  • Report:  #1510903

Complaint Review: Avoid James Berich / Mitchell of Press Start to Play -

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Avoid James Berich / Mitchell of Press Start to Play
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This pathetic, Australian-born guy called James Berich (aka James Mitchell) has constantly abused me online for over 4 years. However, I've actually known him since 2004, as we were members of several gaming forums. Particularly message boards that covered a survival horror video game franchise, called Resident Evil.

He used to run a fan site for Capcom (the company that owns the Resident Evil IP). It was called Capcom Central. Although he ended that site some time ago, he has been a blogger for Press Start to Play for a long time by this point. When he was a staff member on Capcom Central and The Horror Is Alive, he went by the pseudonyms, "James" and "Nemesis556". Many trolls associated with these type of communities abused me and banned me, to the point where my mental health was severely affected by their antics.

Around 2017, this absolute weirdo started signing up a multitude of aliases on forums I visit, as well as being a creep on YouTube and film databases, and he wrecked acyberlove.com with his spam spree. Through his slipping up, I obtained pictures of him and his name, as well as IP address logs. He is perfectly aware that I know his real identity, so he sarcastically said "Sherlock" in a comment. And it seems as if his family likes to make excuses for how he behaves online, as I contacted a relative of his, and she was in denial of his actions, insisting that somebody had stolen his name to defame "the real James", that he is innocent all along, and whatnot.

Ripoffreport Report Image

His campaign of abuse includes calling me names with many accounts, talking in a negative manner about autism, as if that makes one retarded, and being a vandal on a wiki regarding horror films that I contribute to. Besides this utter nonsense, I've had him obsessing over movies I am in as an extra, flooding forums with obscene content, or taken my videos from my own YouTube channel entitled "thesaunderschild", and outright copying this material, or using parts of it to mock me in videos on other channels he has created. He also posted derogatory garbage on my PS4 gaming streams with many handles.

I've had to report him to Google many times by now, via their flagging system. He also has a YouTube channel under the name of "Alfred Gimpy", where he just acts really stupid, over and over again, despite the fact he is 35 as of the time of this writing. But it's no less abusive.

He got my address details and my friend's previous address, and decided to misuse this information. He also provided this to other trolls, so they could report me. He even logs in on other forums or joins mailing lists through editing the same wiki articles, just to monitor my activity on the Internet. He has also provided me with IP address logs from Spark, which is an ISP that just so happens to be based in New Zealand. Emailing them got me absolutely nowhere, unfortunately.

While my local authorities in Edinburgh, Scotland were informed quite a number of times about the guy's constant harassment, they claim that because he's in another country, it's too hard to have him dealt with. But take this as a warning from me. Stay well away from James Berich online at all costs. Don't go to Press Start to Play either to offer him any custom. Apparently, his co-workers on there already know about him pestering me, yet what are they doing about it? Nothing. That's what.

Please, if you can, stay away from him. Be sure to block his @AtJamz Twitter profile while you're at it. Thank you!

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom
James Berich is a lunatic, with a posting method that yields so much irony...

#2Author of original report

Fri, August 20, 2021

Do you want to know something? James Berich openly signs up a plethora of alternative accounts, to reply to himself on YouTube. However, it's seemingly a rule he made up just for people that aren't him to try to abide by, as he thinks it's fine for him to accuse other people of doing the same thing, when unlike him, they're not actually doing that. Um, ironic, much?

Not only that, he saves videos of himself, like they are meant to be trophies to remind himself that yes, "Peter doesn't like my harassment towards him, and I love the negative attention!" Otherwise, why the hell does this obsessed Aussie cretin continue this childish campaign of cyber abuse? Then again, he has no life, so it's all he can do. Now people, I reckon I shouldn't be too mad at him, as he's clearly mentally ill, which is likely impacting his decision-making skills.

After all, nobody else I know spends this much time and energy messing up wiki articles or creating multiple identities on message boards, to post scat porn, or wreck the forums for the members who were there long term. Nonetheless, this guy can never take a hint, and it's inevitable that he will continue to badger a guy, who he knows wants absolutely NOTHING to do with him. Anyway, James will never quit being an idiot.

Bogans are like thst. So we will just have to continue saving evidence of his childish nonsense (I have a difficult time believing this guy is really 35 as well!) and blocking his dumb accounts, and this applies to everywhere he ends up following me to. All the best, from Grace Saunders, AKA thesaunderschild.

Padraig Amadeus

Scotland / Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
A Misunderstood Laddie

#3General Comment

Sun, August 15, 2021

i have been following this case for some time now. James Berich is a menace to Australia, or is it New Zealand now? Anyway, here we have a misunderstood laddie with autism from edinburgh that really means well and he deserves to be heard. He tells it like it is!! This laddie has been wrongly jailed uhmmmm like 5 or 6 times for violating non-harassment orders and other bail conditions, but he is innocent I tell ya!

What kind of crazy world even allows women to have legal rights? Not on my world, goddamnit! These women support workers are the only reason he's been having so many legal troubles... why can't they leave him be and accept the abuse they all deserve? Resident Evil blows and so does that traitor Nemesis and his band of cronnies.


Scotland / Midlothian,
United Kingdom
Ignore the rebuttal by PeeturDCF, who is actually James Berich impersonating others, yet again!

#4Author of original report

Sun, August 15, 2021

That's not me (thesaunderschild). That is once again, James Berich, using a name I had been using in the past. But I am flattered by his rather feeble attempt to impersonate me for to gain my attention. Bravo, Jim! James also posted some amusingly erroneous jive about me on the page about this person I reported called TS Rosie, thinking that cheap little stunt was supposed to somehow intimidate me, when it was so obviously James just up to his usual carry on, that it made me laugh more than anything.

Most people I talk to about this moron agrees that he is an absolute idiot, after I show them evidence of his sock accounts and stupidity. Once again, please ignore this fruitcake named James Berich, and add any accounts he signs up on forums to your ignore list by doing so in your User CP. Thank you.

James Berich is an Australian psychopath that is a failure by default. He also goes by the aliases, Rub, Twixygirls, Gimpy, Escapement, and Slackjaw. Look up the report on him at Wikipedia that was composed by several administrators, where he was evading a well deserved ban.


Scotland / Edinburgh,
United Kingdom
Forgive me; What have I done?

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, August 12, 2021

Oh no, it appears I may have accidentally filed this report including screenshots that quite clearly show me being online while explicitly forbidden from doing so as part of my bail conditions.

That said I love being in jail, so no problem I suppose, might as well make the most of my last few days of freedom. At least it won't be my mother getting me arrested this time.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to apologise to everyone I've wronged, but it's such a long list I'm not sure there is enough time.

Certainly to Sara and Joanna, and Cathy and Patrick, all the lovely folks on Resident Evil forums and YouTube over the years, and my parents, of course. I'd like to apologise to all the support workeres (((REDACTED))) and the police, and the prison officers. A special mention goes out to Murray - I don't know how you've put up with me all these years, but you must truly have the patience of a saint.

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