trying to draw attention away from yourself by trying to put it back on them. Maybe someone should be asking this Ex-employee why they are really MAD.... What was that saying, "Whenever you point your finger at someone you have three pointing back at yourself"!

Also your statement of the workers are NOT DRUG FREE...again I think you need to check your statement before making this accusation as well. I know FOR A FACT that employees, even ones you listed, ARE DRUG FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!


United States of America
Ex-Employee or not sounds lke facts

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 03, 2012

Well even if it was an Ex-employee sounds like they may have some facts for this company. I looked up the link and sure enough James Green has 2 felony charges. Have you followed the link?? Very interesting facts...

Be honest

United States of America
Take responsibility

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, February 02, 2012

This is more than likely written by an ex employee who was arrested for thousands and thousands of dollars of theft from this excellent company. It is very sad our world lets such a person with very low morals and values try to ruin a company who gave him every opportunity in the world.

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