  • Report:  #1514752

Complaint Review: Team Beast Mode Detailing - Durham NC

Reported By:
AnnaP - Durham, NC, United States

Team Beast Mode Detailing
4705 bennett memorial rd/ 3915 N Duke st, Durham, 27705 NC, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This company promotes itself through "Auto Detailing ChampionShips"  Thinking this was an actual event I offered this a gift to someone. Imagine my disgust when the event was cancelled just an hour after this was signed-up for with NO effort to refund the money.

They are using the EventBrite platform to sell this scam and then of course you are SOL to get the money refunded as that is not the way EventBrite works. They said they would refund the money and after a month of nothing, another call they said they would do so but again, nothing. 

Do not sign up for this scam unless you want to lose your money.

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