  • Report:  #731788

Complaint Review: Aaxis Commercial Services - Cumberland Rhode Island

Reported By:
Commercial maintenance - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Aaxis Commercial Services
239 Sneech Pond Cumberland, 02864 Rhode Island, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Aaxis Commercial Services is a maintenance provider that works with retail chain stores like Dots. When a store needs service, they call their maintenance provider, in this case Aaxis, then Aaxis contacts local handymen and contractors to do the work. The store pays them, and then they are supposed to pay you. I am a local commercial maintenance handyman. I've been in business many years, and have never had any quality, timliness, or professionalism issues of any kind.
I was first contacted by Aaxis in October 2010. They wanted a job done. Over a decade in this business has taught me to carefully check out any new maintenance company. These companies come and go like the wind, and Ive been burned before. Often this type of company pops up, gets a bunch of accounts, does a bunch of work all over the country, gets paid by the stores, but then never pays any of the vendors (handymen) and claims bankruptcy or just disappears. As I do with every new company, I ask for the name of the owner, actual address (not P.O. Box) years in business, terms, etc. So I checked them out. They were brand new, no website, no yellow pages ad, a temporary fax number, it was being run out of a house, and their Service Partner Agreement had their own company name misspelled. (AMS instead of ACS on one part) Seemed like amateur hour to me. But every company has to start somewhere. But then I googled the names of the two owners, Barbara Trudeau and Patricia DiMascio. I found a very interesting court case involving Patricia DiMascio. She used to work for National Glass and Gate, another maintenance company that I am unfortunately familiar with. Because of non-payment THAT company is on my never again list. Anyway, while working at NG&G, Patricia also began working for a competing maintenance company at the same time. According to the court case, it appeared that Patricia took a laptop computer with company vendor information and gave it to the other company. In a later conversation with Patricia, she said that she was never convicted of anything. I dont know. The court case is lengthy. I breezed through it again, and couldnt really tell. I dont understand all the legal stuff, it just didnt look good to me, and the court did say that Finding that DiMascios Supplemental Affidavit clearly contradicts her earlier deposition testimony. You can read it yourself: http://www.courts.ri.gov/superior/pdf/01-3522.pdf
Anyway, at that time, I decided not to work for them, and faxed them a letter recapping the above as my reasons. Fast forward to 3-21-2011. They called me again with a job they needed done. I remembered them, but as I had a very rare slow day, and I was headed very near the location anyway, I accepted it. I completed the job, the store was happy, and I faxed in the paperwork. Their written payment terms are net 30.
On 4-12-2011 they sent me another work order. A small job very near where I live, so I accepted it. Again, the store was happy, and I faxed in my paperwork.
Well, it got to be the end of April, and payment for the first job was overdue. I left several polite messages, none of which was returned. Nothing irritates a hard working person more, than when a company that is behind on payment refuses to return phone calls. So on May 4, 2011 I sent them a very direct fax. I told them that they are overdue, and that ignoring phone messages doesnt cut it. I also warned them about Rip Off Report. I told them that I do not lie, but I would illustrate the truth. The next day Barbara called me. She was polite, as was I. She said I dont see any invoices that are due for payment. I gave her the information, and after some mumbling, she said Ok, I see that. I also gave her the information on the second one, which I said was not quite due. She said they didnt show that as received, and it was in call for invoice status. I gave her the date and time I originally faxed it, as my fax machine prints out a fax confirmation report for every fax, which I keep and attach. I told her that I would fax it again. She said she would send out the check for the first invoice that day. I asked her, that since this invoice was overdue, if she would overnight it. She agreed, she did, and I got my check the next day.
About a week later, I got a call from Patricia. She was upset about my earlier collection letter suggesting that I might put her court case and current company on Rip Off Report, as I characterized her companys refusal to return phone messages to vendors with whom they are overdue, and the details of the court case as something that would seem to indicate a pattern of intentional questionable business practices. She kept stating over and over that she was never convicted of anything. That may be true. I told her that I do not lie, I simply present the truth, and people can make of it what they will. I told her that I have one more payment due to me, and that if I get it on time, Ill consider the matter closed, and wont bother spending the hours its currently taking me to type all this.
Sure enough, even allowing a week for the mail, I never got the second check, which was due May 12. On May 18, I sent Aaxis another fax. I told them that they were again behind on payment. Five minutes later, it was returned with this written on it: John, we print checks on Fridays. Your check for $95 - check# 3130 was printed on Friday May 13th. If you do not want to do business with us, I will remove you as a vendor. However, I can assure you we pay all vendors in a timely manner and have one of the best terms of any company in the business, Feel free to check our references. Barbara Trudeau
Well, needless to say, it doesnt really matter to me what day a company prints checks. Im more interested when they mail them. Today is May 21, and I have still not been paid. As for paying all vendors in a timely manner, I guess Im not included there. And as for checking references? They never offered any, and they dont have a website, or even email that I'm aware of.
 So that's my experience with this company. Make of it what you will. If I ever get paid, I will update this report to reflect it.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Commercial maintenance

More Information

#2Author of original report

Fri, June 24, 2011

In response. First regarding "half truths not based on actual facts". My report is absolutely 100% true and accurate. Where I provided opinion, I stated it as such. I could point out factual errors on their part, which are obvious to anyone that can count the days on a calendar.

Secondly, regarding "contrary to his report, there was no mumbling involved". After many years in this business, I have learned to document EVERYTHING. I make a note of every phone call. My fax machine prints out a transmittal report of every fax. And when dealing with companies that are behind on payment, I record all phone conversations. When I referenced that phone call in my original report, and put her words in quotations, those were her exact words verbatum, right from my recording. I'm not guessing on anything here. As for the mumbling, if I knew how to do it, I would put that recording here in the report for everyone to hear.

Third, as for my first fax being "threatening", I don't consider utilizing the legal system to obtain unpaid invoices as a threat. Merely a legally valid response to a company that has chosen not to pay their bills. After leaving several phone messages indicating that they were overdue with payment, none of which was returned, and the fact that they never actually answered the phone, it seemed a pretty safe judgement that they were ducking me. As I stated before, nothing irritates a hard working person more that when a company that is overdue paying you, refuses to return phone calls.

Fourth, as for my "very rude fax". Considering the incredible hassle I'd endured up to this point, and the fact that they were again overdue, I think it was relatively restrained. Here it is, complete and word for word: "You are again behind on payment. Considering the letter I had to write you last time, and the phone call from Patricia last week, I really would have thought you would have made the effort to pay this one on time. Just a refresher, this is for WO# 4508 CSI for $95. This was faxed to you on 4-12-2011 at 5:48 PM, and I have the printed fax confirmation report of that. I re-faxed this invoice to you on 5-4-2011 at 7:50 AM and I have the printed fax confirmation of that one too. This was re-faxed to you at your request as you indicated that you lost the first one. Your printed terms are net 30. This puts you a week late. I would suggest that I have payment in hand by Friday."  I didn't think that was overly rude.
 As for them again referring to "references". I checked again, and couldn't find a website anywhere for them. There is no website or email address on any of their paperwork.

 My opinion: Again, I've been in business a long time. Paperwork problems, lost invoices, etc are routine, and I know that. Generally it's just a matter of making a phone call and getting it straightened out. No problem. But when a company that is overdue paying you, won't pick up the phone or return phone calls, that's not a paperwork problem. They either don't have the funds to pay their bills, or they're doing it intentionally, hoping you'll just write it off and go away. I have every scrap of everything in my report documented, and I have presented it here, and you can make your own decision whether to do business with them.

Aaxis Commercial Services, Inc

Rhode Island,
United States of America
Aaxis Commercial Services, Inc.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 23, 2011

This vendor invoiced us on March 23 and due to a processing error, his invoice was coded for Payment  on May 6, two weeks later than it should have been.   On May 4, we received, what I would call a threatening fax from John Brusky.  As soon as I read the fax, I called him and informed him that the reason he did not get paid was due to a processing error.   Contrary to his report, there was no mumbling involved.   I mailed out a check to him that day and sent it via overnight mail.  Our terms are net 30 days, he received his check for $105.00 ten days late.
Regarding payment of the vendor's second check in the amount of $95.  This job was confirmed completed and  invoiced on April 13 @ 10:27a.m.  and check # 3130 was issued and mailed on May 13.

On May 18, we received another very rude fax from John Brusky stating he had not received payment.  I faxed him the information regarding payment and did not hear from him again until he sent a letter to our customer's corporate office stating we did not pay him $95.  At that point, we issued a stop payment on the original check and issued him a new check.  I do not understand why he did not contact us after allowing the appropriate amount of days to receive the check in the mail to let us know that he supposedly did not receive it.  As we would have issued a stop payment and issued a new check right away.  We pay all of our vendors in a timely manner and have the credit references to offer as proof. 

This vendor seems to have no shortage of opinions and half-truths not based on actual facts.  We do have email and have had email since the day we opened for business, in fact, John Brusky gave us his email and the original work order information states it was emailed to him.  We email work orders and get invoices via email every day.  We have put John Brusky, Neighborhood Handyman on our Do Not Use List.  

Commercial maintenance

Finally paid

#4Author of original report

Fri, June 10, 2011

About two weeks ago I emailed Dots Corporate, and let them know that their maintenance providor Aaxis wasn't paying their subcontractors (me anyway) and suggested that perhaps this could be straightened out with a phone call from them, before things got to the point of legal action. Well today I got my check! Almost two months after I did the service, but better late than never.

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