  • Report:  #1532823

Complaint Review: Cynthia Diane Blanchard and Anthem Hayek Blanchard - Bartlesville Oklahoma

Reported By:
Bville Legal Beagle - Bartlesville, Oklahoma, United States

Cynthia Diane Blanchard and Anthem Hayek Blanchard
510 S. Dewey Avenue Bartlesville, 74003 Oklahoma, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Shin'enKan artifacts ownership per Judgment
Article by Andy Dossett showing Blanchard theft

When Andy Dossett swept into action to discover what was happening at Price Tower this is what he encountered according to published news reports of the incidents involving CYNTHIA FRENCH BLANCHARD:


“The EE learned through an anonymous tip on Wednesday that two men were loading up a box truck with artifacts. Upon arriving Wednesday evening, the EE reporter was accosted by Price Tower owner Cynthia Blanchard.”


"Andy, what the f*** are you doing here? What the f*** are you doing?" Blanchard yelled from across the parking lot. "Are you trying to kill the Tower?"



What was Cynthia Blanchard's true intention with the Box Truck filled with artwork, furniture, all the ShinenKan artifacts from the museum?   Cynthia Blanchard was carrying out her premeditated fraud upon the citizens of Bartlesville Oklahoma and Frank Lloyd Wright fans everywhere.  Cynthia Blanchard was making good on her orchestrated plan to get rich flipping all the furniture, artwork, musuem artifacts through her FRAUDULENT MISAPPROPRIATION of museum artifacts entrusted to her.  CYNTHIA FRENCH BLANCHARD committed multiple FELONY crimes!   Cynthia French Blanchard MUST be prosecuted for these crimes:


"Before Anthem and Cynthia Blanchard paid relatively nothing to secure ownership of Bartlesville's architectural jewel, the Frank Lloyd Wright Price Tower, from a local nonprofit, deals were allegedly made for all the partners to get rich."


Cynthia D. (French) Blanchard paid relatively nothing for the iconic PRICE TOWER in Bartlesville Oklahoma.  The price paid is reported to be just ten dollars for a building tax accessed at one quarter of its fair market value, with a tax accessment in excess of SIX MILLION DOLLARS!   Brad Doenges the chairman of the Price Tower Arts Center Inc. signed off on a quit claim deed giving the Price Tower designed by Frank Lloyd Wright to an out of state LLC located in New Mexico.  Cynthia Blanchard has publicly declared she is the actual owner of Price Tower, she has refused to state why the Price Tower is owned by a LLC located outside of Oklahoma.  Why Cynthia Blanchard has chosen to force Brad Doenges of Doenges Ford and Toyota Dealerships to give away the Price Tower for just ten dollars to the out of state New Mexico LLC is anyones guess and has sparked tremendous controversy.  Especially now that Cynthia Blanchard and her former step son now husband Anthem Hayek Blanchard are declaring in court documents they are flat broke.


How flat broke is Cynthia Blanchard?  She is so broke that she is secretly selling off the communities museum and cultural heritage artifacts.   Cynthia Blanchard was caught red handed operating secretly under the cloak of darkness loading up truck loads of furntiture, artwork, museum artifacts of ShinenKan which were on LOAN to the Price Tower Arts Center.   Cynthia Blanchard when obviously was not in any way trying to be helpful to the community as she now claims now that she has been caught stealing from the Bartlesville OK community.   When Enterprise Examiner newspaper reporter Andy Dossett received a tip that men were loading a box truck with furniture and artwork from Price Tower he lept in to action to get to the bottom of what was going on at the Price Tower!   The Community should keep in mind that a man received 20 (TWENTY) years in prison for the theft of a single chair from Price Tower.  Cynthia Blanchard has been caught red handed and photographed stealing an entire box truck of museum artifacts from Price Tower's museum.

In 2016, prosecutors did not take lightly the theft of a single chair from Price Tower Arts Center, seeking as much as 20 years in prison for the misappropriation of the chair from Price Tower:



Cynthia Blanchard and Anthem Blanchard are flat broke claiming in public court documents they are broke and cannot pay State of Oklahoma Ordered payments to former employees.   The State of Oklahoma has found the Blanchard's and their companies to have been not sincere and not honest in their refusal to pay wages.    IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING that when the State of Oklahoma ordered not only back wages but also liquidated damages and multiple findings of fact that the Blanchard's and their companies were less than honest and not sincere, demonstrates the type of persons we are now dealing with.


THE PROOF as to who owns the SHIN'enKAN artifacts is printed in a lawsuit that the Friends of Shin'enKan filed in Washington County District Court back in 1997 after the arson of the house of Joe Price called Shin'enKan.  Cynthia French Blanchard knew all the artifacts of Shin'enKan were owned by the Friends of Shin'enKan, but she didn't care about who owned the artifacts, she only cared about the money she would get to further finance her lavish lifestyle.   Cynthia Blanchard has also been caught taking economic incentive money from the City of Bartlesville and then refusing to open and actually truly attempt to run the businesses and follow the business plans she attested she would when she requested the money from the Bartlesville City Council.  Why our tax dollars are being stolen and Cynthia Blanchard has not been prosecuted is any wonder.  It now has the "REAL Friends of Price Tower" working on investigating the PTAC management of Donna Keffer her business partner Scotty Ambler, the chairman Brad Doenges and unfortunately Mark Haskell who is reported to have family members who have earned commissions selling real estate for the Blanchards.

Who besides Donna Keffer, Scotty Ambler and Mark Haskell have benefited from the sale of historical artifacts, the sale of PRICE TOWER for just $10 is open for investigation, especially now that there have not been charges filed for FRAUDULENT MISAPPROPRIATION against Cynthia Blanchard who has stolen and misappropriated thorugh robbery museum artifacts there were on loan to Price Tower Arts Center.

A copy of the lawsuit showing clearly that Friends of Shin'enKan own the artifacts is attached here to this RipOff Report Complaint.


Cynthia French Blanchard made a deal to get rich, according to an attorney that she hired in order to carry out her devious plan of deception and fraud.  Cynthia Blanchard was planning to add everything up and appraise the building and quickly FLIP it all for a substantial profit.  Anything over $10 is profit according to the documents filed by Brad Doenges in the quit claim deed filed with the Clerk in Washington County Oklahoma.


Brand claims he was told something completely different.

"I was brought in by [Cynthia] and informed by her that this was going to be a quick flip," Brand said. "The assets were going to be added up, that the art was going to be added up, that the building was going to be appraised, and then it was going to be flipped, and everybody would get their money back and a whole lot more."



“FELONY misappropriation defined under law 21 OK Stat § 1451 she probably got between $2.5k - $15k which means at least 5 years in prison! 

Over $15k then it is 8 years! It matters not if the items are returned, the evidence is in the news media and she admitted to it on the radio interview! Charge Blanchard, Arrest her, throw her in the Safety Complex hold! To do anything else shows favoritism!”



As Cynthia Blanchard was publicly promising to put $10 million into the tower’s upkeep and renovation, touting HeraSoft’s monetary success as just what the town needed, it appears from a lawsuit filed against Anthem Blanchard by American Express for $128,192.81 in unpaid debt, the couple may have been living off of cash advances from credit at the time. Nevertheless, city leaders began pledging taxpayer funds through the Bartlesville Development Authority to Green Copper Holdings to assist in the Blanchard’s efforts to revamp a restaurant and other interior features of the tower.     https://v1sut.substack.com/p/ok-town-becomes-sanctuary-city-for 


Court documents reveal Blanchard failed to meet his obligations and was sued again in Washington County Court this year. In response, Blanchard said he doesn't have the money.

"Unfortunately, Anthem Vault, Inc. is currently unable to meet its financial obligations and is in the process of winding down its operations," Blanchard stated in his April 1 written response to the court summons. "As such, we regret to inform the court that the company does not possess the means to fulfill any monetary claims presented in the petition."

In the response, Blanchard even asked Court Clerk Jill Spitzer for advice on proceeding "in light of the company's financial circumstances," the documents say.

Carstensen claims Herasoft owes a handful of employees back pay.

During his employment with Herasoft Inc., Carstensen received his paychecks from Anthem Vault Inc. He claims that the two companies are, in fact, the same.

Herasoft moved its operations to Bartlesville in 2021 with a reported $5 million round of series-A funding and a growing client list. Blanchard claimed they had offices in Houston and Sao Paulo, Brazil, at the time.

He also was the executive officer of two now-defunct crypto-blockchain companies, Hercules SEZC and AnthemGold, both of which are facing multiple online accusations of fraud from customers.

Blanchard is also linked to 38 other companies, such as AMAGI Metals LLC, Anthem Bank Inc, Anthem Coins Ltd, Anthem Crypto, Anthem AU, AnthemDerivatives, AnthemDollar Ltd and AnthemGold Inc.

Further complicating matters, Herasoft Inc. is selling the building housing its Bartlesville headquarters, the historic and former Washington County Courthouse, for $1.2 million.

Meanwhile, Anthem's wife Cynthia, owner of Price Tower and former president of Herasoft, is selling museum artifacts to address the tower's financial shortcomings.

Cynthia Blanchard previously said that Herasoft employees were part of the team taking ownership of the Price Tower.


District Attorney W. DRAKE MUST file criminal charges at this point.  If Cynthia Blanchard is not criminally charged then certainly Brad Doenges and the rest of the PTAC board must be brought up on charges.   There are not multiple levels of laws in this country if President Trump can be prosecuted for 34 felony counts in a sham criminal case, and DA Drake prosecuted a whistleblower who alerted city officials to the fraud that was about to befall Bartlesville by the Blanchard’s then certainly now that the Blanchard’s have openly committed a multitude of criminal offenses the documented proof beyond a reasonable doubt is printed in the newspapers and directly from Cynthia Blanchard’s own lips on Bartlesville Radio.  Failure to bring criminal charges means we the people must unfortunately begin building cases against Brad Doenges and the PTAC board.


OUJI-CR 3-16


Bribe - The term "bribe" signifies any money, goods, right in action, property, thing of value or advantage, present or prospective, or any promise or undertaking, asked, given or accepted with a corrupt intent to influence unlawfully the person to whom it is given, in his action, vote or opinion, in any public or official capacity.

Reference: 21 O.S. 1991, § 97.

Corrupt Intent -- A wrongful intent to obtain money or other benefit.

Reference: 21 O.S. 1991, § 94.

Person - A human being; may, where appropriate, include a corporation.

Reference: 21 O.S. 1991, § 105.

Property - Property includes:

(a) Real Property - Every estate, interest, and right in lands including structures or objects permanently attached to the land;

(b) Personal Property - Money, goods, chattels, effects, evidences of rights in action, and written instruments effecting a monetary obligation or right or title to property.

References: 21 O.S. 1991, §§ 102, 103, 104.


OUJI-CR 3-38


No person may be convicted of filing a false/forged instrument unless the State has proved beyond a reasonable doubt each element of the crime. These elements are:

First, knowingly;

Second, procuring/offering;

Third, a false/forged instrument;

Fourth, to be filed/registered/recorded in any public office in Oklahoma.

An instrument is any document which, if genuine, could be filed/ registered/recorded under any law of Oklahoma or the United States.


Statutory Authority: 21 O.S. 1991, § 463.


Given the crimes committed by Cynthia Blanchard and the obvious lack of criminal enfrocement by District Attorney Drake, then certainly it would appear Doenges, Mark Haskell, John West, Donna Keffer, Scott Ambler, of course Cynthia Diane Blanchard and Anthem Hayek Blanchard are all in a conspiracy to commit multiple predicate acts against the RICO laws in Oklahoma:


OUJI-CR 3-32


The following conduct constitutes a felony under Oklahoma law: [State the Elements of the Alleged Predicate Criminal Act(s) from the List of Felonies Set Out in 22 O.S. Supp. 1995, § 1402(10)].


 Certainly the claim that a debt was assumed and that debt was personally guaranteed by a member or multiple members of the board of directors of Price Tower Arts Center Inc. (PTACT) indicates proof positive greater than prima facie evidence of the payment of a bribe by Cynthia Blanchard to acquire a SIX MILLION DOLLAR plus tax accessed valued property for less than one tenth of the undervalued tax assessment.


Who determined the Fair Market Value?   Cynthia Blanchard?   Who decided Cynthia Blanchard who was entrusted with museum artifacts clearly loaned to PTAC had any right to sell museum artifacts clearly on loan to PTAC?   


A lawyer obviously has researched this situation, as there are legal posts around the internet describing some of the crimes Cynthia Blanchard should be charged with, though since Blanchard has yet to be arrested, the community should be looking to build a case against Brad Doenges for fraudulent misappropriation and other State and Federal crimes in this illegal transfer of PRICE TOWER and what Brad Doenges did with the museum artifacts that were loaned to PTAC and the museum.


“FELONY misappropriation defined under law 21 OK Stat § 1451 she probably got between $2.5k - $15k which means at least 5 years in prison! Over $15k then it is 8 years! It matters not if the items are returned, the evidence is in the news media and she admitted to it on the radio interview! Charge Blanchard, Arrest her, throw her in the Safety Complex hold! To do anything else shows favoritism!”

Report Attachments
Shin'enKan artifacts ownership per Judgment
Article by Andy Dossett showing Blanchard theft

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