  • Report:  #649286

Complaint Review: Aaron's Rent To Own - Durant Oklahoma

Reported By:
Evan - Durant, Oklahoma, United States of America

Aaron's Rent To Own
405 West Side Drive, Durant, 74701 Oklahoma, United States of America
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Two years ago we purchased a Philips 46in. lcd with ambilight from Aaron's rent to own, Store location Co528, Durant, Oklahoma. Tv was great had a few payments left on it and it began to have playability issues. At this time it was still under warranty. Aarons came and got the tv. Two weeks later they brought it back said it was fixed. Well it wasn't, so they loaded it back up and sent it back to their repair center, which is in Oklahoma City. Another two weeks go by and they bring it back, we hook it up. NOT REPAIRED! So they took the tv back to their store where it sat for 1 month. At this time they were having store manager issues and my tv was forgotten. One of the tech's from the store decides to send it to a private repair center, where they have it for over a month. No one calls. I called the store and talked to the new store manager and he had no idea what was going on. So I personally call the repair store, after finally getting the name from the tech at the durant location. I talk to him he said well I haven't got to look at it. Now we are at 1 month and 20 days. I let him know what the issue is with the tv. He said he would look at it. Three more weeks go by, I now been without the tv for 2 months, that only had two more payments, (over 2200.00),and no one has a clue. So find the head of the Store management positions located in NewYork. I call him and he is outraged that no one has done anything about the tv. He told me to call the Aarons hotline. The next morning I get a call from Justin Hoffer who is the Aarons regional manager for the area. I tell him the situation. I tell him that some repair center in Howe, texas, has my tv. He says give me a couple of days and I will get back to you. 1 week goes by and I call. The store had picked up the tv and sent it back to Oklahoma city and that the tv was deemed not repairable and that they were sending me a used tv of that quality. I then advised them that the tv was still under manufacurers warranty when brought in  and that I hoped their service guys were Philips reps. He said oh yeah they are. I asked why is Philips not the ones replacing the tv due to their warranty. They didn't have an answer for that. Now it has been 4 months. Philips deemed the set not repairable and sent Arrons a credit. Now this only took 1 WEEK.(first of september)for Aaron's to get the credit. I personally talked to the Philips rep that said the credit was issued. Now it has been 5 months, that I have been without a tv that I paid over $2200.00 for. NOT ONCE was I ever called in this 5 month time. I had to instigate every contact made. I was told yesterday that a credit was issued for $999.99 for the tv they scraped. mr justin hoffer then lets me know that he has to look at the price of the credit, because he didn't want to screw the store out of a new tv or their profit margin(HIS EXACT WORDS), he had the gaul to say I need to be fair. I was upset but I remained calm. I then called and asked the store manager, since we have had so many problems, we could use the credit toward a new tv, and that since we have been very understanding and calm about this foolish way that Aarons has handle this situation, to offer the tv at the employees discount. The store manager said I am surprised you are even thinking of continuing business with Aarons. I told him well we have used Aarons to purchase most of our household furnishing, and until this it has been quite enjoyable.  The store manager told me, I don't have a problem with that, I think its only fair. Let me run it by mr justin hoffer, and I sure he will think the same. Well let me tell you what that p***k said, "I will not lower the regular retail price under no circumstances". I cannot believe after all that I HAD TO DO to get the tv looked at by Philips so their waranty would handle it, he wasn't even offering some help. I don't want a free tv. Im just upset that i have paid the Aarons company 2200.00 for a 999.99 tv and mr hoffer is afaid of loosing money. I would sure hate the owner of the Aarons corporation to find out this jerk is losing good, loyal customers over a mere $450.00 which is the difference between the employee and retail price....... after making a full 100% profit on the one before and I don't even have it. And the dumb monkey doesn't realize if he would have treated us with SOME COMMON COURTESY, we would be right back in there in less than a month buying our daughters bed.....Justin Hoffer, you are one sorry individual, does your family know what you do? Bad thing is you don't even care!

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