  • Report:  #885322

Complaint Review: WorldVentures - Plano Texas

Reported By:
Sorely Frustrated - Anytown, Nationwide, United States of America

5360 Legacy Drive #300 Plano, 75024 Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I attended multiple events for this company as was led to believe that the so-called leaders of the company were achieving a significant financial gain by following their trainings and work ethic. It would appear on the face value that is someone has a achieved a certain rank in the company such as a regional marketing director that that person would be making a significant amount of money due to the fact that you would only achieve that rank based on the qualifiers. 

As it turns out, many, if not all, of the top ranks were promoted a certain ranks falsely by the company, at company events, to gain more representatives into the company, benefitting only these top ranks and company owners.

I spent over 3 years and over $17,000 of my hard earned money on company events, trainings and other things like traveling to these events and I made a whopping $4,769.00 in 36 months.

The company give specific direction on how to build a home-based business but it seems very few can earn enough money to have any ability to just work from home and not have a job too.

This company is a rip off in so many ways and are only taking people's money for the gain of no one but themselves. Most people may only loose a few hundred dollars if they only join the company and do nothing, but if they follow the company's advise, including their own trainers and so-called leadership, you will lose much, much more.

14 Updates & Rebuttals


Happy Traveler

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 25, 2017

 Although on the surface there are many disgruntled people in our company who "quit" after a short time, his is just a commentary of our country, and culture here in the United States. One must ask themselves if they actually took advantage of all the perks and benefits our #1 in the world direct selling travel club has to offer? Did they actually go on several Dreamtrips, and/or use the other products to save on airfare, hotels, rental cars etc.? Did they actually treat their business like a business? Did they do what that entails? Did they actually work 40-60 hours a week making calls to prospects, set appointments and show the presentations of our company like all businesses do in order to be successful? If I saw their actual numbers and work productivity during the last 52 weeks of the year, I would argue that they did NOT do the work required to be successful! America, as a nation, wants something for nothing! They don't want to do the work, yet want to be paid for it!

This is why gambling is so prevelant, including lotteries, in our nation today, and casinos in Las Vegas for example, are so popular. Native American casinos and hotels have grown immensely because people patronize, and statistically LOSE their money....which builds bigger and bigger casinos and hotels on reservations and in "Lost Wages" (Las Vegas)! Our welfare system and homeless epidemic gets worse and worse, it seems, each and every year. These people have their hand out for someone to take care of them, without getting any blisters on their hands by actually working for their sustenance! I, personally, am a member, and representative in our company. I work this business part time hours, building relationships, improving myself through personal development, and ultimately will be able to work this business full time and quit my job. That is because I choose to be positive, eliminate the naysayers and negativity in my life, and actually DO THE WORK....which is what this country and it's ideals were founded upon! I, too, have spent thousands of dollars attending corporate trainings, purchasing materials and reading many self development books, yet have not seen my business show a profit or lucrative income.....YET. Through determination, hard work, and perseverance I, and others, WILL succeed.


British Columbia,
world ventures

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 03, 2016

this company is okay the only thing that holds them back as many of you complained about is thet are trying to be travel agents and it is harder for them to get into certain states they are having TICO issues so this makes it hard to make money i just joined a travel club it has no Tico issues we are a club not a travel agent we are 134 countries with great savings ,if interested email me at [email protected].


Little Rock,
World Ventures No Value For Traveler

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, July 19, 2015

The reason I see that it is so hard to make money as a world ventures rep is that there is no value in the vacations.

They are comparable to other travel websites that are free, this is why it is hard to recruit others.

I was recruited by my cousin and she liked the presentation and I went.  This took place in LR, AR. One of the top executives was there the guy who is polish i think from Montana and he gave everyone the website  getpaidnation.net  type in gpn as password and it is what I heard that night.  He was very convincing.  The whole thing sounded like you could really make money and travel cheaper.  It was so good I thought I will just travel cheaper and not sell for them.  However, they make it look easy to make your travel even cheaper by just showing people the presentations and let them make up their own minds.  However, questions are kind of like poison to them.  They leave out the fact that you can only use your DT points you pay for on a dollar for dollar basis in certain increments on certain trips.  Only the trips they say and they hardly had any seven day trips at all which is what I consider a vacation.  A 3 day vacation who cares to me anyway.  The big kicker has to be double occupancy and only one member can use their points.  So if too members go one can not use their DT points which is actually your hard earned cash.  Therefore, you would have to take several trips for both of you if members to get your money back.  So for couples or people who like to travel together only one membership will suffice.  Also, in LR, AR they are using a person with a sports background not saying names who is leading charge in Little Rock, AR.  This might go to show how there is allegations that some folks promoted to a level for certain reason to attract more hype.  When I found out that I was limited to DT points and only could use one members points that means that if I travel I have to pay for two people always even if I go by myself.  YOU have to travel double occupancy on all Dream Trips and yes you can book through website other trips but there is absolutely no value in that at all.  I checked.  You don't find out that you are so limited in choices and the only so many DT points can be applied which they make up how many for each trip and they can't be combined with another DT members points.  Therefore, no value exits when you take off one members points of "wholesale price" and then no points taken off other "wholesale price".  Example:  1143 for seven nights in cabo san lucas one member gets to take off 925 points that is 217 for all inclusive seven nights but then add 1143 more because second person has to pay price listed on DT points can be combine remember which totals 1143 plus 217 for grand total of 1360.  1360 for seven days all inclusive cabo san lucas is good.  However, DT points are cash you payed in so have to add back in the 925.  Therfore you have paid 2285 for seven days in Cabo all inclusive and this was the best deal I could find on the website. This does not include airfare. I have found similar deals without having to go thru world ventures.  In addition, Many of these vacations are not during peak seasons either and many vacations on the sight are in Europe which means very high airfare. 

Also they love there cruises and these are Dream Trips mind you.  Everyone of them you are in the interior cabin that is not a dream trip with Cruise lines everyone wants ocean view not couped up in the interior.  Oh you can upgrade on the site soon as you do no longer a value for sure.  \

So all in all if you really want to bang your head against a rock day after day after day than you can with the business model but you are in there to try and sign others up for something of no value.  They have to go to work to get any value that means hounding their friends, family so they aren't stuck with reoccuring montly dues.  The business model is a pyramid scheme except the top makes you suffer while they rack it in with pretty speeches and upfront lies or if you will misrepresentations.

Unfortunately I didn't ask enough questions.  I signed up 7-17-15 cancelled the next day when saw limited amount of trips, limits on my DT which is my money dollar for dollar, the DT points only used based on double occupancy no combining members DT points.  They have a fancy spin when you get in you see you are messed up unless you want to hussle others into making up for your mistake and letting it become their mistake.  I can't do that what was promised up front did not match up to what you see after you sign in for the first time after paying.  No financial disclosure sheet was given to me which is required in the United States of America for MLM's to show you that only certain percent make money and of those the ranges of money they make.  This is direct violation of world ventures own policies.

I can't let others sign on for dream trips selection is so limited, dates are told to you when to travel, how much you can use of your own money.  That is a nightmare not a dream trip.  Not a good deal to sign up for just travel benefits portion at all.

You may can make money in business portion if you don't mind misrepresenting to others about the Dream Trips.  The only value in company is jumping into the business portion where you got to work very hard to make any money but it will be at expense of others. 


New York,
Scam that preys on people desperate to find a way in life

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2014

First of all according to the BBB the are not an accredited business and currently there is an alert warning about them on them on BBB page. I have a few people who joined WV on my Facebook page who have been completely brainwashed. Like I said the prey on people who are desperately looking for some saving grace as they are unsure if they will ever be successful. That's exactly how the people on my page were before joining. I constantly hear them ranting on Facebook about how people are so content with having nothing in life and are lazy because they were turned down by people. It's like these reps get extremely offended of you say NO.

Again these are desperate people. Another thing that annoys me is that they are constantly putting down a college educationsme saying its a waste of time and most people go to college to only be jobless and in debt. Well guess what I got an MBA, I'm in sales just like you WV reps and I make a hell of a lot more than a $20 commission. I do extremely well and just started a real business, it pisses me off when I tell them NO and they get an upset. Another funny thing is that they say they you will become rich by just living. Well the guy I know was so proud to hit the 100K earner mark after being in the company for two years.

That would be $50k a year far from rich just average. I made that in one month. Then they criticize former reps who didn't make money calling lazy and that they lacked a hard work ethic but I'm confused I thought you got rich by just living not working. Must of them consider themselves retired. So which is it get rich just living and traveling or do you have to work hard. Have any of you die hard rep check out their income disclosure? The odds or making real money is far less than hitting the lotto. I suggest you guys take your monthly fee and play the lotto. Bottom line they are plenty of ways to make a legitimate living, not by signing people up to go out and sign more people up. Good luck you WV reps and have a plan B because this company will not be around in the next 10 years.

Susan Athena

West Kelowna, BC Canada,
Every single company I have EVER done due diligence on has similar such posts online

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 30, 2013

There will always be people who attend all the training but don't actually make money. But this cannot be put as the fault of the company. This would be the same as saying that the doctor who went to med school and completed all his tens of thousands of dollars of University training - but didn't actually practice as a doctor and so made no money - it would be the same as saying that the University training (even at the top medical schools) were a rip off and a scam. No, it lies in the individual's responsibility to take the training and do something with it. WORK. (lol)

And, you don't have to take the training to make money. In Canada, there is no training for example.

It would be virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the co-founders to be Regional Finalists in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award if it were the case. It is my understanding that all aspects of a company are looked at.
I also went personally to Las Vegas last year to meet MANY of the people who ARE making a GOOD living with this company. You can see ENDLESS youtube videos on many people - videos not done by the company - but just people putting up videos on their own - that show how World Ventures has significantly changed their lives FINANCIALLY.
Plus, when I went to Vegas - the Minister of Travel and Tourism in Africa spoke in length about the good that WV is doing in Africa. This is not only because of the WV Foundation - but also what is happening in the countries where WV is open for people to work with the company - people are making a good living with an opportunity to significantly change not only their own life but others as well.
I personally got thru schooling on how to market in today's world (online) - NOT thru World Ventures.... if I do nothing with the knowledge - and so make no money with it - should I be to blame - or is it the teachers and courses and institutions' fault?  Mine, of course.  It would be the same with any training.
Every single company I have EVER done due diligence on has similar such posts online. If this is all that was found - awesome!  If you read thru all the postings on here - you will see good revues of World Ventures as well.



#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, April 21, 2013

I've just started with this company about a year ago.  I have to say that I have not come across anything from the corporate office that is false or that makes claims that they cannot back up.  That said, I think a lot of people get started in network marketing thinking that it will be easy money.  If you Google any marketing company, including companies that have been around forever like Tupperware, Avon, etc., you will find the exact same type of complaints.  The complaints go something like, I joined this company, they said I could make a bunch of money but I didn't therefore, the company is a scam and must be illegal.  The reason why most people fail at network marketing is that they don't actually spend enough time marketing.  I will say that I am guilty of this.  I go to the trainings but I do not spend at least 5 hours a week inviting people to see the presentations or going to the presentations.  That's my fault, not the company's.  Actually, I don't even see how it's possible to spend $17,000 in three years, even if you go to every single training that they offer.  Your membership is free after signing just 4 people up, so how is it even possible to incur that amount of expense??

As far as the type of memberships, there is an option of upgrading to a luxury dreamtrip membership.  FYI:  5 Star rating is not top of the line, there are also 4 diamond ratings and others.  That said, the dreamtrips life option is more than enough for most people.  I have taken several trips with WV and they have all been wonderful.  I have even gotten money back with their rateshrinker on hotels...just like they said I would!  So far the company has done everything it said it will do. 

I have seen the income disclosure forms, which would seem to indicate that only a small percentage of people make any significant money.  The only way you can make $0.00 is that you never sign anybody up.  No one.  Because they pay you $20 to sign up one person, so $0.00 would indicate that you got paid what you deserved.  I plan on working my way up to the Director level and taking a lot of trips.  This company works for me and my goals.  It may take me a few years to get to the director level but that's ok with me.

Bottom line, IMO, is this:  You get out of it what you put into it.  If you're not getting what you want out of it, then you need to figure out what you're doing wrong.  It is not easy.  You will not become a millionaire in 6 months, especially if you don't invite at least 10 people/week.  If you are unsuccessful and blame others for your own short comings, shame on you.  If you don't make money, you still have a great travel club to see the world with.

And finally, if you have questions about this company, talk to people that have the information you need to have.  Write to the company.  Talk to people who have been involved for 2 years or more and have experiences that they can share with you.  I'm sorry that WV apparently did not work out for this person but I am certain it is not the fault of WV.



#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 19, 2013

There are lots of good things about the company. And it's a very simple system, but it's not easy. It does take a lot of work and dedication if you want to achieve high ranks (as does anything in life) if you are Only looking to make a little extra money then that's a very real possibility

Confused now

Los angeles,
I'm just confused

#9General Comment

Fri, April 19, 2013

I heard about this company and well I end up here, im just confused about the whole thing now. There Any good thing about it?


"I failed so it must be a scam"

#10UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 11, 2013

Gotta love when someone isn't good enough to stick with something or doesn't do what it takes to make something work and then posts about it on the internet. I am currently involved in this and have been for almost a year. I've made all my money back (including what I invested in the trainings, especially since those are tax right offs). The company bought me an ipad and even qualified for their car bonus.
As more proof I have 4 friends that I've know for years (before I ever heard of this) that have BMW's paid for by the company. This is indeed a real opportunity, but hey even if the business doesn't work out that's okay, go on a vacation! That's the real prize people! Go on a cruise or on a mega trip, add some more peak experiences to your life! That's the true beauty of this.

curious bystander

curious bystander

#11General Comment

Fri, April 05, 2013

I attended one of these meetings last night referred by a friend. It appears very exciting when hearing of the success and the idea of travelling at a discounted rate. They never fully explained how many days or weeks of trips you could take -only indicating their websites have a multitude to choose from in addition if this is a club does that mean we all travel as one body on a venture?? Upon further scrutiny of the contract -which I was surprised they actually let me take home to peruse at my leisure I notice there is an upgrade to the upgrade ? For an addtl 800 up front and 100 mnthly. I can get the super sized deal. If world ventures are offering bargain basement rates for 4& 5star hotels (5* being the highest rating) at 2&3star rates what kind of hotels will I be staying at?

Can anyone give information on the lawsuit in question? I guess I am I one of those classified in the seminar as a B or C. An A being ready to board B pretty sure I will board but with a few reservations and C being as was said to the attending group C you later.

World venture please dont attack my grammar or punctuation as I am only asking for answers to make a wise consumer decision. My money is very important to me. I am not really interested in the monetary part of this venture because my one goal is to vacation -I have my reservations about any get rich quick venues.

Does it Work

United States of America

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, January 14, 2013

I am sorry sir, but as you have written a long account of how you are tracking the lawsuit to be filed and claiming that money is not being made by 97% of the company's employees; I have a few rebuttals to say.

Firstly, I know for a fact that people make money in this company because I have made money in this company. I have been with World Ventures for a matter of 9 months and have made approximately $2000.00. Also, my "up-line" who personally signed me up and who has become a good friend of mine, he makes a six-figure income with World Ventures.

Secondly, I am terribly sorry to point this out and I know this will come off as terribly rude... But if you can not spell properly (utilizing "text speech" such as u = you) nor form sentences properly so we can fully understand what you are saying. Then how can your testimony of World Ventures being fraudulent have any real impact to readers of your testimony? Because what all of that says about you, is that you are too lazy to articulate a proper argument. If you are too lazy to form a proper argument, then you're too lazy to have put the real work into World Ventures to make money off of your investment. 

So I return to my original argument... did you put any real work into World Ventures? 


United States of America
Naysayers gonna naysay

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 11, 2013

To the one above stating information about no one making money in the company,

You have been misinformed. I, for one, have been making money in the company and I have just started a few months ago. I have not mad thousands of dollars (yet!), but it has definately been above $0.00000000000 (as you stated). The problem that I did notice (and the other one that did comment noticed also), it seems to me that he did not put in the work. Work is not the trainings and events and traveling to do so. Work is doing the ethically right thing by trying to help out your team, if you had one, and work with them to grow your team. It's simple as that. This business is no different than anyone owning their own business. If any business fails, you cannot blame it on the economy. It takes marketing skills and people skills to run any business, especially one such as network marketing. Before you blame the company and the owners and everything but yourself, keep in mind network marketing (not just World Ventures) has made more millionaires than any other industry. Words of advice: Keep yourself accountable for your actions and if you are going to start something, get serious and do not stop until you finish it.


United States of America
Yes I did the work

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, December 29, 2012

I am so glad this article was written. There is on line proof now made public of the lawsuit that begins in Jan 03,2013 with one of the co founders who left the company started his own company and is now going to tell all the inside fraud secrets that is really going on. I worked for 8 months at this i never gave up until I found documents that prove the top 10 didn't have to all work to get their status and the Scams that r going on behind the scenes. But this company has blogs out that make the people who find out the truth and either A. Start asking questions or B. get smart and quit they paint us as quitters that are lazy and they say that we just didnt do it right and they resort to name calling and belittling the people who quit, I even saw a comment on a YouTube video of the rep who made the video trying to get prospects was using the term "wussies" and trying to defend WV and was using name calling so that the new prospects that are thinking about joining wont let our experiences make them think twice so they use this name calling as a way to get the new guy to say oh they just gave up so if I don't do what those quitters did then i will make it. The thing is the guy that made the video the rep who is trying to get new prospects has not made any money yet himself but is believing the lie dream that it will come if u just stay with it. When World ventures Annual Income Disclosures that they have to put out on their website tells u that their 97% of their Reps did not make any money $0.00, makes me wonder how all these reps are saying they have made money. It's only when u sign up ur first 4 people u get ur investment back. That's the last check the 97% ever see. One guy invested $17,000.00 and made only $4500 in 36 months. That's a huge loss. You r being fooled as I was !,, i quit because I was smart and found out the truth about the lie they are not telling the reps and the new people if they told u the truth u would Run for ur life. I am so awaiting the Class Action Lawsuit that is coming I am so on board I am also going to gEt me revenge whena jury finds them guilty. My rep above me told me yesterday that WV has senators for lawyers. She got out after she came to our tri state area and got the Pentecostals churches pastors involved and they told their saints this is a sure thing and one pastor here I know personally is a smart business man and he said this was legit and there was no way we would lose based on the setup but he was wrong ! They are all out now but that firestorm came they our city like a tornado and wiped everyone out in 3 States TN, MS, AR tri state area and people are so angry and confused that were were taken like the movie "Leap Of Faith" where a fraudulent Christian faith healer who uses his revival meetings in Kansas it bilk believers out of their money. This is the same thing. This will go down very badly for these guys any jury in their right mind will see the evidence and sorry but the senators they got for lawyers won't be able to save them from a jury. Unless they buy the jury like "Runaway Jury". I can see this fraud story coming to the box office like a hit movie. All I can say is please read all documents before u give them ur money, make ur own mind up, but my gosh that annual income disclosure statement on their own website from 2006-2009 97% made $.000000. And to date 2011-20112 97% of the reps made $0.00 and only the 3% made money that are the top level who didn't even earn their spot. It's all there no one should have to say anything any further ! https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1337525481513.pdf. This here will explain it all.

https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1334197801422.pdf..........and this one, https://cdn.anonfiles.com/1337908699467.pdf

Does it Work

United States of America
Did you actually do the work?

#15UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 17, 2012

WorldVentures is a social network marketing business. Marc Acetta spent a lot of time talking about how you think you're putting work into the company but you aren't because you're spending your time on things that aren't making you money. Yes you attended the events but did you ever truly follow what was there? Too many people come into this company thinking they'll have to do a little work and then get a lot of money. But rather it is a company that you work very hard at and then it will run itself for you down the road. It beats going into the lengths of trying to be a chairboard member at a place like chase bank any day. If you put as much work in as you claimed you did here in this report then anyone who knows the social networking business will know that you are just letting off steam at not getting the easy road instantly and are going to blame the company instead of yourself.

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