  • Report:  #293643

Complaint Review: 1 Reality Enterprises - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- Kelowna, British Columbia,

1 Reality Enterprises
www.1realityenterprises.com/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When I originally wrote the report about 1 Reality, Mint, and CydCor, my intentions were to be as objective and entertaining as possible.

I believe I succeeded.

However, it seems that people are taking my report a little TOO seriously for my tastes.

The events detailed in my report occurred over four years ago. That said, it should stand to reason that things have long since changed.

As I mentioned repeatedly, Aaron was always a sensible individual and today the truth is shown by the expansion his company has seen, to the point where he is now a standalone marketing entity that runs a 9-5 office operation.

Nothing fancy, nothing evil.

The others... well, they were ousted from the organization altogether for their activities.

It's always easier to believe the negative than the positive but I implore any who are quick to judge, to read my original report in it's entirety. Not just the title and a couple key elements pertaining to the bad.

I'm not trying to correct anything I wrote. Far from it, but I do realize that people are not reading, but skimming. They're not thinking, they're judging. They're not interested in the truth, they're interested in the bad.

The 1 Reality Enterprises of today is nothing like the DS/Max of yesteryear. It's still marketing... just without all the cultist fluff.

How do I know this? Simple.

Aaron and I still keep in contact because we've always seen eye to eye and during hard times when I was getting the raw end of it, he would typically act as the light at the end of the tunnel.


Kelowna, British Columbia


4 Updates & Rebuttals


England / City of London,
United Kingdom
Defamation of character. Libel

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 12, 2018

This report is absurd. Having a Cydcor ICL just entitled you to their clients. Also they had administration services to help the ICL run their business. If any owner, running their business, chooses to open up another location then they do that. Cydcor didn't care. I had over 40 people on my team when i got my ICL. This took me 1 year and 10 months of building and breaking teams to learn how. When i opened my own location I took 4 people with me to start my business. No one owed me anything. I made my "promoting owner" ridiculous amounts of money. I'm proud of that. It meant i was a good investment. Every member of my team had an agreement with him not me so i was not entitled to his money or the people. Why would he lose his business so i could have mine. No company or business i have ever heard of has ever done that. It doesn't make sense. If someone believes they are not getting an ICL where they are then leave and open your own. Pay your own rent, administration and recruitment costs and build a team that makes profits that exceed the expenses. It is called a brokerage and is very common in the world and cydcor is just a type of one. A brand. If you cannot afford it then you work through someone else's. I opened up 10 locations over 10 years. Some succeded and some failed. Some also opened up other offices and they did so on their own terms. Some left to run their own business outside of Cydcor and are doing very well. Others used their skillset they learned and have successful jobs in sales or recruitment.

I am sorry you were terminated for dating someone on your team doolie. This doesnt make you or the business bad. Its just politics. You were a good friend and you worked with me for a bit but lost your heart. I get that. You were good at sales and running teams and i hope you are using your skillset today.

The only issue with Cydcor in canada was that their client list was unstable in alot of markets. Feast or famine. We lost alot of good people. Both owners and reps based on this. Lots of angry people as a result. I have noticed no one complains when they are making 1000 a week but when the same person makes 100 a week or they have to move markets the business is evil. I will not be held responsible for lack of clients

I catagorically deny all allegations made against me.

This includes:

Calling the owner to manipulate managers. There was no senority or pyramid. No one can be overlapped once they are an owner. Cydcor would not care and would have no power within someones business. Their only concern is how their clients were being represented.

That i was a "drug addict that snapped at reps, did crack, stories of rape that I cant say for sure?" This is what makes this report even more ridiculous, absurd and completley unbelievable.

The owner retired in 2007 and cydcor was sold to a corporation. I left in 2009. I left of my own accord. I wanted the challenge of trying it myself.

This report was just brought to my attention 2 weeks ago otherwise i would have responded a long time ago. I have moved on with my life and i hope who ever wrote this moves on with theirs.


British Columbia,
Not surprised

#3Author of original report

Wed, January 02, 2013

Holy wow!  I'd forgotten this episode!

I'm glad to hear that, in the end the old saying: "They fire themselves," holds true.

Crack pipe?  Explains a lot.  Hi Aaron. At least it doesn't have the same pungency as the copious quantities of marijuana being smoked in there when I was around.  Hi Roger.

CYDCOR, DS/Max and the entire sales force line up is an unfortunate mess that Canada still inexplicably allows to continue.  We have a 'do not call' list, but cities still allow these mouthbreathers to run around playing business man.

I'll freely attest that my time in the two bit company I was a part of tempered me, but I'll also admit that looking back on it all, I should have joined the army!  LOL! Better pay, better shape, better morales and ethics, less people on hard drugs.

Doing door to door sounds like a fine short term solution to money problems, especially when spun by a sales person who spends all day selling it to new people. The truth is that you're better off signing up for the oil rigs, and delivering pizzas in the interim.

Sales jobs are all the same. The work hours are inhuman (around 16 a day), the people you work with are selfish (commission lifestyle), and the whole goal of the company is to brow beat and retain a team of street workers.

When I joined, I did it for a pretty face, and honestly thought I'd be working for Rogers Internet, working in internet sales.  Naive and eager to please.

As the perfect recipe, I built a great team, and then the company s**t on me. Too bad, so sad. They took away my team of some 20+ folk, because after two years of banging on doors, I met a girl through the office.  Whoops Of course it didn't stop 'the boss' from doing the same thing.

Up yours Roger.  And you Sheldon.

In a truly self destructive fashion, these guys will do anything they can to take your success away.
Of course they won't retain your success because they don't understand how you got it to begin with.

a game of 'talking to people', where all the players are just a bunch of people who do nothing but talk... about talking; don't expect any decency.  After all:  It's all talk.

Their 'job' is to retain you, and they will go to great lengths to achieve longevity. YOU are the product, not the contracts, their charities, their flimsy products. You: the person; is what they need to ensure money flow, and keep their butt in a chair, and their feet off the street.

Had a bad day?  They'll sit you down, give you the pep talk like coach to player.  Huzzah! Want to quit?  Same thing.
If it doesn't work, be prepared to fight for your paycheque.  Many of them are impetuous assholes, and it was not at all uncommon to hear 'funny stories' about how they would hold onto dollars earned by previous contractors.

Thinking about getting in bed with these guys? There are a thousand better ways to make money. Door to door is a draining, thankless, brutal business that some people can make it in.  I did, for a while.  Yes a lot  of people make a lot of money at it.However, as was noted above, give any of these pricks a chance, and they'll back stab you back to 'distributor' so they can keep you 'selling'.  Sales, eh?

Just stay away, and build your own business.  Door to door won't teach anything except how to talk to people about a product, and there are much less costly ways of doing that. Can't learn life skills when you have no life, and these clowns will try to ensure you have zero life.

In the end, when you build your own business, you'll have to learn how to do it for your own business anyhow, and here's the really neat part: You'll have a clientele comprised of people who like what you do, want what you have to offer and share interests with you.  Make stuff and sell it on ebay or etsy.  Buy cheap product online and resell it through your own pyramid network.  Find something you're good at, and just do it.

All the best in 2013!



#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 02, 2013

I am Pretty sure, 1 reality and Arron are out of business. I worked there, and here is what has happened. He located to yonge/bloor area, had a sales office but Arron has always been a drug addict. He had a crack pipe in his desk drawer and was high throughout work. When he was not on drugs, he would be very tempermental and snap at reps, he would then leave and go for a walk do his thing and come back calm for the next hour. The drugs ruined his business, he had manipulated his own managers under him, and when they were going to overlap him by CYDCORS PYRAMID, he would lose his seniority over those managers. What did he do? he called the owner of CYDCOR and made up lies about the managers. The reps caught on as the managers left, the reps left, his business went from over 30 reps to just 5 and those 5 plotted and all quit at the same time. At this point the owner of CYDCOR, called Aaron and told him he had disgraced his business and that his services were no longer required.

I don't know about the previous experience, but do know first hand of all of this once he was on his own in Toronto. There are stories of rape and other things but I can't say that for sure.


British Columbia,
Then again, maybe not.

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 19, 2008

It seems I was misinformed. For those interested, one of the other parties involved now runs this organization: http://www.consulting-group.ca Given this is the case, it should stand to reason that some of these fruitcakes are still running around playing business man. Truly an atrocious web site. Honestly I don't know why they bother. I'm surprised there's a title tag.

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