  • Report:  #1529034

Complaint Review: Polaris Industries - Medina Minnesota

Reported By:
Denny - Davidsville, Pennsylvania, United States

Polaris Industries
Medina, Minnesota, United States
Alyssa,P 1-855-863-2284
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I bought a 2022 Polaris Slingshot SLE brand-new which is a top-of-line $36,000 model. I had a very bad dealer experience to add to my nightmare. When I bought the vehicle the traction control light stayed on permanently no matter what you did. Polaris said to bring it to the dealership and they were stumped at first as to how to fix the problem, so I left with no fix. That was visit # 1 so I called worthless Polaris and they said to go back and let them keep it till they figure out what could be wrong, so I did which was another 2-hour round trip with 2 drivers and another day off work. I spent over $300 on gas and drivers and called Will in customer service and he promised to cover my expenses because it wasn't my fault. Polaris told me they couldn't pay me for anything as it states that the purchaser pays all expenses. I feel that Polaris should pay for its mistakes in manufacturing, I always had to pay for my mistakes in life. They now want me to go for the third time as the fix lasted 100 miles and it's back where I started again and they won't help with their problem or expenses in any way. If you buy their brands and have a problem you are on your own as their team is very ignorant and heartless about what you're going through and the danger of not having traction control as I came close to an accident more than once because of this problem. I also asked them why they quit installing the rear fender as it's very dangerous shooting rocks etc. to drivers behind you as I almost took out another biker's eye and hit a car windshield. I'm done with this company as they are only about making money.

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