  • Report:  #652585

Complaint Review: Todd Tomasella - Frisco Texas

Reported By:
B - Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Todd Tomasella
Frisco, Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

What can I say?  As a female friend of Todd's for several years I too was charmed by his sparkling personality.  So I was shocked when I saw what I saw-but I never dared say anything since it was none of my business really.  After noticing that he is a serial dater, and that he usually comes on strong with personality, bible, and "traditional roles" for men and women I can understand what comes next.  It disturbed me!  A friend of mine went on a first date with him.  Starbucks, his fav spot for moving in on a girl.  He met my friend and bought her coffee and explained his opinion on gender roles right away letting her know of his expectations.  She told me that within the first 20 minutes he quoted the bible 10 times and his own book in order to backup what he was talking about!  She was not impressed and tried to get out of there asap.  She used a safe-call to rescue her.

Abuse of Women:  On two different ocasions I witnessed Todd abuse a woman that he was dating at the time.  Two different girls.  I also heard the way he spoke to them and others he dated.  He used bible verses to overpower them and shout them down and "teach" them how to "submit" to "a man's authority" !  Yes, I saw this with my own eyes and ears and could not believe it!  Beware ladies!!!  You do NOT want to get caught up in this neanderthol's world and be verbally or physically abused and relegated to second class citizen.  You have been warned.  Respect yourself, and don't go anywhere near this creep.

And as far as his facade of Christianity...what a joke!

B, Dallas, Texas

26 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Ridiculous accusation

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, March 07, 2023

This sounds like a jealous woman. Quite stupid and there is no truth to this.

His ex wife Becky has been married numerous times and she committed adultery with Todd's ex boss. 

She turned his son against him because she doesn't want her son to find out about what she did with that married man while he and she were still married to other people. That man was married and had several kids and he had money. Becky could care less about anyone except herself. Her whole goal has been to destroy Todd because he divorced her for committing adultery. Todd's biggest mistake was marrying her. His ex wife who is now remarried yet again, was "dating" a 19 year old kid after the divorce while she tried to destroy Todd using child support and one can only assume how she was getting her attorney paid. hmmmmm To say this woman is a mess, a selfish person beyond description, would be a huge understatement.


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 26, 2023

Is only available at this site. Just type in 617614 and it appears in Consumer Comment #17 at Ripoff Report #617614.

Thank you for sharing your Ripoff Report with everyone who comes to this site each day for important information that the Mainstream Media doesn’t Report.

Good luck to you!

*****GOVERNMENT ALERT: All Americans are strongly urged to type in 472051 at this site every day and read Ripoff Report #472051 and all of the consumer comments for extremely important information!!!


United States
Kay Sound Jealous

#4General Comment

Wed, September 07, 2022

Speaking of shallow, this was a dispicable entry on your part Kay. First of all, were you referring to like decades ago? lol You think he has grown up a bit since then, when he was in his 20's? duhhhh.

What about you? Have you matured? You sound jealous. You sound as if you are upset because he wasn't interested in you back then. hmmmmm


Edward Watson is the vilest of wolves

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, March 16, 2013

Edward Watson is the vilest of wolves, insidiously working behind the seen to attack those God is using out of his envy. This is something that has been brought out by my friend Dr. Scott Johnson.A good friend gave me this link to look at and told me this was someone Ed Watson also attacked. I dont know who Todd is but I do know that Ed only goes on a rampage and false accuses and makes up stories about people he is jealous of. Ed is a pervert who tried to seduce pastor Adams daughter and yet Ed goes around making up stuff like this about other people and then tries to make it look like it really happened. Ed Watson is a master deceiver but is now being found out. Hes being exposed by many.I have never heard of this guy Todd before now. But please, whatever you do, do not take Ed Watson's scheming, lying, and deceit for your view. Ed Watson has for a long time slandered and painted his victims into a dark corner. If Ed's fingers are typing or his mouth moving, he lying.

This man is the worst of wolves and surely headed for eternal retribution. His dark deeds will come to light. In looking at Todd's site, I see a whole lot of good gospel truth. I don't happen to believe a man can lose his salvation once he has believed, but I do like everything else I have thus far seen on that site. Very well done site. In the depraved state he lives in Ed Watson is a very envious person. As someone else has noted, if Ed Watson is attacking you, it's probably because God is using you. I have to agree with what many others are not saying, that Ed is not a saved man. The fruit of his life makes that obvious.Several God-fearing ministers who have been viciously and maliciously attacked by Ed Watson are exposing him. Ed Watson is also being exposed for his attack on several other Christian people who are not in ministry. Heed these warning because you may be his next victim.

In the name of being a watchmen, Ed Watson is an insidious, baiting, false accusing wolf who will stop at nothing in his envy-filled rage to create lies he seeks to legitimize about God's children. Ed Watson usually makes up things but even if he is accurate in finding out that a Christian who committed a sin, Ed could care less about whether or not that person has repented. No, Ed Watson forges ahead in his demonic rage to attempt to tear that person apart. He is a ravenous, a devouring wolf, such as Jesus, the Great Shepherd of His sheep warned us about. Ed Watson is also a big coward who will not be brought into accountability.This is how sick a person Ed Watson is.

Ed Watson is an insanely envious person who refuses to minister in true humility as a servant of the Lord whom Ed does not know. Edward Watson would rather try to discredit others in order to get acceptance and fame but it's all backfiring on Ed as he is becoming famous as a vile slanderer of God's people, a man who can't seem to tell the truth.This following testimony of pastor Adams concerning pastor Ed Watson tells the truth about Ed:My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of "pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious  talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend.  He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams


Satans running buddy

#6General Comment

Sat, March 16, 2013

I don't know who posted this but I am certain who your running buddy is...Satan himself. Also known as the great accuser of the brethren. You should be ashamed of yourself for the things you have written here. I've never seen such vile and malicious slander in my life. If you call yourself a Christian and in the same breath bring such railing accusations against someone else you are under Satan's complete control. The sad part is you are too deceived to even recognize that what you are doing is destructive, not to Todd but to everyone else who reads this. If others buy into your devilish lies then they are as deceived as you are.

You are truly a fool if you think what you are doing is helpful or it's Gods Work. You are no better than Satan himself if you don't repent and retract these vile and damnable comments. May God have pity on your soul if you die before asking God to forgive you.

You have nothing but hate in your heart and God calls you a Murderer, damned and a child of the Devil. Prove yourself a genuine person of God. Retract your lies and confess openly that you are sorry, and maybe, if it's not too late, God will forgive your murderous ways.
No response to any more of your lies will be needed because a fool like you can't be corrected.


United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013



United States of America
I agree with Gretchen

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 16, 2012

Just like Gretchen said, one of Ed's accusers is a documented pedophile (by the state of FL.) his name is Mike Slattery and he happened to have ordained Sam Adams (another false accuser) to become a pastor and take over his (Slatterys) church.


United States of America
To Ed in Dallas

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, December 16, 2012

You dont know Ed Watson or if any of those things said about him are actually true.  You just go around the net collecting the lies spouted off by the same group of people who will be held accountable before God for them and YOU also will be held accountable.  Do YOU know for a fact any of these things are true have you witnessed them?  Its obvious you have no fear of God.  I know for A FACT that these things spoken against Ed are not true.  He is a hard working man, who not only works but homeschools his four children.  Have you tried homeschooling four kids while working?  He has also been married to the same woman for 20 YEARS.  


United States of America
Todd Tomsella is a lying lust filled rapist

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, December 16, 2012

Todd Tomasella works tirelessly at attacking those who dare to tell the truth about him. He enlists other like minded slanderers to speak against those same people like Pastor Ed Watson and Kelly Gallagher. I am not here to defend any of them but I do see the hyperbole they resort to to attack.

Todd, I know raped his girlfriend who he was dating and having regular sexual relations with until her conscience bothered her and she wanted to break it off. Todd wanted one last one to remember her by, she refused, so Todd feeling now entitled forced himself on her raping her. In my book actual rape sounds a bit worse than accusing a man of seducing a pastor's grown daughter coupled with obvious contradictions, and hyperbole like "is on drugs," "was in a mental hospital ten times," "married five times," "plays games all day," especially in light of the fact that one of his former accusers was just outed as a documented pedophile and another confessed to being a part of the conspiracy to malign him.

I too have heard Todd curse God for not providing for him. As far as Todd's books, they are a mass of other people's thoughts and quotes that he gathered over the years. His "editors" are volunteers from places like Facebook. He self published which ANYONE can do. Many false preacher publish books that they have ghost written, this in no way validates anyone as true. Jesus himself never wrote a book, as did most of his disciples throughout history. If that were a litmus test for true or false we would all be in serious trouble. Rick Warren writes books is he a man of God we can trust too?

Many I have spoken to who have dealt personally with him, have all said the same thing about Todd, he sexually minded, lustful, wrathful, vengeful, and they are afraid of him and his ceaseless retaliatory spirit. I also noticed that Pastor Ed is the only one who has actual documentation that proves his accusers are conspirators and one is a pedophile. Interesting that Todd and his blind followers align themselves with pedophiles, Sam Adams' daughter who, even according to an old myspace page was a witch. Not much credibility in a witch accusing a pastor I would think.

It seems Todd gloms on to anything he can find to deflect what others testify about him. I myself was harassed by Todd over and over. I have spoken to many married women he has gotten sexual with in his "counsel" to them. One whose name I will not mention, for she fears this pervert and his wrath is that she was speaking to him on a Christian level about trouble with her husband and he almost immediately made it a sexual issue. She told her to get a sexy nighty and in explicit terms to seduce her husband even though she insisted this was not a part of their problem.

I know Todd has threaten physical violence many times. I have even seen him openly do it on Facebook! I saw a post where a man was beaten for witnessing to which Todd commented he would have gone "golden gloves" on the man who assaulted the preacher. Todd has personally threatened to beat me up, and others I know personally.

He is quick to call women who disagree with him a Jezebel. Many many women can testify to his abuse but are scared to death of him. This stupid ripoff report is his only and last defense against the truth about him.

As far as his books, he is a walking contradiction of his writing. He speaks against theological issues that is is ignorant of and contradicts. It is clear to anyone who would go through that they are montages of other people's thoughts put together by him.

I write this anonymously not because it is not true but because I too am concerned about his retaliation. He is a vile and wicked man desiring a following. He is a true unempathetic psychopath that is common in those wishing to be exalted. He can take no criticism and sees all those who disagree with him as "evil," and "from the devil," which I believe is why he seeks to demonize his accusers.

I am adding my two cents to give a little balance and testify to what I personally have witnessed, been told by people who have no agenda or reason to lie, and to reinforce that Todd is in my opinion a dangerous, sexual deviant who looks at women in the order of Howard Stern.


RE: Ed Watson

#11General Comment

Sat, December 08, 2012

Here goes. This has taken me like a few weeks with lots of research. I wanted to do this prayerfully and give it all fair treatment. "Pastor" Ed Watson, the hypocrite:

   Ed accuses others of not working but Ed does nothing but sit at home playing games and attacking people on the internet while his wife works. Ed Watson makes his wife work while he sits at home and does nothing constructive.

    Ed accuses other of sexual sins but the sworn testimony of pastor Adams and his daughter says that Ed tried to seduce the pastor's young daughter on a ministry trip while he stayed at the pastor's house. Ed called the young lady often and attempted to seduce her to marry him after he divorced his current wife (about his 5th wife). So Ed Watson was planning to divorce his wife so he could marry that young lady who is pastor Adam's daughter.

    Ed falsely accuses others of not paying child support and yet Ed has been arrested 8-10 times for not paying child support. The people he accuses of this have never been arrested for that crime.

Christ said He will judge us using the same measure of rule we use on other people (Mt. 7:1-6).  It's important to judge Ed Watson by the same measuring stick he uses on others as we see in the above three points. So, Ed is accusing someone else (Todd) of not working but how many books has Ed Watson written? you guessed it, ZERO. Ed Watson is a bum who has contributed nothing to help others because he could care less about anyone but his own self. Instead of doing things to help people learn the Bible, as a true pastor would do, Ed actually specializes in attacking those who are teaching the Word. That's all Ed has on his site is attack information and propaganda. Feeding sheep and answering God's call isn't work? Ed wouldn't know because he's never done it. Last time I checked feeding the sheep of the Lord is the most important work and there's no end to it. Todd doesn't work? Really? Then how is it that he has so many books and his website is loaded with literally hundreds of articles on hundreds of subjects? Did he not have to study all that and take painstaking time to write all those things? Red flag right there.

For Ed Watson to say Todd doesnt work is completely false and discredits Ed completely. People have told me that Ed is the one who sits home playing games and doing nothing while he makes his wife work. My research has revealed that Ed Watson is lazy and all he does is use his time to slander others on the internet.

As pastor Sam Adams pointed out, when Ed is getting ready to be exposed, that's when he attacks. This is one reason these guys are persecuting Todd. They have read his stuff, got convicted, and are not wanting to turn from their
own wicked ways.

AS SOON AS I READ WHAT ED SAID ABOUT TODD NOT WORKING, I BURSTED OUT LAUGHING. Todd, not working????? I knew right then that Ed Watson knows nothing about Todd and that this whole thing is made up out of someone's demented mine. Ed Watson has no credibility at all with me.

Todd actually has a whole team of people who edit and do the other stuff to make the books, website, videos, web
experts, tracts, etc. It takes a lot of people to edit what he writes. He has several editors to edit the things he writes. He's been called a "content factory." That's how much volume of stuff he writes, that it takes a whole team of others to edit all of it. I personally have no earthly idea how one person could write that much stuff and let me tell you, if you read any part of it you know it's super good stuff. How one man generates that much volume, I will never understand. No wonder that website gets so many hits because content is king as they say. The first time I looked at his website I was shocked at how much is on there.

Then, when I saw the books and held and flipped through them my jaw hit the ground. I asked Todd who writes all this stuff and he just put his head down like he's shy and wouldn't answer me. Obviously he writes it all. Right away I thought how in the world does he come up with all this. It's crazy. And I was thinking about how time consuming it all is.
On many occasions he has told me that he wakes up in the middle of the night to write. He said he can't get away from it and that if he doesn't write down the things that are flowing, he will lose them. It's like this crazy gift he has that never shuts off.

One day I was on the site and began looking at all the catergories. My jaw hit the ground as to how many categories and the vast amount of subjects covered. see for yourself at the site. It's safe guard your soul   .  com  As his
friend, I have personally witnessed that many times Todd is already at work at 6 AM or before. I'll see him at about 7:15AM and ask him how long he's been at it and he will tell me he began working at 6AM or before that. And, when I leave at like 2 or 3 in the afternoon he will still be hard at it, working.  Then he works at night many times. Todd also works on the weekends. He gets a lot of phone calls too from peopleneeding prayer and counsel.  If you have you seen the hundreds of articles on the site he has then you know what I mean. Todd actually has a series of Bible college courses he wrote, study guides and about 10 books published so far. He's been recorded in hundreds of audios and a
lot of videos. One of those books is huge, it's like over 700 pages. But that's not work?????????  That takes no work???  Like me, most people I know dread trying to write a high school or college paper that's only a couple of pages long. I tried to write a book a few years ago and never got past or finished the first chapter. I have no idea how writers do
what they do. The fact is that most people will never and could never write even one book in a lifetime. That being said, it makes it obvious that Todd has worked very hard for many years to learn and teach others the things he writes about. I did my research and found out that Ed  Watson has written nothing. He's never written even one book. He doesn't
help anyone but himself and then slanders others which is his hobby.

Is his work fruitful? Is what work Todd is doing helping people?  as I think someone else pointed out, go check out the "Feedback" page on his site. All I can say is wow wow wow. That should silence all the critics and expose the accusers right there for who they really are. It becomes clear why these wolves who are controlled by Satan attack true messengers. God is using Todd to feed literally tens of thousands of people per month with His Word and that takes a lot of work, work that Ed the wolf Watson  doesn't want to do.

Since the 1980s Todd has written and published gospel tracts to help people be led to Christ. he passes out tracts and evangelizes often, like all the time. When I asked him he told me that about 2 million of those tracts have been printed and passed out and so that means that they have reached millions of souls because of him. the tracts he has written are all over the world What you will notice about Ed's site is that he has very little original content but just cuts, pastes, and posts (plagarizes) other people's stuff. He steals stuff from other sites. Ed has no relationship or revelation from the Lord and appears to be quite the jealous person.

I personally know Todd and see him twice to three times weekly. We have spent a lot of time together and I see him ministering to others nearly every time I see him. I have known Todd for many years. One thing is for sure, he works very hard and constantly and gets very little for it other than knowing he is right in the middle of God's will. He has gone
to his overseer about his calling many times. His oversser is an older man who has been in full time ministry for many years. That man told Todd without hesitation not to leave the ministry work for anything and to stay there because that is exactly where God has called him. God has provided the whole time.

It's clear to me that the Lord has put Todd exactly where he is and he's doing the work he's called to do. For that reason, thousands of lives are being affected monthly.  I have seldom seen someone work as hard as Todd does. I must admit that he puts me to shame. If you have read any of his books, you know he has some serious stuff he has written. He is doing exactly what the Bible says by laying down his own life in this world to serve the Lord and help other
people. Many shall be his treasures in heaven Oh and Support  payments for his son have been sent in without fail every single month  for over 10 yrs. He has the records showing every payment from the attorney general's office.
Once again, a lot of people are saying there seems to be jealousy with Ed Watson who is a very immature minded
man.  That seems to fit. Seems to me if they were really pastors they would not have so much time on their hands to be persecuting one of the Lord's servants.

Once you do some research and see what Dr. Scott Johnson and Pastor Sam Adams are saying about so-called "pastor" Ed  Watson, you will then understand that whoever Ed attacks is a true child of God. Ed Watson is a wolf on assignment from the devil himself and so those he targets are truly God's children which only proves that Todd is in God's will and satan is upset. Satan won't attack counterfeits because he already owns their soul. What he does is use counterfeits
like Ed Watson to attack the true servants of the Lord. Just as many others are saying, Ed Watson's M.O. is to make up things about God's servants. He is a demonic tool and his end is coming soon when he will face his Maker in judgment.
Not long ago I found out something that most people will never know about Todd and that is that he worked
with NASA for seven years. He's a unique, multi-talented individual who is using his gifts to help others. He was contracted to NASA at one of their flight centers and left as a Data Control Engineer supporting the space shuttles.  He is an IT (information technologies) guy and was also in the Marines. Todd was also Bible College class president. Does that
sound like a lazy person who isn't busy? I have found out these things because I just happen to be a person who asks a lot of question to my friends as I get to know them and I have had a good many years to get to know Todd and many of his other close friends who are very fond of him.

Thanks for listening. peace to all You can contact me if you have any further questions.


I think I need a shower...

#12General Comment

Thu, November 01, 2012

After reading through this -- and I must admit I couldn't get all the way through it -- I feel like I need to wash my eyes out and take a shower! What filth -- and how shameful. Really. I think God's Word tells us in Ephesians 5, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. FOR IT IS SHAMEFUL EVEN TO SPEAK OF THE THINGS THAT THEY DO IN SECRET. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light." All of you "godly" people squabbling with each other on the internet... Satan is having a good laugh because you're an embarrassment to the Lord Jesus.


United States of America
Todd Is a Man of Good Character: Setting the Record Straight Retraction

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2012

It's hard to believe, Todd and I have had some disagreements over time but we had a HUGE one this time! We were going back and forth trading jabs(figuratively) and accusations. I thought I was completely right. He thought he was. We had no agreement, no harmony and definitely did not see eye-to-eye. Since then we have come to a better understanding. I have asked him for forgiveness for my part and he has forgiven me. We forgave each other a long time ago. Over a year and a half ago. Family members everywhere find themselves in sharp disagreement at times. Until people open their hearts and seek God the situations usually are not resolved. I praise God that this situation was resolved over a year and a half ago. What remains is the regrettable, dreamt up post I put on this site out of anger. You see, we had a heated argument and I did it out of spite. Good book says if you are angry, sin not. I am sorry I did not follow the word in this case.

Character:  Todd is a godly man of truly good character!

I have known Todd all my life and he is genuine and honest, warm and loving and forgiving. He is a man that you can trust with your presence, your possessions, your family, and even your heart! I respect and admire Todd for the man that he is, for the things he has accomplished in life, and for the man that God is shaping him to be. Though we do not agree theologically I fully endorse his ministering and serving when he is discussing God, the cross, conversion of heart, spiritual things, etc. The lady who posted that Todd's family was called together and that someone(me) publicly acknowledged their wrongs-was true. Our whole family had tears and forgiveness and harmony and grace after that and we still have that today! We are in harmony and love one another as the gift each of us is from God to each other. Todd and I forgive each other and have fully released each other from the past. God's grace has broken through. Amen! A few people who read the post were mislead. And just as Todd, myself, and our whole family have humbled our hearts, spoken the truth, forgiven one another in Christ and have experienced the freedom and the joy of His Love--I encourage anyone reading this to seek God's new and deeper grace in your hearts. He always has more than we could ever ask or imagine!


United States of America
Todd Is a Man of Good Character: Setting the Record Straight Retraction

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2012

It's hard to believe, Todd and I have had some disagreements over time but we had a HUGE one this time! We were going back and forth trading jabs(figuratively) and accusations. I thought I was completely right. He thought he was. We had no agreement, no harmony and definitely did not see eye-to-eye. Since then we have come to a better understanding. I have asked him for forgiveness for my part and he has forgiven me. We forgave each other a long time ago. Over a year and a half ago. Family members everywhere find themselves in sharp disagreement at times. Until people open their hearts and seek God the situations usually are not resolved. I praise God that this situation was resolved over a year and a half ago. What remains is the regrettable, dreamt up post I put on this site out of anger. You see, we had a heated argument and I did it out of spite. Good book says if you are angry, sin not. I am sorry I did not follow the word in this case.

Character:  Todd is a godly man of truly good character!

I have known Todd all my life and he is genuine and honest, warm and loving and forgiving. He is a man that you can trust with your presence, your possessions, your family, and even your heart! I respect and admire Todd for the man that he is, for the things he has accomplished in life, and for the man that God is shaping him to be. Though we do not agree theologically I fully endorse his ministering and serving when he is discussing God, the cross, conversion of heart, spiritual things, etc. The lady who posted that Todd's family was called together and that someone(me) publicly acknowledged their wrongs-was true. Our whole family had tears and forgiveness and harmony and grace after that and we still have that today! We are in harmony and love one another as the gift each of us is from God to each other. Todd and I forgive each other and have fully released each other from the past. God's grace has broken through. Amen! A few people who read the post were mislead. And just as Todd, myself, and our whole family have humbled our hearts, spoken the truth, forgiven one another in Christ and have experienced the freedom and the joy of His Love--I encourage anyone reading this to seek God's new and deeper grace in your hearts. He always has more than we could ever ask or imagine!


United States of America
I Have Known Todd for Many Years

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, June 03, 2012

I am a female who has known Todd for many years now and we talk on a regular basis. We even dated for a time a few years ago. I have also met other girls he dated and even have them as friends. They never said he did anything like these people are saying. He and one girl had a spat but it wasn't anything ugly. Don't all people who date have spats? Let's be real. This report or these reports are completely bogus. Todd has always, and I mean always been a gentleman. If anything, girls are after him. I smell jealousy and envy.  I can see why. Todd is quite the man. He's kind, handsome, polite, and very intelligent to say the least. He's written numerous books and that's just a small piece of what he's done. He isn't at all what these guys are saying. This is a total and deliberate misrepresentation of Todd who is a very kind person and a person who speaks the truth to try to help others not hurt them. From what I have seen and learned of this guy Ed Watson, he is like Kelly, a real antagonistic, angry and self absorbed person who is seething with jealousy.  I have seen Todd receive correction and he's very teachable so this idea Kelly is putting forth that Todd needs help is a joke at best. I have met Kelly Gallagher on several occasions. These things being said about Kelly are unfortunately true. This man Kelly is quite the narcissist. It's also very obvious that he is jealous of Todd. Kelly even wrote the forward to at least one of Todd's books and then all of a sudden turns on Todd when Todd was directed by the Lord to try to help Kelly to learn to walk in love without which we are nothing (1 Corinthians 13). Todd then hung up on Todd and went into a devilish rage as he is often noted for doing. As long as Todd was letting him speak at the gatherings and having a few of Kelly's articles on the ministry site, Kelly was cool. It's only when Todd tried to help Kelly with something he desperately needs help with that Kelly spawned these lies.

If anything, it's obvious that Kelly needs the help.

As a Christian woman, I stand with God's servants and rejoice with Todd at this persecution that he is getting because he is sharing the truth with others in this last day before Jesus returns.

Oh, and the original report on here is totally made up by a family member of Todd's that is an antichrist religionist who hates Todd for leaving the false religion he grew up in. His family member that did this called for and publicly confessed and apologized to every family member in a closed door meeting he arranged. If you know Todd, you know that story is totally bogus. He never forces things on anyone. Peace.


United States of America
Kelly Gallagher is a Psychotic, Lying Joke

#16General Comment

Sun, June 03, 2012

This is totally a scam by Kelly Gallagher who is NOT a pastor. He doesn't even pastor his own life much less to get on here and act piously wants Todd to get delivered. What a joke! This guy Kelly who claims to be a pastor doesn't even believe it's important to have a prayer life, he's on drugs, has been in mental hospitals, is a porn attic, etc. and yet he wants todd delivered? lol

And WHY is kelly saying this? It's all because Todd dared to try to correct his willful sin that hundreds of people have witnessed and tried to help Kelly get delivered of for many, many years. Kelly has now backed himself into a corner. Everyone except a very few have rejected him due to his hateful, narcissistic, evil attitude and life. Those who have worked with kelly say he has the vilest mouth and manners and life they have ever seen and many called him a pervert. Todd was there to help kelly but kelly will not be helped. He's an unrepentant pig, a swine (Matt. 7:6).

Kelly is not even half the scholar Todd is and yet claims he gave all this stuff to Todd that is on Todd's website? haha Kelly never put one audio or article Todd wrote on his (kelly's) site. So, if Kelly wrote all that stuff, why isn't it on kelly's site? Guess who gave kelly his site name? You guessed it, todd. AND, guess what? Kelly's site is now gone. God is judging this wolf for attacking one of the Lord's servants, Todd. And, todd's sites are exploding with many stepping up to help with God's work, getting the Lord's Word to the people.

Todd is quick to repent. He never claims to be perfect nor does he allow anyone to call him a pastor. He only allows the title of "servant." Kelly insists upon being called a pastor which is a scam. Kelly is not a pastor. This is a deception.  Kelly does not care for any sheep, only himself and is no pastor. Kelly has no clue what a pastor is. All he does is try to claim to be a pastor, using this title, to get people to listen to him since he is so narcissitic.

Report Attachments


United States of America

#17General Comment

Sat, June 02, 2012

First off, Ed Watson is a vile wolf who is a "sexual predator" and constantly makes up lies about other people, seeking to discredit those who are true servants. He has been doing this for years. Just google "pastor ed watson." He has attacked Dr. Scott Johnson, Pastor Sam Adams, Todd, and many, many others. Ed Watson is very jealous of Todd because Todd simply feeds the sheep, never claimed to be a pastor, sees himself as a mere servant, and is much more handsome than Ed (who is quite ugly). That's why Ed is making up these fictitious stories but Todd just keep being blessed by God as he blesses and serves others. Think about it, why would Ed Watson say something about todd coloring his hair .. duuhhhhhh. Also, Ed is a total coward. Todd did him no wrong at all, ever but Ed got this made up story from Kelly Gallagher (whom we will address in a moment) and then regurgitated it just to try to discredit Todd. Ed does not know Todd and has never met him. They talked by phone once or twice that's it.

This is just exactly how Ed Watson operates. He called Todd and told him that his site (Todd's site) was the very best he has ever seen (that's the only time Ed told the truth because Todd's site is the bomb for sure). Then Todd introduces Ed to this nut case kelly gallagher whom Todd had to bring correction to just after that. Ed then sees the opportunity to attack Todd because he's purely jealous. Let's face it folks, Ed is not a very attractive man and Todd is very handsome and charismatic in his personality. It's obvious what's going on here. Ed is still a child in his demented thinking and envious rage.

Before we go to Kelly, here's what Pastor Sam Adams says of Ed Watson (this is posted all over the internet; Ed is being exposed far and wide for the wolf that he is):

"Testimony of Pastor Sam Adams concerning pastor Ed Watson:

My main purpose in this letter is to sound a warning to any that may trust Ed Watson as a respectable preacher of the gospel, that I personally know Ed Watson to be an absolute fraud, a doctrinal heretic, a slandering talebearer and a treacherous backstabber who maliciously and consistently betrays those whom he pretends to befriend, who also maliciously betrays those who confide in him for his so-called "counsel" as he extracts intimate details of their personal lives under the cloak of
"pastoring" them, only to later publicize such information against them when they do not perform according to his controlling desires or when it appears he will be exposed. Ed Watson is a rabid, ravening wolf in sheep's clothing, one whom I would strongly encourage you to publicly withdraw from for the sake of your ministry.

Ed Watson is a doctrinal heretic, a pathological liar without conscience, a malicious  talebearer, a sower of intentional discord among brethren, a devilish "accuser of the brethren," an adulterous borderline sexual predator, a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing and a true menace to the body of Christ in general. He ruthlessly attacked me, my family, and our church, as he has several others. Ed truly fits Peter's description in 2 Pet. 2:1-22 of false brethren and false teachers to a tee: Ed is a malicious, rabid monster who apparently turns on every person he pretends to befriend.  He will have much to answer for at the judgment seat of Christ, if he is saved, which I truly doubt. Pastor Sam Adams

Okay, now to this derelict Kelly Gallagher. Okay, Kelly Gallagher is a mental patient who takes drugs. He has been in and out of mental hospitals for years and still takes drugs and sees a psychiatrist. The guy is a mental case and anyone who gets around him can see that clear as day. Kelly has been married multiple times and his wives have all divorced him for his porn addiction.  He gave the last wife that divorded him like lots of money to keep her mouth shut about his nasty porn habit that he refuses to quit. Kelly comes from a terribly dysfunctional family, constantly lusts after young women, pays for porn and watches it daily, and then insists on being called "pastor". Oh, and he now tries to blame others for what he is guilty of. Go figure. Please. Kelly has been jealous of Todd for years and when Todd tried to help kelly by sharing with him that he should try to walk in love toward others, Kelly exploded with demonic anger and did this false report and went off telling lies. Kelly has been corrected for this same sin of narcissistic hatred for decades and refuses to repent. Kelly does not believe Christians need to pray so he does not pray. Kelly Gallagher has no love for anyone but himself. Kelly used to come to Todd's Bible studies which were nothing less
than awesome but over the years many of the people who came and loved it did not want to come back because of how Kelly acted. He ruined it for many. He's a drag on any environment, trying to draw attention to himself, eating like a pig and just
plain being totally judgment toward everyone. Kelly has been kicked out of every church or group he has ever been in. The last church through him out on his ear in Fort Worth. The guy is a pig. I hate to say that but that best fits him. Also, Todd is much more proficient with Scripture, much more endearing and loving, kind to others, and genuinely out to just serve people. Anyone who gets around Todd sees that and so they keep coming back and Kelly was always totally jealous. This has always made Kelly jealous. Todd didn't allow Kelly to control but dealt with him wisely and firmly, seeking to help him. Kelly won't learn. He's too full of himself. but Todd held out hope and now kelly is attacking him!!!!!  Kelly is an obese person who is not well kept at all. His belly is huge but he is very narcissistic and so still thinks he's a ladies man even though he's married. Kelly has a serious lust problem and makes ladies nervous. Actually, this is a big part of Kelly's jealousy. Todd has always had the girls after him. It's not him that likes most of them, it's them who like him. He kindly turns most away. But Kelly couldn't stand that because kelly just thinks all the girls should like him. Instead of losing some weight and learning some things from the good example of others, as usual Kelly tries to attack and discredit them with made up lies. I could go on and on and on about Kelly and so could dozens of others around here. He is a very unfit, hateful man who has no business calling himself a pastor or judging others, especially making up the lies he spews out as usual. I have seen both of these guys and there's no comparison. I hate that I had to write this but this is just not right and Kelly is the one who is living in sin that he won't repent of and needs to be exposed.

Warning to anyone who would buy this bag of goods: God is watching:

"Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. 2Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest (pervert) judgment:" Exodus 23:1-2 .... The disciple of Christ is never to participate in a "false report" in any form or fashion. If we do, God sees us as "an unrighteous witness" or one who bears false witness. A "report" can be drafted by ANYone about ANYone else and say ANYthing that originator wants to convey.

Report Attachments

Amy S

United States of America
Todd is a True Blessing

#18Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

Todd was only trying to help Kelly and Ed Watson and then they turned on him viciously and without warning. Ed Watson is a big coward. Todd emailed and called him numerous times and Ed Watson, who is a spineless moral coward, wouldnt even talk with Todd about the matters he was attacking Todd about. Ed is known for attacking people he is jealous of and Todd is definitely a person to be jealous of for Ed. Thats because Todd is out getting the work and serving accomplished and for this reason, thousands of people read and listen to his stuff. Like his father, Satan, Ed Watson wants to be worshiped  and so got jealous when he saw how articulate and diligent Todd is and so started making up stuff about him and trying to make it look legitimate. Anyone with the Holy Spirit in their lives can see that Ed Watson is not right with God but is a wolf who poses as a watchman. All Ed Watson does it attack, attack, attack. He lies profusely and is a psychopath. Hes constantly trying to fix blame on others for the exact stuff he is doing and yet those he accuses arent doing those things. 

All I can say is that I have known Todd for many, many years and talk to him 2 to 3 times per week. No one has ever help me and my family come closer to God. We have had some very good pastors over the years, but none of them have been nearly as effective and caring as Todd has in helping us. He serves and gives everything. When we have been in need, he was the one, the only one at times, trying to help us. God bless this brother.  


Author Confesses to This Bogus Report

#19Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

Since writing this first report, the person who did so, was very convicted of this wrong doing and mischaracterization and so had a hard time sleeping. It bothered him so bad that he physically got Todd and 6 other people in a private room and openly apologized to Todd for this wrongdoing. He admitted that he only did this out of pure malice, knowing none of this is true.


Exodus 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.

#20Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

Todd praises God; he doesn't curse God. I've been a close friend of his for years, and the fruit of his lips has been a plethora of praise. So, to say that he curses God is far-reaching fable. My experience with Todd has been one who is quick to repent, transparent, and a true walking testimony. 

Hyperbolic misinformation does not ride well with God:

Exodus 23:1   Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness. 

  Exodus 23:2   Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

Addressing the second false issue, I have this to say, "2 Timothy 4:14   Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works." The Apostle Paul, a new testament model for every believer, prayed this. Also, "1 Timothy 1:20   Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme." Now, one can pray out of ill will or bitterness, yet one can also pray in the will of God for the obstruction and rectification of such individuals from thwarting the work of God. 

To end, I'd like to recommend not to believe everything people say; Biblically speaking it should be out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, not internet hearsay. Todd is open to correction, transparent, and available to questions.

Jesus is coming, the Lord direct your hearts into His love and fear.


I've Known Todd for Years

#21Consumer Comment

Mon, September 19, 2011

E is Ed Watson.

I've known Todd for three years and all of this attack is rubbish. If "E" is going to expose, he has to have truth. He has NONE, just fabulous fables, propagating lies in the guise of expose -- beware of this false prophet. This "man", Ed Watson, beguiles unstable souls and smears men's good names without evidence. Google "Ed Watson Contending" and find out for yourself. 

Many pastors and watchman believe that Ed Watson is one of the worst wolves alive today. This guy has never even met Todd and only knows what someone else lied about concerning Todd .  Again, remember that the guy who fed the lies to E (ed Watson) has been in mental hospitals for 10 years and is on drugs. Todd just tried to help him and Ed too and never did anything malicious to them. Todds just not like that.  E has done some very sinful things and seems to be attempting to get the monkey off his own back by attacking someone else and he doesnt even know that someone else.The difference here is that Ed is a self-proclaimed pastor as he insists that people call him and is serving no one except himself. Todd on the other hand, refuses to be called by any titled except servant. He serves people by getting into the word with them, prays with them, and goes to them. He really serves by living the Gospel not centering everything around him and his ministry. According to at least one pastor, Ed Watson (E) is a sexual predator who told that pastors young daughter he was going to kill his own wife so they could be together. She is 22 and Ed is like 50. Someone in NC said that Pastor Ed Watson has been arrested 8 times and thrown in jail for not paying any child support and is on his 7th wife. Go figure.  Audios and pdf Exposing Ed Watson are at:   Ww w  DOT contending for truth DOTT com (remove spaces) then when you go to this site put Ed Watson in search boxEd has never met Todd. Ed Watson is a traitor and betrayer of many men. Satan seems to use him to attack people whom Ed is jealous of. Ed attacks others doing ministry instead of being inspired by them to do things Gods way. Ed also a moral coward who refused to go directly to Todd as Jesus said he must do and refused to return Todds 5 emails, 5 phone calls, and 5 voice messages to discuss the matter. Ed is not a witness to any of these things and no one is because they are bogus.Jesus says He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. John 8:7 (KJV) Contact myself or todd on his site if you have any questions. Todd has nothing to hide. 

Todd has paid over $50,000 in child support to date and he pays child support every month. Even if he has not been able to always pay the full amount every month over the last 10 years, that doesnt make him wrong. Being poor or lacking finances is not a sin. Most people do not earn enough money to pay what Todd pays monthly in child support. God has been with him.


Fort Worth,
United States of America

#22General Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

I do not hate Todd Tomasella. I want him to be delivered and restored. As a pastor, however, I have to protect the souls that God has entrusted to me. Stop trying to call these people and turn them against me. A "railer" is someone who speaks lies or slanders another with lies.

I can attest that the other pastor who has posted on this site is telling the truth; if Todd had truly repented on his past sins, I would never expose him. But he continues to curse God and pray for the destruction of those who come against him.

Stop posting truth on your website if you are not willing to live the truth yourself. Stop teaching Bible studies if you will not stop these sinful behaviors! I know what Jesus felt like when his familiar friend, Judas, turned on him without reason. God puts a curse of the vagabond (Psalm 109) on anyone who returns evil in return for good. Both myself and the pastor who posted have submitted ourselves from deliverance from lust and other devils; I hope you will do the same. These devils will destroy you. All the good on your website will be wasted until you do this.

If someone in your group is offended by someone speaking the truth about the Roman Catholic church or the King James Bible, don't attack the messenger of truth. If you are going down that road, why not preach prosperity and get rich like the other false prophets? By speaking the truth on your website, you are robbing yourself of money in this apostate age. Those who get tired of the offense of the cross and the truth and begin to back off so not to offend, are going down the path of Billy Graham. Whatever good he has done in the past will be lost and his own soul as well because of his compromise with false systems.



North Carolina,
United States of America
Lev 24:15 And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his sin.

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2011

It pains me to add to this report in favor of the accuser but for conscience sake I must warn people of what I know. I have had many witnesses come forth, some who worked for Todd, some long time close personal friends of Todd, some humble Christians who just wanted to see him restored. All have this in common with Todd, they all went to him and humbled themselves trying to point out his sin to him, his response was to lie and start an email campaign in which he personally sent me emails that I know first hand were lies to cover himself. He has literally cursed God by saying, "F*%@ God", dyes his hair to look younger for the younger women he tries to attract, has been engaged 3 times to three different women since his divorce in which he put out his wife and then would not take her back when she wanted to come back. He has taken money for his products without delivering them and only send them out months later when reminded over and over. He owes $28,000 + or - in past due child support and was saying "he was tired of this sh&t with God not answering his prayers" "excuse his french". Those who have helped him financially to keep him out of jail by sending him money so he could catch up on his CS payments he turned on a few weeks later after they went to him to ask about their backorder. He then called her a Jezebel and told her she should not even try to correct her husband let alone another man, all she was doing was asking about the order she put in for one of his books.

The man coming to Todd's rescue is a man who literally had sex with a horse and is on drugs asthis is being written. Yes I am not making this up, he is into habitual masturbation (whichTodd defend's saying it keeps him from fornication) and addicted to pornography, But Todd assures him that he just needs to rerepent over and over as this is Todd's own method, and then claiming"it's all under the blood". While he claims to not be a Calvinist, by denying a OSAS doctrine, he lives as a hypocrite,as though he is under a OSAS doctrine and speaks constantly of of his "total depravity" The "T" inCalvinism's T.U.L.I.P. His version of the truth is always about Todd.This man is not a Christian but an unrepentant wolf who preys on Christian women by using overwhelming scripture verses to prove that they must not say a word contrary to his, lest the be a Jezebel. In fact the biblical definition ofone who is a Jezebel is basically one who leads a Christian into sin, they turn the grace of God into a license to sin and do it from withinthe framework of "Christianity". By all accounts and from trying to correct him myself I can say he is unteachable, and seducer, lust filled, a liar, who justifies himself before men and yes as the Bible warns a minister of Satan disguised as a minister of righteousness.Please read 1 Cor. 5:9-13 and 2 Cor. 11:13-15

When long time friends and people who have worked with him and eye and ear witnesses come forth maybe we should take heed to the word of God which tells us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove (expose)them.Eph. 5:11To put the fornicator out from among us as a wicked person. 1 Cor. 5:13 And to mark those who cause divisions and OFFENCEScontrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and AVOID them. Rom.16:17(allowing for wickedness in his life then claiming to be forgiven over and over and over for years according to long time close personal friends) This bears witness to what I have heard come out of his mouth.

I was on his "great ministry" and "good man of God" list even being promoted by him until these issues of his lifestyle and sin came to the surface. I will no doubt now be portrayed as a heretic or something, when the only thing that has changed since I have known him is his sinful behaviour being made manifest.

If I covered for him I would share in his guilt and be just as guilty as him when he seduces his next victim. I have done this with the fear of God and since he will no doubt claim I did not come to him personally he will use Matt. 18:15 as a "proof text" which does not apply as this was no personal tresspass against me. This verse is irrelevant to this situation. The bible prescribes the action to be taken in these situations and this is what I have followed.

One last thing. He called me one day to turn over to Satan two ladies from FB SH and FHTB. I told him he had no authority to pray such a prayer as he was not any kind of spiritual shepherd over them,nor was I,but he insisted and prayed them over to Satan cursing those women, as he deemed them Jezebels.

Please stay clear of this man as it will be dangerous to your spiritual being, and if you are a young pretty Christian woman run the other way if you see him approach or feel his eyes running you up and down.

Report Attachments



#24Consumer Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

In all of the past 12 yrs I've known Todd personally, not one time has he ever referred to himself as a "pastor". You seem to have forgotten the great Apostle Paul was never married and he is considered to be one of the greatest proponents of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Your perception of what a pastor is has been distorted by the traditions of man and the doctrines of devils. Any one who devotes the majority of every waking moment of every day to share the truth of God's Word is a dedicated minister of the Gospel and for you to blast someone because of a personal grudge, regardless of your version of the truth is operating under a spirit but NOT the Holy Spirit.

I know Todd better than most because he considers me a confidant and someone he can talk to without fear of judgment and I know his character. While he is not perfect NEITHER are you and the fact that it is YOU on here blasting him and NOT the other way around is all the evidence a person with discernment needs to see to know that you are a person who's heart is full of malice and anger. If anyone needs to repent it's the ones on here who feel the need to destroy someone else' character.



Fort Worth,
United States of America
A Pastor should be married, not a lecher

#25General Comment

Wed, January 12, 2011

A Pastor should be above reproach. There is no such thing a single pastor, he should be married and even a married pastor, such as myself, should not counsel a woman, even over the internet.

Todd has lied and told others that he disfellowshipped me, when I can prove by email that I disfellowshipped him. Instead of repenting of his controlling, Jezebel spirit, he turned on me and has even tried to phone my home church members to turn them against me. He has shown his true colors to me and many more women who have "dated" him.

Todd has never once called me in repentance, I have had to initiate reconciliation, but I will not reconcile with him again. He has had enough time to change and I can no longer endorse his ministry because of his lies and failure to deal with lustful and inappropriate behavior with women half his age.


I used to work with Todd and experienced the same type of behavior

#26General Comment

Fri, December 03, 2010

You like to think that maybe people have grown up - you know, give them the benefit of the doubt when it's been so long. It's been nearly 20 years and clearly, Todd Tomasella remains the same. There is no respect for women... they are conquests. I remember when I was working with him that he had some poor woman in his sites - God told him that she was the woman he was going to marry... and, according to Todd, there was some VERY young girl who he claimed was a prophetess and had told him that this woman and he would marry. This woman was, according to Todd, physical 'perfection'. Todd was very EXTREMELY immature and superficial... she not only had to be the perfect 'woman of God' but also had to have physical perfection (in his book) blonde hair and blue eyes... that's what he wanted. Well, apparently he got what he wanted... I would guess this poor girl didn't get what SHE wanted and got out of the bondage of a marriage. He was very much into other people submitting to him. I also noticed at the time that he surrounded himself with other men who were openly disdainful of women and he never said anything to them and would laugh with them whenever they made comments about how women should sit down and be silent. And if you're a woman? Don't bother trying to say anything to him because you have no right to say anything to him, in his book. He will tell you that you are a meddler in other people's business. But he's the first person to be all up in everyone else's business. He has a religious spirit the size of Alaska. Steer clear, ladies.


United States of America
A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies. - Proverbs 14:5

#27UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 30, 2010

I know Todd personally and this is not even close to being true. This is the work of his ex-wife who is very jealous and vindictive. Cant blame her, she may never find someone like Todd again. Shes hurt because she is the one who broke of their marriage and doesnt want her ex husband to be happy so she did this.

Well Todd is in good company because Abraham Lincoln, John Wesley, and many other God fearing men were persecuted and harassed by their wives.

Todd is a dear close friend and a servant. He refuses to be called by any title and lives his life to serve, protect, and love others. Please pray for his ex wife.

In fact, Todd recently did a series on biblical womanhood that is potent, gracious, loving, and so encouraging. There were more excited and joyful responses to that series than any other thing hes ever done and all of the accolades came from Christian women who greatly benefited from that audio series.

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