  • Report:  #1532805

Complaint Review: Xfinity - Philadelphia PA

Reported By:
Damien - Dallas, Georgia, United States

Comcast, 1701 John F Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, 19103 PA, United States
(215) 286-1700
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On Thursday May 30, 2024, a Xfinity agent by the name of Janice informed me that she could save me money on my internet bill. So of course, I was happy to hear the news. Her proposal was for me to go with this promotion that included a phone. When I had informed Janice that I'm already a verizon customer and that I'm happy with my service she stated that the phone would not only be virtually free but as the price of the MotoG would be lumped in with my internet bill. And that new bill came out to $75.23. Sounds too good to be true right? Well, that's because it was. What Janice did was lie to my face. Not only did she promise me that this Moto G would be including in my new promo but she also promised me that I'd still have my same internet plan which was the fastest speed. She ended up downgrading my internet speed and when the phone finally arrived another xfintiy agent I spoke to had informed me that the MotoG WILL NOT be lumped in with my internet bill. it's going to be the $75.23 plus the additional monthly fee of a phone that I never needed nor wanted in the first place. sounds fair to you? Comcast agents lying to get customers hooked on a plan that doesn't benefit them? Keep in mind that I've been loyal to them for years now, I've never missed a monthly payment and have been nothing but professional with them. I guess you really CAN"T trust corporations these days. Now I'm going to have to take off work which is very inconvient for me. I'm going to have to find a Fedex because there aren't many in my location and I'm going to have to return a phone that I didn't want to begin with. Thank you Xfinity, for looking out for your customers...

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