  • Report:  #1534259

Complaint Review: Market Leader - Bellevue Washington

Reported By:
Beverly - Shawnee on Delaware, United States

Market Leader
3633 136th Pl Se Suite 300 Bellevue, 98006 Washington, United States
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Market Leader Dispute

I signed up for a 6-month contract that would renew by me on a month-to-month basis thereafter.  The leads were terrible.  I have not had one successful sale from the company over the course of 6 months after paying out over $600 per month not less than even one legitimate lead.  Some of prospects had disconnected phone numbers, incorrect email addresses, and names that didn’t match up with the tax records. I have never had so many people put STOP in the text.  It was a total waste of my time every day doing the follow up on that website. Market Leader, in my opinion, is fraudulent and misleading.

As you can see, I placed my order with Keller Demaray on March 13th to start on April 1st 2024 for a 6 month period.  On August 17th Robbie Thomas reached out to sell me additional leads to which I replied that my contract was up September 1st and to please confirm.  I had no response from him. I then reached out to Keller on September 4th to confirm that my 6 months was up as of October 1st. He confirmed that September would be my last month.


With the current disruption in our industry, I can’t afford to throw $624.14 into the wind every month and I am counting on PNC to stop them from automatically taking those funds out of my account.  Please and thank you for your immediate help on this matter.

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