  • Report:  #111237


Reported By:
- thornton, Pennsylvania,

TAMPA, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This all started @ the end of july 2004, in a shopping center, in delaware. I was w/ my mother, & we had just pulled out of our parking spot. If you can picture a parking lot, there are main thoroughfares & that is what i was driving on. Needless to say, this woman in a brand new lexus comes barrelling/flying out & hits my passenger front side bumper. I tried to vear left, but she was going way too fast. She didnt even see me until impact. I get out of my car & yelled: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING LADY!!!" 2x's. (As she continues to jab away w/ her 2 lady friends in her car) Her Response: " Im driving". My response: " You're not a very good one are you?!!"

So to make a long story short 1. My worse nightmare had finally came true; I had finally been in an accident w/ one of the 95% of bad drivers in the U.S. 2. I had the right away, & she should have yielded to traffic or @ least looked both ways 3. I am 25, & have never been in this situation before. A perfect target for these legal theives. 4. & this is where the drama & my nightmare begins. Come along for the ride if you dare...

August 2004 - I get a call from a carol from AIG. Complete sweetheart. I tell her about the accident, I recorded a statement w/ her etc. & she goes on to tell me that it sounds like your call will be a total loss case & that you will most likely be elligable for a rental & $23 a day for abt 2 months & so on. & she sets me up to talk to someone to schedule for him to come out & survey the damage to my car.

A few days later mid August 2004 - I get a phone call from a David from AIG. This guy is a sweetheart too. This is the guy that will come to survey the damage their insured caused. I tell him that id like him to meet me in the city (Philadelphia) @ my mechanics. A few days later we meet there, He asks a few questions Visa Versa & puts my car @ a total loss w/ significant frontal frame damage. I ask about the rental situation. He says: "from the looks of it, i'd go out tomorrow & get a rental which will be covered by us @ $23 a day for about 2 months." He also says in a few days i will hear from a claims person who will give me an estimate for my car.

I decide to wait until i haer from the 3rd person before i jump into a rental. My bent up car was still drivable, & me being so naive & not listening to my mechanic or these 1st few people i talked to i held off - not knowing what was in store.

Last week in August 2004 - I get a voicemail on my cell phone. I had to listen to it over & over abt 6 times or more before I finally pieced together this mumbling mess of a message. It was a Paul Fedko from AIG insurance. Me being naive to this whole game & very cautious as to being a woman i waited & thoiught about what i should say before calling this mumbling mess. I call my father & mechanic on 3 way & they say to get no less than $ 1500.00 - $2000.00, because even though my car is a piece of crap, my mechanic had recently put alot of new parts in, it only has 160,000 miles on it, & before the accident it was in good condition. The one thing my mecanic tells me is "DO NOT ACCEPT THE 1st OFFER!!!" This is where this whole fun begins...

I call back this Paul Fedko. Everything he said had to be repeated @ least 2wice, before it was understood. He asks me a few questions like "is the car still drivable?" I said: "Barely". He asks:"Have you gone out & got a rental yet?" I said: "NO." (Not knowing it was going ca ching in his ears)He then goes on to tell me about the process w/ all the paperwork & the title blahze blahze blah. I ask him how much are they gonna give me? He Says " $1014.42. I tell him I dont think so, but to let me call him back w/ either my dad or mechanic on 3 way. He agrees.

A few muinutes later, i call him back on 3 way w/ my mechanic. I introduce them both thnking that this was gonna be quick & go smoothe. Paul starts off screaming on about the price & how the car is full of rust & is a total pice of crap & how he saw the pictures & that there is no way in hell i will be getting more than $1014.42. My mechanic (when & if by chance he can even get a word in)tells him that i should be getting between $2000.00 & $1500.00 no less which is a rip-off in itself considering that there are new parts, low miles etc. & that she should be in a rental & not driving this bent up car - god forbid somthing happens it will be a multi million dollar lawsuit instaed of your measly $1014 etc...

I have not had a chance to say 1 word besides the introduction. Next thing i know Paul for the thousandth time just breaks in & screams " THIS HOGWASH CONVERSATION IS OVER!! YOU ARN'T GETTING ANY MORE MONEY!!, YOU'RE CAR IS A PIECE OF JUNK, & I'LL BE D**NED IF I LOWER MYSELF TO A LOWSY AUTO REPAIRMANS LEVEL & BS TALK - MS.**** WHEN YOURE READY TO AGREE TO THE PRICE GIVE ME A CALL!!! & HE THROWS THE PHONE DOWN & HANGS UP.. This guy threw the most unprofessional tempertantrum i have ever heard. & he is supposed to be one of their "so called" top of the food chain best employees claims reps @ AIG??

Unbelievable!! I tought i was dealing w/ a 4 yearold mumbling tempertantric child. Absolutly insane. How could someone who is supposed to be professional, who has only been dealing w/ a client for less tan 15 minutes do something like that. If only i had hit voice record on my phone would it be as believable as i say..

So i get my dad to give him a call. My poor father is tied into this because its my car, but his name on the insurance. So he calls this Paul guy back. My dad is naive as well & is going by word of mouth too. He gives my dad the schpeil & my dad tells him that he wants me in a rental until we find a car for me to drive.. Paul says no renal for me & that i can drive my car for 2 weeks or so until we find a car for me. My dad says no way, & that hes being a greedy son of a B. That is when Paul says He'll throw in an extra few hundred for a total of $1214.42 if we dont get a rental. Thats when we finally realize that the rental must totally affect his commission or whatever & that he saw dollar signs when he realized that i didnt jump on the rental right away.

So my dad tells him to send the paperwork for review. My dad is a very buzy guy & doesnt have time for this. & i on the otherhand work 3 p/t jobs & have to be @ my doctors every other day for medicine which i need a car & cant go w/o.

3Days later August 2004 - We recieve the paperwpork. It is marked for the tota $1014.42 w/ nothing about a rental anywhere in the document. I say to my dad lets go out & get a rental ASAP. He agrees. We go to Enterprise - put it under AIG & its ready to go. A 2005 red Pontiac Sunfire. Imediatly after getting the rental i get on the phone & call AIG to try to get ahold of a supervisor for this Paul Fedko. The receptionist asks a bunch of questions & i tell her it is none of her business & to give me someone who is in charge of this guy. I am transferred to 5 different voicemails, including Paul Fedko himself in which i hung up.

Finally the 6th phone call i get Pauls Supervisors Voicemail in which it states he will be away until Sept 28th handeling a case in West Palm Beach, FL. So I left a voicemail stating the situation, & how this employee of his is unprofessional, how i cant understand him over his mumbling, & how he is just a flat out ignorant b*****d who should not be dealing w/ the public let alone money. & to please call me back asap. I then call back & tell the receptionist that his sup is away & that there must be someone handeling this guy while he is away. She transfers me again to yet another voicemail & agin i leave another simalar message. Every message i left was returned by Paul Fedko himself saying that we arnt going to recieve any more money & that is it etc. & i refused to accept any of them.

September 28th - I go to my fathers work so we could hopefully get this taken care of once & for all on speakerphone on voice record, together. Hopefully to agree on something or we will have my lawyer on the phone too. We finally get ahold of Pauls Supervisor Brian who believ it or not is so not much better. He is just as ignorant & mouthy & is stuck to his guns too.

Anyway these phone calls back & forth between Paul, His Supervisor, Paul & his Sup, His Sup & My dad, My dad & Paul etc went on for over an hour. & this is what was barely aggreed on - $1114.42 & the months rental paid in full. We never told them about the rental until this call & they pretended they didnt know. I was furious because they are obligated to pay for that renatl for up to 2 months technically!! They one us over good. But it got to the point that is was sooo draining that we just wanted them gone out of here bye bye. Which is so pathetic & that this LEGAL THEIVERY goes on 24 hrs 7 days a week for years & years. & listen to this - After the phone call i called Enterprise to tell them i would be bringing the car back in a few days & they told me that they have been trying to get a response back from AIG for a month now. & that they had sent out another letter saying that the customer will be responsable if you dont reply 3 days before my call & finally recieved a call this morning from Paul himself saying that it will be covered. They played it off to us like they didnt know about it so they could win us over w/ the $114.42.

oCTOBER 3RD 2004 - To This day we still have not recieved the new paperwork form AIG Paul Fedko & his Supervisor. The last one we got in 2 days or less. I took the car back 2 days ago even though we havnt settled & i technically could still have it. The point to this story is how disgusting these people are & how can they even sleep @ night & go on w/ their daily lives knowing they do this to people all the time & get away w/ it. Its legal Theivery/ Robbery. Its sickening. & the Claims Reps - tHE PEOPLE tHAT HAND OUT THE $$$ are harendous!!! Disgusting, Mumbling & Tempertantric !!.. That should Not Be Dealing W/ The Everyday Public... These people have no simpathy For you or anyone proprably not even themselves.

Its awful.. Its bad enough i got into an accident w/ AIG's! INSURED! & i think its sooo funny how in the end i was made out to be the enemy. These people should be shot & there has to be a better system out there. So be careful - watch out for horrible drivers & good luck & beware of the so called AIG REPS!!!

AIG hater

philadelphia area, Pennsylvania

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1 Updates & Rebuttals


Royal Palm Beach,
AIG Insurance

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 12, 2006

First you are 100 percent at fault. You had no right to yell at this women because you were at fault. Yes she may have been driving fast but you pulled out and you do not have the right away it's your responsibility to make sure she isnt coming, your car hit her's. She should be yelling at you, but despite that AIG insurance sucks the agents are uneducated and have very little experience dealing with claims. They make you wait forever and ever, for anything to get done they are slower than forest gump if you catch my drift. AIG inurance fights you tooth and nail for everything. I think this company doesn't look out for the best interest of it's customers. It's a lower end auto insurance. Yes you save 50 bucks or so but its not worth it. I learned to change my insurance from AIG to Geiko even though Geiko is a lot more money; at least I know I am really covered. I can sleep at night Thank you for your time regarding this,

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