  • Report:  #225761

Complaint Review: 4x Made Easy - Addison Texas

Reported By:
- Murray, Utah,

4x Made Easy
15601 N. Dallas Pkwy. #200 Addison, 75001 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On November 28th 2006 I attended a seminar for a product called 4x made easy I am looking for another form of income. So I will be able to retire from my current job due to physical limitations that are developing with me.

At this seminar I was sold a program that is supposed to help you make money in the 4x market. I signed a Notice of right to cancel That ran out on December 1st 2006 But was told this was only due to legal obligations for the Government and was given an Extended guarantee that states that I could return the product within 15 days or the first training class. On December 8th 2006 I attended this class. I had spent several days working with the program and felt that I really did not want to pursue it any more. As I entered the class I asked the intake people which unfortunately I don't know the name of i told them that thee is no way that I wanted the product and was told to stay for the class and I would have a better knowledge of the product.

I attended this whole class and still was not really impressed. In the class they had talked about a product called 4x tracker. That is supposed to help with the program.

After the class I took the product to Mr. Mark Schumacher (I am using the term Mr. Lightly the real term should be lying cheating prix) which was the teacher for the day. I tried to return the product. At that time I was belittled by Mr. Schumacher saying that I did not give the product a real try because I had not had real training until that day. which should not have been an issue as the warrenty claims if I don't see a real value in the product you may return it. he also said that I should give 4x tracker a try and work more with the product. He would not take the product back. At that time I picked up the 4x tracker program thinking that I would give it a try. It made the product no better. As I found out later Mark Schumacher was as per 4xs made easy rules was supposed to fill out a special circumstances sheet saying that I wanted to return the program. (the company however really only uses this as an escape knowing well that there rip-off artist will never do this)

I contacted you (my Attorney) on Wednesday December 13th 2006 to find out my legal rights. You told me to call them and request a refund due to the facts stated above. I contacted customer support on that day they took the information then transferred me to the refund dept. I got an answering machine so I left a message for them to call me. I never heard from them so again on Thursday December 14th 2006 I called customer service again and was told the product was out of warrantee. And that they had no record of my previous call. I told them at this time to have someone that could fix this matter give me a call or that I was going to contact my Attorney (which I had already done) as I was not going to play games with them. Still I have heard nothing from them so at this time I request your (My Attorneys) help in this matter. This company makes many promises they will not deliver on and when you call them on it somehow they have no recollection of any thing done or said. They are so full of s**t. That all that comes out of there mouth is s**t

Please do not believe anything that they tell you. I am trying to save you from lots of gut wrenching agony from people that claim to care about you but In reality only care about there bottom line with a product that cannot deliver anything they claim it will. This is a complete fraud please beware. Do not believe for one minute in there return policy. They will not honor it. I learned this the hard way.

If after all this you are still considering taking a look at 4x made easy take your Attorney general, Consumer protection agency and an Attorney with you as you will need them in the future. When you have trouble with 4x made easy.

If anyone reading this has had a similar experience with this company. I am consider having my attorney file a class action law suit.

This company should not be allowed to get away with this kind of lies and fraud.


Murray, Utah

4 Updates & Rebuttals


retraction to 4x Made Easy of my un professional actions

#2Author of original report

Thu, January 04, 2007

I Santa Claus am making a retraction from the comments Made By me against 4x Made easy. I was very frustrated when I wrote this report. However since that time we have been able to come to an amicable resolution to this Matter and consider it closed. I am sorry for calling The Employee's from 4x made easy the Names That I did that was really uncalled for. And was not Professional On my part I sincerely apologize to the employees of 4x made easy in this matter and hope they are satisfied with this amicable resolution also.


More Facts That there is no record keeping or communication as to what is going on

#3Author of original report

Mon, December 25, 2006

After Finally talking to a Company rep and being told that there was no record of me asking Mr Shumacker for a refund. and that for this reason they were denying my request for a refund This from a company that can't even keep records on there Clients. Yea I am sure that a request for a valid refund would Not be mentioned in there data base. Nice Try I am not as big of a dumb a*s as you think I am. The wrighting is on the wall. and there record on this matter really sucks. and so does there customer Service. Keep Records Why would they do that then they could not use Plausable Deniability when They don't want to abide by the policys that they have set. Just another bad Bussiness Practice By Most Companys. However standards show a company that is out to screw everone they can. just be responsible and give me the refund that was reqested under your warranty and quit trying to screw me. or are you next going to say i also am not in your data base? seems to be your practice. Plausable Deniability.


Do this. Show the company the google results, and pray that they are smart enough to give your money back.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 17, 2006

I'm not even gonna start by asking why in the hell you would try something like currency trading. What's the matter, you can't give away enough money in the stock market? Perhaps, you'd be more comfortable as a day-trader! That's another crazy, no-money, nonsense way to lose your savings! I honestly don't know what in the hell you could have been thinking here. The fourex market? A personal investor, in the fourex market? Un-freakin' believable! Here's a much better idea. Start a small business. Pick something that you know and understand. Stay the hell away from anything to do with stock and currency speculation. If you start a small, home business you are far more likely to make money than you ever could in any currency market. If you need help, go to the local library for research. Don't pay another turnkey-instamatic-guaranteed-profits-business scam. There is only one way to get a refund. I'm assuming that your bank is no help, and that you've already exhausted that option. In order to get a refund, you'll have to leverage the value of this site's placement in the google search results. Right now, this fourex scam's rip-off report comes up in the number 3 and 4 position in the search results. It's RIGHT below the actual company. Now, how the hell are these software crooks going to keep the suckers flowing in with these complaints right underneath them? They aren't. It's that simple. You need to get on the horn and make the fourex scam aware of how your complaint is hurting them. Then, you need to offer to write a statement saying that you have received a full refund, and there are no hard feelings. It's a numbers game. Which is better for the fourex scam? Giving you a refund, or having a rip-off report right underneath of their listing? You update your complaint each month, for google spiders. That keeps it fresh and right underneath the fourex scam. In the meantime, you want to spend your days screaming as long and as loud as you can, to everyone that will listen. Every federal agency, or consumer watch-group out there. You want to generate so much paperwork, and so many phone calls to the fourex crooks, that they feel like they're under a freakin' microscope. Do you know what a collection agency does to people? Multiply that kind of nuisance times a factor of 5. That's the effect you need to generate. The absolute last thing that any fraud needs is to be in the spotlight when they're tryin' to run their con. It's just bad for business. Make yourself enough trouble, and you'll get a refund. It's either that, or else you can use the bone drill. That always works! You go for the leg bone, not the skull bone. Most people won't be able to make out your refund check once you drill into their brain. But, start out with the giant nuisance first, because that has a good chance of succeeding here. Good luck with that!


More protection for me

#5Author of original report

Sun, December 17, 2006

The Price paid for 4x made easy rip off was $3192.67. this information is requried for rip off revenge. also I wanted to add after reading several reports that after being notified to stop the live feed this company has continued to charge for this service. to prevent this I am adding this to my complaint so it will be documented if they try to do this to me I Requested to have the feed both for 4x made easy & 4x Tacker stoped on 12/16/2006 I was told that I would recieve an e-mail conferming this but as of today I have not recieved this so I just wanted to cover my a*s. because as I know well from there other actions nothing that they say will be done. and they will have no record of the request.

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