  • Report:  #83804

Complaint Review: A-City Movers Inc. - Doraville Georgia

Reported By:
- Limerick, Pennsylvania,

A-City Movers Inc.
www.acitymovers.com Doraville, 30360 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I read many of the other reports regarding these movers and had to add my own, since I also had a bad experience using them.

I moved from Chicago to Philadelphia, and stored my belongings with them from July 2003 until March 2004.

When the movers were scheduled to arrive in Chicago, I was told they would arrive between 8 and 12 Saturday, July 20. On tha t day, by 10 am, I hadn't heard from the driver, so I attempted to contact the office to find an ETA. No one answered; I left a few voice mails. At noon, the driver called me to say he was on his way from California, that he had to drop off someone's belongings about a half hour from me, and he would be at that location at 5pm. He then called me at 6pm to let me know they would be at my place at around 8pm. They finally arrived at 9pm and it took them until 2am to finish packing the truck. (I only have a one bedroom apartment). The driver proceeded to tell me he and the other mover with him hadn't slept for 3 days since one of the company's trucks broke down and they were shorthanded.

My deal was that they would store my belongings for $98 a month and that I paid a deposit upon pick up in Chicago. In September, I noticed a $200 charge on my credit card and didn't know why, so I contacted Aron, and he advised me this was for storage. Well, obviously, this was a miscalculation, so he kindly credited this towards two months of storage, and $4 towards the third month. I was then told to simply mail in a check around the 15th of each month with a note to credit the next month's storage for my file and that no further charges would automatically occur. This proceeded to work perfectly. One other thing I forgot, Aron also credited me the charges for the blankets and boxes used to wrap my furniture due to the tremendously late arrival of the movers. So all seemed fine at this point, right?

In September, I realized that I had stored my entire winter clothing inventory. So, I contacted Aron again, and asked if he would be so kind as to pull the 5 suitcased I had in storage and send them on a truck that was heading to the Philadelphia area. I even offered to go to the truck, within a three state radius to pick them up, since I was somewhat desparate for these cold-weather clothes. (When I initially moved, I didn't think that I would need to store everything this long, which I why I packed up the clothing) Aron graciously agreed, and only charged me $65 for the labor of someone to go into my storage and locate these items. He had me simply add this fee to my monthly storage check. Again, all seemed great.

Well, when it came time to deliver these items, Aron became impossible to reach to confirm the time. He told me a two day range to expect the items and that he would personally call me to alert me. This didn't happen. When I tried to call him, his staff put me of with, "he is on another call" or "he stepped out for a few minutes," etc. I left repeated messages, with my phone number, to no avail. This went on for a few weeks, the truck delivery kept getting delayed, then finally in the end of November, the truck arrived. I received a call from the driver and he told me to come pick up my belongings at 2pm. I went to the location at this time (I had to leave work to do this), and they weren't there. I contacted the driver, and he informed me that they were in traffic and wouldn't be there for two more hours. So, I returned to work, and waited two hours. He told me he was about 15 minutes away. I arrived again, and proceeded to wait another 45 minutes. When they finally arrived, all was fine and I received my suitcases.

Fast forward to January. I secured a new place to live and contacted Aron to set up delivery of my belongings. My lease was to begin March 1, so I thought calling this far in advance would be helpful. Aron asked me to contact him in late February as it was far too soon to secure a date. No problem. I waited until Feb.17th to call. On that day, he said that he was thinking March 7, which I agreed to. He also said that he wouldn't know for sure until March 4--so that he would call me then. I told him that wouldn't work as I needed more than 3 days notice to move. He then said that he would call me on Thurs. Feb. 26th with a firm date. Well, that day arrived and he did not call me. So, I called him and he assured me that it would all arrive on March 7 or 8 and that on the 7th, a driver would contact me to let me know the exact time. Not really trusting that this would happen, I called Aron on March 6 to reconfirm. He informed me that now it was to be pushed back to March 10, which is smack in the middle of the work week. (I had already taken off on March 8 and 9 to get moved in). He did, however, have a call in to one of the other customers that was to be on my truck as well and, if this guy would compromise, that he would be able to release the truck on March 7, and still have it arrive on March 8. He said he would know in the next hour, and call me back. Two hours passed and I didn't hear, so I contacted the office--a voice mail answered, and I left a message. Two more hours went by, no return call. So I left another message. This went on through the next day, and I left a total of 6 messages, none of which were returned. So now here I was with no confirmation of when my truck was coming. I finally reached Aron on March 8. He claimed that he left me a message one and a half hours after we had spoken two days before. I didn't have any messages, and I had been waiting that whole time for a call. He then told me the truck was to definitely arrive on March 12 and that he would call me on March 11 with a timeframe. So, I rearranged my days off and waited for them on March 12. I never heard from him on March 11, so I called him. When he answered, he told me that the truck was to arrive between 10am and 12 noon. So, on March 12, he called me at 10 am to tell me the truck had a flat tire approximately 5-6 hours from where I was and that the driver was waiting for someone to come fix it. The driver also, coincidentally, had no cell phone signal and had two walk two miles just to call in. Aron then promised me that he would call me as soon as he had an update. He never called me. I waited until 2:30, called him, and was left on hold for about 5 minutes, then someone came back and told me that Aron was on another call and would call me back as soon as he was off. Another hour passed, so I called again. This time I was told that Aron had stepped out and would return at 4:30. (Remember that I was using a vacation day at work to wait around for NOTHING). At 4:30, I called again. Aron was completely unapologetic, but told me that he had been on the phone for 3 hours with a repair man who refused to fix the tire, but that it was now fixed and the drivers were back on the road. This meant they would arrive to my new place at 10pm to unload. I wasn't happy, but I was willing to wait. He then gave me the driver's cell phone and told me to wait about an hour and call him to see where he was.

I waited until 7pm and called the driver, Alon. When I spoke to him, he informed me that he was spending the night in Richmond and that they would arrive early the next day. I told him that I had to be at an appointment the next morning and that I needed him to come this night. He said no problem and he would keep driving. He also promised to call me in an hour with an update. This never happened, so I had to call him again. At 9pm, he informed me that he had a FLAT TIRE and wouldn't be able to make it until the next day. I asked him what time the flat occurred, and he told me 12:30 in the afternoon. So, I told him that Aron told me at 10am that there was a flat and that he better keep driving because I now know someone is lying.

Well, to fast forward, I had no choice but to wait and the driver showed up the next day at the WRONG address (he came to the place I had been staying temporarily even though I had given Aron the address of where I was moving). He also arrived while I was at work. I could take no more time off to wait for something I wasn't even sure was arriving! He waited until I got back at 3:30. At that time, he admitted to me that Aron made him LIE and that when he spoke to me from "Richmond" that he was actually in the warehouse with Aron standing right next to him!!

Once they finally unloaded all of my belongings, everything was in fair condition and, like many of the others who have written these reports, I was spent from all the aggravation. I didn't notice at the time that my full length mirror was missing and now I don't even feel like trying to track down Aron again to get this item!!

The bottom line is that A-City Movers is run by a dishonest, unethical man in Aron and that he doesn't care about the customer's satisfaction in any capacity. Furthermore, they will take as much money as they can get--so if you see a discrepancy in your charges, you need to notify them to get it corrected or they will simply rip you off.


Limerick, Pennsylvania

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