  • Report:  #1447048

Complaint Review: 7 Figure Cycle -

Reported By:
Sandra - Warriewood, NSW, Australia

7 Figure Cycle
United States
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I’ve written so many complaint letters that I’m completely drained of mental energy, so in order to get this out there and try to put a stop to these thieves, I have added my last Support Ticket to 7 Figure Cycle in an attempt to illustrate this complete rip off scam. 

This was in response to the standard refund request response from 7FC support which stated I was past the 60 day period. It’s BS because there was no way to test the system prior to that time because they hadn’t given us all the tools that they promised….. still haven’t. 


“Todd, Steve, Chris and Aiden plus Melissa!!

Just a couple of things to point out in response to Melissa’s email below! 7FC made it very clear from the outset that all the over the top promises would be fulfilled in order for me to MAKE the decision about whether the programme was right for me. The promises were not fulfilled within that time frame, and in fact, they are still not fulfilled to this day. I have followed the programme without deviation and have only gone further into debt. 7FC are the one’s at fault here as they have not delivered as promised. I have followed every step exactly and it hasn’t worked. You say “implement the system”, what “system”????? It doesn’t work. You won’t help “every step of the way”; any requests for help are blocked, deleted or answered ambiguously. What aspects of the training have been improved? In fact, what aspects of your programme are useable? Certainly not the Buyers Clubs OR Your Warehouse. These are what I paid for. Literally hundreds of students getting amazing results??? Yeah, and they’re the ones’ who were already operating and who have a large amount of capital to use.

  • 60 days to test the programme - made invalid by all the 7FC broken promises and faulty systems
  • You promised “hand holding” …. I’m still waiting for this to happen
  • Pre-sales webinar was extremely deceptive as you claimed to only be opening the course to a few hundred students. That was a lie, as we are all very well aware that there are over 1200 students involved, and possibly a whole lot more.
  • Sales videos and training all told us we wouldn’t need any US documentation such as LLC or EIN, when in fact we did. This made searching for suppliers impossible and even now after receiving these documents, my search for suppliers has been extremely unfruitful and took me well past 60 days due to the mis-information.
  • Profit Hunter software has known issues and this has been stated in recorded webinars/updates
  • The Buyers Club was throttled and we were not given access within 60 days in order to test the system by placing orders and the order that I did manage to place with my $100 is still YET TO BE FOUND!
  • Your Warehouse - had and still has numerous issues not allowing me to follow the system “exactly”. There is just no excuse for this complete stuff up. There’s no evidence whatsoever of the “well-oiled machine” that Aiden describes it as so often, and it can’t possibly have been beta tested prior to this programme, 7 Figure Cycle of 2018. The people who have made a small success of this business are using a different warehouse!! That’s not what we paid for!!
  • We were initially told logistics using Your Warehouse would be at “no cost”, then we were told it would be 70c a unit, then $1 and then oh, maybe allow $1.25 per unit.
  • I have been unable to continue due to my limited budget which was, and still is, tied up in missing inventory at Your Warehouse! My experience with your programme just confirms to me that there is no way for someone on a limited or fixed income to succeed with this business model without a huge amount of working capital to begin with. Which I didn’t have, but I was told that I didn’t need it.
  • Can’t make a sale if my order just sits in the warehouse, who knows where - does anyone know? How can I “push on” (which I have been doing for the past four and a half months!) if I can’t get things out of the warehouse?? The people who are getting something out are NOT USING THE EFFING WAREHOUSE!!! Why would I pay for something I haven’t got??
  • Todd’s suggestions to “just Google it” when a roadblock is encountered, does not allow me to follow the system exactly and voids your guarantee, which is in place to protect the consumer, by the way!
  • I am well aware that a number of members have received full refunds well past 60 days, or partial refunds due to the fact that they’d paid on a plan, and have been invited to continue in the course! I wonder what all the other members who are blindly following along would think if they knew that they paid more? I paid in full because I took “a leap of faith” as Aiden suggested so many times. I want a full refund. My lawyer is reviewing your course material at present and other entities have been contacted. I will NOT let this go until I am given the same consideration.
  • This course is fraudulent from the word "Go." If you think I'm passively going to let nearly $4,000 AUD go with nothing to show for it, you're sadly mistaken.
  • I have invested everything I have into this scheme, both with money and every waking minute of my time, and I have now been forced to consult a professional psychologist and to take medication, due to the extreme depression that this debacle and completely negative experience has put me through. For this reason alone, I CAN NOT LET THIS GO! YOU HAVE USED FRAUDULENT TECHNIQUES AND HAVE ONLY GIVEN US WHAT WE COULD FIND ON THE INTERNET FOR NO COST AT ALL!  

My 7 Figure Cycle Timeline so far:

Jan 27   Sign up 7FC

Feb 18   Received email from 7 FC with information regarding Profit Hunter software. (22 days after signing up - Note: no access given yet). 

Feb 27   Received login details for Profit Hunter (32 days and still unable to use this as we have not been granted access to the Buyers Club. Profit Hunter just               for familiarisation.)

Feb 27   Warehouse setup information provided (this was later rescinded as incorrect information had been given to us).

Feb 28   Wyoming Registered Agents package announced in Session 5 for non-US members (we were advised from the outset we wouldn’t need any entity                   setup for non-US residents). This is now week 5!

             Mar 13 - LLC established

             April 5 - $130 refunded - only obtaining LLC (68 days in due to delay in 7 Figure Cycle coaches providing incorrect information)

Mar 22   Access to Buyers Club (now 56 days in, and therefore the first opportunity to test how it works - 4 days prior to the 60 day guarantee period)

Mar 26   Placed my first Buyers Club order 

             Jun 08 - not yet arrived at Amazon and no information has been provided despite numerous requests (10.5 weeks - over 73 days)

Mar 27   “Free, money-making” product email arrived advising that product may now be “purchased” and was purchased by me by providing funds to Profit                    Hunter wallet. This to show “proof of concept and yet it’s now at 61 DAYS since purchase!

              April 27 - Product arrives at Amazon (almost a whole month after placing the order, and making this my first opportunity to make a sale at 98                         DAYS since purchase of programme).

April 15   Order placed with Buyers Club.

              Jun 07 - Order now on it’s way to Amazon (7.5 weeks = 52 days since placing order).

As you can see from the above timeline, there was no way for me to evaluate the programme within 60 days, as my first sales were not even possible prior to 98 days!

I don’t have a luxury car or a mansion, like you guys like to flaunt continuously; in fact I sold my car to buy this course and I’m in the process of putting my unit on the market to try to cover my debt................"

Keep away; unless you have plenty of capital and don’t mind paying for something that YOU WILL NOT GET!

1 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Agree with the facts that 7 Figure Cycle and Aiden Boothe, Todd Snively, Steve, and Chris are fraudulent

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 19, 2018

The details of my experience differed from the above however the result is the same: I have had $2559.64 stolen from me by thise rip off artist, plus and additional $752.33 lost trying to work the program.  Stay away from Aiden Booth and Todd Snively.  

I am interested in joining a class action lawsuit against these theives and/or joining forces with others to begin a class action lawsuit.

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