  • Report:  #2625

Complaint Review: Ab-Slide - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Salina, ks,

PO Box 36337 Los Angeles, 90036 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I. too, have ordered tha AbSlide and not received it. When my credit card bill arrived, the total was more than I expected.

When I called the number I had ordered from, they told me that each handle was $20 extra. (As if you could use the AbSlide without handles!!) They gave me a customer service number to call--323-938-9792. When I call it is either busy or it rings forever without an answer.

I really wish to get to the bottom of this. I did not intend to pay over $80 for this machine. When I finished my order, I asked the total and was told it would be $39.95 plus $9.95 S & H.

Any ideas??

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