  • Report:  #1292671

Complaint Review: Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger - Internet

Reported By:
Mike Allen Fan - , United States of America

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger
Internet, USA
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Have you ever wanted to get screwed by an employer?  Have you ever wanted to interact with 21st Century Nazis?  Well now you can by applying for career opportunities that have Human Resource Managers and/or Recruiters like Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger.

Knowing Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger as we do, will future employees and employers be caught helpless by her?  Of course not!  Let the Q Continuum explain why you need to watch out for her.

Recently, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger and her unethical structural engineering firm DeSimone Consulting Engineers had a potential LinkedIn member’s account cancelled because (s)he raised issues of unethical recruiting practices committed by Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger.  What are these ethics issues?  Just look at the emails Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger sent in response to a career opportunity as a Senior Project Engineer in the firm’s San Francisco office as an example of her stupidity.

On August 7, 2014, the following email was sent by DeSimone Consulting Engineers to the job applicant for the firm’s Senior Project Engineer position in their San Francisco office:

“Dear Applicant, 

We appreciate you taking the time in submitting your resume for our open position.

We will review your application and contact you should your qualifications match our current needs.

Thank you for choosing DeSimone Consulting Engineers as your potential employer.


Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger

DeSimone Consulting Engineers

Human Resources”


On August 14, 2014, the unthinkable happened.  Adriana Gonzalez sent this response to the applicant:

Hello Mr(s) XXX,

My name is Adriana Gonzalez and I am the HR Recruiter at DeSimone Consulting Engineers. I would like to speak to you about an Engineer position we are currently recruiting for in our Las Vegas office.

I am available today and tomorrow before 6 pm to discuss the position further. Please e-mail me and let me know what day and time is best to reach you to schedule a phone call.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Adriana M. Gonzalez

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger

Human Resources Recruiter

DeSimone Consulting Engineers

Miami, FL”


See that email, folks.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger admits that the position is in Las Vegas instead of San Francisco like Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger advertised in the LinkedIn ad.  If you cannot tell the difference between a city in a desert and a city on the Pacific Ocean, you should not be in HR period.  Adriana’s brain is best suited for reading about Human resources practices and definitely not working in it!

The candidate has wanted to clear up this mistake in person.  Unfortunately for the candidate, this never occurred because Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger never allowed the person to set up an interview appointment.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger was too stupid to return the phone call that was left on her voice mail.

“Hello Mr(s) XXXs,

It was nice speaking to you today. We would like to schedule a face interview with you. The interview will be in our San Francisco office.

When is the best time and date for you? Please provide me with a few options on your availability so I can coordinate accordingly.

Thank you,

Adriana M. Gonzalez

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger

Human Resources Recruiter

DeSimone Consulting Engineers

Miami, FL 33131


That phone call never happened.  It is easy for someone from California to see if Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger called because she is based in Florida.  Miami has a 305 area code.

Is this what they teach at Central Michigan University - to be unethical?  Yes, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is a Constitutional Stupidist, so stupid that she cannot constitutionally count past 1 because Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger has never heard of the First Amendment called Freedom of Speech.  Knowing Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger, she believes that other people should not be afforded the protection of the Constitution because it makes her look bad!

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger had over 18 months to resolve the issue of the botched interview.  That never happened.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger was even told how to resolve the issue in the LinkedIn post she removed:  by calling the person and even rescheduling the interview.  But what did Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger do instead?  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger chose to ignore it because she thought it would go away.  Guess what, Adriana?  This will not go away for the rest of her natural life!

We bet Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger was told by the owner and/or principals of DeSimone Consulting Engineers to address the issue.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger lied about addressing it because it was never done.  As a result, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger was fired.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger lied like a rug.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is literally a Jim Jones disciple who wants everyone to drink her Kool-Aid.

DeSimone Consulting Engineers is a business of structural engineers that design buildings, many of them by world-renown architects.  What statement is DeSimone sending to the public and their clients when HR Manager Adriana Gonzalez is acting so untrustworthy?  A pretty bad example, if you ask us!

Then Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger had the audacity to contact that person and tell them to remove the LinkedIn post instead of addressing the issue 18 months later.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger did everything but take responsibility for the problems she caused.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger blamed her problems on men because DeSimone is composed of men such as Vincent J. DeSimone, PE, FACI, F. ASCE, Hon. Ph.D.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger then stated that she did runs ads for Ghost Ads – where the jobs don’t exist at all.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger then had the audacity to tell the applicant she screwed that (s)he was not supposed to be upset about it.  Adriana needs to understand things called feelings.

Guess Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger thought that by removing evidence of the email, she thought that people out there would not know what she did.  This is why Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger filed a complaint with LinkedIn because it made her look bad.  I wonder what other crimes Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger would commit.  Based on this encounter, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is not a member of the reality-based community.  What Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger fails to realize is that she would have been much better off to resolve the issue instead of removing that person’s LinkedIn account.  That person was networked to several of DeSimone’s employees and clients.  Guess Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger didn’t want people to know what she did!

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger had the audacity to ask people to remove her name from the LinkedIn post.  Guess Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger forgot she was the one who sent those nasty emails.  This means Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger participates in evidence destruction.  Just imagine what happens when her firm fires people.  We can imagine Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger lies about people’s unemployment claims to avoid paying them out.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is definitely a member of 4-H, short for Huh, Hey, Hadn’t Heard It Was Unethical, and Heck if She Knows!

If this is how Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger acts when someone points out an issue such as interviewing the person for the wrong office, just imagine how Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger will be as a recruiter in her next firm.  Anyone who hires this woman needs to watch out because they will be harmed in the same way.

And you have to wonder whether Adriana is educated at all.  According to public records, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is a 2011 graduate of Florida International University with a bachelor degree in Hospitality Management and a 2014 graduate of Central Michigan University with a Master of Science in Administration and a concentration in Human Resources.  Based on her actions, we say NO!  Bet her professors at Florida International University are embarrassed big time!

These comparisons are simple: Bill Cosby is to sexual assault as Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is to human resources manager.

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger does not need an advanced degree to know she is not good at her job in Human Resources.  After all, this woman has failed to keep jobs for a long time.  According to public records, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger worked:

As a Sales Associate at Kenneth Cole between 2005 to 2008

As a Guest Service Agent for Le Meridien Hotels, February 2006 to October 2007

A First Impression Officer at the St Regis Hotel from July 2008 to May 2009

A Guest Service Agent at Trump International Hotel between May & December 2009

A Guest Service Agent at the Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa between January 2010 and February 2011

A Human Resources Coordinator at JW Marriott Motel Miami between February 2011 and October 2012

A Personal Cruise Consultant at Norweigan Cruise Lines in October 2012

After doing things like this, do you think American tax payers should financially bail out Puerto Rico?  Based on Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger, the answer is a big fat no!

Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is so bad she is now being used as a case study to get rid of recruiters and Human Resources Departments nationwide.  After all, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is a case study where they are a detriment to a company and need to be abolished permanently.  And she can now experience the wrath of all those HR professionals whose jobs she has endangered.

Based on this job history, would you hire Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger?  The answer is a big fat no if you have one brain cell.  If a firm does, we will out them and put them out of business.  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger should be thought of as Adriana Noonien Singh because she is unethical, ruthless, and not hesitate to destroy the reputations of innocent job seekers.  She should be thought of as Adriana Stavro Blofeld because she is just as evil as namesake Ernst!  Based on the DeSimone encounter, Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger should not even be involved in Human Resources at any company period!  Adriana Gonzalez aka Adriana Pittenger is after all a macrob**** with a microbrain!

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