  • Report:  #1534165

Complaint Review: Soumaya Al Dika - Bell California

Reported By:
KawtharMoussaoui - Riverside, California, United States

Soumaya Al Dika
5150 Gage Avenue Bell, 90201 California, United States
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My name is Kawthar Moussaoui. I am the youngest child and daughter of Ali Hasan Moussaoui.

Ali Hassan Moussaoui is a completely malignant sociopath, a blight on humanity, cancerous, selfish, cruel. Ali Mousssaoui is also an extreme manipulator, a criminal, an opportunist. He stops at nothing, absolutely nothing to get what he wants, even when it means getting what he wants ("Admiration," "trust," ego boosts) by default.

For instance, when my mother, Roba Moussaoui (His biological cousin) divorced hi, he made sure to manipulate my twin brothers and myself and completely turn us against our mother. However, because we were not children anymore, there was only so much he could do--But he certainly tried and he tried endlessly. And, for a long time, he succeeded.

See, Ali Moussaoui is a cancer. He thrives on admiration and ego boosts. He feeds on attention. He needs attention, He must have attention-All at the cost of everyone else.

Ali Moussaoui loves and cares for no one whatsoever. He only driving force in his pathetic life is to be the center of attention. And thi si when he actively went on every dating site (Yes, my "orthodox" Muslim father, the phony, went on every dating site in existence) in order to find his next victim. I watched him for an entire season, while he preyed upon site after site until he found yet another woman, a damaged woman, an isolated woman, a girl who he could prey upon to manipulate and use as surrogate in order to get her pregnant with his fifth child, a little boy, so that he could then discard the girl and use every lie and manipulation, every false allegation, every sob story to gain full custody of the little boy and then indocrinate the little boy, Mohammed Hassan Moussaoui, into his existent fold of manipulated children.

The little boy's mother had been an absolutely excellent mother, a good mother, a faultless parent and had fully supported thier little boy, because my father, Ali Moussaoui, was and is a deadbeat, alousy deadbeat. The gilr had not only never done anything wrong to their little boy, but she had been as perfect a mother as anyone could have been. The gilr did have an arrest history. However, when my father had first met her and she had made the mistake of being honest and divulging everything to him, he certainly did not mind. In fact, her record was the very reason he had chosen her. He had had a plan and his plan was coming together smoothly. He needed someone damaged, traumatized, someone with Dady issues, someone who wanted to be loved, someone isolated, someone who had no one. And this girl fit the very profile had long ago put together in his hit list. By "dating" this gilr and lying about how he "loved" her, he was able to convinve her to get pregnant with his child. And his actions speak directly to his present wife (Partner in crime) Soumaya Al Dika. Soumaya Al Dika was also handpicked by my disgusting father. He went to the Middle East and plucked her out of obscurity, brought her to the United States, gave her citizenship, a place to live, introduction to the Land Of Milk And Honey. And Soumaya Al Dika (The Chador-wearing "holy" Muslim woman gladly participated in and became the central character in my father's schemes. The girl, the mother to the little boy, Maohammad Hassam Moussaoui, my step-brother, never gave up. She repeatedly filed court action to gain back visitation and a relationship with her son. However, my repulsive, malignant father could not have that. No! He could not allow the little boy's mother to be in his life, as that would mean that the little boy also loved someone else besides my father. That was his criptonyte. So he continued to use the same lies, maipulations, sob stories, attorneys who believed in a scorched Earth appraoch to make sure that she, the girl, never again saw her son and never had any relationship with him. And when, in approximately year 2022, a court judge started to recognize and see through the manipulations of my father, my father suddenly pulled the plug and had Soumaya Al Dika sign papers and file to petition Children's Court to adopt away the little boy. Yes, a woman (If you can call her that) did that to another woman and mother. Soumaya Al Dika willingly, without question and without the slightest protest, readily agreed to do the bidding of an evil, cancerous man, my father, Ali Moussaoui. ANd I watched the entire time. Yes, I did stand by and watch the years of injustice, cruelties, horrible actions against this girl and their little boy. Ali Moussaoui does not love anyone. He does not recognize the term: Love. He does recognize "winning." And, in his mind, their little boy meant nothing to him, He never loved their little boy. All he wanted was to seperate him from the girl, his own mother, lie to him that mother was a "bad" gilr, and lie to him that hi mother did "not" love him. My father is a filthy, lying, scum. He was born scum and he will die scum. But so is the chadore-wearing phony, Soumaya Al Dika. She was and is willing to do any and everything to lie to the courts and manipulate, along with him, to keep her place in life warm--Even to the point of Stealing and Kidnapping another woman's child.

Soumaya Al Dika is no better than a lowly madam in the worst brothels. She has been willing to do anything, anything to get what she wants. And being a main character, supporting character, liar, troublemaker, fellow-criminal in my father's scams. fraud, schemes, thefts, heartbreak acts of malevolence against others, including his own little boy (Adn us, when we were children) had been no problem, not even a question of morals for her.

Soumaya Al Dika is not only a physically ugly woman, she is completely hideous inside. She currently holds a teaching position at Al Hadi School, in the city of Bell, only because my father used to hold a position there before my mother dumped and divorced him (For victimizing poor old woman whose husbands had passed away and therefore had huge inheritances and lots of money. And he still does actively participate in these nefarious activities. These are very lucrative side gig that bring in lots of cash for him). And Soumaya Al Dika sits by while he continues to fleece old woman, widows, for money, jewels, and other income=producing benefits. In fact Soumaya Al Dika actively aids and abetts him.

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