  • Report:  #559427

Complaint Review: 541 Marketing - Milledgeville Georgia

Reported By:
Not given - Milledgeville, Georgia, United States of America

541 Marketing
541 W. Montgomery St. Milledgeville, 31061 Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was hired by Zack/Max a few days ago here in milledgeville, Ga. to work as a telemarketer. My friend and I assisted him in moving some stuff from his eatonton office to the office here in Milledgeville. We also assisted with some painting. My friend and I found a dry cleaning tag with a different name that I heard him refer to himself as. The lady that works here calls herself Lisa, but signs the checks as michelle something. There is a third person that works there named Ben. Ben is a younger "stockholder" in the company that hooks all of the clients for the telemarketing. Zach is a larger older man who is somewhat short and has white hair.

He suggested to myself and a few others that he had a grant that he had to give away to 8 different people. Each person that went through with the program would receive 8.9 million dollars. Each task is sexually and progressed more than the last. Starting at 100 lashings on the bare butt to being a "b***h" for a gay guy for 30 days. You can also be a finder and find people to do the program. If the individual who starts the program actually goes through with it, you are then rewarded 250,000 dollars. He would keep bothering us about the program to the point where it was very annoying and weird. Ben also approached people pushing the program on individuals.

This man is a sick man and is very sly at what he does. Lisa, ben and zack are all sick. They are all in this and do not care about the people that work for them. They are in this as some kind of scam and are NOT a real company. If you are hired or even approached by 541 telemarketing do not follow up or consider a job.

8 Updates & Rebuttals


As promised

#2Author of original report

Tue, April 06, 2010

Try to change THIS zeock. Like I said...you can change your name, but not your face.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Employees that have made positive posts are CLEARLY ignorant on the subject matter

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 17, 2010

Ok, to the person who said these "malicious" comments are coming from people who have never worked at 541 Marketing, you are obviously illiterate because the very first 3 words of the post are "I was hired." Secondly, everyone who claims that 541 Marketing is the greatest company they have ever worked for are probably women because the issue is with young men; therefore, how on earth could you possibly know if these accusations against your boss are true or not...he's not trying to sneak you off into a private room for sex now is he? And thirdly, as an ex-employee, I can say that I'm close friends with one of the boys that "Zach" and "Ben" tried to persuade to participate in this psychological experiment, and it IS true...Also, if you research on the internet, one of Joseph Zeock's alternate names is Max...hmmm what was that one campaign we were working on?..oh yeah, MAX Lo Realty... think about it ladies; stop being ignorant and unaware, research the history of the company you work for, and realize that con-artists DO exist.



#4Author of original report

Tue, March 16, 2010

Well apparently the person who wrote the last report hasn't seen around the office at all. In random closets there are boxes of phones. I am sure that these hotel phones were just given to the company?

Ben aka BJ tried to push this whole program on myself and some others I know of. Obviously he is in on it and knows something about it. When this was brought up to Lisa she did nothing and didn't even seem concerned.

Zack still owes me about three hundred bucks for the work I did. I was promised multiple times I would get it, but still haven't. While this is no large sum of money, it is yet another example of Zeock not paying people.

They told me that the turnover rate is really high for the job. You think? The place here is extremely sketchy and almost every student at GC&SU knows about it and not to work for 541 associates. People talk and technology is powerful. All it takes is having the internet and five or ten minutes to find all of this information.

I have a picture of Zeock I will post up later. I am not at my computer now, but when I file a rebuttal to whatever they say next I will put his picture up. He keeps changing his name, but obviously he can't change his looks.

MAYBE SOMEHOW the business is legit, but I advise anyone to do their homework. I am sure the "false" criminal record that was put on here is all lies and malicious. Just have a look for yourself people. The records are out there. People with a white collar crime record like Zeock should not be able to run businesses. Just LOOK FOR YOURSELF.

ExFocus One Employee

United States of America
The Truth About 541 Marketing

#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, March 07, 2010

This story's references to 541 Marketing Associates is completely inaccurate, false and liabel.  If one word of the reference to 541 Marketing is true, then print your name and address and pursuit it legally.  You are just a hateful person who is trying to destroy innocent people because of your association with Zach (or whoever you were with).

541 Marketing is a very successful new company in Milledgeville, Georgia.  I have been an employee there since January 2010.  Monday through Friday I work there and see exactly what the company does -- and it is very reputable.  Both Lisa and BJ are very dedicated people working long hours to build this into a solid, growing, international concern.  I doubt they have anything at all to do with all this gay stuff, it sounds like something one person did with a painting guy.  What does that have to do with 541 marketing?  Nothing. 

These Updates are all malicious hateful exaggerations or just outright lies.   One anonymous hater writes that the company is using "50 stolen hotel phones".  Yet there are less than 15 seats, chairs and phones on the floor.  Not even 50 phones in the entire building.  And not one is "stolen". A total false report.   Another report states that "telemarketing isn't even done at night" -- WRONG! I work nights.  What an idiot you are, "Miss Frightened Student".  Can't these people be held responsible for printing such lies, slander and libel?  

If anyone has any douts about 541 Marketing Associates being a legit business, I'm sure the owners would welcome you into their Call Center and offices to prove otherwise.  The company is located at 541 West Montgomery Street, on the side door of the top floor.  And, isn't it interesting that no one who actually WORKS there has made any negative statements?  Don't believe the nameless claims from outsiders who have never even been employed by this terrific company.  Go see the truth for yourself.  Period.



#6Author of original report

Mon, March 01, 2010

Regardless of whether the business is legit or not Joseph Zeock, Michael Zeock, Jay Keldon, Jay Crowden, Justin Crowden, Maximillian Crowden, Jason Keldon uses the business to do his sick things. There is absolutely no way that someone came up with the grant program off of the top of their head. Regardless of what Mark did with this man he obviously doesn't realize that along with being a prostitute, paying for anything sexual is ALSO illegal.

Ben obviously knows about the program since he was pressuring other people to go through with the program. When the whole mess was brought up to Lisa, she had nothing to say about it so she probably realizes what this man is doing behind closed doors.

He poses as a really rich man, but how does he not have money for a hotel? He lives in the telemarketing business. How does he not have money to fix his car? Why are some of the telemarketing phones stolen hotel phones? On top of that, why are all of the phones different? You would think if they were legit they could afford to buy 50 of the same phones instead of 50 different phones and even some that appear stolen.

Regardless of what is true and what isn't, anyone with a brain and the internet they can find stuff on the internet if they just search for any of these names. Here is his entire criminal history I found. Criminal history is a matter of public knowledge so if any of this is "false" or "malicious" go have a look at the mentioned State's public records.

-In mid 1982, New York state public records indicate that Joseph Zeock was convicted of "scheme to defraud 1st" and sentenced to 1-3 years in Sing Sing prison in Ossining, NY.

-In mid 1989, Washington State public records indicate that Jay Crowden was indicted on a number of charges. Theft 1, Sexual Exploitation of a minor, Perjury 1, Indecent Liberties and Guilty of Harassment. It was not clear from these records whether or which of these charges resulted in conviction or incarceration.

-In 1998, public records indicate that the third circuit of the U.S. court of appeals ruled on an unidentified charge in the U.S. vs. Joseph Raymond Zeock.

-In 2002 and 2003, Virginia public records indicate that was at least one civil judgement of $12,048 and a seperate civil judgement of $534-in the Henrico District Court and Virginia Circuit Court.

-In late 2003, Georgia State public records indicate a civil proceeding for forcible entry/detainer in Forsyth County Magistrate Court.

-In early 2007, Delaware State public records indicate a "State Court Collection Enforcement" of $85,054.20 against Joseph R. Zeock.

-In early 2009, Georgia State public records indicate a criminal proceeding of unknown origin in Forsyth County Criminal Court.

There are many more various civil and claims court cases over the years. Probably for employees who worked for him and received no pay, however the records for these cases are not available.

It took me just half an hour to dig up all of this by doing a simple google/yahoo search. Again, I am just presenting what I have found. If anyone out there has any doubt about the validity of what is seen here I urge you to search for yourself!

Happy To Be Employed

United States of America
Mark Eaton - Gay For Pay and Loving It

#7General Comment

Sat, February 27, 2010

Hey, RipOff readers, get the REAL story about Mark Eaton who wrote this partial story.  First of all, Mark jumped at the opportunity to make money from J. R. Zeock.  He was quick and excited to go "gay for pay".  I was with this Eaton guy on a Saturday night, January 23, 2010,  when he stripped down and got real sexual with Joseph.  He neglects to mention this in his "opinion report" which has nothing to do with 541 Marketing or any of the people who work at 541 Marketing.  I also talked to Ben,  who works weekends at the offices, but never spoke with BJ or Lisa who also are  at the office working during the weekdays. Ben told me that Joseph has given money to other guys and that it definitely is NOT about "millions", but that I could end up with some cash if I joined with Mark Eaton and got involved with them both.  So I did.  And I watched Mark do his gay thing.  He didn't have no problems with it at all. 

Admit it, dude, you're a closet homo.   And when I was there, you agreed to come back the next day and have sex again with him.  Meanwhile, you went home and read this internet stuff and suddenly thought you were taken.  So you asked Joseph for money to keep quiet about it and not going public.  Then you came to his office and I saw you there again, as did everyone else in the call center.  You were yelling that you wanted more money and someone called the police.  When the cops infomed you that blackmail and extortion were a crime, you suddenly disappeared and then decided to write your own, one-sided story just copying with someone else said and leaving off your willing and excited - pun? - hours long participation.  Dude, I was there.  I know what happened and I'll be happy to go public with more details about Mark Eaton and your other two friends who dropped their pants, too.

Your RipOff Report isn't about anything to do with 541 Marketing.  It's all about you goin' "Gay for pay" and not gettin' nothin' for your butt.  Next time, be real OR just keep your mouth shut in the first place.


United States of America
lier, lier

#8General Comment

Thu, February 25, 2010

I used to work for this guy. Jay, joseph, whatever. If you have questions about any of this. Google the name Joseph Zeock. draw your own conclusion from there. I worked for him under a different business name but same tricks.

Happy To Be Employed

United States of America
541 Is A Great Place To Work!

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 24, 2010

I am an employee of 541 Marketing and have been working with Ben and Lisa since the company opened.  Like everyone else in this company, we were hired, filled out legit paperwork and have always been paid for our work.  I'm glad to have a job and feel bad for anyone who has read this malicious, unfounded and completely untrue "report" and then not applied for a job there.  It's just about the best job I've ever had and the people I work with are honest, hard working and dedicated to their jobs.   These three guys who printed this vicious attack on the company know every word they wrote about 541 Marketing is a lie.  Whatever they did behind closed doors  don't have nothing to do with any of us employees, Lisa or Ben. It's not right that they can print anything they want to on the internet and have people read their sick, malicious stories. 


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