  • Report:  #1534163

Complaint Review: Jeffrey M. Willet - Stateinsplein 32

Reported By:
Frances - 17158 Granada Hills, United States

Jeffrey M. Willet
3511 ED Utrecht Netherland Stateinsplein 32, United States
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Jeffrey M. Willet of the Netherlands, Stationsplein 32, 3511ED Utrecht, the Netherlands, 310625555265, is a known internet predator who sends emails via [email protected].

Jeffrey M. Willet, a vexatious litigant who has been sued multiple times for nefarious business practices, including fraud, targets people on the internet to extort money from them. He did this to me and relentlessly harrassed me for months.  I later found out he had a concerning criminal record and had to file a police report.  Mr. Willet has been deemed as "mentally unstable," and has continued to email me from alias email accounts to stalk me.  


Please beware of this man.  He is a danger to society, has a dangerous criminal record, and if he contacts you, I'd recommend calling the police immediately.  

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