  • Report:  #848379

Complaint Review: 4th Judicial District - Fairbanks Alaska

Reported By:
Glenn - North Pole, Alaska, United States of America

4th Judicial District
101 Lacey St. Fairbanks, 99701 Alaska, United States of America
Alaska Courts
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have run afoul of some powerful people in Fairbanks. Bankers and lawyers and finally the local electric company when they tried to bring prepay electric meters to Fairbanks. I stood against them at the Regulatory Commission. It cost them a lot of money. I didn't know but two things were happening about that time that would later change my life significantly. First, a tree fell from my land and hit my neighbor's van. Second the assistant to the attorney for the electric company was becoming a magistrate, Nikole Schick. My neighbor who had been tying her dogs to that tree that fell for several years before had a daughter who worked for Allstate insurance that I used. The neighbor filed a claim for $3800 against my insurance behind my back and 3 days later after agreeing to pay her Allstate called me and told me they were paying despite my objections.
I filed small claims suit against my neighbor for tresspass by girdling trees which carries a triple damages clause. Nikole Schick who at that time I did not know of was assigned to hear the case. The morning of the case came and a mediator Jordan showed up at court and it was "strongly recommended" that we try mediation. I wanted to cooperate so I volunteered.  Quickly it turned bizarre and I broke it off in favor of going to court.
After the case was over it had become clear through outragous statements made by the magistrate that mediation was a scam. That during the break the mediator and the magistrate had spoken probably on the phone.  I later deduced it was to confirm that a defense had been planted by the mediator with the defendant.
I had to make a motion after the trial to admit some evidence in picture form the magistrate had given back to me. At that time I ordered a copy of the recording. I was horrified to find the recording had been considerably altered to the point the magistrate had reconstructed the case and she or someone thumped away on a court reporting machine for sound effects while doing the editing. Both security features in the software had been compromised. All the statements which revealed the scam to me were gone and some testimony deleted and time rearranged so that a nearly 15 minute break was shown as 3 minutes. That is the time I say they talked on the phone and it was being hidden.
I hired a private investigator who was able to have the defendant and her witness make affidavits saying certain testimony had taken place. That tesimony was not on the record. I filed an appeal and presented the affidavits, explained that both security features in the recording had been compromised, that Fairbanks has no mediation program and that it was "irregular" for a mediator to be at the courthouse.
The day after I filed my brief a state policeman came and served me with a civil stalking/sexual assault order from the Defendant,my neighbor of 7 years, it was signed by magistate Harbinson, whom I'd complained about her conduct in a case a few years before and Judge Mulcahy. Nikole Schick was assigned to hear that case despite( or because of) my accusing her of all kinds of wrong doing in my notice of intent to appeal filed 2 weeks earlier.
I filed a petition for review on probable cause grounds presenting emails from the defendant to the private investigator threatening to "hurt me in the pocketbook if I did not drop the appeal" also she had filed a bogus animal control complaint and a complaint to enviromental control about a smell from my property within a week. Judge Downes called them "pieces of paper" and denied the petition.
So a hearing was held at taxpayer expense. I challenged Schick so Harbinson was assigned. I hired a lawyer and brought 15 people to court. The defendant called in on the phone and whined so no long term order was issued.
Judge Paul Lyle seemed to drag his feet so I asked for oral arguement which seemed grudgingly granted. I accused the magistrate right there. Judge Lyle even asked (acting as if he did not read my brief) "are you accusing the magistrate of altering the record?" and I amswered, "yes sir". My expectation was that the logical next question would have been to the defendant- is this true? But he never asked. I believed then it was a conspiracy. He didn't ask because he already knew! I began making preparations to leave Fairbanks. 2 months before Judge Lyle's decision was due I boarded a plane to go have some dental work done. While on the ground but still on the plane in Seatttle a man who later IDed himself as "federal agent" tried to provoke me into hitting him even restraining me from getting off. The TSA said well that could have been anyone(if it was me they would have found me).
Judge Lyle ruled against me either dismissing or not even acknowledging my evidence. Meanwhile the clerk had sent me back my exhibits from the small claims which I had come to realize were proof in themselves that the record had been altered. On the record you hear the magistrate recieving the plaintiff's exhibits within 15 seconds of us being called forward. However I had lettered my exhibits all 9 so when the clerk came out to fetch them we had a several minute talk where she explained plaitiff's exhibits are numbered so she affixed the evidence stickers to all 9 and numbered them, then numbered mine to match. Then she handed the stickered copies to the magistate and visited the defendant and numbered her copies to match. This all took  more like 3 or 4 minute not 15 seconds. You could see my letters under the evidence stickers.
Also about the time they sent me those exhibits, I bought an antique parts car from an ad. The man I did not know agreed to deliver it. Small talk ensued and he began telling me about a court case he just had where he believed he got the business and that the magistrate had made some key evidence "disappear" and found against him for over $11,000. He named as Nikole Schick. I was astounded.
He made an affidavit stating what I just that and I presented a motion for reconsideration submitting  proof positive the record had been altered that 15 minutes had been condensed down to 15 seconds and presented that affidavit.
Judge Lyle said the 15 seconds I believe are important have no bearing on the findings of fact by magistrate Schick and the affidavit in an unrelated case is irrelevant.
I've fled Alaska. The other guy stayed and had his property stormed by the City of Fairbanks removing all his antique cars as "junk" and gave him a hefty cleanup bill ($40k).
Both of us have complained to the FBI and state officials. Nothing has happened. Schick and the gang are still hearing cases.
I'm afraid to return to Fairbanks my home because all that neighbor/defendant needs to do is say I looked at her as she did to get that order and they will be glad to throw me in jail. I am currently in another state trying to expose these people. I have property in Fairbanks and this has cost me thousands. As of today they have not returned my evidence or my bond money that I had to post just to appeal $750- $100 they awared the defendant for "attorney fees" Its been 9 months since the appeal was closed. I have a certified copy of the recording(falsified) and when the clerk did that numbering she also numbered my working copies so I have her writing on my copies to verify my story.

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Kevin the Miner from Ester

Good Old Boys Club

#2General Comment

Wed, February 26, 2014

 I see they are at it again they are verry Active they go on line and make fun of us and Chase us around on the internet They are the Fruity Pebbles not us Yes this Fairbanks Court is a Fraud and Ive been through it also so what ever that man is saying is probubly the Truth the Court is a Fraud full of Criminals Making Fun of us when we try to Explain their Oporational Tacticts, they are Murderers and Thuggs So keep it Flowing Fairbanks we need all of you to Wake up Now Please they are getting Verry good at this Horse Crap Thanks and Boo you evel AST DA,s and Criminal Judges BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


North Pole,
United States of America
I only posted the first page of the transcript to show

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 08, 2012

That the time stamps could not be correct and therefore altered and even not an exact copy 34 seconds is not several minutes and the "recording", even falsified has the magistrate recieving the exhibits in about 15 seconds ( as I presented to Judge Lyle at oral arguement on tape recorder). It was an oversight on her part during editing (nothing forged is perfect) or she figured I was too stupid to catch it and she figured people like YOU would say I was crazy without proper investigation. It must have took a lot of work to do what she did many hours to get it as right as possible and she was tired and at some point good enough was good enough, he'll never catch it.  You apparently want to read the transcript to say"nothing wrong here" Who are you? The copy I showed doesn't say "Not a verbatim transcript" It was cut off by the copier. NIkole? Clerk Miller? Only someone associated with courts would know that. Of course the transcript is not verbatim, it cannot show the defendant and plaintiff on the "same channel" of the recording. It cannot show the security feature of the "Duration Range Indicator". It can however show things didn't happen as transcribed.


United States of America
Make up your mind.

#4General Comment

Thu, March 08, 2012

I can only post a small picture on this website. If you are asking to read the whole transcript I could not do it nor would it serve any purpose because it was FALSIFIED.

You want me to read the transcript, but then claim you can't provide it and wouldn't anyway since, according to you, it's falsified.

Why tell me to read it if, as you are now claiming, it's worthless?

BTW, anyone with an interest can see the full size scan.  With a PC and Chrome one only needs to right click on the image, then select open image in a new window.  It's likely the same with Firefox.  This is how I was able to see that you skipped the number 6 on your numbering.

Another thing, it clearly states the transcript is not a verbatim copy.  It states "Refer to audio recording."  See attached screen cap.

This destroys your claim of falsification, since whomever complied the transcript openly admits it's not verbatim and that the recording needs to be consulted for a more accurate record of what was said, and by whom.  It's really hard to hold a position that it was falsified when it's clearly not intended to be a verbatim record.

Report Attachments


North Pole,
United States of America
I'm uncertain what you are asking for

#5Author of original report

Thu, March 08, 2012

I can only post a small picture on this website. If you are asking to read the whole transcript I could not do it nor would it serve any purpose because it was FALSIFIED. The only place I had hard proof positive that the record had been falsified that I could present in a motion without using a computer and For the Record playback software was right here and I will show the first page because perhaps all you see is the small picture and its hard to read the transcript (Premarked exhibits and time stamps) in the small pic I gave. The magistrate rerecorded the proceeding and she or someone thumped away on one of those court reporting machines for sound effect. I provided affidavits from both the defendant and her witness saying certain testimony took place in court. That testimony and more was erased and is not on the recording or transcrpt. I asked the PI to concentrate on that testimony(barking dogs) because it was the most memorable and we didn't want to complicate things too much for the scattered defendant. So we kept it simple figuring proving one deletion should beg investigation of the others.

The state uses For the Record software to record the proceeding. There is a 4 second difference between the range duration indicator and the actual elapsed time. Right after the break you can watch the 4 seconds tic away in 1 like the last 10 seconds of a basketball game where they do 100ths of a second. This happens as we went back on record supposedly. Also both the defendant and me the plaintiff are presented on the same channel #2(there should be at least 3 channels- 4 with a jury). I don't know if it was recorded that way. I know it would be easiest to rerecord that way. Either way For the Record lists those 2 features as "security" features and both are compromised. Judge Lyle denied the 4 seconds even though its there plain to see and he ignored the channel, never mentioned it. This is the same Judge Lyle who could have asked the defendant at oral aguement if what I was saying was true but he did not. He could of asked her about the affidavits but he did not. He could have asked why she had 2 replies to my brief after having missed the deadline for filing the first 2 show up one scibbled in her scribble and the other prepared by the Nikole Schick fan club claiming to have heard the proceeding even though I was the only purchaser of a tape on record. He did not. There were witnesses. My exwife and a neighbor I had never met till this, who had problems with the defendant on the other side. I chose not to have them provide affidavits for the appeal because I didn't want to hang targets on their backs. I opted to hire a private investigator to interview the defendant instead. But those 2 still remember what was said.  Also, Judge Lyle had a legal duty to "put the record straight" if it had been corrupted. He chose not to even entertain that, despite my motion. If this was such a small insignificant thing why didn't he do his legal duty? I'm not complaining I didn't win, I'm complaining I didn't get a fair trial. The fact that Records were falsified in any degree and /or preparing for my arrival by inviting a mediator when there is no formal mediation program should be sufficient to illustrate things were not "regular or usual." Recently the state has approached the other guy who said Magistrate Schick tampered with evidence and offered to lower his $11,000 to $1,000 but he would have to admit guilt. He told them to take a leap. I didn't think a court ordered judgement could be amended without COURT!

Report Attachments


United States of America
Make the transcript available.

#6General Comment

Thu, March 08, 2012

You whined about the numbering, then when I point out the most plausible reason for the numbering based on evidence you provided, you whine some more.

If you want me, or anyone else, to read the transcript, make it available.  A picture that shows you didn't number your evidence correctly doesn't do anything but prove you didn't number your evidence correctly.  Nothing more.


North Pole,
United States of America
What are you people idiots?

#7Author of original report

Wed, March 07, 2012

If the actual events of the case do not reconcile with the record then it has been altered. Just the fact that record has been altered should in itself be evidence of an unfair trial as the definition of fair is "usual or regular". But for small minded fools who like to blame victims instead of perps I'll tell you item #4 was an original property survey with affixed raised stamp. I asked it not be labled and the court got a copy instead of the original(their copy was numbered) and #9 was not used , I told her I did not know if I would use it and it was merely an illustration by my own hand so it was left un-numbered and eventually unused. Look at the transcript and see the exhibit list or are you so determined to find fault with me that like them real evidence doesn't matter only who you want to win.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Learn to count

#8General Comment

Wed, March 07, 2012

I note in the picture you provide that your blue colored numbers go from 5 to 7.  The red shows 5, then something (probably a 6) then 7.

You completely skipped number 6.

That the clerk, or whomever, put the correct number sequence on the pages can't, to the rational mind, be seen as evidence of anything wrong.  How long it took the clerk to put the proper number sequence on the pages also doesn't matter.  Be it 34 seconds, 15 seconds or five minutes. It's of no matter.

One reasonably prudent person would see the clerk's correcting your numbering error as evidence of anything other than the clerk ensuring your evidence is documented properly.  This flies in the face of your conspiracy claim.

Report Attachments


North Pole,
United States of America

#9Author of original report

Wed, March 07, 2012

Here is the first page of the court transcripts. Note 34 seconds from being called forward till the magistrate recieving the exhibits. Also pictured are my working copies of the the court exhibits with the clerks writing in the thin red marker over my blue pen. I followed along with her in blue pen as she affixed the court stickers and numbered the exhibits. Then because my numers didn't match hers she took them and numbered them then took the courts copies  to the magistrate. Not 34 seconds as the transcrpt shows or 15 seconds as the recording has but 3 or 4 minutes perhaps 5 minutes. Its not humanly possible to tear off and affix 9 stickers and number them in 34 seconds or even close to it and there were witnesses. So let me get this straight there has never been a conspiracy in America? That anyone who thinks a few people may be out to get them wears tin foil hat? You are either one of them or very naive probably the former.

Report Attachments


Glenn,you should move to a warmer climate...

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

that cold air has really affected you.

Let's see, the electric company is against you, the assistant attorney took up their cause due to the "fact" they worked for said electrical company. Your neighbor tied her dog(s) to your tree and got away with it because her daughter worked for Allstate, who paid them from your policy.

Then the mediator and judge conspired against you and had illegal converstaions.

Then the clerk altered the recording of the proceedings and further horrified you.

Magistrate Harbinson then retaliated against you for previous complaints about her contact.
THEN, a "federal agent" tried to provoke a fight with you at the airport.

How long have you been ducking those black helicopters buzzing overhead?

You are certifiable and should be seeking capable medical intervention ASAP.

To put it plainly....YOU'RE NUTS!!!

Report Attachments


North Pole,
United States of America
What kind of American are you?

#11Author of original report

Sun, March 04, 2012

It appearsd like them you see nothing wrong with altering evidence and ruining citizens. The prepaid meters certainly have something to do with it. These people were in waiting for me and I'm fortunate enough they were stupid enough( or arrogant enough) to get me when I had little at stake. Had I been being sued it could have been much worse. You are also wrong because Alaska law has a specific law for trespass by girdling trees and tying dogs is a classic example and they extend the claim period to 6 years because it takes nso long for damage to manifest itself. What are you saying I'm not entitled to the protections of the law?

Report Attachments


United States of America
You should have let your insurance deal with it

#12General Comment

Sun, March 04, 2012

A tree of yours fell onto your neighbor's car.  These things can happen.  You should have let your insurance company deal with it.  Filing a counter suit because your neighbor had, in the past, tied her dog to the same tree is what got you into trouble.  Pre-paid electrical meters don't even factor into it.

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