  • Report:  #1478132


Reported By:
SEAN - WOODSTOCK, United States

243 5TH AVE, STE. 541 NEW YORK, 10016 NEW YORK, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Vindale is an internet based survey sponsor whereby participants, (such as myself), can choose from a list of surveys to complete on their computer in exchange for cash compensation. The compensation can range from about .20 cents, up to five plus dollars, although the latter figure is a rare occurrence.

The funds accumulate in each participants account, and, upon accruing a minimum of $50, the participant can request a payout in the form of payment to their Paypal account, or a mailed check. The survey lists always display the payout amount for a given survey, as well as an estimated time for completion, which may be two minutes to in excess of 30 minutes. (These estimates are usually wildly inaccurate, to the detriment of the participant.)

Sometimes, I will complete a survey and receive my compensation without incident. Occasionally, I will complete a survey and receive no compensation, without explanation, except for a message stating that I had 'failed'.

More recently, Vindale has begun engaging in a 'bait and switch' scam. For instance, I may choose to complete a survey with a payment advertised as $1.75. Upon successful completion of the survey, however, I will only be awarded .20 cents. This has begun happening with increasing frequency. Vindale's 'customer service' exists in name only.

They have a payment dispute form literally buried on their website, and it is incredibly, (intentionally?), difficult to complete. Every field on the form MUST be filled out, even though several of them have absolutely nothing to do with a payment claim. I have tried emailing their customer service dept. directly, and have never received a reply.

There is even a direction on the contact page which says that if your inquiry has anything to do with a payment dispute, you must fill out the dispute form, instead. Good luck with that! I am only one person. Vindale may have tens of thousands of participants.

If they are engaging in these shady, and illegal, tactics with everyone, and there's no reason to think they aren't, the amount of money they are illicitly pocketing must be staggering! If ever there was a company deserving of a class action lawsuit, it is Vindale!

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