  • Report:  #1523418

Complaint Review: social secirotu adminstration - DC washington

Reported By:
margit - WEST PALM BEACH, florida, United States

social secirotu adminstration
01 Clematis St #2, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 DC, 33401 washington, United States
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think about it.

the program was developed to fund the govenrment.  the administration at that time did not want to contribute to the country and this program is to fund the government from the people.

the government holds the money taken out from the workers pay for at least 30 years and the govenrment uses this money to gain interest and use it for the governments programs and yet at the time for retirement the government has increased the age time to recieve the funds placed for the people yet, they do not give an interest on the funds withheld and keep increasing the retirement age for collection and then they make a deal such as with me that if I take my social security at 62 then I will lose 500 dollars and if I wait until 65 then I will get what I am supposed to recieve and if I choose to take it early then I would never recieve the 500 dollars ever again and if I wait until i am 70 years old they would give me an extra 500 dollars.  what are they doing with my hard earned money for the years they kept it and made money off my money and did not give me interest and also, they tax me when I take my social security. also, if I am deceased then they keep the money and my beneficiaries do not get my social security and they ge to keep it.  not a great deal at all.  They are like the bank and yet I do not get interest on the money they withheld for many years.  I have not a say at all for the employer is held responsible to give my share to the gpvernment every pay check. the program is for the governent and not the people. the cost of living dose not equate with the social security pay out. 

the govenment pays for miltary research and funds the wars in Europe and we have our own battles here with many disasters and its getting more and more disaters.  we are going broke and chaos is at hand if this adminstration does not spend our monies wisely. The interest making on our monies funds areas that we do not even know about.  The program needs updating and for the people and not for the govenment. 

There is no deal with our distribution at the time we decide to take our social security and the adminstraion not need tax us and should give us interest on our witheld earnings for all the years we contributed to the program.


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, December 22, 2022

If you go to Bing and type in: WAYNE PAUL THE USA HAS BEEN BANKRUPT SINCE 1933, you can watch it and he will explain the reason for social security.

You see, the U.S. Government allowed the Federal Reserve to control the money system in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed, and in 1933 the USA went into bankruptcy. The Federal Reserve wanted collateral for the money it was owed, so the government put up the “American People” as collateral.

The entire system in America is a lie. People are beginning to understand the truth. Evil and greedy men have ultimately been in charge of our country for over 100 years and it’s all starting to unwind. As the Federal Reserve prints more and more money out of thin air in order to keep the failed system afloat, it devalues the currency and creates inflation. 

Good luck to you and Merry Christmas.

*****GOVERNMENT ALERT: All Americans are strongly urged to type in 472051 at this site and read Ripoff Report #472051 and all of the consumer comments for extremely important information.


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