  • Report:  #1508944

Complaint Review: Ibhar Al Mheid - Athens Georgia

Reported By:
David - United States

Ibhar Al Mheid
3015 Lexington Rd Athens, 30605 Georgia, United States
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Ibhar Al Mheid real name Ibhar Mohammad Almheid. Uses Ibhar Mheid or Ibhar Almheid and us Syrian with questionable contacts.

This is regarding Ibhar Al Mheid’s THIRD arrest in a five month span. When will Homeland Security, or the FBI/government look into this predator and continue to allow him to stay in the United States?

Ibhar Al Mheid attempts to bury and buy off his scams being exposed, abuse and threats /assaults against women, dangerous stalking of young college girls (he is a 41 year old, scary predator of women) and this is not his first victim - there are many.

The proof is all over the internet with Ibhar Al Mheid’s public arrest records listed, issued by Athens-Clarke county, Georgia and a TPO against him (that is a felony in itself, yet he refuses to stop his abuse and stalking/ criminal behaviors against women). He has at least 6- 7 charges pending and this is before his latest arrest, on May 28, 2021 as stated in arrest records for “AGGRAVATED STALKING” and “ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION/POST OF VIDEO/PHOTO DEPICTING NUDITY/SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONDUCT W/O CONSENT”

Ripoffreport Report Image

Ibhar Al Mheid’s real name is Ibhar Mohammad Almheid has been arrested and jailed, Three separate times, since December 15, 2020 for violence, assault and threats to women.

Ibhar Al Mheid is currently incarcerated in Athens-Clarke county, Georgia because he refuses to abide by his TPO and leave a young girl alone. As mentioned in other reports, he films women without consent and uploads it all online without consent (another misdemeanor/felony).

Ibhar Al Mheid was arrested for family violence (fv) aggravated stalking, damage to property, and criminal trespass, in December 2020. Mheid was then arrested again in March of 2021 for similar charges (and $25,000 bond). Now Ibhar Al Mheid is currently incarcerated, yet AGAIN, after being arrested a third time in the past 5 months, on May 28, 2021, in Athens Clarke county , Georgia jail on charges of aggravated stalking (another felony and he already has a TPO on him) and uploading nude/explicit sexual content (misdemeanor and not his first time doing this).

This Dangerous Predator Ibhar Al Mheid keeps getting arrested and jailed because he won’t stop stalking and threatening women. Why is he even allowed to stay in the USA? He has been on the United States’ government watchlist for years.

The young girl Ibhar Al Mheid won’t stop stalking and abusing is only a 21 year old college student who cannot even continue her studies because he will not stop until he hurts her again. He also has a ‘wife’ (he used for green card) and two children, who are at home while Ibhar Al Mheid spends all his free time stalking (violating his TPO), committing acts of assault and threatening a college kid. Ibhar Al Mheid is very dangerous to women and citizens in the USA.

Recent arrest on May 28, 2021 - still incarcerated:


Arrest on March 23, 2021 bond $25,000...


4 Updates & Rebuttals


Brunswick ,
Ibhar Al Mheid the Stalker’s Federal Case DISMISSED

#2General Comment

Mon, June 24, 2024

The stalker of stalker’s Ibhar Al Mheid was arrested many times by name of Ibhar Al Mheid tried threatening our family after he wouldn’t leave our young college student relative alone. When he could not stalk her anymore he started stalking police, judge and the justice system in Athens, Georgia! Too bad for him a federal judge saw right through him and dismissed his pathetic attempt to stalk others. Hilarious what the federal judge said about Ibhar Al Mheid. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/georgia/gamdce/3:2023cv00105/130894/71/


Brunswick ,
United States
Ibhar Al Mheid Crazy Stalker

#3General Comment

Mon, June 24, 2024

 Ibhar Al Mheid wouldn’t leave our young relative alone. She had to leave her studies at UGA and receive mental health treatment due to this fat stalking Shrek looking MF refusing to leave her alone! Ibhar Al Mheid ruined her life then had the audacity to sue the Athens community including a judge bc he refused to STOP harassing and stalking. Totally hilarious the federal judge threw Ibhar Al Mheid’s case out since he was trying to harass and stalk law enforcement and the judicial system for holding him accountable for stalking and abusing others.

Report Attachments


United States
Ibhar Al Mheid Dangerous Felon

#4General Comment

Tue, March 29, 2022

 Ibhar Al Mheid was incarcerated from May 2021 until recently. Ibhar Al Mheid is very dangerous and his list of charges, felonies and misdemeanors are a LONG list. These are all facts as verified in the police reports posted online.

Report Attachments


United States
Ibhar Al Mheid is Seriously Unhinged

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 29, 2022

 This report is spot on about Ibhar Al Mheid! Just Google his name Ibhar Al Mheid and arrests or do a background check. He has over 15 charges! Ibhar Al Mheid stalks women from online dating sites or hires girls he then stalks but also anyone who dares tell the truth.

Ibhar Al Mheid is very unhinged and has hurt many around the Atlanta metro and Athens, Georgia. Ibhar Al Mheid was incarcerated in the Athens Clarke County jail, in Georgia for these charges which are FACTS.

Ibhar Al Mheid was in jail from May 2021 until November or December 2021. Ibhar Al Mheid’s rap sheet is very long. Ladies be careful!

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