  • Report:  #1513527

Complaint Review: Jwiz -

Reported By:
Alia - United States

United States
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As a previous employee, I pray that every company that seeks to advertise through this company to immediately stop. They are not honest. They representatives lie about their positions when speaking with the potential people they will "sell" too. They take money from people that can barely afford their own business promising great revenue from their "referral service." Every branch present for this company has about 1-2 max.

3 people dealing with referrals for all industries you can imagine. Not that there are calls in the first place for a company like this to refer businesses too. Anyone in their right mind would use google or yelp to directly call someone and ask about their services, Jewish or not, integrity is not found in this location. I pray that those in the company are convicted of actual Jewish beliefs, as a Christian I am one to know a few things about what basic integrity is not that it matters but even outside of religion these people see money only.

The ones who are unfortunate and stuck in a job like this, thinking there is no way out because the state let alone country makes it hard to find a job I also wish luck because this is not a place to make a living at the cost of someone else's life.

I made the mistake of working here out of desperation, and I pray that all those that are within it see the same. If you have an honest product, sell it. If the product is a pile of lies, you will see far beyond the money lost from this dirty scheme. It is up to you as employees to make the decision to leave, and it is also at your own discretion for those that are choosing to advertise with this company. It is simple to say I am perfect and review this company. I once made mistakes, lied and chose to hurt those around me, but because of my faith that changed my life, I was able to stop and realize that companies like these are absolute darkness. Not only that but it is my duty to stand up and speak about it before it affects someone else.

Potential customer, I warn you.

God bless you with your decision.

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